// Copyright 2015-2017 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd. // This file is part of Parity. // Parity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // Parity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Parity. If not, see . //! Request load timer and distribution manager. //! //! This uses empirical samples of the length of time taken to respond //! to requests in order to inform request credit costs. //! //! The average request time is determined by an exponential moving average //! of the mean request times during the last `MOVING_SAMPLE_SIZE` time periods of //! length `TIME_PERIOD_MS`, with the exception that time periods where no data is //! gathered are excluded. use std::collections::{HashMap, VecDeque}; use std::fs::File; use std::path::PathBuf; use request::{CompleteRequest, Kind}; use bincode; use time; use util::{RwLock, Mutex}; /// Number of time periods samples should be kept for. pub const MOVING_SAMPLE_SIZE: usize = 256; /// Stores rolling load timer samples. // TODO: switch to bigint if possible (FP casts aren't available) pub trait SampleStore: Send + Sync { /// Load samples. fn load(&self) -> HashMap>; /// Store all samples. fn store(&self, samples: &HashMap>); } // get a hardcoded, arbitrarily determined (but intended overestimate) // of the time in nanoseconds to serve a request of the given kind. // // TODO: seed this with empirical data. fn hardcoded_serve_time(kind: Kind) -> u64 { match kind { Kind::Headers => 500_000, Kind::HeaderProof => 500_000, Kind::TransactionIndex => 500_000, Kind::Receipts => 1_000_000, Kind::Body => 1_000_000, Kind::Account => 1_500_000, Kind::Storage => 2_000_000, Kind::Code => 1_500_000, Kind::Execution => 250, // per gas. } } /// A no-op store. pub struct NullStore; impl SampleStore for NullStore { fn load(&self) -> HashMap> { HashMap::new() } fn store(&self, _samples: &HashMap>) { } } /// Request load distributions. pub struct LoadDistribution { active_period: RwLock>>, samples: RwLock>>, } impl LoadDistribution { /// Load rolling samples from the given store. pub fn load(store: &SampleStore) -> Self { let mut samples = store.load(); for kind_samples in samples.values_mut() { while kind_samples.len() > MOVING_SAMPLE_SIZE { kind_samples.pop_front(); } } LoadDistribution { active_period: RwLock::new(HashMap::new()), samples: RwLock::new(samples), } } /// Begin a timer. pub fn begin_timer<'a>(&'a self, req: &CompleteRequest) -> LoadTimer<'a> { let kind = req.kind(); let n = match *req { CompleteRequest::Headers(ref req) => req.max, CompleteRequest::Execution(ref req) => req.gas.low_u64(), _ => 1, }; LoadTimer { start: time::precise_time_ns(), n: n, dist: self, kind: kind, } } /// Calculate EMA of load in nanoseconds for a specific request kind. /// If there is no data for the given request kind, no EMA will be calculated, /// but a hardcoded time will be returned. pub fn expected_time_ns(&self, kind: Kind) -> u64 { let samples = self.samples.read(); samples.get(&kind).and_then(|s| { if s.len() == 0 { return None } let alpha: f64 = 1f64 / s.len() as f64; let start = s.front().expect("length known to be non-zero; qed").clone(); let ema = s.iter().skip(1).fold(start as f64, |a, &c| { (alpha * c as f64) + ((1.0 - alpha) * a) }); Some(ema as u64) }).unwrap_or_else(move || hardcoded_serve_time(kind)) } /// End the current time period. Provide a store to pub fn end_period(&self, store: &SampleStore) { let active_period = self.active_period.read(); let mut samples = self.samples.write(); for (&kind, set) in active_period.iter() { let (elapsed, n) = ::std::mem::replace(&mut *set.lock(), (0, 0)); if n == 0 { continue } let kind_samples = samples.entry(kind) .or_insert_with(|| VecDeque::with_capacity(MOVING_SAMPLE_SIZE)); if kind_samples.len() == MOVING_SAMPLE_SIZE { kind_samples.pop_front(); } kind_samples.push_back(elapsed / n); } store.store(&*samples); } fn update(&self, kind: Kind, elapsed: u64, n: u64) { macro_rules! update_counters { ($counters: expr) => { $counters.0 = $counters.0.saturating_add(elapsed); $counters.1 = $counters.1.saturating_add(n); } }; { let set = self.active_period.read(); if let Some(counters) = set.get(&kind) { let mut counters = counters.lock(); update_counters!(counters); return; } } let mut set = self.active_period.write(); let counters = set .entry(kind) .or_insert_with(|| Mutex::new((0, 0))); update_counters!(counters.get_mut()); } } /// A timer for a single request. /// On drop, this will update the distribution. pub struct LoadTimer<'a> { start: u64, n: u64, dist: &'a LoadDistribution, kind: Kind, } impl<'a> Drop for LoadTimer<'a> { fn drop(&mut self) { let elapsed = time::precise_time_ns() - self.start; self.dist.update(self.kind, elapsed, self.n); } } /// A store which writes directly to a file. pub struct FileStore(pub PathBuf); impl SampleStore for FileStore { fn load(&self) -> HashMap> { File::open(&self.0) .map_err(|e| Box::new(bincode::ErrorKind::IoError(e))) .and_then(|mut file| bincode::deserialize_from(&mut file, bincode::Infinite)) .unwrap_or_else(|_| HashMap::new()) } fn store(&self, samples: &HashMap>) { let res = File::create(&self.0) .map_err(|e| Box::new(bincode::ErrorKind::IoError(e))) .and_then(|mut file| bincode::serialize_into(&mut file, samples, bincode::Infinite)); if let Err(e) = res { warn!(target: "pip", "Error writing light request timing samples to file: {}", e); } } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use request::Kind; #[test] fn hardcoded_before_data() { let dist = LoadDistribution::load(&NullStore); assert_eq!(dist.expected_time_ns(Kind::Headers), hardcoded_serve_time(Kind::Headers)); dist.update(Kind::Headers, 100_000, 100); dist.end_period(&NullStore); assert_eq!(dist.expected_time_ns(Kind::Headers), 1000); } #[test] fn moving_average() { let dist = LoadDistribution::load(&NullStore); let mut sum = 0; for (i, x) in (0..10).map(|x| x * 10_000).enumerate() { dist.update(Kind::Headers, x, 1); dist.end_period(&NullStore); sum += x; if i == 0 { continue } let moving_average = dist.expected_time_ns(Kind::Headers); // should be weighted below the maximum entry. let arith_average = (sum as f64 / (i + 1) as f64) as u64; assert!(moving_average < x); // when there are only 2 entries, they should be equal due to choice of // ALPHA = 1/N. // otherwise, the weight should be below the arithmetic mean because the much // smaller previous values are discounted less. if i == 1 { assert_eq!(moving_average, arith_average); } else { assert!(moving_average < arith_average) } } } #[test] fn file_store() { let path = ::devtools::RandomTempPath::new(); let store = FileStore(path.as_path().clone()); let mut samples = store.load(); assert!(samples.is_empty()); samples.insert(Kind::Headers, vec![5, 2, 7, 2, 2, 4].into()); samples.insert(Kind::Execution, vec![1, 1, 100, 250].into()); store.store(&samples); let dup = store.load(); assert_eq!(samples, dup); } }