// Copyright 2015-2019 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd. // This file is part of Parity. // Parity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // Parity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Parity. If not, see . //! ProgPoW (Programmatic Proof-of-Work) is the Ethereum network's proposed new Application-Specific Integrated //! Circuit (ASIC) resistant Proof-of-Work mining algorithm. //! //! ProgPoW's aim is to reduce the efficiencies of specialized mining devices known as ASIC chips //! (and accelerated GPU-based setups), and to maximize the performance of General Purpose Hardware (GPUs) to enable //! more users to compete for new cryptocurrency awarded by the protocol. //! //! ASIC chips are those that are tailored to efficiently mining cryptocurrency based on a specific hashing algorithm. //! //! GPU mining setups are less specialised are struggle to compete for mining rewards. //! //! It would be a change from Ethereum's current PoW mining algorithm known as Ethash. //! //! ProgPoW audits have been proposed to analyse the efficiency of a ProgPoW ASICs over //! GPUs and analysis of the economic impact on the Ethereum protocol. use compute::{FNV_PRIME, calculate_dag_item}; use keccak::H256; use shared::{ETHASH_ACCESSES, ETHASH_MIX_BYTES, Node, get_data_size}; const PROGPOW_CACHE_BYTES: usize = 16 * 1024; const PROGPOW_CACHE_WORDS: usize = PROGPOW_CACHE_BYTES / 4; const PROGPOW_CNT_CACHE: usize = 12; const PROGPOW_CNT_MATH: usize = 20; const PROGPOW_CNT_DAG: usize = ETHASH_ACCESSES; const PROGPOW_DAG_LOADS: usize = 4; const PROGPOW_MIX_BYTES: usize = 2 * ETHASH_MIX_BYTES; const PROGPOW_PERIOD_LENGTH: usize = 50; // blocks per progpow epoch (N) const PROGPOW_LANES: usize = 16; const PROGPOW_REGS: usize = 32; const FNV_HASH: u32 = 0x811c9dc5; const KECCAKF_RNDC: [u32; 24] = [ 0x00000001, 0x00008082, 0x0000808a, 0x80008000, 0x0000808b, 0x80000001, 0x80008081, 0x00008009, 0x0000008a, 0x00000088, 0x80008009, 0x8000000a, 0x8000808b, 0x0000008b, 0x00008089, 0x00008003, 0x00008002, 0x00000080, 0x0000800a, 0x8000000a, 0x80008081, 0x00008080, 0x80000001, 0x80008008 ]; const KECCAKF_ROTC: [u32; 24] = [ 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21, 28, 36, 45, 55, 2, 14, 27, 41, 56, 8, 25, 43, 62, 18, 39, 61, 20, 44 ]; const KECCAKF_PILN: [usize; 24] = [ 10, 7, 11, 17, 18, 3, 5, 16, 8, 21, 24, 4, 15, 23, 19, 13, 12, 2, 20, 14, 22, 9, 6, 1 ]; fn keccak_f800_round(st: &mut [u32; 25], r: usize) { // Theta let mut bc = [0u32; 5]; for i in 0..bc.len() { bc[i] = st[i] ^ st[i + 5] ^ st[i + 10] ^ st[i + 15] ^ st[i + 20]; } for i in 0..bc.len() { let t = bc[(i + 4) % 5] ^ bc[(i + 1) % 5].rotate_left(1); for j in (0..st.len()).step_by(5) { st[j + i] ^= t; } } // Rho Pi let mut t = st[1]; debug_assert_eq!(KECCAKF_ROTC.len(), 24); for i in 0..24 { let j = KECCAKF_PILN[i]; bc[0] = st[j]; st[j] = t.rotate_left(KECCAKF_ROTC[i]); t = bc[0]; } // Chi for j in (0..st.len()).step_by(5) { for i in 0..bc.len() { bc[i] = st[j + i]; } for i in 0..bc.len() { st[j + i] ^= (!bc[(i + 1) % 5]) & bc[(i + 2) % 5]; } } // Iota debug_assert!(r < KECCAKF_RNDC.len()); st[0] ^= KECCAKF_RNDC[r]; } fn keccak_f800(header_hash: H256, nonce: u64, result: [u32; 8], st: &mut [u32; 25]) { for i in 0..8 { st[i] = (header_hash[4 * i] as u32) + ((header_hash[4 * i + 1] as u32) << 8) + ((header_hash[4 * i + 2] as u32) << 16) + ((header_hash[4 * i + 3] as u32) << 24); } st[8] = nonce as u32; st[9] = (nonce >> 32) as u32; for i in 0..8 { st[10 + i] = result[i]; } for r in 0..22 { keccak_f800_round(st, r); } } pub fn keccak_f800_short(header_hash: H256, nonce: u64, result: [u32; 8]) -> u64 { let mut st = [0u32; 25]; keccak_f800(header_hash, nonce, result, &mut st); (st[0].swap_bytes() as u64) << 32 | st[1].swap_bytes() as u64 } pub fn keccak_f800_long(header_hash: H256, nonce: u64, result: [u32; 8]) -> H256 { let mut st = [0u32; 25]; keccak_f800(header_hash, nonce, result, &mut st); // NOTE: transmute from `[u32; 8]` to `[u8; 32]` unsafe { std::mem::transmute( [st[0], st[1], st[2], st[3], st[4], st[5], st[6], st[7]] ) } } #[inline] fn fnv1a_hash(h: u32, d: u32) -> u32 { (h ^ d).wrapping_mul(FNV_PRIME) } #[derive(Clone)] struct Kiss99 { z: u32, w: u32, jsr: u32, jcong: u32, } impl Kiss99 { fn new(z: u32, w: u32, jsr: u32, jcong: u32) -> Kiss99 { Kiss99 { z, w, jsr, jcong } } #[inline] fn next_u32(&mut self) -> u32 { self.z = 36969u32.wrapping_mul(self.z & 65535).wrapping_add(self.z >> 16); self.w = 18000u32.wrapping_mul(self.w & 65535).wrapping_add(self.w >> 16); let mwc = (self.z << 16).wrapping_add(self.w); self.jsr ^= self.jsr << 17; self.jsr ^= self.jsr >> 13; self.jsr ^= self.jsr << 5; self.jcong = 69069u32.wrapping_mul(self.jcong).wrapping_add(1234567); (mwc ^ self.jcong).wrapping_add(self.jsr) } } fn fill_mix(seed: u64, lane_id: u32) -> [u32; PROGPOW_REGS] { // Use FNV to expand the per-warp seed to per-lane // Use KISS to expand the per-lane seed to fill mix let z = fnv1a_hash(FNV_HASH, seed as u32); let w = fnv1a_hash(z, (seed >> 32) as u32); let jsr = fnv1a_hash(w, lane_id); let jcong = fnv1a_hash(jsr, lane_id); let mut rnd = Kiss99::new(z, w, jsr, jcong); let mut mix = [0; PROGPOW_REGS]; debug_assert_eq!(PROGPOW_REGS, 32); for i in 0..32 { mix[i] = rnd.next_u32(); } mix } // Merge new data from b into the value in a. Assuming A has high entropy only // do ops that retain entropy even if B is low entropy (IE don't do A&B) fn merge(a: u32, b: u32, r: u32) -> u32 { match r % 4 { 0 => a.wrapping_mul(33).wrapping_add(b), 1 => (a ^ b).wrapping_mul(33), 2 => a.rotate_left(((r >> 16) % 31) + 1) ^ b, _ => a.rotate_right(((r >> 16) % 31) + 1) ^ b, } } fn math(a: u32, b: u32, r: u32) -> u32 { match r % 11 { 0 => a.wrapping_add(b), 1 => a.wrapping_mul(b), 2 => ((a as u64).wrapping_mul(b as u64) >> 32) as u32, 3 => a.min(b), 4 => a.rotate_left(b), 5 => a.rotate_right(b), 6 => a & b, 7 => a | b, 8 => a ^ b, 9 => a.leading_zeros() + b.leading_zeros(), _ => a.count_ones() + b.count_ones(), } } fn progpow_init(seed: u64) -> (Kiss99, [u32; PROGPOW_REGS], [u32; PROGPOW_REGS]) { let z = fnv1a_hash(FNV_HASH, seed as u32); let w = fnv1a_hash(z, (seed >> 32) as u32); let jsr = fnv1a_hash(w, seed as u32); let jcong = fnv1a_hash(jsr, (seed >> 32) as u32); let mut rnd = Kiss99::new(z, w, jsr, jcong); // Create a random sequence of mix destinations for merge() and mix sources // for cache reads guarantees every destination merged once and guarantees // no duplicate cache reads, which could be optimized away. Uses // Fisher-Yates shuffle. let mut mix_seq_dst = [0u32; PROGPOW_REGS]; let mut mix_seq_cache = [0u32; PROGPOW_REGS]; for i in 0..mix_seq_dst.len() { mix_seq_dst[i] = i as u32; mix_seq_cache[i] = i as u32; } for i in (1..mix_seq_dst.len()).rev() { let j = rnd.next_u32() as usize % (i + 1); mix_seq_dst.swap(i, j); let j = rnd.next_u32() as usize % (i + 1); mix_seq_cache.swap(i, j); } (rnd, mix_seq_dst, mix_seq_cache) } pub type CDag = [u32; PROGPOW_CACHE_WORDS]; fn progpow_loop( seed: u64, loop_: usize, mix: &mut [[u32; PROGPOW_REGS]; PROGPOW_LANES], cache: &[Node], c_dag: &CDag, data_size: usize, ) { // All lanes share a base address for the global load. Global offset uses // mix[0] to guarantee it depends on the load result. let g_offset = mix[loop_ % PROGPOW_LANES][0] as usize % (64 * data_size / (PROGPOW_LANES * PROGPOW_DAG_LOADS)); // 256 bytes of dag data let mut dag_item = [0u32; 64]; // Fetch DAG nodes (64 bytes each) for l in 0..PROGPOW_DAG_LOADS { let index = g_offset * PROGPOW_LANES * PROGPOW_DAG_LOADS + l * 16; let node = calculate_dag_item(index as u32 / 16, cache); dag_item[l * 16..(l + 1) * 16].clone_from_slice(node.as_words()); } let (rnd, mix_seq_dst, mix_seq_cache) = progpow_init(seed); // Lanes can execute in parallel and will be convergent for l in 0..mix.len() { let mut rnd = rnd.clone(); // Initialize the seed and mix destination sequence let mut mix_seq_dst_cnt = 0; let mut mix_seq_cache_cnt = 0; let mut mix_dst = || { let res = mix_seq_dst[mix_seq_dst_cnt % PROGPOW_REGS] as usize; mix_seq_dst_cnt += 1; res }; let mut mix_cache = || { let res = mix_seq_cache[mix_seq_cache_cnt % PROGPOW_REGS] as usize; mix_seq_cache_cnt += 1; res }; for i in 0..PROGPOW_CNT_CACHE.max(PROGPOW_CNT_MATH) { if i < PROGPOW_CNT_CACHE { // Cached memory access, lanes access random 32-bit locations // within the first portion of the DAG let offset = mix[l][mix_cache()] as usize % PROGPOW_CACHE_WORDS; let data = c_dag[offset]; let dst = mix_dst(); mix[l][dst] = merge(mix[l][dst], data, rnd.next_u32()); } if i < PROGPOW_CNT_MATH { // Random math // Generate 2 unique sources let src_rnd = rnd.next_u32() % (PROGPOW_REGS * (PROGPOW_REGS - 1)) as u32; let src1 = src_rnd % PROGPOW_REGS as u32; // 0 <= src1 < PROGPOW_REGS let mut src2 = src_rnd / PROGPOW_REGS as u32; // 0 <= src2 < PROGPOW_REGS - 1 if src2 >= src1 { src2 += 1; // src2 is now any reg other than src1 } let data = math(mix[l][src1 as usize], mix[l][src2 as usize], rnd.next_u32()); let dst = mix_dst(); mix[l][dst] = merge(mix[l][dst], data, rnd.next_u32()); } } // Global load to sequential locations let mut data_g = [0u32; PROGPOW_DAG_LOADS]; let index = ((l ^ loop_) % PROGPOW_LANES) * PROGPOW_DAG_LOADS; for i in 0..PROGPOW_DAG_LOADS { data_g[i] = dag_item[index + i]; } // Consume the global load data at the very end of the loop to allow // full latency hiding. Always merge into `mix[0]` to feed the offset // calculation. mix[l][0] = merge(mix[l][0], data_g[0], rnd.next_u32()); for i in 1..PROGPOW_DAG_LOADS { let dst = mix_dst(); mix[l][dst] = merge(mix[l][dst], data_g[i], rnd.next_u32()); } } } pub fn progpow( header_hash: H256, nonce: u64, block_number: u64, cache: &[Node], c_dag: &CDag, ) -> (H256, H256) { let mut mix = [[0u32; PROGPOW_REGS]; PROGPOW_LANES]; let mut lane_results = [0u32; PROGPOW_LANES]; let mut result = [0u32; 8]; let data_size = get_data_size(block_number) / PROGPOW_MIX_BYTES; // NOTE: This assert is required to aid the optimizer elide the non-zero // remainder check in `progpow_loop`. assert!(data_size > 0); // Initialize mix for all lanes let seed = keccak_f800_short(header_hash, nonce, result); for l in 0..mix.len() { mix[l] = fill_mix(seed, l as u32); } // Execute the randomly generated inner loop let period = block_number / PROGPOW_PERIOD_LENGTH as u64; for i in 0..PROGPOW_CNT_DAG { progpow_loop( period, i, &mut mix, cache, c_dag, data_size, ); } // Reduce mix data to a single per-lane result for l in 0..lane_results.len() { lane_results[l] = FNV_HASH; for i in 0..PROGPOW_REGS { lane_results[l] = fnv1a_hash(lane_results[l], mix[l][i]); } } // Reduce all lanes to a single 128-bit result result = [FNV_HASH; 8]; for l in 0..PROGPOW_LANES { result[l % 8] = fnv1a_hash(result[l % 8], lane_results[l]); } let digest = keccak_f800_long(header_hash, seed, result); // NOTE: transmute from `[u32; 8]` to `[u8; 32]` let result = unsafe { ::std::mem::transmute(result) }; (digest, result) } pub fn generate_cdag(cache: &[Node]) -> CDag { let mut c_dag = [0u32; PROGPOW_CACHE_WORDS]; for i in 0..PROGPOW_CACHE_WORDS / 16 { let node = calculate_dag_item(i as u32, cache); for j in 0..16 { c_dag[i * 16 + j] = node.as_words()[j]; } } c_dag } #[cfg(test)] mod test { use tempdir::TempDir; use common_types::engines::OptimizeFor; use cache::NodeCacheBuilder; use keccak::H256; use rustc_hex::FromHex; use serde_json::{self, Value}; use std::collections::VecDeque; use super::*; fn h256(hex: &str) -> H256 { let bytes = FromHex::from_hex(hex).unwrap(); let mut res = [0; 32]; res.copy_from_slice(&bytes); res } #[test] fn test_cdag() { let builder = NodeCacheBuilder::new(OptimizeFor::Memory, u64::max_value()); let tempdir = TempDir::new("").unwrap(); let cache = builder.new_cache(tempdir.into_path(), 0); let c_dag = generate_cdag(cache.as_ref()); let expected = vec![ 690150178u32, 1181503948, 2248155602, 2118233073, 2193871115, 1791778428, 1067701239, 724807309, 530799275, 3480325829, 3899029234, 1998124059, 2541974622, 1100859971, 1297211151, 3268320000, 2217813733, 2690422980, 3172863319, 2651064309 ]; assert_eq!( c_dag.iter().take(20).cloned().collect::>(), expected, ); } #[test] fn test_random_merge() { let tests = [ (1000000u32, 101u32, 33000101u32), (2000000, 102, 66003366), (3000000, 103, 6000103), (4000000, 104, 2000104), (1000000, 0, 33000000), (2000000, 0, 66000000), (3000000, 0, 6000000), (4000000, 0, 2000000), ]; for (i, &(a, b, expected)) in tests.iter().enumerate() { assert_eq!( merge(a, b, i as u32), expected, ); } } #[test] fn test_random_math() { let tests = [ (20u32, 22u32, 42u32), (70000, 80000, 1305032704), (70000, 80000, 1), (1, 2, 1), (3, 10000, 196608), (3, 0, 3), (3, 6, 2), (3, 6, 7), (3, 6, 5), (0, 0xffffffff, 32), (3 << 13, 1 << 5, 3), (22, 20, 42), (80000, 70000, 1305032704), (80000, 70000, 1), (2, 1, 1), (10000, 3, 80000), (0, 3, 0), (6, 3, 2), (6, 3, 7), (6, 3, 5), (0, 0xffffffff, 32), (3 << 13, 1 << 5, 3), ]; for (i, &(a, b, expected)) in tests.iter().enumerate() { assert_eq!( math(a, b, i as u32), expected, ); } } #[test] fn test_keccak_256() { let expected = "5dd431e5fbc604f499bfa0232f45f8f142d0ff5178f539e5a7800bf0643697af"; assert_eq!( keccak_f800_long([0; 32], 0, [0; 8]), h256(expected), ); } #[test] fn test_keccak_64() { let expected: u64 = 0x5dd431e5fbc604f4; assert_eq!( keccak_f800_short([0; 32], 0, [0; 8]), expected, ); } #[test] fn test_progpow_hash() { let builder = NodeCacheBuilder::new(OptimizeFor::Memory, u64::max_value()); let tempdir = TempDir::new("").unwrap(); let cache = builder.new_cache(tempdir.into_path(), 0); let c_dag = generate_cdag(cache.as_ref()); let header_hash = [0; 32]; let (digest, result) = progpow( header_hash, 0, 0, cache.as_ref(), &c_dag, ); let expected_digest = FromHex::from_hex("63155f732f2bf556967f906155b510c917e48e99685ead76ea83f4eca03ab12b").unwrap(); let expected_result = FromHex::from_hex("faeb1be51075b03a4ff44b335067951ead07a3b078539ace76fd56fc410557a3").unwrap(); assert_eq!( digest.to_vec(), expected_digest, ); assert_eq!( result.to_vec(), expected_result, ); } #[test] fn test_progpow_testvectors() { struct ProgpowTest { block_number: u64, header_hash: H256, nonce: u64, mix_hash: H256, final_hash: H256, } let tests: Vec> = serde_json::from_slice(include_bytes!("../res/progpow_testvectors.json")).unwrap(); let tests: Vec = tests.into_iter().map(|mut test: VecDeque| { assert!(test.len() == 5); let block_number: u64 = serde_json::from_value(test.pop_front().unwrap()).unwrap(); let header_hash: String = serde_json::from_value(test.pop_front().unwrap()).unwrap(); let nonce: String = serde_json::from_value(test.pop_front().unwrap()).unwrap(); let mix_hash: String = serde_json::from_value(test.pop_front().unwrap()).unwrap(); let final_hash: String = serde_json::from_value(test.pop_front().unwrap()).unwrap(); ProgpowTest { block_number, header_hash: h256(&header_hash), nonce: u64::from_str_radix(&nonce, 16).unwrap(), mix_hash: h256(&mix_hash), final_hash: h256(&final_hash), } }).collect(); for test in tests { let builder = NodeCacheBuilder::new(OptimizeFor::Memory, u64::max_value()); let tempdir = TempDir::new("").unwrap(); let cache = builder.new_cache(tempdir.path().to_owned(), test.block_number); let c_dag = generate_cdag(cache.as_ref()); let (digest, result) = progpow( test.header_hash, test.nonce, test.block_number, cache.as_ref(), &c_dag, ); assert_eq!(digest, test.final_hash); assert_eq!(result, test.mix_hash); } } }