FROM alpine:3.12.3 AS builder # show backtraces ENV RUST_BACKTRACE 1 RUN apk add --no-cache \ build-base \ cargo \ cmake \ eudev-dev \ linux-headers \ perl \ rust \ git WORKDIR /openethereum COPY . /openethereum RUN cargo build --release --features final --target x86_64-alpine-linux-musl --verbose RUN strip target/x86_64-alpine-linux-musl/release/openethereum FROM alpine:3.12.3 # show backtraces ENV RUST_BACKTRACE 1 # curl and jq are installed to help create health and readiness checks on Kubernetes RUN apk add --no-cache \ libstdc++ \ eudev-libs \ libgcc \ curl \ jq RUN addgroup -g 1000 openethereum \ && adduser -u 1000 -G openethereum -s /bin/sh -D openethereum USER openethereum EXPOSE 8080 8545 8180 WORKDIR /home/openethereum RUN mkdir -p /home/openethereum/.local/share/io.parity.ethereum/ COPY --chown=openethereum:openethereum --from=builder /openethereum/target/x86_64-alpine-linux-musl/release/openethereum ./ ENTRYPOINT ["/home/openethereum/openethereum"]