// Copyright 2015-2017 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd. // This file is part of Parity. // Parity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // Parity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Parity. If not, see . import { observer } from 'mobx-react'; import React, { Component } from 'react'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import { api } from '../parity'; import DappsStore from '../dappsStore'; import Button from '../Button'; import Input from '../Input'; import Modal from '../Modal'; import ModalDelete from '../ModalDelete'; import ModalUpdate from '../ModalUpdate'; import SelectAccount from '../SelectAccount'; import styles from './dappModal.css'; @observer export default class DappModal extends Component { static propTypes = { dapp: PropTypes.object.isRequired, open: PropTypes.bool.isRequired, onClose: PropTypes.func.isRequired }; state = { showDelete: false, showUpdate: false, updates: null, updating: false }; dappsStore = DappsStore.get(); render () { const { dapp, open } = this.props; const { showDelete, showUpdate, updates } = this.state; if (!open) { return null; } return (
{ showDelete ? ( ) : null } { showUpdate ? ( ) : null } { this.renderContent(dapp) }
); } renderContent (dapp) { const manifest = dapp.manifest.content || {}; return (
{ this.renderInputs(dapp) }
{ this.renderActions(dapp) }
{ JSON.stringify(manifest, null, 2) }
); } renderActions (dapp) { if (!dapp.isOwner && !dapp.isContractOwner) { return null; } if (!dapp.isOwner && dapp.isContractOwner) { return (
); } const { isEditing } = dapp; const { updating } = this.state; if (updating) { return (
); } if (isEditing) { return (
); } return (
); } renderHeader (dapp) { const { id, image } = dapp; const manifest = dapp.manifest.content || {}; const infos = []; if (manifest.version) { infos.push(`v${manifest.version}`); } if (manifest.author) { infos.push(`by ${manifest.author}`); } return (
{ manifest.name || 'Unnamed' }
{ id }
{ infos.length > 0 ? infos.join(', ') : null }
); } renderInputs (dapp) { return [ this.renderOwner(dapp), this.renderHashInput(dapp, 'image', 'Image URL', true), this.renderHashInput(dapp, 'manifest', 'Manifest URL'), this.renderHashInput(dapp, 'content', 'Content URL') ]; } renderOwner (dapp) { const { isEditing } = dapp; if (isEditing) { return this.renderOwnerSelect(dapp); } return this.renderOwnerStatic(dapp); } renderOwnerSelect (dapp) { const overlayImage = ( ); return ( ); } renderOwnerStatic (dapp) { const overlayImage = ( ); return ( ); } renderHashInput (dapp, type, label, isImage = false) { const handleChange = (event) => { return this.handleChangeHash(event, type); }; const { isEditing, wip } = dapp; const changed = wip && wip[type].changed; const error = wip && wip[type].error; const hash = dapp[type].hash; const url = dapp[type].url; const overlayImage = (isImage && hash) ? ( ) : null; const wipUrl = isEditing && wip && wip[type].url; const hint = error || (!changed && hash) || '...'; const value = typeof wipUrl !== 'string' ? url || '' : wipUrl; return ( ); } handleClose = () => { this.handleCancel(); this.props.onClose(); } handleSelectOwner = (event) => { const { value } = event.target; const changed = (this.props.dapp.owner.address !== value); this.props.dapp.handleChange({ owner: { address: value, changed } }); } handleChangeHash = (event, type) => { if (!this.props.dapp.isEditing) { return; } const url = event.target.value; const changed = (this.props.dapp[type].url !== url); this.props.dapp.handleChange({ [ type ]: { error: null, changed, url } }); } handleFetchRegistry = () => { this.dappsStore.fetchRegistryData(this.props.dapp); } handleCancel = () => { this.props.dapp.setEditing(false); } handleEdit = () => { this.props.dapp.setEditing(true); } handleDelete = () => { this.setState({ showDelete: true }); } handleDeleteClose = () => { this.setState({ showDelete: false }); } handleDeleteConfirm = () => { this.dappsStore.delete(this.props.dapp); this.handleDeleteClose(); this.handleClose(); } handleSave = () => { const updates = this.props.dapp.handleSave(); this.setState({ showUpdate: true, updates }); } handleUpdateClose = () => { this.setState({ showUpdate: false, updates: null }); } handleUpdateConfirm = () => { const { id, owner } = this.props.dapp; const { updates } = this.state; this.handleUpdateClose(); this.handleCancel(); this.setState({ updating: true }); return this.dappsStore.update(id, owner.address, updates) .then(() => { this.setState({ updating: false }); }) .catch((error) => { this.setState({ updating: false }); throw error; }); } }