// Copyright 2015-2017 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd. // This file is part of Parity. // Parity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // Parity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Parity. If not, see . //! PoA block chunker and rebuilder tests. use std::cell::RefCell; use std::sync::Arc; use std::str::FromStr; use account_provider::AccountProvider; use client::{Client, BlockChainClient}; use ethkey::Secret; use futures::Future; use native_contracts::test_contracts::ValidatorSet; use snapshot::tests::helpers as snapshot_helpers; use spec::Spec; use tests::helpers; use transaction::{Transaction, Action, SignedTransaction}; use util::Address; use util::kvdb; const PASS: &'static str = ""; const TRANSITION_BLOCK_1: usize = 2; // block at which the contract becomes activated. const TRANSITION_BLOCK_2: usize = 10; // block at which the second contract activates. macro_rules! secret { ($e: expr) => { Secret::from_slice(&$crate::hash::keccak($e)) } } lazy_static! { // contract addresses. static ref CONTRACT_ADDR_1: Address = Address::from_str("0000000000000000000000000000000000000005").unwrap(); static ref CONTRACT_ADDR_2: Address = Address::from_str("0000000000000000000000000000000000000006").unwrap(); // secret: `keccak(1)`, and initial validator. static ref RICH_ADDR: Address = Address::from_str("7d577a597b2742b498cb5cf0c26cdcd726d39e6e").unwrap(); // rich address' secret. static ref RICH_SECRET: Secret = secret!("1"); } /// Contract code used here: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/2a43783647e0f0dfcc359bd6fd81d6d9 /// Account with secrets keccak("1") is initially the validator. /// Transitions to the contract at block 2, initially same validator set. /// Create a new Spec with AuthorityRound which uses a contract at address 5 to determine the current validators using `getValidators`. /// `native_contracts::test_contracts::ValidatorSet` provides a native wrapper for the ABi. fn spec_fixed_to_contract() -> Spec { let data = include_bytes!("test_validator_contract.json"); Spec::load(&::std::env::temp_dir(), &data[..]).unwrap() } // creates an account provider, filling it with accounts from all the given // secrets and password `PASS`. // returns addresses corresponding to secrets. fn make_accounts(secrets: &[Secret]) -> (Arc, Vec
) { let provider = AccountProvider::transient_provider(); let addrs = secrets.iter() .cloned() .map(|s| provider.insert_account(s, PASS).unwrap()) .collect(); (Arc::new(provider), addrs) } // validator transition. block number and new validators. must be after `TRANSITION_BLOCK`. // all addresses in the set must be in the account provider. enum Transition { // manual transition via transaction Manual(usize, Vec
), // implicit transition via multi-set Implicit(usize, Vec
), } // create a chain with the given transitions and some blocks beyond that transition. fn make_chain(accounts: Arc, blocks_beyond: usize, transitions: Vec) -> Arc { let client = helpers::generate_dummy_client_with_spec_and_accounts( spec_fixed_to_contract, Some(accounts.clone())); let mut cur_signers = vec![*RICH_ADDR]; { let engine = client.engine(); engine.register_client(Arc::downgrade(&client)); } { // push a block with given number, signed by one of the signers, with given transactions. let push_block = |signers: &[Address], n, txs: Vec| { use miner::MinerService; let idx = n as usize % signers.len(); trace!(target: "snapshot", "Pushing block #{}, {} txs, author={}", n, txs.len(), signers[idx]); client.miner().set_author(signers[idx]); client.miner().import_external_transactions(&*client, txs.into_iter().map(Into::into).collect()); let engine = client.engine(); engine.set_signer(accounts.clone(), signers[idx], PASS.to_owned()); engine.step(); assert_eq!(client.chain_info().best_block_number, n); }; // execution callback for native contract: push transaction to be sealed. let nonce = RefCell::new(client.engine().account_start_nonce(0)); // create useless transactions vector so we don't have to dig in // and force sealing. let make_useless_transactions = || { let mut nonce = nonce.borrow_mut(); let transaction = Transaction { nonce: *nonce, gas_price: 1.into(), gas: 21_000.into(), action: Action::Call(Address::new()), value: 1.into(), data: Vec::new(), }.sign(&*RICH_SECRET, client.signing_chain_id()); *nonce = *nonce + 1.into(); vec![transaction] }; let contract_1 = ValidatorSet::new(*CONTRACT_ADDR_1); let contract_2 = ValidatorSet::new(*CONTRACT_ADDR_2); // apply all transitions. for transition in transitions { let (num, manual, new_set) = match transition { Transition::Manual(num, new_set) => (num, true, new_set), Transition::Implicit(num, new_set) => (num, false, new_set), }; if num < TRANSITION_BLOCK_1 { panic!("Bad test: issued epoch change before transition to contract."); } if (num as u64) < client.chain_info().best_block_number { panic!("Bad test: issued epoch change before previous transition finalized."); } for number in client.chain_info().best_block_number + 1 .. num as u64 { push_block(&cur_signers, number, make_useless_transactions()); } let pending = if manual { trace!(target: "snapshot", "applying set transition at block #{}", num); let contract = match num >= TRANSITION_BLOCK_2 { true => &contract_2, false => &contract_1, }; let mut pending = Vec::new(); { let mut exec = |addr, data| { let mut nonce = nonce.borrow_mut(); let transaction = Transaction { nonce: *nonce, gas_price: 0.into(), gas: 1_000_000.into(), action: Action::Call(addr), value: 0.into(), data: data, }.sign(&*RICH_SECRET, client.signing_chain_id()); pending.push(transaction); *nonce = *nonce + 1.into(); Ok(Vec::new()) }; contract.set_validators(&mut exec, new_set.clone()).wait().unwrap(); } pending } else { make_useless_transactions() }; // push transition block. push_block(&cur_signers, num as u64, pending); // push blocks to finalize transition for finalization_count in 1.. { if finalization_count * 2 > cur_signers.len() { break } push_block(&cur_signers, (num + finalization_count) as u64, make_useless_transactions()); } cur_signers = new_set; } // make blocks beyond. for number in (client.chain_info().best_block_number..).take(blocks_beyond) { push_block(&cur_signers, number + 1, make_useless_transactions()); } } client } #[test] fn fixed_to_contract_only() { let (provider, addrs) = make_accounts(&[ RICH_SECRET.clone(), secret!("foo"), secret!("bar"), secret!("test"), secret!("signer"), secret!("crypto"), secret!("wizard"), secret!("dog42"), ]); assert!(provider.has_account(*RICH_ADDR).unwrap()); let client = make_chain(provider, 3, vec![ Transition::Manual(3, vec![addrs[2], addrs[3], addrs[5], addrs[7]]), Transition::Manual(6, vec![addrs[0], addrs[1], addrs[4], addrs[6]]), ]); // 6, 7, 8 prove finality for transition at 6. // 3 beyond gets us to 11. assert_eq!(client.chain_info().best_block_number, 11); let reader = snapshot_helpers::snap(&*client); let new_db = kvdb::in_memory(::db::NUM_COLUMNS.unwrap_or(0)); let spec = spec_fixed_to_contract(); // ensure fresh engine's step matches. for _ in 0..11 { spec.engine.step() } snapshot_helpers::restore(Arc::new(new_db), &*spec.engine, &**reader, &spec.genesis_block()).unwrap(); } #[test] fn fixed_to_contract_to_contract() { let (provider, addrs) = make_accounts(&[ RICH_SECRET.clone(), secret!("foo"), secret!("bar"), secret!("test"), secret!("signer"), secret!("crypto"), secret!("wizard"), secret!("dog42"), ]); assert!(provider.has_account(*RICH_ADDR).unwrap()); let client = make_chain(provider, 3, vec![ Transition::Manual(3, vec![addrs[2], addrs[3], addrs[5], addrs[7]]), Transition::Manual(6, vec![addrs[0], addrs[1], addrs[4], addrs[6]]), Transition::Implicit(10, vec![addrs[0]]), Transition::Manual(13, vec![addrs[2], addrs[4], addrs[6], addrs[7]]), ]); assert_eq!(client.chain_info().best_block_number, 16); let reader = snapshot_helpers::snap(&*client); let new_db = kvdb::in_memory(::db::NUM_COLUMNS.unwrap_or(0)); let spec = spec_fixed_to_contract(); for _ in 0..16 { spec.engine.step() } snapshot_helpers::restore(Arc::new(new_db), &*spec.engine, &**reader, &spec.genesis_block()).unwrap(); }