// Copyright 2015-2019 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd. // This file is part of Parity Ethereum. // Parity Ethereum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // Parity Ethereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Parity Ethereum. If not, see . use super::HookType; use client::{ Balance, BlockChainClient, BlockId, ChainInfo, Client, ClientConfig, EvmTestClient, ImportBlock, Nonce, StateOrBlock, }; use ethereum_types::{H256, U256}; use ethjson; use io::IoChannel; use log::warn; use miner::Miner; use rustc_hex::ToHex; use spec::Genesis; use std::{path::Path, sync::Arc}; use test_helpers; use verification::{queue::kind::blocks::Unverified, VerifierType}; fn check_poststate( client: &Arc, test_name: &str, post_state: ethjson::blockchain::State, ) -> bool { let mut success = true; for (address, expected) in post_state { if let Some(expected_balance) = expected.balance { let expected_balance: U256 = expected_balance.into(); let current_balance = client .balance( &address.clone().into(), StateOrBlock::Block(BlockId::Latest), ) .unwrap(); if expected_balance != current_balance { warn!(target: "json-tests", "{} – Poststate {:?} balance mismatch current={} expected={}", test_name, address, current_balance, expected_balance); success = false; } } if let Some(expected_nonce) = expected.nonce { let expected_nonce: U256 = expected_nonce.into(); let current_nonce = client .nonce(&address.clone().into(), BlockId::Latest) .unwrap(); if expected_nonce != current_nonce { warn!(target: "json-tests", "{} – Poststate {:?} nonce mismatch current={} expected={}", test_name, address, current_nonce, expected_nonce); success = false; } } if let Some(expected_code) = expected.code { let expected_code: String = expected_code.to_hex(); let current_code = match client.code( &address.clone().into(), StateOrBlock::Block(BlockId::Latest), ) { Some(Some(code)) => code.to_hex(), _ => "".to_string(), }; if current_code != expected_code { warn!(target: "json-tests", "{} – Poststate {:?} code mismatch current={} expected={}", test_name, address, current_code, expected_code); success = false; } } if let Some(expected_storage) = expected.storage { for (uint_position, uint_expected_value) in expected_storage.iter() { let mut position = H256::default(); uint_position.0.to_big_endian(position.as_mut()); let mut expected_value = H256::default(); uint_expected_value.0.to_big_endian(expected_value.as_mut()); let current_value = client .storage_at( &address.clone().into(), &position, StateOrBlock::Block(BlockId::Latest), ) .unwrap(); if current_value != expected_value { let position: &[u8] = position.as_ref(); let current_value: &[u8] = current_value.as_ref(); let expected_value: &[u8] = expected_value.as_ref(); warn!(target: "json-tests", "{} – Poststate {:?} state {} mismatch actual={} expected={}", test_name, address, position.to_hex(), current_value.to_hex(), expected_value.to_hex()); success = false; } } } if expected.builtin.is_some() { warn!(target: "json-tests", "{} – Poststate {:?} builtin not supported", test_name, address); success = false; } if expected.constructor.is_some() { warn!(target: "json-tests", "{} – Poststate {:?} constructor not supported", test_name, address); success = false; } } success } pub fn json_chain_test( test: ðjson::test::ChainTests, path: &Path, json_data: &[u8], start_stop_hook: &mut H, ) -> Vec { let _ = ::env_logger::try_init(); let tests = ethjson::blockchain::Test::load(json_data).expect(&format!( "Could not parse JSON chain test data from {}", path.display() )); let mut failed = Vec::new(); for (name, blockchain) in tests.into_iter() { if !super::debug_include_test(&name) { continue; } let skip_test = test .skip .iter() .any(|block_test| block_test.names.contains(&name)); if skip_test { info!(" SKIPPED {:?} {:?}", name, blockchain.network); continue; } let mut fail = false; { let mut fail_unless = |cond: bool| { if !cond && !fail { failed.push(name.clone()); flushln!("FAIL"); fail = true; true } else { false } }; let spec = { let mut spec = match EvmTestClient::spec_from_json(&blockchain.network) { Some(spec) => spec, None => { info!( " SKIPPED {:?} {:?} - Unimplemented chainspec ", name, blockchain.network ); continue; } }; let genesis = Genesis::from(blockchain.genesis()); let state = From::from(blockchain.pre_state.clone()); spec.set_genesis_state(state) .expect("Failed to overwrite genesis state"); spec.overwrite_genesis_params(genesis); spec }; start_stop_hook(&name, HookType::OnStart); { let db = test_helpers::new_db(); let mut config = ClientConfig::default(); if ethjson::blockchain::Engine::NoProof == blockchain.engine { config.verifier_type = VerifierType::CanonNoSeal; config.check_seal = false; } config.history = 8; config.queue.verifier_settings.num_verifiers = 1; let client = Client::new( config, &spec, db, Arc::new(Miner::new_for_tests(&spec, None)), IoChannel::disconnected(), ) .expect("Failed to instantiate a new Client"); for b in blockchain.blocks_rlp() { let bytes_len = b.len(); let block = Unverified::from_rlp(b); match block { Ok(block) => { let num = block.header.number(); trace!(target: "json-tests", "{} – Importing {} bytes. Block #{}", name, bytes_len, num); let res = client.import_block(block); if let Err(e) = res { warn!(target: "json-tests", "{} – Error importing block #{}: {:?}", name, num, e); } client.flush_queue(); client.import_verified_blocks(); } Err(decoder_err) => { warn!(target: "json-tests", "Error decoding test block: {:?} ({} bytes)", decoder_err, bytes_len); } } } let post_state_success = if let Some(post_state) = blockchain.post_state.clone() { check_poststate(&client, &name, post_state) } else { true }; fail_unless( client.chain_info().best_block_hash == blockchain.best_block.into() && post_state_success, ); } } if fail { flushln!(" - chain: {}...FAILED", name); } else { flushln!(" - chain: {}...OK", name); } start_stop_hook(&name, HookType::OnStop); } failed }