// Copyright 2015-2017 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd. // This file is part of Parity. // Parity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // Parity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Parity. If not, see . export default { background: { button_more: `generate more`, overview_0: `The background pattern you can see right now is unique to your Parity installation. It will change every time you create a new Signer token. This is so that decentralized applications cannot pretend to be trustworthy.`, overview_1: `Pick a pattern you like and memorize it. This Pattern will always be shown from now on, unless you clear your browser cache or use a new Signer token.`, label: `background` }, parity: { chains: { chain_classic: `Parity syncs to the Ethereum Classic network`, chain_dev: `Parity uses a local development chain`, chain_expanse: `Parity syncs to the Expanse network`, chain_foundation: `Parity syncs to the Ethereum network launched by the Ethereum Foundation`, chain_kovan: `Parity syncs to the Kovan test network`, chain_olympic: `Parity syncs to the Olympic test network`, chain_ropsten: `Parity syncs to the Ropsten test network`, cmorden_kovan: `Parity syncs to Morden (Classic) test network`, hint: `the chain for the Parity node to sync to`, label: `chain/network to sync` }, languages: { hint: `the language this interface is displayed with`, label: `UI language` }, loglevels: `Choose the different logs level.`, modes: { hint: `the syncing mode for the Parity node`, label: `mode of operation`, mode_active: `Parity continuously syncs the chain`, mode_dark: `Parity syncs only when the RPC is active`, mode_offline: `Parity doesn't sync`, mode_passive: `Parity syncs initially, then sleeps and wakes regularly to resync` }, overview_0: `Control the Parity node settings and nature of syncing via this interface.`, label: `parity` }, proxy: { details_0: `Instead of accessing Parity via the IP address and port, you will be able to access it via the .parity subdomain, by visiting {homeProxy}. To setup subdomain-based routing, you need to add the relevant proxy entries to your browser,`, details_1: `To learn how to configure the proxy, instructions are provided for {windowsLink}, {macOSLink} or {ubuntuLink}.`, details_macos: `macOS`, details_ubuntu: `Ubuntu`, details_windows: `Windows`, overview_0: `The proxy setup allows you to access Parity and all associated decentralized applications via memorable addresses.`, label: `proxy` }, views: { accounts: { description: `A list of all the accounts associated with and imported into this Parity instance. Send transactions, receive incoming values, manage your balances and fund your accounts.`, label: `Accounts` }, addresses: { description: `A list of all contacts and address book entries managed by this Parity instance. Watch accounts and have the details available at the click of a button when transacting.`, label: `Addressbook` }, apps: { description: `Distributed applications that interact with the underlying network. Add applications, manage you application portfolio and interact with application from around the network.`, label: `Applications` }, contracts: { description: `Watch and interact with specific contracts that have been deployed on the network. This is a more technically-focused environment, specifically for advanced users that understand the inner working of certain contracts.`, label: `Contracts` }, overview_0: `Manage the available application views using only the parts of the application applicable to you.`, overview_1: `Are you an end-user? The defaults are setup for both beginner and advanced users alike.`, overview_2: `Are you a developer? Add some features to manage contracts and interact with application deployments.`, overview_3: `Are you a miner or run a large-scale node? Add the features to give you all the information needed to watch the node operation.`, settings: { description: `This view. Allows you to customize the application in term of options, operation and look and feel.`, label: `Settings` }, signer: { description: `The secure transaction management area of the application where you can approve any outgoing transactions made from the application as well as those placed into the queue by distributed applications.`, label: `Signer` }, status: { description: `See how the Parity node is performing in terms of connections to the network, logs from the actual running instance and details of mining (if enabled and configured).`, label: `Status` }, label: `views`, home: { label: `Home` } }, label: `settings` };