use {syn, quote}; struct ParseQuotes { single: quote::Tokens, list: quote::Tokens, takes_index: bool, } fn decodable_parse_quotes() -> ParseQuotes { ParseQuotes { single: quote! { rlp.val_at }, list: quote! { rlp.list_at }, takes_index: true, } } fn decodable_wrapper_parse_quotes() -> ParseQuotes { ParseQuotes { single: quote! { rlp.as_val }, list: quote! { rlp.as_list }, takes_index: false, } } pub fn impl_decodable(ast: &syn::DeriveInput) -> quote::Tokens { let body = match ast.body { syn::Body::Struct(ref s) => s, _ => panic!("#[derive(RlpDecodable)] is only defined for structs."), }; let stmts: Vec<_> = match *body { syn::VariantData::Struct(ref fields) | syn::VariantData::Tuple(ref fields) => fields.iter().enumerate().map(decodable_field_map).collect(), syn::VariantData::Unit => panic!("#[derive(RlpDecodable)] is not defined for Unit structs."), }; let name = &ast.ident; let dummy_const = syn::Ident::new(format!("_IMPL_RLP_DECODABLE_FOR_{}", name)); let impl_block = quote! { impl rlp::Decodable for #name { fn decode(rlp: &rlp::UntrustedRlp) -> Result { let result = #name { #(#stmts)* }; Ok(result) } } }; quote! { #[allow(non_upper_case_globals, unused_attributes, unused_qualifications)] const #dummy_const: () = { extern crate rlp; #impl_block }; } } pub fn impl_decodable_wrapper(ast: &syn::DeriveInput) -> quote::Tokens { let body = match ast.body { syn::Body::Struct(ref s) => s, _ => panic!("#[derive(RlpDecodableWrapper)] is only defined for structs."), }; let stmt = match *body { syn::VariantData::Struct(ref fields) | syn::VariantData::Tuple(ref fields) => { if fields.len() == 1 { let field = fields.first().expect("fields.len() == 1; qed"); decodable_field(0, field, decodable_wrapper_parse_quotes()) } else { panic!("#[derive(RlpDecodableWrapper)] is only defined for structs with one field.") } }, syn::VariantData::Unit => panic!("#[derive(RlpDecodableWrapper)] is not defined for Unit structs."), }; let name = &ast.ident; let dummy_const = syn::Ident::new(format!("_IMPL_RLP_DECODABLE_FOR_{}", name)); let impl_block = quote! { impl rlp::Decodable for #name { fn decode(rlp: &rlp::UntrustedRlp) -> Result { let result = #name { #stmt }; Ok(result) } } }; quote! { #[allow(non_upper_case_globals, unused_attributes, unused_qualifications)] const #dummy_const: () = { extern crate rlp; #impl_block }; } } fn decodable_field_map(tuple: (usize, &syn::Field)) -> quote::Tokens { decodable_field(tuple.0, tuple.1, decodable_parse_quotes()) } fn decodable_field(index: usize, field: &syn::Field, quotes: ParseQuotes) -> quote::Tokens { let ident = match field.ident { Some(ref ident) => ident.to_string(), None => index.to_string(), }; let id = syn::Ident::new(ident); let index = syn::Ident::new(index.to_string()); let single = quotes.single; let list = quotes.list; match field.ty { syn::Ty::Path(_, ref path) => { let ident = &path.segments.first().expect("there must be at least 1 segment").ident; if &ident.to_string() == "Vec" { if quotes.takes_index { quote! { #id: #list(#index)?, } } else { quote! { #id: #list()?, } } } else { if quotes.takes_index { quote! { #id: #single(#index)?, } } else { quote! { #id: #single()?, } } } }, _ => panic!("rlp_derive not supported"), } }