## ethstore-cli Parity Ethereum key management. ### Usage ``` Parity Ethereum key management tool. Copyright 2015-2019 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd. Usage: ethstore insert <secret> <password> [--dir DIR] [--vault VAULT] [--vault-pwd VAULTPWD] ethstore change-pwd <address> <old-pwd> <new-pwd> [--dir DIR] [--vault VAULT] [--vault-pwd VAULTPWD] ethstore list [--dir DIR] [--vault VAULT] [--vault-pwd VAULTPWD] ethstore import [--src DIR] [--dir DIR] ethstore import-wallet <path> <password> [--dir DIR] [--vault VAULT] [--vault-pwd VAULTPWD] ethstore find-wallet-pass <path> <password> ethstore remove <address> <password> [--dir DIR] [--vault VAULT] [--vault-pwd VAULTPWD] ethstore sign <address> <password> <message> [--dir DIR] [--vault VAULT] [--vault-pwd VAULTPWD] ethstore public <address> <password> [--dir DIR] [--vault VAULT] [--vault-pwd VAULTPWD] ethstore list-vaults [--dir DIR] ethstore create-vault <vault> <password> [--dir DIR] ethstore change-vault-pwd <vault> <old-pwd> <new-pwd> [--dir DIR] ethstore move-to-vault <address> <vault> <password> [--dir DIR] [--vault VAULT] [--vault-pwd VAULTPWD] ethstore move-from-vault <address> <vault> <password> [--dir DIR] ethstore [-h | --help] Options: -h, --help Display this message and exit. --dir DIR Specify the secret store directory. It may be either parity, parity-(chain), geth, geth-test or a path [default: parity]. --vault VAULT Specify vault to use in this operation. --vault-pwd VAULTPWD Specify vault password to use in this operation. Please note that this option is required when vault option is set. Otherwise it is ignored. --src DIR Specify import source. It may be either parity, parity-(chain), geth, geth-test or a path [default: geth]. Commands: insert Save account with password. change-pwd Change password. list List accounts. import Import accounts from src. import-wallet Import presale wallet. find-wallet-pass Tries to open a wallet with list of passwords given. remove Remove account. sign Sign message. public Displays public key for an address. list-vaults List vaults. create-vault Create new vault. change-vault-pwd Change vault password. move-to-vault Move account to vault from another vault/root directory. move-from-vault Move account to root directory from given vault. ``` ### Examples #### `insert <secret> <password> [--dir DIR] [--vault VAULT] [--vault-pwd VAULTPWD]` *Encrypt secret with a password and save it in secret store.* - `<secret>` - ethereum secret, 32 bytes long - `<password>` - account password, file path - `[--dir DIR]` - secret store directory, It may be either parity, parity-test, geth, geth-test or a path. default: parity - `[--vault VAULT]` - vault to use in this operation - `[--vault-pwd VAULTPWD]` - vault password to use in this operation, file path ``` ethstore insert 7d29fab185a33e2cd955812397354c472d2b84615b645aa135ff539f6b0d70d5 password.txt ``` ``` a8fa5dd30a87bb9e3288d604eb74949c515ab66e ``` -- ``` ethstore insert `ethkey generate random -s` "this is sparta" ``` ``` 24edfff680d536a5f6fe862d36df6f8f6f40f115 ``` -- #### `change-pwd <address> <old-pwd> <new-pwd> [--dir DIR] [--vault VAULT] [--vault-pwd VAULTPWD]` *Change account password.* - `<address>` - ethereum address, 20 bytes long - `<old-pwd>` - old account password, file path - `<new-pwd>` - new account password, file path - `[--dir DIR]` - secret store directory, It may be either parity, parity-test, geth, geth-test or a path. default: parity - `[--vault VAULT]` - vault to use in this operation - `[--vault-pwd VAULTPWD]` - vault password to use in this operation, file path ``` ethstore change-pwd a8fa5dd30a87bb9e3288d604eb74949c515ab66e old_pwd.txt new_pwd.txt ``` ``` true ``` -- #### `list [--dir DIR] [--vault VAULT] [--vault-pwd VAULTPWD]` *List secret store accounts.* - `[--dir DIR]` - secret store directory, It may be either parity, parity-test, geth, geth-test or a path. default: parity - `[--vault VAULT]` - vault to use in this operation - `[--vault-pwd VAULTPWD]` - vault password to use in this operation, file path ``` ethstore list ``` ``` 0: 24edfff680d536a5f6fe862d36df6f8f6f40f115 1: 6edddfc6349aff20bc6467ccf276c5b52487f7a8 2: e6a3d25a7cb7cd21cb720df5b5e8afd154af1bbb ``` -- #### `import [--src DIR] [--dir DIR]` *Import accounts from src.* - `[--src DIR]` - secret store directory, It may be either parity, parity-test, geth, geth-test or a path. default: geth - `[--dir DIR]` - secret store directory, It may be either parity, parity-test, geth, geth-test or a path. default: parity ``` ethstore import ``` ``` 0: e6a3d25a7cb7cd21cb720df5b5e8afd154af1bbb 1: 6edddfc6349aff20bc6467ccf276c5b52487f7a8 ``` -- #### `import-wallet <path> <password> [--dir DIR] [--vault VAULT] [--vault-pwd VAULTPWD]` *Import account from presale wallet.* - `<path>` - presale wallet path - `<password>` - account password, file path - `[--dir DIR]` - secret store directory, It may be either parity, parity-test, geth, geth-test or a path. default: parity - `[--vault VAULT]` - vault to use in this operation - `[--vault-pwd VAULTPWD]` - vault password to use in this operation, file path ``` ethstore import-wallet ethwallet.json password.txt ``` ``` e6a3d25a7cb7cd21cb720df5b5e8afd154af1bbb ``` -- #### `find-wallet-pass <path> <password>` Try to open presale wallet given a list of passwords from a file. The list of passwords can be generated using e.g. [Phildo/brutedist](https://github.com/Phildo/brutedist). - `<path>` - presale wallet path - `<password>` - possible passwords, file path ``` ethstore find-wallet-pass ethwallet.json passwords.txt ``` ``` Found password: test ``` -- #### `remove <address> <password> [--dir DIR] [--vault VAULT] [--vault-pwd VAULTPWD]` *Remove account from secret store.* - `<address>` - ethereum address, 20 bytes long - `<password>` - account password, file path - `[--dir DIR]` - secret store directory, It may be either parity, parity-test, geth, geth-test or a path. default: parity - `[--vault VAULT]` - vault to use in this operation - `[--vault-pwd VAULTPWD]` - vault password to use in this operation, file path ``` ethstore remove a8fa5dd30a87bb9e3288d604eb74949c515ab66e password.txt ``` ``` true ``` -- #### `sign <address> <password> <message> [--dir DIR] [--vault VAULT] [--vault-pwd VAULTPWD]` *Sign message with account's secret.* - `<address>` - ethereum address, 20 bytes long - `<password>` - account password, file path - `<message>` - message to sign, 32 bytes long - `[--dir DIR]` - secret store directory, It may be either parity, parity-test, geth, geth-test or a path. default: parity - `[--vault VAULT]` - vault to use in this operation - `[--vault-pwd VAULTPWD]` - vault password to use in this operation, file path ``` ethstore sign 24edfff680d536a5f6fe862d36df6f8f6f40f115 password.txt 7d29fab185a33e2cd955812397354c472d2b84615b645aa135ff539f6b0d70d5 ``` ``` c6649f9555232d90ff716d7e552a744c5af771574425a74860e12f763479eb1b708c1f3a7dc0a0a7f7a81e0a0ca88c6deacf469222bb3d9c5bf0847f98bae54901 ``` -- #### `public <address> <password> [--dir DIR] [--vault VAULT] [--vault-pwd VAULTPWD]` *Displays public key for an address.* - `<address>` - ethereum address, 20 bytes long - `<password>` - account password, file path - `[--dir DIR]` - secret store directory, It may be either parity, parity-test, geth, geth-test or a path. default: parity - `[--vault VAULT]` - vault to use in this operation - `[--vault-pwd VAULTPWD]` - vault password to use in this operation, file path ``` ethstore public 00e63fdb87ceb815ec96ae185b8f7381a0b4a5ea account_password.txt --vault vault_name --vault-pwd vault_password.txt ``` ``` 0x84161d8c05a996a534efbec50f24485cfcc07458efaef749a1b22156d7836c903eeb39bf2df74676e702eacc4cfdde069e5fd86692b5ef6ef81ba906e9e77d82 ``` -- #### `list-vaults [--dir DIR]` *List vaults.* - `[--dir DIR]` - secret store directory, It may be either parity, parity-test, geth, geth-test or a path. default: parity ``` ethstore list-vaults ``` ``` vault1 vault2 vault3 ``` -- #### `create-vault <vault> <password> [--dir DIR]` *Create new vault.* - `<vault>` - name of new vault. This can only contain letters, digits, whitespaces, dashes and underscores - `<password>` - vault password, file path - `[--dir DIR]` - secret store directory, It may be either parity, parity-test, geth, geth-test or a path. default: parity ``` ethstore create-vault vault3 vault3_password.txt ``` ``` OK ``` -- #### `change-vault-pwd <vault> <old-pwd> <new-pwd> [--dir DIR]` *Change vault password.* - `<vault>` - name of existing vault - `<old-pwd>` - old vault password, file path - `<new-pwd>` - new vault password, file path - `[--dir DIR]` - secret store directory, It may be either parity, parity-test, geth, geth-test or a path. default: parity ``` ethstore change-vault-pwd vault3 vault3_password.txt new_vault3_password.txt ``` ``` OK ``` -- #### `move-to-vault <address> <vault> <password> [--dir DIR] [--vault VAULT] [--vault-pwd VAULTPWD]` *Move account to vault from another vault/root directory.* - `<address>` - ethereum address, 20 bytes long - `<vault>` - name of existing vault to move account to - `<password>` - password of existing `<vault>` to move account to, file path - `[--dir DIR]` - secret store directory, It may be either parity, parity-test, geth, geth-test or a path. default: parity - `[--vault VAULT]` - current vault of the `<address>` argument, if set - `[--vault-pwd VAULTPWD]` - password for the current vault of the `<address>` argument, if any. file path ``` ethstore move-to-vault 00e63fdb87ceb815ec96ae185b8f7381a0b4a5ea vault3 vault3_password.txt ethstore move-to-vault 00e63fdb87ceb815ec96ae185b8f7381a0b4a5ea vault1 vault1_password.txt --vault vault3 --vault-pwd vault3_password.txt ``` ``` OK OK ``` -- #### `move-from-vault <address> <vault> <password> [--dir DIR]` *Move account to root directory from given vault.* - `<address>` - ethereum address, 20 bytes long - `<vault>` - name of existing vault to move account to - `<password>` - password of existing `<vault>` to move account to, file path - `[--dir DIR]` - secret store directory, It may be either parity, parity-test, geth, geth-test or a path. default: parity ``` ethstore move-from-vault 00e63fdb87ceb815ec96ae185b8f7381a0b4a5ea vault1 vault1_password.txt ``` ``` OK ``` ## Parity Ethereum toolchain _This project is a part of the Parity Ethereum toolchain._ - [evmbin](https://github.com/paritytech/parity-ethereum/blob/master/evmbin/) - EVM implementation for Parity Ethereum. - [ethabi](https://github.com/paritytech/ethabi) - Parity Ethereum function calls encoding. - [ethstore](https://github.com/paritytech/parity-ethereum/blob/master/accounts/ethstore) - Parity Ethereum key management. - [ethkey](https://github.com/paritytech/parity-ethereum/blob/master/accounts/ethkey) - Parity Ethereum keys generator. - [whisper](https://github.com/paritytech/parity-ethereum/blob/master/whisper/) - Implementation of Whisper-v2 PoC.