// Copyright 2015-2020 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd. // This file is part of OpenEthereum. // OpenEthereum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // OpenEthereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with OpenEthereum. If not, see . use api::{ETH_PROTOCOL, PAR_PROTOCOL}; use block_sync::{BlockDownloaderImportError as DownloaderImportError, DownloadAction}; use bytes::Bytes; use enum_primitive::FromPrimitive; use ethcore::{ error::{BlockError, Error as EthcoreError, ErrorKind as EthcoreErrorKind, ImportErrorKind}, snapshot::{ManifestData, RestorationStatus}, verification::queue::kind::blocks::Unverified, }; use ethereum_types::{H256, U256}; use hash::keccak; use network::{client_version::ClientVersion, PeerId}; use rlp::Rlp; use snapshot::ChunkType; use std::{cmp, mem, time::Instant}; use sync_io::SyncIo; use types::{block_status::BlockStatus, ids::BlockId, BlockNumber}; use super::sync_packet::{ PacketInfo, SyncPacket, SyncPacket::{ BlockBodiesPacket, BlockHeadersPacket, NewBlockHashesPacket, NewBlockPacket, ReceiptsPacket, SnapshotDataPacket, SnapshotManifestPacket, StatusPacket, }, }; use super::{ BlockSet, ChainSync, ForkConfirmation, PacketProcessError, PeerAsking, PeerInfo, SyncRequester, SyncState, ETH_PROTOCOL_VERSION_63, ETH_PROTOCOL_VERSION_64, MAX_NEW_BLOCK_AGE, MAX_NEW_HASHES, PAR_PROTOCOL_VERSION_1, PAR_PROTOCOL_VERSION_2, }; /// The Chain Sync Handler: handles responses from peers pub struct SyncHandler; impl SyncHandler { /// Handle incoming packet from peer pub fn on_packet( sync: &mut ChainSync, io: &mut dyn SyncIo, peer: PeerId, packet_id: u8, data: &[u8], ) { let rlp = Rlp::new(data); if let Some(packet_id) = SyncPacket::from_u8(packet_id) { let result = match packet_id { StatusPacket => SyncHandler::on_peer_status(sync, io, peer, &rlp), BlockHeadersPacket => SyncHandler::on_peer_block_headers(sync, io, peer, &rlp), BlockBodiesPacket => SyncHandler::on_peer_block_bodies(sync, io, peer, &rlp), ReceiptsPacket => SyncHandler::on_peer_block_receipts(sync, io, peer, &rlp), NewBlockPacket => SyncHandler::on_peer_new_block(sync, io, peer, &rlp), NewBlockHashesPacket => SyncHandler::on_peer_new_hashes(sync, io, peer, &rlp), SnapshotManifestPacket => SyncHandler::on_snapshot_manifest(sync, io, peer, &rlp), SnapshotDataPacket => SyncHandler::on_snapshot_data(sync, io, peer, &rlp), _ => { debug!(target: "sync", "{}: Unknown packet {}", peer, packet_id.id()); Ok(()) } }; match result { Err(DownloaderImportError::Invalid) => { debug!(target:"sync", "{} -> Invalid packet {}", peer, packet_id.id()); io.disable_peer(peer); sync.deactivate_peer(io, peer); } Err(DownloaderImportError::Useless) => { sync.deactivate_peer(io, peer); } Ok(()) => { // give a task to the same peer first sync.sync_peer(io, peer, false); } } } else { debug!(target: "sync", "{}: Unknown packet {}", peer, packet_id); } } /// Called when peer sends us new consensus packet pub fn on_consensus_packet(io: &mut dyn SyncIo, peer_id: PeerId, r: &Rlp) { trace!(target: "sync", "Received consensus packet from {:?}", peer_id); io.chain().queue_consensus_message(r.as_raw().to_vec()); } /// Called by peer when it is disconnecting pub fn on_peer_aborting(sync: &mut ChainSync, io: &mut dyn SyncIo, peer_id: PeerId) { trace!(target: "sync", "== Disconnecting {}: {}", peer_id, io.peer_version(peer_id)); sync.handshaking_peers.remove(&peer_id); if sync.peers.contains_key(&peer_id) { debug!(target: "sync", "Disconnected {}", peer_id); sync.clear_peer_download(peer_id); sync.peers.remove(&peer_id); sync.delayed_requests .retain(|(request_peer_id, _, _)| *request_peer_id != peer_id); sync.active_peers.remove(&peer_id); if sync.state == SyncState::SnapshotManifest { // Check if we are asking other peers for // the snapshot manifest as well. // If not, return to initial state let still_asking_manifest = sync .peers .iter() .filter(|&(id, p)| { sync.active_peers.contains(id) && p.asking == PeerAsking::SnapshotManifest }) .next() .is_none(); if still_asking_manifest { sync.state = ChainSync::get_init_state(sync.warp_sync, io.chain()); } } sync.continue_sync(io); } } /// Called when a new peer is connected pub fn on_peer_connected(sync: &mut ChainSync, io: &mut dyn SyncIo, peer: PeerId) { trace!(target: "sync", "== Connected {}: {}", peer, io.peer_version(peer)); if let Err(e) = sync.send_status(io, peer) { debug!(target:"sync", "Error sending status request: {:?}", e); io.disconnect_peer(peer); } else { sync.handshaking_peers.insert(peer, Instant::now()); } } /// Called by peer once it has new block bodies pub fn on_peer_new_block( sync: &mut ChainSync, io: &mut dyn SyncIo, peer_id: PeerId, r: &Rlp, ) -> Result<(), DownloaderImportError> { if !sync.peers.get(&peer_id).map_or(false, |p| p.can_sync()) { trace!(target: "sync", "Ignoring new block from unconfirmed peer {}", peer_id); return Ok(()); } // t_nb 1.0 decode RLP let block = Unverified::from_rlp(r.at(0)?.as_raw().to_vec())?; let hash = block.header.hash(); let number = block.header.number(); trace!(target: "sync", "{} -> NewBlock ({})", peer_id, hash); if number > sync.highest_block.unwrap_or(0) { sync.highest_block = Some(number); } let parent_hash = block.header.parent_hash(); let difficulty: U256 = r.val_at(1)?; // Most probably the sent block is being imported by peer right now // Use td and hash, that peer must have for now // t_nb 1.1 check new block diffuculty it can be found as second item in RLP and update peer diffuculty let parent_td = difficulty.checked_sub(*block.header.difficulty()); if let Some(ref mut peer) = sync.peers.get_mut(&peer_id) { if peer .difficulty .map_or(true, |pd| parent_td.map_or(false, |td| td > pd)) { peer.difficulty = parent_td; } } let mut unknown = false; if let Some(ref mut peer) = sync.peers.get_mut(&peer_id) { peer.latest_hash = *parent_hash; } // t_nb 1.2 if block number is to older then 20 dont process it let last_imported_number = sync.new_blocks.last_imported_block_number(); if last_imported_number > number && last_imported_number - number > MAX_NEW_BLOCK_AGE { trace!(target: "sync", "Ignored ancient new block {:?}", hash); return Err(DownloaderImportError::Invalid); } match io.chain().import_block(block) { Err(EthcoreError(EthcoreErrorKind::Import(ImportErrorKind::AlreadyInChain), _)) => { trace!(target: "sync", "New block already in chain {:?}", hash); } Err(EthcoreError(EthcoreErrorKind::Import(ImportErrorKind::AlreadyQueued), _)) => { trace!(target: "sync", "New block already queued {:?}", hash); } Ok(_) => { // abort current download of the same block sync.complete_sync(io); sync.new_blocks.mark_as_known(&hash, number); trace!(target: "sync", "New block queued {:?} ({})", hash, number); } Err(EthcoreError(EthcoreErrorKind::Block(BlockError::UnknownParent(p)), _)) => { unknown = true; trace!(target: "sync", "New block with unknown parent ({:?}) {:?}", p, hash); } Err(e) => { debug!(target: "sync", "Bad new block {:?} : {:?}", hash, e); return Err(DownloaderImportError::Invalid); } }; if unknown { if sync.state != SyncState::Idle { trace!(target: "sync", "NewBlock ignored while seeking"); } else { trace!(target: "sync", "New unknown block {:?}", hash); //TODO: handle too many unknown blocks sync.sync_peer(io, peer_id, true); } } Ok(()) } /// Handles `NewHashes` packet. Initiates headers download for any unknown hashes. pub fn on_peer_new_hashes( sync: &mut ChainSync, io: &mut dyn SyncIo, peer_id: PeerId, r: &Rlp, ) -> Result<(), DownloaderImportError> { if !sync.peers.get(&peer_id).map_or(false, |p| p.can_sync()) { trace!(target: "sync", "Ignoring new hashes from unconfirmed peer {}", peer_id); return Ok(()); } let hashes: Vec<_> = r .iter() .take(MAX_NEW_HASHES) .map(|item| (item.val_at::(0), item.val_at::(1))) .collect(); if let Some(ref mut peer) = sync.peers.get_mut(&peer_id) { // Peer has new blocks with unknown difficulty peer.difficulty = None; if let Some(&(Ok(ref h), _)) = hashes.last() { peer.latest_hash = h.clone(); } } if sync.state != SyncState::Idle { trace!(target: "sync", "Ignoring new hashes since we're already downloading."); let max = r .iter() .take(MAX_NEW_HASHES) .map(|item| item.val_at::(1).unwrap_or(0)) .fold(0u64, cmp::max); if max > sync.highest_block.unwrap_or(0) { sync.highest_block = Some(max); } return Ok(()); } trace!(target: "sync", "{} -> NewHashes ({} entries)", peer_id, r.item_count()?); let mut max_height: BlockNumber = 0; let mut new_hashes = Vec::new(); let last_imported_number = sync.new_blocks.last_imported_block_number(); for (rh, rn) in hashes { let hash = rh?; let number = rn?; if number > sync.highest_block.unwrap_or(0) { sync.highest_block = Some(number); } if sync.new_blocks.is_downloading(&hash) { continue; } if last_imported_number > number && last_imported_number - number > MAX_NEW_BLOCK_AGE { trace!(target: "sync", "Ignored ancient new block hash {:?}", hash); return Err(DownloaderImportError::Invalid); } match io.chain().block_status(BlockId::Hash(hash.clone())) { BlockStatus::InChain => { trace!(target: "sync", "New block hash already in chain {:?}", hash); } BlockStatus::Queued => { trace!(target: "sync", "New hash block already queued {:?}", hash); } BlockStatus::Unknown => { new_hashes.push(hash.clone()); if number > max_height { trace!(target: "sync", "New unknown block hash {:?}", hash); if let Some(ref mut peer) = sync.peers.get_mut(&peer_id) { peer.latest_hash = hash.clone(); } max_height = number; } } BlockStatus::Bad => { debug!(target: "sync", "Bad new block hash {:?}", hash); return Err(DownloaderImportError::Invalid); } } } if max_height != 0 { trace!(target: "sync", "Downloading blocks for new hashes"); sync.new_blocks.reset_to(new_hashes); sync.state = SyncState::NewBlocks; sync.sync_peer(io, peer_id, true); } Ok(()) } /// Called by peer once it has new block bodies fn on_peer_block_bodies( sync: &mut ChainSync, io: &mut dyn SyncIo, peer_id: PeerId, r: &Rlp, ) -> Result<(), DownloaderImportError> { sync.clear_peer_download(peer_id); let block_set = sync .peers .get(&peer_id) .and_then(|p| p.block_set) .unwrap_or(BlockSet::NewBlocks); let allowed = sync .peers .get(&peer_id) .map(|p| p.is_allowed()) .unwrap_or(false); if !sync.reset_peer_asking(peer_id, PeerAsking::BlockBodies) || !allowed { trace!(target: "sync", "{}: Ignored unexpected bodies", peer_id); return Ok(()); } let expected_blocks = match sync.peers.get_mut(&peer_id) { Some(peer) => mem::replace(&mut peer.asking_blocks, Vec::new()), None => { trace!(target: "sync", "{}: Ignored unexpected bodies (peer not found)", peer_id); return Ok(()); } }; let item_count = r.item_count()?; trace!(target: "sync", "{} -> BlockBodies ({} entries), set = {:?}", peer_id, item_count, block_set); if item_count == 0 { Err(DownloaderImportError::Useless) } else if sync.state == SyncState::Waiting { trace!(target: "sync", "Ignored block bodies while waiting"); Ok(()) } else { { let downloader = match block_set { BlockSet::NewBlocks => &mut sync.new_blocks, BlockSet::OldBlocks => match sync.old_blocks { None => { trace!(target: "sync", "Ignored block headers while block download is inactive"); return Ok(()); } Some(ref mut blocks) => blocks, }, }; downloader.import_bodies(r, expected_blocks.as_slice())?; } sync.collect_blocks(io, block_set); Ok(()) } } fn on_peer_fork_header( sync: &mut ChainSync, io: &mut dyn SyncIo, peer_id: PeerId, r: &Rlp, ) -> Result<(), DownloaderImportError> { { let peer = sync .peers .get_mut(&peer_id) .expect("Is only called when peer is present in peers"); peer.asking = PeerAsking::Nothing; let item_count = r.item_count()?; let (fork_number, fork_hash) = sync .fork_block .expect("ForkHeader request is sent only fork block is Some; qed") .clone(); if item_count == 0 || item_count != 1 { trace!(target: "sync", "{}: Chain is too short to confirm the block", peer_id); peer.confirmation = ForkConfirmation::TooShort; } else { let header = r.at(0)?.as_raw(); if keccak(&header) != fork_hash { trace!(target: "sync", "{}: Fork mismatch", peer_id); return Err(DownloaderImportError::Invalid); } trace!(target: "sync", "{}: Confirmed peer", peer_id); peer.confirmation = ForkConfirmation::Confirmed; if !io.chain_overlay().read().contains_key(&fork_number) { trace!(target: "sync", "Inserting (fork) block {} header", fork_number); io.chain_overlay() .write() .insert(fork_number, header.to_vec()); } } } return Ok(()); } /// Called by peer once it has new block headers during sync fn on_peer_block_headers( sync: &mut ChainSync, io: &mut dyn SyncIo, peer_id: PeerId, r: &Rlp, ) -> Result<(), DownloaderImportError> { let is_fork_header_request = match sync.peers.get(&peer_id) { Some(peer) if peer.asking == PeerAsking::ForkHeader => true, _ => false, }; if is_fork_header_request { return SyncHandler::on_peer_fork_header(sync, io, peer_id, r); } sync.clear_peer_download(peer_id); let expected_hash = sync.peers.get(&peer_id).and_then(|p| p.asking_hash); let allowed = sync .peers .get(&peer_id) .map(|p| p.is_allowed()) .unwrap_or(false); let block_set = sync .peers .get(&peer_id) .and_then(|p| p.block_set) .unwrap_or(BlockSet::NewBlocks); if !sync.reset_peer_asking(peer_id, PeerAsking::BlockHeaders) { debug!(target: "sync", "{}: Ignored unexpected headers", peer_id); return Ok(()); } let expected_hash = match expected_hash { Some(hash) => hash, None => { debug!(target: "sync", "{}: Ignored unexpected headers (expected_hash is None)", peer_id); return Ok(()); } }; if !allowed { debug!(target: "sync", "{}: Ignored unexpected headers (peer not allowed)", peer_id); return Ok(()); } let item_count = r.item_count()?; trace!(target: "sync", "{} -> BlockHeaders ({} entries), state = {:?}, set = {:?}", peer_id, item_count, sync.state, block_set); if (sync.state == SyncState::Idle || sync.state == SyncState::WaitingPeers) && sync.old_blocks.is_none() { trace!(target: "sync", "Ignored unexpected block headers"); return Ok(()); } if sync.state == SyncState::Waiting { trace!(target: "sync", "Ignored block headers while waiting"); return Ok(()); } let result = { let downloader = match block_set { BlockSet::NewBlocks => &mut sync.new_blocks, BlockSet::OldBlocks => match sync.old_blocks { None => { trace!(target: "sync", "Ignored block headers while block download is inactive"); return Ok(()); } Some(ref mut blocks) => blocks, }, }; downloader.import_headers(io, r, expected_hash)? }; if result == DownloadAction::Reset { sync.reset_downloads(block_set); } sync.collect_blocks(io, block_set); Ok(()) } /// Called by peer once it has new block receipts fn on_peer_block_receipts( sync: &mut ChainSync, io: &mut dyn SyncIo, peer_id: PeerId, r: &Rlp, ) -> Result<(), DownloaderImportError> { sync.clear_peer_download(peer_id); let block_set = sync .peers .get(&peer_id) .and_then(|p| p.block_set) .unwrap_or(BlockSet::NewBlocks); let allowed = sync .peers .get(&peer_id) .map(|p| p.is_allowed()) .unwrap_or(false); if !sync.reset_peer_asking(peer_id, PeerAsking::BlockReceipts) || !allowed { trace!(target: "sync", "{}: Ignored unexpected receipts", peer_id); return Ok(()); } let expected_blocks = match sync.peers.get_mut(&peer_id) { Some(peer) => mem::replace(&mut peer.asking_blocks, Vec::new()), None => { trace!(target: "sync", "{}: Ignored unexpected bodies (peer not found)", peer_id); return Ok(()); } }; let item_count = r.item_count()?; trace!(target: "sync", "{} -> BlockReceipts ({} entries)", peer_id, item_count); if item_count == 0 { Err(DownloaderImportError::Useless) } else if sync.state == SyncState::Waiting { trace!(target: "sync", "Ignored block receipts while waiting"); Ok(()) } else { { let downloader = match block_set { BlockSet::NewBlocks => &mut sync.new_blocks, BlockSet::OldBlocks => match sync.old_blocks { None => { trace!(target: "sync", "Ignored block headers while block download is inactive"); return Ok(()); } Some(ref mut blocks) => blocks, }, }; downloader.import_receipts(r, expected_blocks.as_slice())?; } sync.collect_blocks(io, block_set); Ok(()) } } /// Called when snapshot manifest is downloaded from a peer. fn on_snapshot_manifest( sync: &mut ChainSync, io: &mut dyn SyncIo, peer_id: PeerId, r: &Rlp, ) -> Result<(), DownloaderImportError> { if !sync.peers.get(&peer_id).map_or(false, |p| p.can_sync()) { trace!(target: "sync", "Ignoring snapshot manifest from unconfirmed peer {}", peer_id); return Ok(()); } sync.clear_peer_download(peer_id); if !sync.reset_peer_asking(peer_id, PeerAsking::SnapshotManifest) || sync.state != SyncState::SnapshotManifest { trace!(target: "sync", "{}: Ignored unexpected/expired manifest", peer_id); return Ok(()); } let manifest_rlp = r.at(0)?; let manifest = ManifestData::from_rlp(manifest_rlp.as_raw())?; let is_supported_version = io .snapshot_service() .supported_versions() .map_or(false, |(l, h)| { manifest.version >= l && manifest.version <= h }); if !is_supported_version { trace!(target: "sync", "{}: Snapshot manifest version not supported: {}", peer_id, manifest.version); return Err(DownloaderImportError::Invalid); } sync.snapshot .reset_to(&manifest, &keccak(manifest_rlp.as_raw())); io.snapshot_service().begin_restore(manifest); sync.state = SyncState::SnapshotData; Ok(()) } /// Called when snapshot data is downloaded from a peer. fn on_snapshot_data( sync: &mut ChainSync, io: &mut dyn SyncIo, peer_id: PeerId, r: &Rlp, ) -> Result<(), DownloaderImportError> { if !sync.peers.get(&peer_id).map_or(false, |p| p.can_sync()) { trace!(target: "sync", "Ignoring snapshot data from unconfirmed peer {}", peer_id); return Ok(()); } sync.clear_peer_download(peer_id); if !sync.reset_peer_asking(peer_id, PeerAsking::SnapshotData) || (sync.state != SyncState::SnapshotData && sync.state != SyncState::SnapshotWaiting) { trace!(target: "sync", "{}: Ignored unexpected snapshot data", peer_id); return Ok(()); } // check service status let status = io.snapshot_service().restoration_status(); match status { RestorationStatus::Inactive | RestorationStatus::Failed => { trace!(target: "sync", "{}: Snapshot restoration aborted", peer_id); sync.state = SyncState::WaitingPeers; // only note bad if restoration failed. if let (Some(hash), RestorationStatus::Failed) = (sync.snapshot.snapshot_hash(), status) { trace!(target: "sync", "Noting snapshot hash {} as bad", hash); sync.snapshot.note_bad(hash); } sync.snapshot.clear(); return Ok(()); } RestorationStatus::Initializing { .. } => { trace!(target: "warp", "{}: Snapshot restoration is initializing", peer_id); return Ok(()); } RestorationStatus::Ongoing { .. } => { trace!(target: "sync", "{}: Snapshot restoration is ongoing", peer_id); } } let snapshot_data: Bytes = r.val_at(0)?; match sync.snapshot.validate_chunk(&snapshot_data) { Ok(ChunkType::Block(hash)) => { trace!(target: "sync", "{}: Processing block chunk", peer_id); io.snapshot_service() .restore_block_chunk(hash, snapshot_data); } Ok(ChunkType::State(hash)) => { trace!(target: "sync", "{}: Processing state chunk", peer_id); io.snapshot_service() .restore_state_chunk(hash, snapshot_data); } Err(()) => { trace!(target: "sync", "{}: Got bad snapshot chunk", peer_id); io.disconnect_peer(peer_id); return Ok(()); } } if sync.snapshot.is_complete() { // wait for snapshot restoration process to complete sync.state = SyncState::SnapshotWaiting; } Ok(()) } /// Called by peer to report status fn on_peer_status( sync: &mut ChainSync, io: &mut dyn SyncIo, peer_id: PeerId, r: &Rlp, ) -> Result<(), DownloaderImportError> { let mut r_iter = r.iter(); sync.handshaking_peers.remove(&peer_id); let protocol_version: u8 = r_iter .next() .ok_or(rlp::DecoderError::RlpIsTooShort)? .as_val()?; let eth_protocol_version = io.protocol_version(Ð_PROTOCOL, peer_id); let warp_protocol_version = io.protocol_version(&PAR_PROTOCOL, peer_id); let warp_protocol = warp_protocol_version != 0; let network_id = r_iter .next() .ok_or(rlp::DecoderError::RlpIsTooShort)? .as_val()?; let difficulty = Some( r_iter .next() .ok_or(rlp::DecoderError::RlpIsTooShort)? .as_val()?, ); let latest_hash = r_iter .next() .ok_or(rlp::DecoderError::RlpIsTooShort)? .as_val()?; let genesis = r_iter .next() .ok_or(rlp::DecoderError::RlpIsTooShort)? .as_val()?; let forkid_validation_error = { if eth_protocol_version >= ETH_PROTOCOL_VERSION_64.0 { let fork_id = rlp04::Rlp::new(r.as_raw()).val_at(5)?; r_iter.next().ok_or(rlp::DecoderError::RlpIsTooShort)?; sync.fork_filter .is_compatible(io.chain(), fork_id) .err() .map(|e| (fork_id, e)) } else { None } }; let snapshot_hash = if warp_protocol { Some( r_iter .next() .ok_or(rlp::DecoderError::RlpIsTooShort)? .as_val()?, ) } else { None }; let snapshot_number = if warp_protocol { Some( r_iter .next() .ok_or(rlp::DecoderError::RlpIsTooShort)? .as_val()?, ) } else { None }; let peer = PeerInfo { protocol_version, network_id, difficulty, latest_hash, genesis, asking: PeerAsking::Nothing, asking_blocks: Vec::new(), asking_hash: None, ask_time: Instant::now(), last_sent_transactions: Default::default(), expired: false, confirmation: if sync.fork_block.is_none() { ForkConfirmation::Confirmed } else { ForkConfirmation::Unconfirmed }, asking_snapshot_data: None, snapshot_hash, snapshot_number, block_set: None, client_version: ClientVersion::from(io.peer_version(peer_id)), }; trace!(target: "sync", "New peer {} (\ protocol: {}, \ network: {:?}, \ difficulty: {:?}, \ latest:{}, \ genesis:{}, \ snapshot:{:?})", peer_id, peer.protocol_version, peer.network_id, peer.difficulty, peer.latest_hash, peer.genesis, peer.snapshot_number ); if io.is_expired() { trace!(target: "sync", "Status packet from expired session {}:{}", peer_id, io.peer_version(peer_id)); return Ok(()); } if sync.peers.contains_key(&peer_id) { debug!(target: "sync", "Unexpected status packet from {}:{}", peer_id, io.peer_version(peer_id)); return Ok(()); } let chain_info = io.chain().chain_info(); if peer.genesis != chain_info.genesis_hash { trace!(target: "sync", "Peer {} genesis hash mismatch (ours: {}, theirs: {})", peer_id, chain_info.genesis_hash, peer.genesis); return Err(DownloaderImportError::Invalid); } if peer.network_id != sync.network_id { trace!(target: "sync", "Peer {} network id mismatch (ours: {}, theirs: {})", peer_id, sync.network_id, peer.network_id); return Err(DownloaderImportError::Invalid); } if let Some((fork_id, reason)) = forkid_validation_error { trace!(target: "sync", "Peer {} incompatible fork id (fork id: {:#x}/{}, error: {:?})", peer_id, fork_id.hash.0, fork_id.next, reason); return Err(DownloaderImportError::Invalid); } if false || (warp_protocol && (peer.protocol_version < PAR_PROTOCOL_VERSION_1.0 || peer.protocol_version > PAR_PROTOCOL_VERSION_2.0)) || (!warp_protocol && (peer.protocol_version < ETH_PROTOCOL_VERSION_63.0 || peer.protocol_version > ETH_PROTOCOL_VERSION_64.0)) { trace!(target: "sync", "Peer {} unsupported eth protocol ({})", peer_id, peer.protocol_version); return Err(DownloaderImportError::Invalid); } if sync.sync_start_time.is_none() { sync.sync_start_time = Some(Instant::now()); } sync.peers.insert(peer_id.clone(), peer); // Don't activate peer immediatelly when searching for common block. // Let the current sync round complete first. sync.active_peers.insert(peer_id.clone()); debug!(target: "sync", "Connected {}:{}", peer_id, io.peer_version(peer_id)); if let Some((fork_block, _)) = sync.fork_block { SyncRequester::request_fork_header(sync, io, peer_id, fork_block); } Ok(()) } /// Called when peer sends us new transactions pub fn on_peer_transactions( sync: &ChainSync, io: &mut dyn SyncIo, peer_id: PeerId, r: &Rlp, ) -> Result<(), PacketProcessError> { // Accept transactions only when fully synced if !io.is_chain_queue_empty() || (sync.state != SyncState::Idle && sync.state != SyncState::NewBlocks) { trace!(target: "sync", "{} Ignoring transactions while syncing", peer_id); return Ok(()); } if !sync.peers.get(&peer_id).map_or(false, |p| p.can_sync()) { trace!(target: "sync", "{} Ignoring transactions from unconfirmed/unknown peer", peer_id); return Ok(()); } let item_count = r.item_count()?; trace!(target: "sync", "{:02} -> Transactions ({} entries)", peer_id, item_count); let mut transactions = Vec::with_capacity(item_count); for i in r.iter() { let tx = if i.is_list() { i.as_raw().to_vec() // legacy transaction. just add it raw } else { i.data()?.to_vec() // typed transaction. remove header from start and send only payload. }; transactions.push(tx); } io.chain().queue_transactions(transactions, peer_id); Ok(()) } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use ethcore::client::{ChainInfo, EachBlockWith, TestBlockChainClient}; use parking_lot::RwLock; use rlp::Rlp; use std::collections::VecDeque; use tests::{helpers::TestIo, snapshot::TestSnapshotService}; use super::{ super::tests::{dummy_sync_with_peer, get_dummy_block, get_dummy_blocks, get_dummy_hashes}, *, }; #[test] fn handles_peer_new_hashes() { let mut client = TestBlockChainClient::new(); client.add_blocks(10, EachBlockWith::Uncle); let queue = RwLock::new(VecDeque::new()); let mut sync = dummy_sync_with_peer(client.block_hash_delta_minus(5), &client); let ss = TestSnapshotService::new(); let mut io = TestIo::new(&mut client, &ss, &queue, None); let hashes_data = get_dummy_hashes(); let hashes_rlp = Rlp::new(&hashes_data); let result = SyncHandler::on_peer_new_hashes(&mut sync, &mut io, 0, &hashes_rlp); assert!(result.is_ok()); } #[test] fn handles_peer_new_block_malformed() { let mut client = TestBlockChainClient::new(); client.add_blocks(10, EachBlockWith::Uncle); let block_data = get_dummy_block(11, client.chain_info().best_block_hash); let queue = RwLock::new(VecDeque::new()); let mut sync = dummy_sync_with_peer(client.block_hash_delta_minus(5), &client); //sync.have_common_block = true; let ss = TestSnapshotService::new(); let mut io = TestIo::new(&mut client, &ss, &queue, None); let block = Rlp::new(&block_data); let result = SyncHandler::on_peer_new_block(&mut sync, &mut io, 0, &block); assert!(result.is_err()); } #[test] fn handles_peer_new_block() { let mut client = TestBlockChainClient::new(); client.add_blocks(10, EachBlockWith::Uncle); let block_data = get_dummy_blocks(11, client.chain_info().best_block_hash); let queue = RwLock::new(VecDeque::new()); let mut sync = dummy_sync_with_peer(client.block_hash_delta_minus(5), &client); let ss = TestSnapshotService::new(); let mut io = TestIo::new(&mut client, &ss, &queue, None); let block = Rlp::new(&block_data); SyncHandler::on_peer_new_block(&mut sync, &mut io, 0, &block).expect("result to be ok"); } #[test] fn handles_peer_new_block_empty() { let mut client = TestBlockChainClient::new(); client.add_blocks(10, EachBlockWith::Uncle); let queue = RwLock::new(VecDeque::new()); let mut sync = dummy_sync_with_peer(client.block_hash_delta_minus(5), &client); let ss = TestSnapshotService::new(); let mut io = TestIo::new(&mut client, &ss, &queue, None); let empty_data = vec![]; let block = Rlp::new(&empty_data); let result = SyncHandler::on_peer_new_block(&mut sync, &mut io, 0, &block); assert!(result.is_err()); } #[test] fn handles_peer_new_hashes_empty() { let mut client = TestBlockChainClient::new(); client.add_blocks(10, EachBlockWith::Uncle); let queue = RwLock::new(VecDeque::new()); let mut sync = dummy_sync_with_peer(client.block_hash_delta_minus(5), &client); let ss = TestSnapshotService::new(); let mut io = TestIo::new(&mut client, &ss, &queue, None); let empty_hashes_data = vec![]; let hashes_rlp = Rlp::new(&empty_hashes_data); let result = SyncHandler::on_peer_new_hashes(&mut sync, &mut io, 0, &hashes_rlp); assert!(result.is_ok()); } }