// Copyright 2015-2017 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd. // This file is part of Parity. // Parity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // Parity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Parity. If not, see . export default class Personal { constructor (updateSubscriptions, api, subscriber) { this._subscriber = subscriber; this._api = api; this._updateSubscriptions = updateSubscriptions; this._started = false; this._lastDefaultAccount = '0x0'; this._pollTimerId = null; // Try to restart subscription if transport is closed this._api.transport.on('close', () => { if (this.isStarted) { this.start(); } }); } get isStarted () { return this._started; } start () { this._started = true; let defaultAccount = null; if (this._api.isPubSub) { defaultAccount = this._api.pubsub .subscribeAndGetResult( callback => this._api.pubsub.parity.defaultAccount(callback), (defaultAccount) => { this.updateDefaultAccount(defaultAccount); return defaultAccount; } ); } else { defaultAccount = this._defaultAccount(); } return Promise.all([ defaultAccount, this._listAccounts(), this._accountsInfo(), this._loggingSubscribe() ]); } updateDefaultAccount (defaultAccount) { if (this._lastDefaultAccount !== defaultAccount) { this._lastDefaultAccount = defaultAccount; this._updateSubscriptions('parity_defaultAccount', null, defaultAccount); } } // FIXME: Because of the different API instances, the "wait for valid changes" approach // doesn't work. Since the defaultAccount is critical to operation, we poll in exactly // same way we do in ../eth (ala eth_blockNumber) and update. This should be moved // to pub-sub as it becomes available _defaultAccount = (timerDisabled = false) => { const nextTimeout = (timeout = 3000) => { if (!timerDisabled) { this._pollTimerId = setTimeout(() => { this._defaultAccount(); }, timeout); } }; if (!this._api.transport.isConnected) { nextTimeout(500); return; } return this._api.parity .defaultAccount() .then((defaultAccount) => { this.updateDefaultAccount(defaultAccount); nextTimeout(); }) .catch(() => nextTimeout()); } _listAccounts = () => { return this._api.eth .accounts() .then((accounts) => { this._updateSubscriptions('eth_accounts', null, accounts); }); } _accountsInfo = () => { return this._api.parity .accountsInfo() .then((info) => { this._updateSubscriptions('parity_accountsInfo', null, info); return this._api.parity .allAccountsInfo() .catch(() => { // NOTE: This fails on non-secure APIs, swallow error return {}; }) .then((allInfo) => { this._updateSubscriptions('parity_allAccountsInfo', null, allInfo); }); }); } _loggingSubscribe () { return this._subscriber.subscribe('logging', (error, data) => { if (error || !data) { return; } switch (data.method) { case 'parity_closeVault': case 'parity_openVault': case 'parity_killAccount': case 'parity_importGethAccounts': case 'parity_newAccountFromPhrase': case 'parity_newAccountFromWallet': case 'personal_newAccount': this._defaultAccount(true); this._listAccounts(); this._accountsInfo(); return; case 'parity_removeAddress': case 'parity_setAccountName': case 'parity_setAccountMeta': this._accountsInfo(); return; case 'parity_setDappAddresses': case 'parity_setDappDefaultAddress': case 'parity_setNewDappsAddresses': case 'parity_setNewDappsDefaultAddress': this._defaultAccount(true); this._listAccounts(); return; } }); } }