// Copyright 2015-2017 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd. // This file is part of Parity. // Parity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // Parity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Parity. If not, see . //! Header download state machine. use std::cmp::Ordering; use std::collections::{BinaryHeap, HashMap, HashSet, VecDeque}; use std::fmt; use ethcore::encoded; use ethcore::header::Header; use light::net::ReqId; use light::request::CompleteHeadersRequest as HeadersRequest; use network::PeerId; use bigint::hash::H256; use super::response; // number of attempts to make to get a full scaffold for a sync round. const SCAFFOLD_ATTEMPTS: usize = 3; /// Context for a headers response. pub trait ResponseContext { /// Get the peer who sent this response. fn responder(&self) -> PeerId; /// Get the request ID this response corresponds to. fn req_id(&self) -> &ReqId; /// Get the (unverified) response data. fn data(&self) -> &[encoded::Header]; /// Punish the responder. fn punish_responder(&self); } /// Reasons for sync round abort. #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub enum AbortReason { /// Bad sparse header chain along with a list of peers who contributed to it. BadScaffold(Vec), /// No incoming data. NoResponses, /// Sync rounds completed. TargetReached, } // A request for headers with a known starting header hash. // and a known parent hash for the last block. #[derive(PartialEq, Eq)] struct SubchainRequest { subchain_parent: (u64, H256), headers_request: HeadersRequest, subchain_end: (u64, H256), downloaded: VecDeque
, } // ordered by subchain parent number so pending requests towards the // front of the round are dispatched first. impl PartialOrd for SubchainRequest { fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option { self.subchain_parent.0 .partial_cmp(&other.subchain_parent.0) .map(Ordering::reverse) } } impl Ord for SubchainRequest { fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Ordering { self.subchain_parent.0.cmp(&other.subchain_parent.0).reverse() } } /// Manages downloading of interior blocks of a sparse header chain. pub struct Fetcher { sparse: VecDeque
, // sparse header chain. requests: BinaryHeap, complete_requests: HashMap, pending: HashMap, scaffold_contributors: Vec, ready: VecDeque
, end: (u64, H256), target: (u64, H256), } impl Fetcher { // Produce a new fetcher given a sparse headerchain, in ascending order along // with a list of peers who helped produce the chain. // The headers must be valid RLP at this point and must have a consistent // non-zero gap between them. Will abort the round if found wrong. fn new(sparse_headers: Vec
, contributors: Vec, target: (u64, H256)) -> SyncRound { let mut requests = BinaryHeap::with_capacity(sparse_headers.len() - 1); for pair in sparse_headers.windows(2) { let low_rung = &pair[0]; let high_rung = &pair[1]; let diff = high_rung.number() - low_rung.number(); // should never happen as long as we verify the gaps // gotten from SyncRound::Start if diff < 2 { continue } let needed_headers = HeadersRequest { start: high_rung.parent_hash().clone().into(), max: diff - 1, skip: 0, reverse: true, }; requests.push(SubchainRequest { headers_request: needed_headers, subchain_end: (high_rung.number() - 1, *high_rung.parent_hash()), downloaded: VecDeque::new(), subchain_parent: (low_rung.number(), low_rung.hash()), }); } let end = match sparse_headers.last().map(|h| (h.number(), h.hash())) { Some(end) => end, None => return SyncRound::abort(AbortReason::BadScaffold(contributors), VecDeque::new()), }; SyncRound::Fetch(Fetcher { sparse: sparse_headers.into(), requests: requests, complete_requests: HashMap::new(), pending: HashMap::new(), scaffold_contributors: contributors, ready: VecDeque::new(), end: end, target: target, }) } // collect complete requests and their subchain from the sparse header chain // into the ready set in order. fn collect_ready(&mut self) { loop { let start_hash = match self.sparse.front() { Some(first) => first.hash(), None => break, }; match self.complete_requests.remove(&start_hash) { None => break, Some(complete_req) => { self.ready.push_back(self.sparse.pop_front().expect("first known to exist; qed")); self.ready.extend(complete_req.downloaded); } } } // frames are between two sparse headers and keyed by subchain parent, so the last // remaining will be the last header. if self.sparse.len() == 1 { self.ready.push_back(self.sparse.pop_back().expect("sparse known to have one entry; qed")) } trace!(target: "sync", "{} headers ready to drain", self.ready.len()); } fn process_response(mut self, ctx: &R) -> SyncRound { let mut request = match self.pending.remove(ctx.req_id()) { Some(request) => request, None => return SyncRound::Fetch(self), }; trace!(target: "sync", "Received response for subchain ({} -> {})", request.subchain_parent.0 + 1, request.subchain_end.0); let headers = ctx.data(); if headers.len() == 0 { trace!(target: "sync", "Punishing peer {} for empty response", ctx.responder()); ctx.punish_responder(); self.requests.push(request); return SyncRound::Fetch(self); } match response::verify(headers, &request.headers_request) { Err(e) => { trace!(target: "sync", "Punishing peer {} for invalid response ({})", ctx.responder(), e); ctx.punish_responder(); // TODO: track number of attempts per request, // abort if failure rate too high. self.requests.push(request); SyncRound::Fetch(self) } Ok(headers) => { let mut parent_hash = None; for header in headers { if parent_hash.as_ref().map_or(false, |h| h != &header.hash()) { trace!(target: "sync", "Punishing peer {} for parent mismatch", ctx.responder()); ctx.punish_responder(); self.requests.push(request); return SyncRound::Fetch(self); } // incrementally update the frame request as we go so we can // return at any time in the loop. parent_hash = Some(header.parent_hash().clone()); request.headers_request.start = header.parent_hash().clone().into(); request.headers_request.max -= 1; request.downloaded.push_front(header); } let subchain_parent = request.subchain_parent.1; // check if the subchain portion has been completely filled. if request.headers_request.max == 0 { if parent_hash.map_or(true, |hash| hash != subchain_parent) { let abort = AbortReason::BadScaffold(self.scaffold_contributors); return SyncRound::abort(abort, self.ready); } self.complete_requests.insert(subchain_parent, request); self.collect_ready(); } // state transition not triggered until drain is finished. (SyncRound::Fetch(self)) } } } fn requests_abandoned(mut self, abandoned: &[ReqId]) -> SyncRound { for abandoned in abandoned { match self.pending.remove(abandoned) { None => {}, Some(req) => self.requests.push(req), } } // TODO: track failure rate and potentially abort. SyncRound::Fetch(self) } fn dispatch_requests(mut self, mut dispatcher: D) -> SyncRound where D: FnMut(HeadersRequest) -> Option { while let Some(pending_req) = self.requests.pop() { match dispatcher(pending_req.headers_request.clone()) { Some(req_id) => { trace!(target: "sync", "Assigned request for subchain ({} -> {})", pending_req.subchain_parent.0 + 1, pending_req.subchain_end.0); self.pending.insert(req_id, pending_req); } None => { self.requests.push(pending_req); break; } } } SyncRound::Fetch(self) } fn drain(mut self, headers: &mut Vec
, max: Option) -> SyncRound { let max = ::std::cmp::min(max.unwrap_or(usize::max_value()), self.ready.len()); headers.extend(self.ready.drain(0..max)); if self.sparse.is_empty() && self.ready.is_empty() { trace!(target: "sync", "sync round complete. Starting anew from {:?}", self.end); SyncRound::begin(self.end, self.target) } else { SyncRound::Fetch(self) } } } // Compute scaffold parameters from non-zero distance between start and target block: (skip, pivots). fn scaffold_params(diff: u64) -> (u64, u64) { // default parameters. // amount of blocks between each scaffold pivot. const ROUND_SKIP: u64 = 255; // amount of scaffold pivots: these are the Xs in "X___X___X" const ROUND_PIVOTS: u64 = 256; let rem = diff % (ROUND_SKIP + 1); if diff <= ROUND_SKIP { // just request headers from the start to the target. (0, rem) } else { // the number of pivots necessary to exactly hit or overshoot the target. let pivots_to_target = (diff / (ROUND_SKIP + 1)) + if rem == 0 { 0 } else { 1 }; let num_pivots = ::std::cmp::min(pivots_to_target, ROUND_PIVOTS); (ROUND_SKIP, num_pivots) } } /// Round started: get stepped header chain. /// from a start block with number X we request ROUND_PIVOTS headers stepped by ROUND_SKIP from /// block X + 1 to a target >= X + 1. /// If the sync target is within ROUND_SKIP of the start, we request /// only those blocks. If the sync target is within (ROUND_SKIP + 1) * (ROUND_PIVOTS - 1) of /// the start, we reduce the number of pivots so the target is outside it. pub struct RoundStart { start_block: (u64, H256), target: (u64, H256), pending_req: Option<(ReqId, HeadersRequest)>, sparse_headers: Vec
, contributors: HashSet, attempt: usize, skip: u64, pivots: u64, } impl RoundStart { fn new(start: (u64, H256), target: (u64, H256)) -> Self { let (skip, pivots) = scaffold_params(target.0 - start.0); trace!(target: "sync", "Beginning sync round: {} pivots and {} skip from block {}", pivots, skip, start.0); RoundStart { start_block: start, target: target, pending_req: None, sparse_headers: Vec::new(), contributors: HashSet::new(), attempt: 0, skip: skip, pivots: pivots, } } // called on failed attempt. may trigger a transition after a number of attempts. // a failed attempt is defined as any time a peer returns invalid or incomplete response fn failed_attempt(mut self) -> SyncRound { self.attempt += 1; if self.attempt >= SCAFFOLD_ATTEMPTS { return if self.sparse_headers.len() > 1 { Fetcher::new(self.sparse_headers, self.contributors.into_iter().collect(), self.target) } else { let fetched_headers = if self.skip == 0 { self.sparse_headers.into() } else { VecDeque::new() }; SyncRound::abort(AbortReason::NoResponses, fetched_headers) } } else { SyncRound::Start(self) } } fn process_response(mut self, ctx: &R) -> SyncRound { let req = match self.pending_req.take() { Some((id, ref req)) if ctx.req_id() == &id => { req.clone() } other => { self.pending_req = other; return SyncRound::Start(self); } }; match response::verify(ctx.data(), &req) { Ok(headers) => { if self.sparse_headers.len() == 0 && headers.get(0).map_or(false, |x| x.parent_hash() != &self.start_block.1) { trace!(target: "sync", "Wrong parent for first header in round"); ctx.punish_responder(); // or should we reset? } self.contributors.insert(ctx.responder()); self.sparse_headers.extend(headers); if self.sparse_headers.len() as u64 == self.pivots { return if self.skip == 0 { SyncRound::abort(AbortReason::TargetReached, self.sparse_headers.into()) } else { trace!(target: "sync", "Beginning fetch of blocks between {} sparse headers", self.sparse_headers.len()); Fetcher::new( self.sparse_headers, self.contributors.into_iter().collect(), self.target ) } } } Err(e) => { trace!(target: "sync", "Punishing peer {} for malformed response ({})", ctx.responder(), e); ctx.punish_responder(); } }; self.failed_attempt() } fn requests_abandoned(mut self, abandoned: &[ReqId]) -> SyncRound { match self.pending_req.take() { Some((id, req)) => { if abandoned.iter().any(|r| r == &id) { self.pending_req = None; self.failed_attempt() } else { self.pending_req = Some((id, req)); SyncRound::Start(self) } } None => SyncRound::Start(self), } } fn dispatch_requests(mut self, mut dispatcher: D) -> SyncRound where D: FnMut(HeadersRequest) -> Option { if self.pending_req.is_none() { // beginning offset + first block expected after last header we have. let start = (self.start_block.0 + 1) + self.sparse_headers.len() as u64 * (self.skip + 1); let max = self.pivots - self.sparse_headers.len() as u64; let headers_request = HeadersRequest { start: start.into(), max: max, skip: self.skip, reverse: false, }; if let Some(req_id) = dispatcher(headers_request.clone()) { trace!(target: "sync", "Requesting scaffold: {} headers forward from {}, skip={}", max, start, self.skip); self.pending_req = Some((req_id, headers_request)); } } SyncRound::Start(self) } } /// Sync round state machine. pub enum SyncRound { /// Beginning a sync round. Start(RoundStart), /// Fetching intermediate blocks during a sync round. Fetch(Fetcher), /// Aborted + Sequential headers Abort(AbortReason, VecDeque
), } impl SyncRound { fn abort(reason: AbortReason, remaining: VecDeque
) -> Self { trace!(target: "sync", "Aborting sync round: {:?}. To drain: {}", reason, remaining.len()); SyncRound::Abort(reason, remaining) } /// Begin sync rounds from a starting block, but not to go past a given target pub fn begin(start: (u64, H256), target: (u64, H256)) -> Self { if target.0 <= start.0 { SyncRound::abort(AbortReason::TargetReached, VecDeque::new()) } else { SyncRound::Start(RoundStart::new(start, target)) } } /// Process an answer to a request. Unknown requests will be ignored. pub fn process_response(self, ctx: &R) -> Self { match self { SyncRound::Start(round_start) => round_start.process_response(ctx), SyncRound::Fetch(fetcher) => fetcher.process_response(ctx), other => other, } } /// Return unfulfilled requests from disconnected peer. Unknown requests will be ignored. pub fn requests_abandoned(self, abandoned: &[ReqId]) -> Self { match self { SyncRound::Start(round_start) => round_start.requests_abandoned(abandoned), SyncRound::Fetch(fetcher) => fetcher.requests_abandoned(abandoned), other => other, } } /// Dispatch pending requests. The dispatcher provided will attempt to /// find a suitable peer to serve the request. // TODO: have dispatcher take capabilities argument? and return an error as // to why no suitable peer can be found? (no buffer, no chain heads that high, etc) pub fn dispatch_requests(self, dispatcher: D) -> Self where D: FnMut(HeadersRequest) -> Option { match self { SyncRound::Start(round_start) => round_start.dispatch_requests(dispatcher), SyncRound::Fetch(fetcher) => fetcher.dispatch_requests(dispatcher), other => other, } } /// Drain up to a maximum number (None -> all) of headers (continuous, starting with a child of /// the round start block) from the round, starting a new one once finished. pub fn drain(self, v: &mut Vec
, max: Option) -> Self { match self { SyncRound::Fetch(fetcher) => fetcher.drain(v, max), SyncRound::Abort(reason, mut remaining) => { let len = ::std::cmp::min(max.unwrap_or(usize::max_value()), remaining.len()); v.extend(remaining.drain(..len)); SyncRound::Abort(reason, remaining) } other => other, } } } impl fmt::Debug for SyncRound { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { match *self { SyncRound::Start(ref state) => write!(f, "Scaffolding from {:?}", state.start_block), SyncRound::Fetch(ref fetcher) => write!(f, "Filling scaffold up to {:?}", fetcher.end), SyncRound::Abort(ref reason, ref remaining) => write!(f, "Aborted: {:?}, {} remain", reason, remaining.len()), } } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::scaffold_params; #[test] fn scaffold_config() { // within a certain distance of the head, we download // sequentially. assert_eq!(scaffold_params(1), (0, 1)); assert_eq!(scaffold_params(6), (0, 6)); // when scaffolds are useful, download enough frames to get // within a close distance of the goal. assert_eq!(scaffold_params(1000), (255, 4)); assert_eq!(scaffold_params(1024), (255, 4)); } }