// Copyright 2015, 2016 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// This file is part of Parity.
// Parity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Parity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Parity. If not, see .
//! Header download state machine.
use std::cmp::Ordering;
use std::collections::{BinaryHeap, HashMap, HashSet, VecDeque};
use std::mem;
use ethcore::header::Header;
use light::client::LightChainClient;
use light::net::{EventContext, ReqId};
use light::request::Headers as HeadersRequest;
use network::PeerId;
use rlp::{UntrustedRlp, View};
use util::{Bytes, H256, Mutex};
use super::response;
// amount of blocks between each scaffold entry.
// TODO: move these into paraeters for `RoundStart::new`?
const ROUND_SKIP: usize = 255;
// amount of scaffold frames: these are the blank spaces in "X___X___X"
const ROUND_FRAMES: usize = 255;
// number of attempts to make to get a full scaffold for a sync round.
const SCAFFOLD_ATTEMPTS: usize = 3;
/// Context for a headers response.
pub trait ResponseContext {
/// Get the peer who sent this response.
fn responder(&self) -> PeerId;
/// Get the request ID this response corresponds to.
fn req_id(&self) -> ReqId;
/// Get the (unverified) response data.
fn data(&self) -> &[Bytes];
/// Punish the responder.
fn punish_responder(&self);
/// Reasons for sync round abort.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub enum AbortReason {
/// Bad sparse header chain along with a list of peers who contributed to it.
/// No incoming data.
// A request for headers with a known starting header hash.
// and a known parent hash for the last block.
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq)]
struct SubchainRequest {
subchain_parent: (u64, H256),
headers_request: HeadersRequest,
subchain_end: (u64, H256),
downloaded: VecDeque,
// ordered by subchain parent number so pending requests towards the
// front of the round are dispatched first.
impl PartialOrd for SubchainRequest {
fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option {
impl Ord for SubchainRequest {
fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Ordering {
/// Manages downloading of interior blocks of a sparse header chain.
pub struct Fetcher {
sparse: VecDeque, // sparse header chain.
requests: BinaryHeap,
complete_requests: HashMap,
pending: HashMap,
scaffold_contributors: Vec,
impl Fetcher {
// Produce a new fetcher given a sparse headerchain, in ascending order along
// with a list of peers who helped produce the chain.
// The headers must be valid RLP at this point.
fn new(sparse_headers: Vec, contributors: Vec) -> Self {
let mut requests = BinaryHeap::with_capacity(sparse_headers.len() - 1);
for pair in sparse_headers.windows(2) {
let low_rung = &pair[0];
let high_rung = &pair[1];
let diff = high_rung.number() - low_rung.number();
// should never happen as long as we verify the gaps
// gotten from SyncRound::Start
if diff < 2 { continue }
let needed_headers = HeadersRequest {
start: high_rung.parent_hash().clone().into(),
max: diff as usize - 1,
skip: 0,
reverse: true,
requests.push(SubchainRequest {
headers_request: needed_headers,
subchain_end: (high_rung.number() - 1, *high_rung.parent_hash()),
downloaded: VecDeque::new(),
subchain_parent: (low_rung.number(), low_rung.hash()),
Fetcher {
sparse: sparse_headers.into(),
requests: requests,
complete_requests: HashMap::new(),
pending: HashMap::new(),
scaffold_contributors: contributors,
fn process_response(mut self, ctx: &R) -> SyncRound {
let mut request = match self.pending.remove(&ctx.req_id()) {
Some(request) => request,
None => return SyncRound::Fetch(self),
let headers = ctx.data();
if headers.len() == 0 {
trace!(target: "sync", "Punishing peer {} for empty response", ctx.responder());
return SyncRound::Fetch(self);
match response::decode_and_verify(headers, &request.headers_request) {
Err(e) => {
trace!(target: "sync", "Punishing peer {} for invalid response ({})", ctx.responder(), e);
// TODO: track number of attempts per request,
// abort if failure rate too high.
Ok(headers) => {
let mut parent_hash = None;
for header in headers {
if parent_hash.as_ref().map_or(false, |h| h != &header.hash()) {
trace!(target: "sync", "Punishing peer {} for parent mismatch", ctx.responder());
return SyncRound::Fetch(self);
// incrementally update the frame request as we go so we can
// return at any time in the loop.
parent_hash = Some(header.parent_hash().clone());
request.headers_request.start = header.parent_hash().clone().into();
request.headers_request.max -= 1;
let subchain_parent = request.subchain_parent.1;
// TODO: check subchain parent and punish peers who did framing
// if it's inaccurate.
if request.headers_request.max == 0 {
if parent_hash.map_or(true, |hash| hash != subchain_parent) {
let abort = AbortReason::BadScaffold(self.scaffold_contributors);
return SyncRound::Abort(abort);
self.complete_requests.insert(subchain_parent, request);
// state transition not triggered until drain is finished.
/// Round started: get stepped header chain.
/// from a start block with number X we request 256 headers stepped by 256 from
/// block X + 1.
pub struct RoundStart {
start_block: (u64, H256),
pending_req: Option<(ReqId, HeadersRequest)>,
sparse_headers: Vec,
contributors: HashSet,
attempt: usize,
impl RoundStart {
fn new(start: (u64, H256)) -> Self {
RoundStart {
start_block: start.clone(),
pending_req: None,
sparse_headers: Vec::new(),
contributors: HashSet::new(),
attempt: 0,
fn process_response(mut self, ctx: &R) -> SyncRound {
let req = match self.pending_req.take() {
Some((id, ref req)) if ctx.req_id() == id => { req.clone() }
other => {
self.pending_req = other;
return SyncRound::Start(self);
self.attempt += 1;
match response::decode_and_verify(ctx.data(), &req) {
Ok(headers) => {
if self.sparse_headers.len() == ROUND_FRAMES + 1 {
trace!(target: "sync", "Beginning fetch of blocks between {} sparse headers",
let fetcher = Fetcher::new(self.sparse_headers, self.contributors.into_iter().collect());
return SyncRound::Fetch(fetcher);
Err(e) => {
trace!(target: "sync", "Punishing peer {} for malformed response ({})", ctx.responder(), e);
if self.attempt >= SCAFFOLD_ATTEMPTS {
if self.sparse_headers.len() > 1 {
let fetcher = Fetcher::new(self.sparse_headers, self.contributors.into_iter().collect());
} else {
} else {
/// Sync round state machine.
pub enum SyncRound {
/// Beginning a sync round.
/// Fetching intermediate blocks during a sync round.
/// Aborted.
impl SyncRound {
fn abort(reason: AbortReason) -> Self {
trace!(target: "sync", "Aborting sync round: {:?}", reason);
/// Process an answer to a request. Unknown requests will be ignored.
pub fn process_response(self, ctx: &R) -> Self {
match self {
SyncRound::Start(round_start) => round_start.process_response(ctx),
SyncRound::Fetch(fetcher) => fetcher.process_response(ctx),
other => other,
/// Return unfulfilled requests from disconnected peer. Unknown requests will be ignored.
pub fn requests_abandoned(self, abandoned: &[ReqId]) -> Self {
/// Dispatch pending requests. The dispatcher provided will attempt to
/// find a suitable peer to serve the request.
// TODO: have dispatcher take capabilities argument?
pub fn dispatch_requests(self, dispatcher: D) -> Self
where D: Fn(HeadersRequest) -> Option