// Copyright 2015-2017 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd. // This file is part of Parity. // Parity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // Parity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Parity. If not, see . use std::fmt; use std::collections::{BTreeSet, BTreeMap}; use ethkey::Secret; use key_server_cluster::SessionId; use super::{SerializableH256, SerializablePublic, SerializableSecret, SerializableSignature, SerializableMessageHash}; pub type MessageSessionId = SerializableH256; pub type MessageNodeId = SerializablePublic; /// All possible messages that can be sent during encryption/decryption sessions. #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub enum Message { /// Cluster message. Cluster(ClusterMessage), /// Key generation message. Generation(GenerationMessage), /// Encryption message. Encryption(EncryptionMessage), /// Decryption message. Decryption(DecryptionMessage), /// Signing message. Signing(SigningMessage), /// Key version negotiation message. KeyVersionNegotiation(KeyVersionNegotiationMessage), /// Share add message. ShareAdd(ShareAddMessage), /// Servers set change message. ServersSetChange(ServersSetChangeMessage), } /// All possible cluster-level messages. #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub enum ClusterMessage { /// Introduce node public key. NodePublicKey(NodePublicKey), /// Confirm that node owns its private key. NodePrivateKeySignature(NodePrivateKeySignature), /// Keep alive message. KeepAlive(KeepAlive), /// Keep alive message response. KeepAliveResponse(KeepAliveResponse), } /// All possible messages that can be sent during key generation session. #[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub enum GenerationMessage { /// Initialize new DKG session. InitializeSession(InitializeSession), /// Confirm DKG session initialization. ConfirmInitialization(ConfirmInitialization), /// Broadcast data, calculated during session initialization phase. CompleteInitialization(CompleteInitialization), /// Generated keys are sent to every node. KeysDissemination(KeysDissemination), /// Broadcast self public key portion. PublicKeyShare(PublicKeyShare), /// When session error has occured. SessionError(SessionError), /// When session is completed. SessionCompleted(SessionCompleted), } /// All possible messages that can be sent during encryption session. #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub enum EncryptionMessage { /// Initialize encryption session. InitializeEncryptionSession(InitializeEncryptionSession), /// Confirm/reject encryption session initialization. ConfirmEncryptionInitialization(ConfirmEncryptionInitialization), /// When encryption session error has occured. EncryptionSessionError(EncryptionSessionError), } /// All possible messages that can be sent during consensus establishing. #[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub enum ConsensusMessage { /// Initialize consensus session. InitializeConsensusSession(InitializeConsensusSession), /// Confirm/reject consensus session initialization. ConfirmConsensusInitialization(ConfirmConsensusInitialization), } /// All possible messages that can be sent during servers-set consensus establishing. #[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub enum ConsensusMessageWithServersSet { /// Initialize consensus session. InitializeConsensusSession(InitializeConsensusSessionWithServersSet), /// Confirm/reject consensus session initialization. ConfirmConsensusInitialization(ConfirmConsensusInitialization), } /// All possible messages that can be sent during share add consensus establishing. #[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub enum ConsensusMessageOfShareAdd { /// Initialize consensus session. InitializeConsensusSession(InitializeConsensusSessionOfShareAdd), /// Confirm/reject consensus session initialization. ConfirmConsensusInitialization(ConfirmConsensusInitialization), } /// All possible messages that can be sent during decryption session. #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub enum DecryptionMessage { /// Consensus establishing message. DecryptionConsensusMessage(DecryptionConsensusMessage), /// Request partial decryption from node. RequestPartialDecryption(RequestPartialDecryption), /// Partial decryption is completed. PartialDecryption(PartialDecryption), /// When decryption session error has occured. DecryptionSessionError(DecryptionSessionError), /// When decryption session is completed. DecryptionSessionCompleted(DecryptionSessionCompleted), /// When decryption session is delegated to another node. DecryptionSessionDelegation(DecryptionSessionDelegation), /// When delegated decryption session is completed. DecryptionSessionDelegationCompleted(DecryptionSessionDelegationCompleted), } /// All possible messages that can be sent during signing session. #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub enum SigningMessage { /// Consensus establishing message. SigningConsensusMessage(SigningConsensusMessage), /// Session key generation message. SigningGenerationMessage(SigningGenerationMessage), /// Request partial signature from node. RequestPartialSignature(RequestPartialSignature), /// Partial signature is generated. PartialSignature(PartialSignature), /// Signing error occured. SigningSessionError(SigningSessionError), /// Signing session completed. SigningSessionCompleted(SigningSessionCompleted), /// When signing session is delegated to another node. SigningSessionDelegation(SigningSessionDelegation), /// When delegated signing session is completed. SigningSessionDelegationCompleted(SigningSessionDelegationCompleted), } /// All possible messages that can be sent during servers set change session. #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub enum ServersSetChangeMessage { /// Consensus establishing message. ServersSetChangeConsensusMessage(ServersSetChangeConsensusMessage), /// Unknown sessions ids request. UnknownSessionsRequest(UnknownSessionsRequest), /// Unknown sessions ids. UnknownSessions(UnknownSessions), /// Negotiating key version to use as a base for ShareAdd session. ShareChangeKeyVersionNegotiation(ShareChangeKeyVersionNegotiation), /// Initialize share change session(s). InitializeShareChangeSession(InitializeShareChangeSession), /// Confirm share change session(s) initialization. ConfirmShareChangeSessionInitialization(ConfirmShareChangeSessionInitialization), /// Share change session delegation. ServersSetChangeDelegate(ServersSetChangeDelegate), /// Share change session delegation response. ServersSetChangeDelegateResponse(ServersSetChangeDelegateResponse), /// Share add message. ServersSetChangeShareAddMessage(ServersSetChangeShareAddMessage), /// Servers set change session completed. ServersSetChangeError(ServersSetChangeError), /// Servers set change session completed. ServersSetChangeCompleted(ServersSetChangeCompleted), } /// All possible messages that can be sent during share add session. #[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub enum ShareAddMessage { /// Consensus establishing message. ShareAddConsensusMessage(ShareAddConsensusMessage), /// Common key share data is sent to new node. KeyShareCommon(KeyShareCommon), /// Generated keys are sent to every node. NewKeysDissemination(NewKeysDissemination), /// When session error has occured. ShareAddError(ShareAddError), } /// All possible messages that can be sent during key version negotiation message. #[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub enum KeyVersionNegotiationMessage { /// Request key versions. RequestKeyVersions(RequestKeyVersions), /// Key versions. KeyVersions(KeyVersions), /// When session error has occured. KeyVersionsError(KeyVersionsError), } /// Introduce node public key. #[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct NodePublicKey { /// Node identifier (aka node public key). pub node_id: MessageNodeId, /// Random data, which must be signed by peer to prove that he owns the corresponding private key. pub confirmation_plain: SerializableH256, /// The same random `confirmation_plain`, signed with one-time session key. pub confirmation_signed_session: SerializableSignature, } /// Confirm that node owns the private key of previously passed public key (aka node id). #[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct NodePrivateKeySignature { /// Previously passed `confirmation_plain`, signed with node private key. pub confirmation_signed: SerializableSignature, } /// Ask if the node is still alive. #[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct KeepAlive { } /// Confirm that the node is still alive. #[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct KeepAliveResponse { /// Session id, if used for session-level keep alive. pub session_id: Option, } /// Initialize new DKG session. #[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct InitializeSession { /// Session Id. pub session: MessageSessionId, /// Session-level nonce. pub session_nonce: u64, /// Session author. pub author: SerializablePublic, /// All session participants along with their identification numbers. pub nodes: BTreeMap, /// Decryption threshold. During decryption threshold-of-route.len() nodes must came to /// consensus to successfully decrypt message. pub threshold: usize, /// Derived generation point. Starting from originator, every node must multiply this /// point by random scalar (unknown by other nodes). At the end of initialization /// `point` will be some (k1 * k2 * ... * kn) * G = `point` where `(k1 * k2 * ... * kn)` /// is unknown for every node. pub derived_point: SerializablePublic, } /// Confirm DKG session initialization. #[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct ConfirmInitialization { /// Session Id. pub session: MessageSessionId, /// Session-level nonce. pub session_nonce: u64, /// Derived generation point. pub derived_point: SerializablePublic, } /// Broadcast generated point to every other node. #[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct CompleteInitialization { /// Session Id. pub session: MessageSessionId, /// Session-level nonce. pub session_nonce: u64, /// Derived generation point. pub derived_point: SerializablePublic, } /// Generated keys are sent to every node. #[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct KeysDissemination { /// Session Id. pub session: MessageSessionId, /// Session-level nonce. pub session_nonce: u64, /// Secret 1. pub secret1: SerializableSecret, /// Secret 2. pub secret2: SerializableSecret, /// Public values. pub publics: Vec, } /// Node is sharing its public key share. #[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct PublicKeyShare { /// Session Id. pub session: MessageSessionId, /// Session-level nonce. pub session_nonce: u64, /// Public key share. pub public_share: SerializablePublic, } /// When session error has occured. #[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct SessionError { /// Session Id. pub session: MessageSessionId, /// Session-level nonce. pub session_nonce: u64, /// Error message. pub error: String, } /// When session is completed. #[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct SessionCompleted { /// Session Id. pub session: MessageSessionId, /// Session-level nonce. pub session_nonce: u64, } /// Node is requested to prepare for saving encrypted data. #[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct InitializeEncryptionSession { /// Encryption session Id. pub session: MessageSessionId, /// Session-level nonce. pub session_nonce: u64, /// Requestor signature. pub requestor_signature: SerializableSignature, /// Common point. pub common_point: SerializablePublic, /// Encrypted data. pub encrypted_point: SerializablePublic, } /// Node is responding to encryption initialization request. #[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct ConfirmEncryptionInitialization { /// Encryption session Id. pub session: MessageSessionId, /// Session-level nonce. pub session_nonce: u64, } /// When encryption session error has occured. #[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct EncryptionSessionError { /// Encryption session Id. pub session: MessageSessionId, /// Session-level nonce. pub session_nonce: u64, /// Error message. pub error: String, } /// Node is asked to be part of consensus group. #[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct InitializeConsensusSession { /// Requestor signature. pub requestor_signature: SerializableSignature, /// Key version. pub version: SerializableH256, } /// Node is responding to consensus initialization request. #[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct ConfirmConsensusInitialization { /// Is node confirmed consensus participation. pub is_confirmed: bool, } /// Node is asked to be part of servers-set consensus group. #[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct InitializeConsensusSessionWithServersSet { /// Old nodes set. pub old_nodes_set: BTreeSet, /// New nodes set. pub new_nodes_set: BTreeSet, /// Old server set, signed by requester. pub old_set_signature: SerializableSignature, /// New server set, signed by requester. pub new_set_signature: SerializableSignature, } /// Node is asked to be part of servers-set consensus group. #[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct InitializeConsensusSessionOfShareAdd { /// Key version. pub version: SerializableH256, /// threshold+1 nodes from old_nodes_set selected for shares redistribution. pub consensus_group: BTreeSet, /// Old nodes set: all non-isolated owners of selected key share version. pub old_nodes_set: BTreeSet, /// New nodes map: node id => node id number. pub new_nodes_map: BTreeMap, /// Old server set, signed by requester. pub old_set_signature: SerializableSignature, /// New server set, signed by requester. pub new_set_signature: SerializableSignature, } /// Consensus-related signing message. #[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct SigningConsensusMessage { /// Generation session Id. pub session: MessageSessionId, /// Signing session Id. pub sub_session: SerializableSecret, /// Session-level nonce. pub session_nonce: u64, /// Consensus message. pub message: ConsensusMessage, } /// Session key generation message. #[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct SigningGenerationMessage { /// Generation session Id. pub session: MessageSessionId, /// Signing session Id. pub sub_session: SerializableSecret, /// Session-level nonce. pub session_nonce: u64, /// Generation message. pub message: GenerationMessage, } /// Request partial signature. #[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct RequestPartialSignature { /// Generation session Id. pub session: MessageSessionId, /// Signing session Id. pub sub_session: SerializableSecret, /// Session-level nonce. pub session_nonce: u64, /// Request id. pub request_id: SerializableSecret, /// Message hash. pub message_hash: SerializableMessageHash, /// Selected nodes. pub nodes: BTreeSet, } /// Partial signature. #[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct PartialSignature { /// Generation session Id. pub session: MessageSessionId, /// Signing session Id. pub sub_session: SerializableSecret, /// Session-level nonce. pub session_nonce: u64, /// Request id. pub request_id: SerializableSecret, /// S part of signature. pub partial_signature: SerializableSecret, } /// When signing session error has occured. #[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct SigningSessionError { /// Encryption session Id. pub session: MessageSessionId, /// Signing session Id. pub sub_session: SerializableSecret, /// Session-level nonce. pub session_nonce: u64, /// Error message. pub error: String, } /// Signing session completed. #[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct SigningSessionCompleted { /// Generation session Id. pub session: MessageSessionId, /// Signing session Id. pub sub_session: SerializableSecret, /// Session-level nonce. pub session_nonce: u64, } /// When signing session is delegated to another node. #[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct SigningSessionDelegation { /// Encryption session Id. pub session: MessageSessionId, /// Decryption session Id. pub sub_session: SerializableSecret, /// Session-level nonce. pub session_nonce: u64, /// Requestor signature. pub requestor_signature: SerializableSignature, /// Key version. pub version: SerializableH256, /// Message hash. pub message_hash: SerializableH256, } /// When delegated signing session is completed. #[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct SigningSessionDelegationCompleted { /// Encryption session Id. pub session: MessageSessionId, /// Decryption session Id. pub sub_session: SerializableSecret, /// Session-level nonce. pub session_nonce: u64, /// S-portion of signature. pub signature_s: SerializableSecret, /// C-portion of signature. pub signature_c: SerializableSecret, } /// Consensus-related decryption message. #[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct DecryptionConsensusMessage { /// Generation session Id. pub session: MessageSessionId, /// Signing session Id. pub sub_session: SerializableSecret, /// Session-level nonce. pub session_nonce: u64, /// Consensus message. pub message: ConsensusMessage, } /// Node is requested to do a partial decryption. #[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct RequestPartialDecryption { /// Encryption session Id. pub session: MessageSessionId, /// Decryption session Id. pub sub_session: SerializableSecret, /// Session-level nonce. pub session_nonce: u64, /// Request id. pub request_id: SerializableSecret, /// Is shadow decryption requested? When true, decryption result /// will be visible to the owner of requestor public key only. pub is_shadow_decryption: bool, /// Nodes that are agreed to do a decryption. pub nodes: BTreeSet, } /// Node has partially decrypted the secret. #[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct PartialDecryption { /// Encryption session Id. pub session: MessageSessionId, /// Decryption session Id. pub sub_session: SerializableSecret, /// Session-level nonce. pub session_nonce: u64, /// Request id. pub request_id: SerializableSecret, /// Partially decrypted secret. pub shadow_point: SerializablePublic, /// Decrypt shadow coefficient (if requested), encrypted with requestor public. pub decrypt_shadow: Option>, } /// When decryption session error has occured. #[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct DecryptionSessionError { /// Encryption session Id. pub session: MessageSessionId, /// Decryption session Id. pub sub_session: SerializableSecret, /// Session-level nonce. pub session_nonce: u64, /// Error message. pub error: String, } /// When decryption session is completed. #[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct DecryptionSessionCompleted { /// Encryption session Id. pub session: MessageSessionId, /// Decryption session Id. pub sub_session: SerializableSecret, /// Session-level nonce. pub session_nonce: u64, } /// When decryption session is delegated to another node. #[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct DecryptionSessionDelegation { /// Encryption session Id. pub session: MessageSessionId, /// Decryption session Id. pub sub_session: SerializableSecret, /// Session-level nonce. pub session_nonce: u64, /// Requestor signature. pub requestor_signature: SerializableSignature, /// Key version. pub version: SerializableH256, /// Is shadow decryption requested? When true, decryption result /// will be visible to the owner of requestor public key only. pub is_shadow_decryption: bool, } /// When delegated decryption session is completed. #[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct DecryptionSessionDelegationCompleted { /// Encryption session Id. pub session: MessageSessionId, /// Decryption session Id. pub sub_session: SerializableSecret, /// Session-level nonce. pub session_nonce: u64, /// Decrypted secret point. It is partially decrypted if shadow decrpytion was requested. pub decrypted_secret: SerializablePublic, /// Shared common point. pub common_point: Option, /// If shadow decryption was requested: shadow decryption coefficients, encrypted with requestor public. pub decrypt_shadows: Option>>, } /// Consensus-related servers set change message. #[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct ServersSetChangeConsensusMessage { /// Servers set change session Id. pub session: MessageSessionId, /// Session-level nonce. pub session_nonce: u64, /// Consensus message. pub message: ConsensusMessageWithServersSet, } /// Unknown sessions ids request. #[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct UnknownSessionsRequest { /// Servers set change session Id. pub session: MessageSessionId, /// Session-level nonce. pub session_nonce: u64, } /// Unknown session ids. #[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct UnknownSessions { /// Servers set change session Id. pub session: MessageSessionId, /// Session-level nonce. pub session_nonce: u64, /// Unknown session id. pub unknown_sessions: BTreeSet, } /// Key version negotiation message. #[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct ShareChangeKeyVersionNegotiation { /// Servers set change session Id. pub session: MessageSessionId, /// Session-level nonce. pub session_nonce: u64, /// Key version negotiation message. pub message: KeyVersionNegotiationMessage, } /// Master node opens share initialize session on other nodes. #[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct InitializeShareChangeSession { /// Servers set change session Id. pub session: MessageSessionId, /// Session-level nonce. pub session_nonce: u64, /// Key id. pub key_id: MessageSessionId, /// Key vesion to use in ShareAdd session. pub version: SerializableH256, /// Master node. pub master_node_id: MessageNodeId, /// Consensus group to use in ShareAdd session. pub consensus_group: BTreeSet, /// Shares to add. Values are filled for new nodes only. pub new_nodes_map: BTreeMap>, } /// Slave node confirms session initialization. #[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct ConfirmShareChangeSessionInitialization { /// Servers set change session Id. pub session: MessageSessionId, /// Session-level nonce. pub session_nonce: u64, /// Sessions that are confirmed. pub key_id: MessageSessionId, } /// Share change is requested. #[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct ServersSetChangeDelegate { /// Servers set change session Id. pub session: MessageSessionId, /// Session-level nonce. pub session_nonce: u64, /// Key id. pub key_id: MessageSessionId, } /// Share change is completed. #[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct ServersSetChangeDelegateResponse { /// Servers set change session Id. pub session: MessageSessionId, /// Session-level nonce. pub session_nonce: u64, /// Key id. pub key_id: MessageSessionId, } /// Servers set change share add message. #[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct ServersSetChangeShareAddMessage { /// Servers set change session Id. pub session: MessageSessionId, /// Session-level nonce. pub session_nonce: u64, /// Unknown session id. pub message: ShareAddMessage, } /// When servers set change session error has occured. #[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct ServersSetChangeError { /// Servers set change session Id. pub session: MessageSessionId, /// Session-level nonce. pub session_nonce: u64, /// Error message. pub error: String, } /// When servers set change session is completed. #[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct ServersSetChangeCompleted { /// Servers set change session Id. pub session: MessageSessionId, /// Session-level nonce. pub session_nonce: u64, } /// Consensus-related share add session message. #[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct ShareAddConsensusMessage { /// Share add session Id. pub session: MessageSessionId, /// Session-level nonce. pub session_nonce: u64, /// Consensus message. pub message: ConsensusMessageOfShareAdd, } /// Key share common data is passed to new node. #[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct KeyShareCommon { /// Generation session Id. pub session: MessageSessionId, /// Session-level nonce. pub session_nonce: u64, /// Key threshold. pub threshold: usize, /// Author of key share entry. pub author: SerializablePublic, /// Common (shared) encryption point. pub common_point: Option, /// Encrypted point. pub encrypted_point: Option, /// Selected version id numbers. pub id_numbers: BTreeMap, } /// Generated keys are sent to every node. #[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct NewKeysDissemination { /// Generation session Id. pub session: MessageSessionId, /// Session-level nonce. pub session_nonce: u64, /// Sub share of rcevier' secret share. pub secret_subshare: SerializableSecret, } /// When share add session error has occured. #[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct ShareAddError { /// Generation session Id. pub session: MessageSessionId, /// Session-level nonce. pub session_nonce: u64, /// Error message. pub error: String, } /// Key versions are requested. #[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct RequestKeyVersions { /// Generation session id. pub session: MessageSessionId, /// Version negotiation session Id. pub sub_session: SerializableSecret, /// Session-level nonce. pub session_nonce: u64, } /// Key versions are sent. #[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct KeyVersions { /// Generation session id. pub session: MessageSessionId, /// Version negotiation session Id. pub sub_session: SerializableSecret, /// Session-level nonce. pub session_nonce: u64, /// Key threshold. pub threshold: Option, /// Key versions. pub versions: Vec, } /// When key versions error has occured. #[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct KeyVersionsError { /// Generation session id. pub session: MessageSessionId, /// Version negotiation session Id. pub sub_session: SerializableSecret, /// Session-level nonce. pub session_nonce: u64, /// Error message. pub error: String, } impl Message { pub fn is_initialization_message(&self) -> bool { match *self { Message::Generation(GenerationMessage::InitializeSession(_)) => true, Message::Encryption(EncryptionMessage::InitializeEncryptionSession(_)) => true, Message::Decryption(DecryptionMessage::DecryptionConsensusMessage(ref msg)) => match msg.message { ConsensusMessage::InitializeConsensusSession(_) => true, _ => false }, Message::Signing(SigningMessage::SigningConsensusMessage(ref msg)) => match msg.message { ConsensusMessage::InitializeConsensusSession(_) => true, _ => false }, Message::KeyVersionNegotiation(KeyVersionNegotiationMessage::RequestKeyVersions(_)) => true, Message::ShareAdd(ShareAddMessage::ShareAddConsensusMessage(ref msg)) => match msg.message { ConsensusMessageOfShareAdd::InitializeConsensusSession(_) => true, _ => false }, Message::ServersSetChange(ServersSetChangeMessage::ServersSetChangeConsensusMessage(ref msg)) => match msg.message { ConsensusMessageWithServersSet::InitializeConsensusSession(_) => true, _ => false }, _ => false, } } pub fn is_delegation_message(&self) -> bool { match *self { Message::Decryption(DecryptionMessage::DecryptionSessionDelegation(_)) => true, Message::Signing(SigningMessage::SigningSessionDelegation(_)) => true, _ => false, } } pub fn is_exclusive_session_message(&self) -> bool { match *self { Message::ServersSetChange(_) => true, _ => false, } } pub fn session_nonce(&self) -> Option { match *self { Message::Cluster(_) => None, Message::Generation(ref message) => Some(message.session_nonce()), Message::Encryption(ref message) => Some(message.session_nonce()), Message::Decryption(ref message) => Some(message.session_nonce()), Message::Signing(ref message) => Some(message.session_nonce()), Message::ShareAdd(ref message) => Some(message.session_nonce()), Message::ServersSetChange(ref message) => Some(message.session_nonce()), Message::KeyVersionNegotiation(ref message) => Some(message.session_nonce()), } } } impl GenerationMessage { pub fn session_id(&self) -> &SessionId { match *self { GenerationMessage::InitializeSession(ref msg) => &msg.session, GenerationMessage::ConfirmInitialization(ref msg) => &msg.session, GenerationMessage::CompleteInitialization(ref msg) => &msg.session, GenerationMessage::KeysDissemination(ref msg) => &msg.session, GenerationMessage::PublicKeyShare(ref msg) => &msg.session, GenerationMessage::SessionError(ref msg) => &msg.session, GenerationMessage::SessionCompleted(ref msg) => &msg.session, } } pub fn session_nonce(&self) -> u64 { match *self { GenerationMessage::InitializeSession(ref msg) => msg.session_nonce, GenerationMessage::ConfirmInitialization(ref msg) => msg.session_nonce, GenerationMessage::CompleteInitialization(ref msg) => msg.session_nonce, GenerationMessage::KeysDissemination(ref msg) => msg.session_nonce, GenerationMessage::PublicKeyShare(ref msg) => msg.session_nonce, GenerationMessage::SessionError(ref msg) => msg.session_nonce, GenerationMessage::SessionCompleted(ref msg) => msg.session_nonce, } } } impl EncryptionMessage { pub fn session_id(&self) -> &SessionId { match *self { EncryptionMessage::InitializeEncryptionSession(ref msg) => &msg.session, EncryptionMessage::ConfirmEncryptionInitialization(ref msg) => &msg.session, EncryptionMessage::EncryptionSessionError(ref msg) => &msg.session, } } pub fn session_nonce(&self) -> u64 { match *self { EncryptionMessage::InitializeEncryptionSession(ref msg) => msg.session_nonce, EncryptionMessage::ConfirmEncryptionInitialization(ref msg) => msg.session_nonce, EncryptionMessage::EncryptionSessionError(ref msg) => msg.session_nonce, } } } impl DecryptionMessage { pub fn session_id(&self) -> &SessionId { match *self { DecryptionMessage::DecryptionConsensusMessage(ref msg) => &msg.session, DecryptionMessage::RequestPartialDecryption(ref msg) => &msg.session, DecryptionMessage::PartialDecryption(ref msg) => &msg.session, DecryptionMessage::DecryptionSessionError(ref msg) => &msg.session, DecryptionMessage::DecryptionSessionCompleted(ref msg) => &msg.session, DecryptionMessage::DecryptionSessionDelegation(ref msg) => &msg.session, DecryptionMessage::DecryptionSessionDelegationCompleted(ref msg) => &msg.session, } } pub fn sub_session_id(&self) -> &Secret { match *self { DecryptionMessage::DecryptionConsensusMessage(ref msg) => &msg.sub_session, DecryptionMessage::RequestPartialDecryption(ref msg) => &msg.sub_session, DecryptionMessage::PartialDecryption(ref msg) => &msg.sub_session, DecryptionMessage::DecryptionSessionError(ref msg) => &msg.sub_session, DecryptionMessage::DecryptionSessionCompleted(ref msg) => &msg.sub_session, DecryptionMessage::DecryptionSessionDelegation(ref msg) => &msg.sub_session, DecryptionMessage::DecryptionSessionDelegationCompleted(ref msg) => &msg.sub_session, } } pub fn session_nonce(&self) -> u64 { match *self { DecryptionMessage::DecryptionConsensusMessage(ref msg) => msg.session_nonce, DecryptionMessage::RequestPartialDecryption(ref msg) => msg.session_nonce, DecryptionMessage::PartialDecryption(ref msg) => msg.session_nonce, DecryptionMessage::DecryptionSessionError(ref msg) => msg.session_nonce, DecryptionMessage::DecryptionSessionCompleted(ref msg) => msg.session_nonce, DecryptionMessage::DecryptionSessionDelegation(ref msg) => msg.session_nonce, DecryptionMessage::DecryptionSessionDelegationCompleted(ref msg) => msg.session_nonce, } } } impl SigningMessage { pub fn session_id(&self) -> &SessionId { match *self { SigningMessage::SigningConsensusMessage(ref msg) => &msg.session, SigningMessage::SigningGenerationMessage(ref msg) => &msg.session, SigningMessage::RequestPartialSignature(ref msg) => &msg.session, SigningMessage::PartialSignature(ref msg) => &msg.session, SigningMessage::SigningSessionError(ref msg) => &msg.session, SigningMessage::SigningSessionCompleted(ref msg) => &msg.session, SigningMessage::SigningSessionDelegation(ref msg) => &msg.session, SigningMessage::SigningSessionDelegationCompleted(ref msg) => &msg.session, } } pub fn sub_session_id(&self) -> &Secret { match *self { SigningMessage::SigningConsensusMessage(ref msg) => &msg.sub_session, SigningMessage::SigningGenerationMessage(ref msg) => &msg.sub_session, SigningMessage::RequestPartialSignature(ref msg) => &msg.sub_session, SigningMessage::PartialSignature(ref msg) => &msg.sub_session, SigningMessage::SigningSessionError(ref msg) => &msg.sub_session, SigningMessage::SigningSessionCompleted(ref msg) => &msg.sub_session, SigningMessage::SigningSessionDelegation(ref msg) => &msg.sub_session, SigningMessage::SigningSessionDelegationCompleted(ref msg) => &msg.sub_session, } } pub fn session_nonce(&self) -> u64 { match *self { SigningMessage::SigningConsensusMessage(ref msg) => msg.session_nonce, SigningMessage::SigningGenerationMessage(ref msg) => msg.session_nonce, SigningMessage::RequestPartialSignature(ref msg) => msg.session_nonce, SigningMessage::PartialSignature(ref msg) => msg.session_nonce, SigningMessage::SigningSessionError(ref msg) => msg.session_nonce, SigningMessage::SigningSessionCompleted(ref msg) => msg.session_nonce, SigningMessage::SigningSessionDelegation(ref msg) => msg.session_nonce, SigningMessage::SigningSessionDelegationCompleted(ref msg) => msg.session_nonce, } } } impl ServersSetChangeMessage { pub fn session_id(&self) -> &SessionId { match *self { ServersSetChangeMessage::ServersSetChangeConsensusMessage(ref msg) => &msg.session, ServersSetChangeMessage::UnknownSessionsRequest(ref msg) => &msg.session, ServersSetChangeMessage::UnknownSessions(ref msg) => &msg.session, ServersSetChangeMessage::ShareChangeKeyVersionNegotiation(ref msg) => &msg.session, ServersSetChangeMessage::InitializeShareChangeSession(ref msg) => &msg.session, ServersSetChangeMessage::ConfirmShareChangeSessionInitialization(ref msg) => &msg.session, ServersSetChangeMessage::ServersSetChangeDelegate(ref msg) => &msg.session, ServersSetChangeMessage::ServersSetChangeDelegateResponse(ref msg) => &msg.session, ServersSetChangeMessage::ServersSetChangeShareAddMessage(ref msg) => &msg.session, ServersSetChangeMessage::ServersSetChangeError(ref msg) => &msg.session, ServersSetChangeMessage::ServersSetChangeCompleted(ref msg) => &msg.session, } } pub fn session_nonce(&self) -> u64 { match *self { ServersSetChangeMessage::ServersSetChangeConsensusMessage(ref msg) => msg.session_nonce, ServersSetChangeMessage::UnknownSessionsRequest(ref msg) => msg.session_nonce, ServersSetChangeMessage::UnknownSessions(ref msg) => msg.session_nonce, ServersSetChangeMessage::ShareChangeKeyVersionNegotiation(ref msg) => msg.session_nonce, ServersSetChangeMessage::InitializeShareChangeSession(ref msg) => msg.session_nonce, ServersSetChangeMessage::ConfirmShareChangeSessionInitialization(ref msg) => msg.session_nonce, ServersSetChangeMessage::ServersSetChangeDelegate(ref msg) => msg.session_nonce, ServersSetChangeMessage::ServersSetChangeDelegateResponse(ref msg) => msg.session_nonce, ServersSetChangeMessage::ServersSetChangeShareAddMessage(ref msg) => msg.session_nonce, ServersSetChangeMessage::ServersSetChangeError(ref msg) => msg.session_nonce, ServersSetChangeMessage::ServersSetChangeCompleted(ref msg) => msg.session_nonce, } } } impl ShareAddMessage { pub fn session_id(&self) -> &SessionId { match *self { ShareAddMessage::ShareAddConsensusMessage(ref msg) => &msg.session, ShareAddMessage::KeyShareCommon(ref msg) => &msg.session, ShareAddMessage::NewKeysDissemination(ref msg) => &msg.session, ShareAddMessage::ShareAddError(ref msg) => &msg.session, } } pub fn session_nonce(&self) -> u64 { match *self { ShareAddMessage::ShareAddConsensusMessage(ref msg) => msg.session_nonce, ShareAddMessage::KeyShareCommon(ref msg) => msg.session_nonce, ShareAddMessage::NewKeysDissemination(ref msg) => msg.session_nonce, ShareAddMessage::ShareAddError(ref msg) => msg.session_nonce, } } } impl KeyVersionNegotiationMessage { pub fn session_id(&self) -> &SessionId { match *self { KeyVersionNegotiationMessage::RequestKeyVersions(ref msg) => &msg.session, KeyVersionNegotiationMessage::KeyVersions(ref msg) => &msg.session, KeyVersionNegotiationMessage::KeyVersionsError(ref msg) => &msg.session, } } pub fn sub_session_id(&self) -> &Secret { match *self { KeyVersionNegotiationMessage::RequestKeyVersions(ref msg) => &msg.sub_session, KeyVersionNegotiationMessage::KeyVersions(ref msg) => &msg.sub_session, KeyVersionNegotiationMessage::KeyVersionsError(ref msg) => &msg.sub_session, } } pub fn session_nonce(&self) -> u64 { match *self { KeyVersionNegotiationMessage::RequestKeyVersions(ref msg) => msg.session_nonce, KeyVersionNegotiationMessage::KeyVersions(ref msg) => msg.session_nonce, KeyVersionNegotiationMessage::KeyVersionsError(ref msg) => msg.session_nonce, } } } impl fmt::Display for Message { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { match *self { Message::Cluster(ref message) => write!(f, "Cluster.{}", message), Message::Generation(ref message) => write!(f, "Generation.{}", message), Message::Encryption(ref message) => write!(f, "Encryption.{}", message), Message::Decryption(ref message) => write!(f, "Decryption.{}", message), Message::Signing(ref message) => write!(f, "Signing.{}", message), Message::ServersSetChange(ref message) => write!(f, "ServersSetChange.{}", message), Message::ShareAdd(ref message) => write!(f, "ShareAdd.{}", message), Message::KeyVersionNegotiation(ref message) => write!(f, "KeyVersionNegotiation.{}", message), } } } impl fmt::Display for ClusterMessage { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { match *self { ClusterMessage::NodePublicKey(_) => write!(f, "NodePublicKey"), ClusterMessage::NodePrivateKeySignature(_) => write!(f, "NodePrivateKeySignature"), ClusterMessage::KeepAlive(_) => write!(f, "KeepAlive"), ClusterMessage::KeepAliveResponse(_) => write!(f, "KeepAliveResponse"), } } } impl fmt::Display for GenerationMessage { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { match *self { GenerationMessage::InitializeSession(_) => write!(f, "InitializeSession"), GenerationMessage::ConfirmInitialization(_) => write!(f, "ConfirmInitialization"), GenerationMessage::CompleteInitialization(_) => write!(f, "CompleteInitialization"), GenerationMessage::KeysDissemination(_) => write!(f, "KeysDissemination"), GenerationMessage::PublicKeyShare(_) => write!(f, "PublicKeyShare"), GenerationMessage::SessionError(ref msg) => write!(f, "SessionError({})", msg.error), GenerationMessage::SessionCompleted(_) => write!(f, "SessionCompleted"), } } } impl fmt::Display for EncryptionMessage { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { match *self { EncryptionMessage::InitializeEncryptionSession(_) => write!(f, "InitializeEncryptionSession"), EncryptionMessage::ConfirmEncryptionInitialization(_) => write!(f, "ConfirmEncryptionInitialization"), EncryptionMessage::EncryptionSessionError(ref msg) => write!(f, "EncryptionSessionError({})", msg.error), } } } impl fmt::Display for ConsensusMessage { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { match *self { ConsensusMessage::InitializeConsensusSession(_) => write!(f, "InitializeConsensusSession"), ConsensusMessage::ConfirmConsensusInitialization(ref msg) => write!(f, "ConfirmConsensusInitialization({})", msg.is_confirmed), } } } impl fmt::Display for ConsensusMessageWithServersSet { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { match *self { ConsensusMessageWithServersSet::InitializeConsensusSession(_) => write!(f, "InitializeConsensusSession"), ConsensusMessageWithServersSet::ConfirmConsensusInitialization(ref msg) => write!(f, "ConfirmConsensusInitialization({})", msg.is_confirmed), } } } impl fmt::Display for ConsensusMessageOfShareAdd { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { match *self { ConsensusMessageOfShareAdd::InitializeConsensusSession(_) => write!(f, "InitializeConsensusSession"), ConsensusMessageOfShareAdd::ConfirmConsensusInitialization(ref msg) => write!(f, "ConfirmConsensusInitialization({})", msg.is_confirmed), } } } impl fmt::Display for DecryptionMessage { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { match *self { DecryptionMessage::DecryptionConsensusMessage(ref m) => write!(f, "DecryptionConsensusMessage.{}", m.message), DecryptionMessage::RequestPartialDecryption(_) => write!(f, "RequestPartialDecryption"), DecryptionMessage::PartialDecryption(_) => write!(f, "PartialDecryption"), DecryptionMessage::DecryptionSessionError(_) => write!(f, "DecryptionSessionError"), DecryptionMessage::DecryptionSessionCompleted(_) => write!(f, "DecryptionSessionCompleted"), DecryptionMessage::DecryptionSessionDelegation(_) => write!(f, "DecryptionSessionDelegation"), DecryptionMessage::DecryptionSessionDelegationCompleted(_) => write!(f, "DecryptionSessionDelegationCompleted"), } } } impl fmt::Display for SigningMessage { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { match *self { SigningMessage::SigningConsensusMessage(ref m) => write!(f, "SigningConsensusMessage.{}", m.message), SigningMessage::SigningGenerationMessage(ref m) => write!(f, "SigningGenerationMessage.{}", m.message), SigningMessage::RequestPartialSignature(_) => write!(f, "RequestPartialSignature"), SigningMessage::PartialSignature(_) => write!(f, "PartialSignature"), SigningMessage::SigningSessionError(_) => write!(f, "SigningSessionError"), SigningMessage::SigningSessionCompleted(_) => write!(f, "SigningSessionCompleted"), SigningMessage::SigningSessionDelegation(_) => write!(f, "SigningSessionDelegation"), SigningMessage::SigningSessionDelegationCompleted(_) => write!(f, "SigningSessionDelegationCompleted"), } } } impl fmt::Display for ServersSetChangeMessage { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { match *self { ServersSetChangeMessage::ServersSetChangeConsensusMessage(ref m) => write!(f, "ServersSetChangeConsensusMessage.{}", m.message), ServersSetChangeMessage::UnknownSessionsRequest(_) => write!(f, "UnknownSessionsRequest"), ServersSetChangeMessage::UnknownSessions(_) => write!(f, "UnknownSessions"), ServersSetChangeMessage::ShareChangeKeyVersionNegotiation(ref m) => write!(f, "ShareChangeKeyVersionNegotiation.{}", m.message), ServersSetChangeMessage::InitializeShareChangeSession(_) => write!(f, "InitializeShareChangeSession"), ServersSetChangeMessage::ConfirmShareChangeSessionInitialization(_) => write!(f, "ConfirmShareChangeSessionInitialization"), ServersSetChangeMessage::ServersSetChangeDelegate(_) => write!(f, "ServersSetChangeDelegate"), ServersSetChangeMessage::ServersSetChangeDelegateResponse(_) => write!(f, "ServersSetChangeDelegateResponse"), ServersSetChangeMessage::ServersSetChangeShareAddMessage(ref m) => write!(f, "ServersSetChangeShareAddMessage.{}", m.message), ServersSetChangeMessage::ServersSetChangeError(_) => write!(f, "ServersSetChangeError"), ServersSetChangeMessage::ServersSetChangeCompleted(_) => write!(f, "ServersSetChangeCompleted"), } } } impl fmt::Display for ShareAddMessage { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { match *self { ShareAddMessage::ShareAddConsensusMessage(ref m) => write!(f, "ShareAddConsensusMessage.{}", m.message), ShareAddMessage::KeyShareCommon(_) => write!(f, "KeyShareCommon"), ShareAddMessage::NewKeysDissemination(_) => write!(f, "NewKeysDissemination"), ShareAddMessage::ShareAddError(_) => write!(f, "ShareAddError"), } } } impl fmt::Display for KeyVersionNegotiationMessage { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { match *self { KeyVersionNegotiationMessage::RequestKeyVersions(_) => write!(f, "RequestKeyVersions"), KeyVersionNegotiationMessage::KeyVersions(_) => write!(f, "KeyVersions"), KeyVersionNegotiationMessage::KeyVersionsError(_) => write!(f, "KeyVersionsError"), } } }