// Copyright 2015-2019 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd. // This file is part of Parity Ethereum. // Parity Ethereum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // Parity Ethereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Parity Ethereum. If not, see . //! Private transactions module. mod encryptor; mod key_server_keys; mod private_transactions; mod messages; mod error; mod log; extern crate common_types as types; extern crate ethabi; extern crate ethcore; extern crate ethcore_call_contract as call_contract; extern crate ethcore_io as io; extern crate ethcore_miner; extern crate ethereum_types; extern crate ethjson; extern crate ethkey; extern crate fetch; extern crate futures; extern crate parity_util_mem; extern crate keccak_hash as hash; extern crate parity_bytes as bytes; extern crate parity_crypto as crypto; extern crate parking_lot; extern crate trie_db as trie; extern crate patricia_trie_ethereum as ethtrie; extern crate rlp; #[macro_use] extern crate serde_derive; extern crate serde; extern crate serde_json; extern crate rustc_hex; extern crate transaction_pool as txpool; extern crate url; #[macro_use] extern crate log as ethlog; #[macro_use] extern crate ethabi_derive; #[macro_use] extern crate ethabi_contract; extern crate derive_more; #[macro_use] extern crate rlp_derive; #[cfg(not(time_checked_add))] extern crate time_utils; #[cfg(test)] extern crate rand; #[cfg(test)] extern crate env_logger; pub use encryptor::{Encryptor, SecretStoreEncryptor, EncryptorConfig, NoopEncryptor}; pub use key_server_keys::{KeyProvider, SecretStoreKeys, StoringKeyProvider}; pub use private_transactions::{VerifiedPrivateTransaction, VerificationStore, PrivateTransactionSigningDesc, SigningStore}; pub use messages::{PrivateTransaction, SignedPrivateTransaction}; pub use error::Error; pub use log::{Logging, TransactionLog, ValidatorLog, PrivateTxStatus, FileLogsSerializer}; use std::sync::{Arc, Weak}; use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet, BTreeMap}; use ethereum_types::{H128, H256, U256, Address, BigEndianHash}; use hash::keccak; use rlp::*; use parking_lot::RwLock; use bytes::Bytes; use ethkey::{Signature, recover, public_to_address}; use io::IoChannel; use ethcore::executive::{Executive, TransactOptions}; use ethcore::executed::{Executed}; use types::transaction::{SignedTransaction, Transaction, Action, UnverifiedTransaction}; use ethcore::{contract_address as ethcore_contract_address}; use ethcore::client::{ Client, ChainNotify, NewBlocks, ChainMessageType, ClientIoMessage, BlockId, Call, BlockInfo }; use ethcore::miner::{self, Miner, MinerService, pool_client::NonceCache}; use ethcore::{state, state_db}; use ethcore::trace::{Tracer, VMTracer}; use call_contract::CallContract; use rustc_hex::FromHex; use ethabi::FunctionOutputDecoder; // Source avaiable at https://github.com/parity-contracts/private-tx/blob/master/contracts/PrivateContract.sol const DEFAULT_STUB_CONTRACT: &'static str = include_str!("../res/private.evm"); use_contract!(private_contract, "res/private.json"); /// Initialization vector length. const INIT_VEC_LEN: usize = 16; /// Size of nonce cache const NONCE_CACHE_SIZE: usize = 128; /// Version for the initial private contract wrapper const INITIAL_PRIVATE_CONTRACT_VER: usize = 1; /// Version for the private contract notification about private state changes added const PRIVATE_CONTRACT_WITH_NOTIFICATION_VER: usize = 2; /// Configurtion for private transaction provider #[derive(Default, PartialEq, Debug, Clone)] pub struct ProviderConfig { /// Accounts that can be used for validation pub validator_accounts: Vec
, /// Account used for signing public transactions created from private transactions pub signer_account: Option
, /// Path to private tx logs pub logs_path: Option, } #[derive(Debug)] /// Private transaction execution receipt. pub struct Receipt { /// Private transaction hash. pub hash: H256, /// Contract address. pub contract_address: Address, /// Execution status. pub status_code: u8, } /// Payload signing and decrypting capabilities. pub trait Signer: Send + Sync { /// Decrypt payload using private key of given address. fn decrypt(&self, account: Address, shared_mac: &[u8], payload: &[u8]) -> Result, Error>; /// Sign given hash using provided account. fn sign(&self, account: Address, hash: ethkey::Message) -> Result; } /// Signer implementation that errors on any request. pub struct DummySigner; impl Signer for DummySigner { fn decrypt(&self, _account: Address, _shared_mac: &[u8], _payload: &[u8]) -> Result, Error> { Err("Decrypting is not supported.".to_owned())? } fn sign(&self, _account: Address, _hash: ethkey::Message) -> Result { Err("Signing is not supported.".to_owned())? } } /// Signer implementation using multiple keypairs pub struct KeyPairSigner(pub Vec); impl Signer for KeyPairSigner { fn decrypt(&self, account: Address, shared_mac: &[u8], payload: &[u8]) -> Result, Error> { let kp = self.0.iter().find(|k| k.address() == account).ok_or(ethkey::Error::InvalidAddress)?; Ok(ethkey::crypto::ecies::decrypt(kp.secret(), shared_mac, payload)?) } fn sign(&self, account: Address, hash: ethkey::Message) -> Result { let kp = self.0.iter().find(|k| k.address() == account).ok_or(ethkey::Error::InvalidAddress)?; Ok(ethkey::sign(kp.secret(), &hash)?) } } /// Manager of private transactions pub struct Provider { encryptor: Box, validator_accounts: HashSet
, signer_account: Option
, notify: RwLock>>, transactions_for_signing: RwLock, transactions_for_verification: VerificationStore, client: Arc, miner: Arc, accounts: Arc, channel: IoChannel, keys_provider: Arc, logging: Option, } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct PrivateExecutionResult where T: Tracer, V: VMTracer { code: Option, state: Bytes, contract_address: Address, result: Executed, } impl Provider { /// Create a new provider. pub fn new( client: Arc, miner: Arc, accounts: Arc, encryptor: Box, config: ProviderConfig, channel: IoChannel, keys_provider: Arc, ) -> Self { keys_provider.update_acl_contract(); Provider { encryptor, validator_accounts: config.validator_accounts.into_iter().collect(), signer_account: config.signer_account, notify: RwLock::default(), transactions_for_signing: RwLock::default(), transactions_for_verification: VerificationStore::default(), client, miner, accounts, channel, keys_provider, logging: config.logs_path.map(|path| Logging::new(Arc::new(FileLogsSerializer::with_path(path)))), } } // TODO [ToDr] Don't use `ChainNotify` here! // Better to create a separate notification type for this. /// Adds an actor to be notified on certain events pub fn add_notify(&self, target: Arc) { self.notify.write().push(Arc::downgrade(&target)); } fn notify(&self, f: F) where F: Fn(&ChainNotify) { for np in self.notify.read().iter() { if let Some(n) = np.upgrade() { f(&*n); } } } /// 1. Create private transaction from the signed transaction /// 2. Executes private transaction /// 3. Save it with state returned on prev step to the queue for signing /// 4. Broadcast corresponding message to the chain pub fn create_private_transaction(&self, signed_transaction: SignedTransaction) -> Result { trace!(target: "privatetx", "Creating private transaction from regular transaction: {:?}", signed_transaction); if self.signer_account.is_none() { warn!(target: "privatetx", "Signing account not set"); return Err(Error::SignerAccountNotSet); } let tx_hash = signed_transaction.hash(); let contract = Self::contract_address_from_transaction(&signed_transaction).map_err(|_| Error::BadTransactionType)?; let data = signed_transaction.rlp_bytes(); let encrypted_transaction = self.encrypt(&contract, &Self::iv_from_transaction(&signed_transaction), &data)?; let private = PrivateTransaction::new(encrypted_transaction, contract); // TODO #9825 [ToDr] Using BlockId::Latest is bad here, // the block may change in the middle of execution // causing really weird stuff to happen. // We should retrieve hash and stick to that. IMHO // best would be to change the API and only allow H256 instead of BlockID // in private-tx to avoid such mistakes. let contract_nonce = self.get_contract_nonce(&contract, BlockId::Latest)?; let private_state = self.execute_private_transaction(BlockId::Latest, &signed_transaction)?; trace!(target: "privatetx", "Private transaction created, encrypted transaction: {:?}, private state: {:?}", private, private_state); let contract_validators = self.get_validators(BlockId::Latest, &contract)?; trace!(target: "privatetx", "Required validators: {:?}", contract_validators); let private_state_hash = self.calculate_state_hash(&private_state, contract_nonce); trace!(target: "privatetx", "Hashed effective private state for sender: {:?}", private_state_hash); self.transactions_for_signing.write().add_transaction(private.hash(), signed_transaction, &contract_validators, private_state, contract_nonce)?; self.broadcast_private_transaction(private.hash(), private.rlp_bytes()); if let Some(ref logging) = self.logging { logging.private_tx_created(&tx_hash, &contract_validators); } Ok(Receipt { hash: tx_hash, contract_address: contract, status_code: 0, }) } /// Calculate hash from united private state and contract nonce pub fn calculate_state_hash(&self, state: &Bytes, nonce: U256) -> H256 { let state_hash = keccak(state); let nonce_h256: H256 = BigEndianHash::from_uint(&nonce); let mut state_buf = [0u8; 64]; state_buf[..32].clone_from_slice(state_hash.as_bytes()); state_buf[32..].clone_from_slice(nonce_h256.as_bytes()); keccak(&state_buf.as_ref()) } fn pool_client<'a>(&'a self, nonce_cache: &'a NonceCache, local_accounts: &'a HashSet
) -> miner::pool_client::PoolClient<'a, Client> { let engine = self.client.engine(); miner::pool_client::PoolClient::new( &*self.client, nonce_cache, engine, local_accounts, None, // refuse_service_transactions = true ) } /// Retrieve and verify the first available private transaction for every sender fn process_verification_queue(&self) -> Result<(), Error> { let process_transaction = |transaction: &VerifiedPrivateTransaction| -> Result<_, String> { let private_hash = transaction.private_transaction.hash(); match transaction.validator_account { None => { trace!(target: "privatetx", "Propagating transaction further"); self.broadcast_private_transaction(private_hash, transaction.private_transaction.rlp_bytes()); return Ok(()); } Some(validator_account) => { if !self.validator_accounts.contains(&validator_account) { trace!(target: "privatetx", "Propagating transaction further"); self.broadcast_private_transaction(private_hash, transaction.private_transaction.rlp_bytes()); return Ok(()); } let contract = Self::contract_address_from_transaction(&transaction.transaction) .map_err(|_| "Incorrect type of action for the transaction")?; // TODO #9825 [ToDr] Usage of BlockId::Latest let contract_nonce = self.get_contract_nonce(&contract, BlockId::Latest); if let Err(e) = contract_nonce { return Err(format!("Cannot retrieve contract nonce: {:?}", e).into()); } let contract_nonce = contract_nonce.expect("Error was checked before"); let private_state = self.execute_private_transaction(BlockId::Latest, &transaction.transaction); if let Err(e) = private_state { return Err(format!("Cannot retrieve private state: {:?}", e).into()); } let private_state = private_state.expect("Error was checked before"); let private_state_hash = self.calculate_state_hash(&private_state, contract_nonce); trace!(target: "privatetx", "Hashed effective private state for validator: {:?}", private_state_hash); let signed_state = self.accounts.sign(validator_account, private_state_hash); if let Err(e) = signed_state { return Err(format!("Cannot sign the state: {:?}", e).into()); } let signed_state = signed_state.expect("Error was checked before"); let signed_private_transaction = SignedPrivateTransaction::new(private_hash, signed_state, None); trace!(target: "privatetx", "Sending signature for private transaction: {:?}", signed_private_transaction); self.broadcast_signed_private_transaction(signed_private_transaction.hash(), signed_private_transaction.rlp_bytes()); } } Ok(()) }; let nonce_cache = NonceCache::new(NONCE_CACHE_SIZE); let local_accounts = HashSet::new(); let ready_transactions = self.transactions_for_verification.drain(self.pool_client(&nonce_cache, &local_accounts)); for transaction in ready_transactions { if let Err(e) = process_transaction(&transaction) { warn!(target: "privatetx", "Error: {:?}", e); } } Ok(()) } /// Add signed private transaction into the store /// Creates corresponding public transaction if last required signature collected and sends it to the chain pub fn process_signature(&self, signed_tx: &SignedPrivateTransaction) -> Result<(), Error> { trace!(target: "privatetx", "Processing signed private transaction"); let private_hash = signed_tx.private_transaction_hash(); let desc = match self.transactions_for_signing.read().get(&private_hash) { None => { // Not our transaction, broadcast further to peers self.broadcast_signed_private_transaction(signed_tx.hash(), signed_tx.rlp_bytes()); return Ok(()); }, Some(desc) => desc, }; let last = self.last_required_signature(&desc, signed_tx.signature())?; let original_tx_hash = desc.original_transaction.hash(); if last.0 { let mut signatures = desc.received_signatures.clone(); signatures.push(signed_tx.signature()); let rsv: Vec = signatures.into_iter().map(|sign| sign.into_electrum().into()).collect(); // Create public transaction let signer_account = self.signer_account.ok_or_else(|| Error::SignerAccountNotSet)?; let state = self.client.state_at(BlockId::Latest).ok_or(Error::StatePruned)?; let nonce = state.nonce(&signer_account)?; let public_tx = self.public_transaction( desc.state.clone(), &desc.original_transaction, &rsv, nonce, desc.original_transaction.gas_price )?; trace!(target: "privatetx", "Last required signature received, public transaction created: {:?}", public_tx); // Sign and add it to the queue let chain_id = desc.original_transaction.chain_id(); let public_tx_hash = public_tx.hash(chain_id); let signature = self.accounts.sign(signer_account, public_tx_hash)?; let signed = SignedTransaction::new(public_tx.with_signature(signature, chain_id))?; match self.miner.import_own_transaction(&*self.client, signed.into()) { Ok(_) => trace!(target: "privatetx", "Public transaction added to queue"), Err(err) => { warn!(target: "privatetx", "Failed to add transaction to queue, error: {:?}", err); return Err(err.into()); } } // Notify about state changes let contract = Self::contract_address_from_transaction(&desc.original_transaction)?; // TODO #9825 Usage of BlockId::Latest if self.get_contract_version(BlockId::Latest, &contract) >= PRIVATE_CONTRACT_WITH_NOTIFICATION_VER { match self.state_changes_notify(BlockId::Latest, &contract, &desc.original_transaction.sender(), desc.original_transaction.hash()) { Ok(_) => trace!(target: "privatetx", "Notification about private state changes sent"), Err(err) => warn!(target: "privatetx", "Failed to send private state changed notification, error: {:?}", err), } } // Store logs if let Some(ref logging) = self.logging { logging.signature_added(&original_tx_hash, &last.1); logging.tx_deployed(&original_tx_hash, &public_tx_hash); } // Remove from store for signing if let Err(err) = self.transactions_for_signing.write().remove(&private_hash) { warn!(target: "privatetx", "Failed to remove transaction from signing store, error: {:?}", err); return Err(err); } } else { // Add signature to the store match self.transactions_for_signing.write().add_signature(&private_hash, signed_tx.signature()) { Ok(_) => { trace!(target: "privatetx", "Signature stored for private transaction"); if let Some(ref logging) = self.logging { logging.signature_added(&original_tx_hash, &last.1); } } Err(err) => { warn!(target: "privatetx", "Failed to add signature to signing store, error: {:?}", err); return Err(err); } } } Ok(()) } fn contract_address_from_transaction(transaction: &SignedTransaction) -> Result { match transaction.action { Action::Call(contract) => Ok(contract), _ => { warn!(target: "privatetx", "Incorrect type of action for the transaction"); return Err(Error::BadTransactionType); } } } fn last_required_signature(&self, desc: &PrivateTransactionSigningDesc, sign: Signature) -> Result<(bool, Address), Error> { let state_hash = self.calculate_state_hash(&desc.state, desc.contract_nonce); match recover(&sign, &state_hash) { Ok(public) => { let sender = public_to_address(&public); match desc.validators.contains(&sender) { true => { Ok((desc.received_signatures.len() + 1 == desc.validators.len(), sender)) } false => { warn!(target: "privatetx", "Sender's state doesn't correspond to validator's"); return Err(Error::StateIncorrect); } } } Err(err) => { warn!(target: "privatetx", "Sender's state doesn't correspond to validator's, error {:?}", err); return Err(err.into()); } } } /// Broadcast the private transaction message to the chain fn broadcast_private_transaction(&self, transaction_hash: H256, message: Bytes) { self.notify(|notify| notify.broadcast(ChainMessageType::PrivateTransaction(transaction_hash, message.clone()))); } /// Broadcast signed private transaction message to the chain fn broadcast_signed_private_transaction(&self, transaction_hash: H256, message: Bytes) { self.notify(|notify| notify.broadcast(ChainMessageType::SignedPrivateTransaction(transaction_hash, message.clone()))); } fn iv_from_transaction(transaction: &SignedTransaction) -> H128 { let nonce = keccak(&transaction.nonce.rlp_bytes()); let (iv, _) = nonce.as_bytes().split_at(INIT_VEC_LEN); H128::from_slice(iv) } fn iv_from_address(contract_address: &Address) -> H128 { let address = keccak(&contract_address.rlp_bytes()); let (iv, _) = address.as_bytes().split_at(INIT_VEC_LEN); H128::from_slice(iv) } fn encrypt(&self, contract_address: &Address, initialisation_vector: &H128, data: &[u8]) -> Result { trace!(target: "privatetx", "Encrypt data using key(address): {:?}", contract_address); Ok(self.encryptor.encrypt(contract_address, initialisation_vector, data)?) } fn decrypt(&self, contract_address: &Address, data: &[u8]) -> Result { trace!(target: "privatetx", "Decrypt data using key(address): {:?}", contract_address); Ok(self.encryptor.decrypt(contract_address, data)?) } fn get_decrypted_state(&self, address: &Address, block: BlockId) -> Result { let (data, decoder) = private_contract::functions::state::call(); let value = self.client.call_contract(block, *address, data)?; let state = decoder.decode(&value).map_err(|e| Error::Call(format!("Contract call failed {:?}", e)))?; self.decrypt(address, &state) } fn get_decrypted_code(&self, address: &Address, block: BlockId) -> Result { let (data, decoder) = private_contract::functions::code::call(); let value = self.client.call_contract(block, *address, data)?; let state = decoder.decode(&value).map_err(|e| Error::Call(format!("Contract call failed {:?}", e)))?; self.decrypt(address, &state) } pub fn get_contract_nonce(&self, address: &Address, block: BlockId) -> Result { let (data, decoder) = private_contract::functions::nonce::call(); let value = self.client.call_contract(block, *address, data)?; decoder.decode(&value).map_err(|e| Error::Call(format!("Contract call failed {:?}", e)).into()) } fn snapshot_to_storage(raw: Bytes) -> HashMap { let items = raw.len() / 64; (0..items).map(|i| { let offset = i * 64; let key = H256::from_slice(&raw[offset..(offset + 32)]); let value = H256::from_slice(&raw[(offset + 32)..(offset + 64)]); (key, value) }).collect() } fn snapshot_from_storage(storage: &HashMap) -> Bytes { let mut raw = Vec::with_capacity(storage.len() * 64); // Sort the storage to guarantee the order for all parties let sorted_storage: BTreeMap<&H256, &H256> = storage.iter().collect(); for (key, value) in sorted_storage { raw.extend_from_slice(key.as_bytes()); raw.extend_from_slice(value.as_bytes()); }; raw } fn patch_account_state(&self, contract_address: &Address, block: BlockId, state: &mut state::State) -> Result<(), Error> { let contract_code = Arc::new(self.get_decrypted_code(contract_address, block)?); let contract_state = self.get_decrypted_state(contract_address, block)?; trace!(target: "privatetx", "Patching contract at {:?}, code: {:?}, state: {:?}", contract_address, contract_code, contract_state); state.patch_account(contract_address, contract_code, Self::snapshot_to_storage(contract_state))?; Ok(()) } pub fn execute_private(&self, transaction: &SignedTransaction, options: TransactOptions, block: BlockId) -> Result, Error> where T: Tracer, V: VMTracer, { let mut env_info = self.client.env_info(block).ok_or(Error::StatePruned)?; env_info.gas_limit = transaction.gas; let mut state = self.client.state_at(block).ok_or(Error::StatePruned)?; // TODO #9825 in case of BlockId::Latest these need to operate on the same state let contract_address = match transaction.action { Action::Call(ref contract_address) => { // Patch current contract state self.patch_account_state(contract_address, block, &mut state)?; Some(*contract_address) }, Action::Create => None, }; let engine = self.client.engine(); let sender = transaction.sender(); let nonce = state.nonce(&sender)?; let contract_address = contract_address.unwrap_or_else(|| { let (new_address, _) = ethcore_contract_address(engine.create_address_scheme(env_info.number), &sender, &nonce, &transaction.data); new_address }); // Patch other available private contracts' states as well // TODO: #10133 patch only required for the contract states if let Some(key_server_account) = self.keys_provider.key_server_account() { if let Some(available_contracts) = self.keys_provider.available_keys(block, &key_server_account) { for private_contract in available_contracts { if private_contract == contract_address { continue; } self.patch_account_state(&private_contract, block, &mut state)?; } } } let machine = engine.machine(); let schedule = machine.schedule(env_info.number); let result = Executive::new(&mut state, &env_info, &machine, &schedule).transact_virtual(transaction, options)?; let (encrypted_code, encrypted_storage) = { let (code, storage) = state.into_account(&contract_address)?; trace!(target: "privatetx", "Private contract executed. code: {:?}, state: {:?}, result: {:?}", code, storage, result.output); let enc_code = match code { Some(c) => Some(self.encrypt(&contract_address, &Self::iv_from_address(&contract_address), &c)?), None => None, }; (enc_code, self.encrypt(&contract_address, &Self::iv_from_transaction(transaction), &Self::snapshot_from_storage(&storage))?) }; Ok(PrivateExecutionResult { code: encrypted_code, state: encrypted_storage, contract_address: contract_address, result, }) } fn generate_constructor(validators: &[Address], code: Bytes, storage: Bytes) -> Bytes { let constructor_code = DEFAULT_STUB_CONTRACT.from_hex().expect("Default contract code is valid"); private_contract::constructor(constructor_code, validators.iter().map(|a| *a).collect::>(), code, storage) } fn generate_set_state_call(signatures: &[Signature], storage: Bytes) -> Bytes { private_contract::functions::set_state::encode_input( storage, signatures.iter().map(|s| { let mut v: [u8; 32] = [0; 32]; v[31] = s.v(); v }).collect::>(), signatures.iter().map(|s| H256::from_slice(s.r())).collect::>(), signatures.iter().map(|s| H256::from_slice(s.s())).collect::>(), ) } /// Returns the key from the key server associated with the contract pub fn contract_key_id(&self, contract_address: &Address) -> Result { Ok(key_server_keys::address_to_key(contract_address)) } /// Create encrypted public contract deployment transaction. pub fn public_creation_transaction(&self, block: BlockId, source: &SignedTransaction, validators: &[Address], gas_price: U256) -> Result<(Transaction, Address), Error> { if let Action::Call(_) = source.action { return Err(Error::BadTransactionType); } let sender = source.sender(); let state = self.client.state_at(block).ok_or(Error::StatePruned)?; let nonce = state.nonce(&sender)?; let executed = self.execute_private(source, TransactOptions::with_no_tracing(), block)?; let header = self.client.block_header(block) .ok_or(Error::StatePruned) .and_then(|h| h.decode().map_err(|_| Error::StateIncorrect).into())?; let (executed_code, executed_state) = (executed.code.unwrap_or_default(), executed.state); let tx_data = Self::generate_constructor(validators, executed_code.clone(), executed_state.clone()); let mut tx = Transaction { nonce: nonce, action: Action::Create, gas: u64::max_value().into(), gas_price: gas_price, value: source.value, data: tx_data, }; tx.gas = match self.client.estimate_gas(&tx.clone().fake_sign(sender), &state, &header) { Ok(estimated_gas) => estimated_gas, Err(_) => self.estimate_tx_gas(validators, &executed_code, &executed_state, &[]), }; Ok((tx, executed.contract_address)) } fn estimate_tx_gas(&self, validators: &[Address], code: &Bytes, state: &Bytes, signatures: &[Signature]) -> U256 { let default_gas = 650000 + validators.len() as u64 * 30000 + code.len() as u64 * 8000 + signatures.len() as u64 * 50000 + state.len() as u64 * 8000; default_gas.into() } /// Create encrypted public contract deployment transaction. Returns updated encrypted state. pub fn execute_private_transaction(&self, block: BlockId, source: &SignedTransaction) -> Result { if let Action::Create = source.action { return Err(Error::BadTransactionType); } let result = self.execute_private(source, TransactOptions::with_no_tracing(), block)?; Ok(result.state) } /// Create encrypted public transaction from private transaction. pub fn public_transaction(&self, state: Bytes, source: &SignedTransaction, signatures: &[Signature], nonce: U256, gas_price: U256) -> Result { let gas = self.estimate_tx_gas(&[], &Vec::new(), &state, signatures); Ok(Transaction { nonce: nonce, action: source.action.clone(), gas: gas.into(), gas_price: gas_price, value: 0.into(), data: Self::generate_set_state_call(signatures, state) }) } /// Call into private contract. pub fn private_call(&self, block: BlockId, transaction: &SignedTransaction) -> Result { let result = self.execute_private(transaction, TransactOptions::with_no_tracing(), block)?; Ok(result.result) } /// Retrieves log information about private transaction pub fn private_log(&self, tx_hash: H256) -> Result { match self.logging { Some(ref logging) => logging.tx_log(&tx_hash).ok_or(Error::TxNotFoundInLog), None => Err(Error::LoggingPathNotSet), } } /// Returns private validators for a contract. pub fn get_validators(&self, block: BlockId, address: &Address) -> Result, Error> { let (data, decoder) = private_contract::functions::get_validators::call(); let value = self.client.call_contract(block, *address, data)?; decoder.decode(&value).map_err(|e| Error::Call(format!("Contract call failed {:?}", e)).into()) } fn get_contract_version(&self, block: BlockId, address: &Address) -> usize { let (data, decoder) = private_contract::functions::get_version::call(); match self.client.call_contract(block, *address, data) .and_then(|value| decoder.decode(&value).map_err(|e| e.to_string())) { Ok(version) => version.low_u64() as usize, Err(_) => INITIAL_PRIVATE_CONTRACT_VER, } } fn state_changes_notify(&self, block: BlockId, address: &Address, originator: &Address, transaction_hash: H256) -> Result<(), Error> { let (data, _) = private_contract::functions::notify_changes::call(*originator, transaction_hash.0.to_vec()); let _value = self.client.call_contract(block, *address, data)?; Ok(()) } } pub trait Importer { /// Process received private transaction fn import_private_transaction(&self, _rlp: &[u8]) -> Result; /// Add signed private transaction into the store /// /// Creates corresponding public transaction if last required signature collected and sends it to the chain fn import_signed_private_transaction(&self, _rlp: &[u8]) -> Result; } // TODO [ToDr] Offload more heavy stuff to the IoService thread. // It seems that a lot of heavy work (verification) is done in this thread anyway // it might actually make sense to decouple it from clientService and just use dedicated thread // for both verification and execution. impl Importer for Arc { fn import_private_transaction(&self, rlp: &[u8]) -> Result { trace!(target: "privatetx", "Private transaction received"); let private_tx: PrivateTransaction = Rlp::new(rlp).as_val()?; let private_tx_hash = private_tx.hash(); let contract = private_tx.contract(); let contract_validators = self.get_validators(BlockId::Latest, &contract)?; let validation_account = contract_validators .iter() .find(|address| self.validator_accounts.contains(address)); // Extract the original transaction let encrypted_data = private_tx.encrypted(); let transaction_bytes = self.decrypt(&contract, &encrypted_data)?; let original_tx: UnverifiedTransaction = Rlp::new(&transaction_bytes).as_val()?; let nonce_cache = NonceCache::new(NONCE_CACHE_SIZE); let local_accounts = HashSet::new(); // Add to the queue for further verification self.transactions_for_verification.add_transaction( original_tx, validation_account.map(|&account| account), private_tx, self.pool_client(&nonce_cache, &local_accounts), )?; let provider = Arc::downgrade(self); let result = self.channel.send(ClientIoMessage::execute(move |_| { if let Some(provider) = provider.upgrade() { if let Err(e) = provider.process_verification_queue() { warn!(target: "privatetx", "Unable to process the queue: {}", e); } } })); if let Err(e) = result { warn!(target: "privatetx", "Error sending NewPrivateTransaction message: {:?}", e); } Ok(private_tx_hash) } fn import_signed_private_transaction(&self, rlp: &[u8]) -> Result { let tx: SignedPrivateTransaction = Rlp::new(rlp).as_val()?; trace!(target: "privatetx", "Signature for private transaction received: {:?}", tx); let private_hash = tx.private_transaction_hash(); let provider = Arc::downgrade(self); let result = self.channel.send(ClientIoMessage::execute(move |_| { if let Some(provider) = provider.upgrade() { if let Err(e) = provider.process_signature(&tx) { warn!(target: "privatetx", "Unable to process the signature: {}", e); } } })); if let Err(e) = result { warn!(target: "privatetx", "Error sending NewSignedPrivateTransaction message: {:?}", e); } Ok(private_hash) } } impl ChainNotify for Provider { fn new_blocks(&self, new_blocks: NewBlocks) { if new_blocks.imported.is_empty() || new_blocks.has_more_blocks_to_import { return } trace!(target: "privatetx", "New blocks imported, try to prune the queue"); if let Err(err) = self.process_verification_queue() { warn!(target: "privatetx", "Cannot prune private transactions queue. error: {:?}", err); } self.keys_provider.update_acl_contract(); } }