// Copyright 2015, 2016 Ethcore (UK) Ltd. // This file is part of Parity. // Parity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // Parity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Parity. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. // Rust/Parity ABI struct autogenerator. // By Gav Wood, 2016. var fs = require('fs'); String.prototype.replaceAll = function(f, t) { return this.split(f).join(t); } String.prototype.toSnake = function(){ return this.replace(/([A-Z])/g, function($1){return "_"+$1.toLowerCase();}); }; function makeContractFile(name, json, prefs) { return `// Autogenerated from JSON contract definition using Rust contract convertor. // Command line: ${process.argv.slice(2).join(' ')} #![allow(unused_imports)] use std::string::String; use std::result::Result; use std::fmt; use {util, ethabi}; use util::{FixedHash, Uint}; ${convertContract(name, json, prefs)} `; } function convertContract(name, json, prefs) { return `${prefs._pub ? "pub " : ""}struct ${name} { contract: ethabi::Contract, address: util::Address, ${prefs._explicit_do_call ? "" : `do_call: Box<Fn(util::Address, Vec<u8>) -> Result<Vec<u8>, String> + Send${prefs._sync ? " + Sync " : ""}+ 'static>,`} } impl ${name} { pub fn new${prefs._explicit_do_call ? "" : "<F>"}(address: util::Address${prefs._explicit_do_call ? "" : `", do_call: F"`}) -> Self ${prefs._explicit_do_call ? "" : `where F: Fn(util::Address, Vec<u8>) -> Result<Vec<u8>, String> + Send ${prefs._sync ? "+ Sync " : ""}+ 'static`} { ${name} { contract: ethabi::Contract::new(ethabi::Interface::load(b"${JSON.stringify(json.filter(a => a.type == 'function')).replaceAll('"', '\\"')}").expect("JSON is autogenerated; qed")), address: address, ${prefs._explicit_do_call ? "" : `do_call: Box::new(do_call),`} } } fn as_string<T: fmt::Debug>(e: T) -> String { format!("{:?}", e) } ${json.filter(x => x.type == 'function').map(x => convertFunction(x, prefs)).join("\n")} }`; } function mapType(name, type, _prefs) { let prefs = _prefs || {}; var m; if ((m = type.match(/^bytes(\d+)$/)) != null && m[1] <= 32) { if (prefs['string']) return `&str`; else return `&util::H${m[1] * 8}`; } if ((m = type.match(/^(u?)int(\d+)$/)) != null) { var n = [8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 160, 256].filter(i => m[2] <= i)[0]; if (n) { if (n <= 64) return `${m[1] == 'u' ? 'u' : 'i'}${n}`; if (m[1] == 'u') return `util::U${n}`; // ERROR - unsupported integer (signed > 32 or unsigned > 256) } } if (type == "address") return "&util::Address"; if (type == "bool") return "bool"; if (type == "string") return "&str"; if (type == "bytes") return "&[u8]"; console.log(`Unsupported argument type: ${type} (${name})`); } function mapReturnType(name, type, _prefs) { let prefs = _prefs || {}; var m; if ((m = type.match(/^bytes(\d+)$/)) != null && m[1] <= 32) { if (prefs['string']) return `String`; else return `util::H${m[1] * 8}`; } if ((m = type.match(/^(u?)int(\d+)$/)) != null) { var n = [8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 160, 256].filter(i => m[2] <= i)[0]; if (n) { if (n <= 64) return `${m[1] == 'u' ? 'u' : 'i'}${n}`; if (m[1] == 'u') return `util::U${n}`; // ERROR - unsupported integer (signed > 32 or unsigned > 256) } } if (type == "address") return "util::Address"; if (type == "bool") return "bool"; if (type == "string") return "String"; if (type == "bytes") return "Vec<u8>"; if (type == "address[]") return "Vec<util::Address>"; console.log(`Unsupported return type: ${type} (${name})`); } function convertToken(name, type, _prefs) { let prefs = _prefs || {}; var m; if ((m = type.match(/^bytes(\d+)$/)) != null && m[1] <= 32) { if (prefs['string']) return `ethabi::Token::FixedBytes(${name}.as_bytes().to_owned())`; else return `ethabi::Token::FixedBytes(${name}.as_ref().to_owned())`; } if ((m = type.match(/^(u?)int(\d+)$/)) != null) { var n = [8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 160, 256].filter(i => m[2] <= i)[0]; if (n) { if (m[1] == 'u') return `ethabi::Token::Uint({ let mut r = [0u8; 32]; ${n <= 64 ? "util::U256::from(" + name + " as u64)" : name}.to_big_endian(&mut r); r })`; else if (n <= 32) return `ethabi::Token::Int(pad_i32(${name} as i32))`; // ERROR - unsupported integer (signed > 32 or unsigned > 256) } } if (type == "address") return `ethabi::Token::Address(${name}.clone().0)`; if (type == "bool") return `ethabi::Token::Bool(${name})`; if (type == "string") return `ethabi::Token::String(${name}.to_owned())`; if (type == "bytes") return `ethabi::Token::Bytes(${name}.to_owned())`; console.log(`Unsupported argument type: ${type} (${name})`); } function tokenType(name, type, _prefs) { let prefs = _prefs || {}; var m; if ((m = type.match(/^bytes(\d+)$/)) != null && m[1] <= 32) return `${name}.to_fixed_bytes()`; if ((m = type.match(/^(u?)int(\d+)$/)) != null) { return `${name}.to_${m[1]}int()`; } if (type == "address") return `${name}.to_address()`; if (type == "bool") return `${name}.to_bool()`; if (type == "string") return `${name}.to_string()`; if (type == "bytes") return `${name}.to_bytes()`; if (type == "address[]") return `${name}.to_array().and_then(|v| v.into_iter().map(|a| a.to_address()).collect::<Option<Vec<[u8; 20]>>>())`; console.log(`Unsupported return type: ${type} (${name})`); } function tokenCoerce(name, type, _prefs) { let prefs = _prefs || {}; var m; if ((m = type.match(/^bytes(\d+)$/)) != null && m[1] <= 32) { if (prefs['string']) return `String::from_utf8(${name}).unwrap_or_else(String::new)`; else return `util::H${m[1] * 8}::from_slice(${name}.as_ref())`; } if ((m = type.match(/^(u?)int(\d+)$/)) != null) { var n = [8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 160, 256].filter(i => m[2] <= i)[0]; if (n && m[1] == 'u') return `util::U${n <= 64 ? 256 : n}::from(${name}.as_ref())` + (n <= 64 ? `.as_u64() as u${n}` : ''); // ERROR - unsupported integer (signed or unsigned > 256) } if (type == "address") return `util::Address::from(${name})`; if (type == "bool") return `${name}`; if (type == "string") return `${name}`; if (type == "bytes") return `${name}`; if (type == "address[]") return `${name}.into_iter().map(|a| util::Address::from(a)).collect::<Vec<_>>()`; console.log(`Unsupported return type: ${type} (${name})`); } function tokenExtract(expr, type, _prefs) { return `{ let r = ${expr}; let r = ${tokenType('r', type, _prefs)}.ok_or("Invalid type returned")?; ${tokenCoerce('r', type, _prefs)} }`; } function convertFunction(json, _prefs) { let cprefs = _prefs || {}; let prefs = (_prefs || {})[json.name] || (_prefs || {})['_'] || {}; let snakeName = json.name.toSnake(); let params = json.inputs.map((x, i) => (x.name ? x.name.toSnake() : ("_" + (i + 1))) + ": " + mapType(x.name, x.type, prefs[x.name])); let returns = json.outputs.length != 1 ? "(" + json.outputs.map(x => mapReturnType(x.name, x.type, prefs[x.name])).join(", ") + ")" : mapReturnType(json.outputs[0].name, json.outputs[0].type, prefs[json.outputs[0].name]); return ` /// Auto-generated from: \`${JSON.stringify(json)}\` #[allow(dead_code)] pub fn ${snakeName}${cprefs._explicit_do_call ? "<F>" : ""}(&self${cprefs._explicit_do_call ? `, do_call: &F` : ""}${params.length > 0 ? ', ' + params.join(", ") : ''}) -> Result<${returns}, String> ${cprefs._explicit_do_call ? `where F: Fn(util::Address, Vec<u8>) -> Result<Vec<u8>, String> + Send ${prefs._sync ? "+ Sync " : ""}` : ""} { let call = self.contract.function("${json.name}".into()).map_err(Self::as_string)?; let data = call.encode_call( vec![${json.inputs.map((x, i) => convertToken(x.name ? x.name.toSnake() : ("_" + (i + 1)), x.type, prefs[x.name])).join(', ')}] ).map_err(Self::as_string)?; ${json.outputs.length > 0 ? 'let output = ' : ''}call.decode_output((${cprefs._explicit_do_call ? "" : "self."}do_call)(self.address.clone(), data)?).map_err(Self::as_string)?; ${json.outputs.length > 0 ? 'let mut result = output.into_iter().rev().collect::<Vec<_>>();' : ''} Ok((${json.outputs.map((o, i) => tokenExtract('result.pop().ok_or("Invalid return arity")?', o.type, prefs[o.name])).join(', ')})) }`; } // default preferences: let prefs = {"_pub": true, "_": {"_client": {"string": true}, "_platform": {"string": true}}, "_sync": true}; // default contract json ABI let jsonabi = [{"constant":true,"inputs":[],"name":"getValidators","outputs":[{"name":"","type":"address[]"}],"payable":false,"type":"function"}]; // parse command line options for (let i = 1; i < process.argv.length; ++i) { let arg = process.argv[i]; if (arg.indexOf("--jsonabi") == 0) { jsonabi = arg.slice(10); if (fs.existsSync(jsonabi)) { jsonabi = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(jsonabi).toString()); } } else if (arg.indexOf("--explicit-do-call") == 0) { prefs._explicit_do_call = true; } } let out = makeContractFile("Contract", jsonabi, prefs); console.log(`${out}`);