Parity. Ethereum Client. By Wood/Paronyan/Kotewicz/Drwięga/Volf et al. Copyright 2015, 2016 Ethcore (UK) Limited Usage: parity [options] parity ui [options] parity daemon [options] parity account (new | list ) [options] parity account import ... [options] parity wallet import --password FILE [options] parity import [ ] [options] parity export [ ] [options] parity signer new-token [options] parity snapshot [options] parity restore [ ] [options] parity tools hash Operating Options: --mode MODE Set the operating mode. MODE can be one of: active - Parity continuously syncs the chain. passive - Parity syncs initially, then sleeps and wakes regularly to resync. dark - Parity syncs only when an external interface is active. (default: {flag_mode}). --mode-timeout SECS Specify the number of seconds before inactivity timeout occurs when mode is dark or passive (default: {flag_mode_timeout}). --mode-alarm SECS Specify the number of seconds before auto sleep reawake timeout occurs when mode is passive (default: {flag_mode_alarm}). --chain CHAIN Specify the blockchain type. CHAIN may be either a JSON chain specification file or olympic, frontier, homestead, mainnet, morden, classic, expanse or testnet (default: {flag_chain}). -d --db-path PATH Specify the database & configuration directory path (default: {flag_db_path}). --keys-path PATH Specify the path for JSON key files to be found (default: {flag_keys_path}). --identity NAME Specify your node's name. (default: {flag_identity}) Account Options: --unlock ACCOUNTS Unlock ACCOUNTS for the duration of the execution. ACCOUNTS is a comma-delimited list of addresses. Implies --no-signer. (default: {flag_unlock:?}) --password FILE Provide a file containing a password for unlocking an account. Leading and trailing whitespace is trimmed. (default: {flag_password:?}) --keys-iterations NUM Specify the number of iterations to use when deriving key from the password (bigger is more secure) (default: {flag_keys_iterations}). --force-signer Enable Trusted Signer WebSocket endpoint used by Signer UIs, even when --unlock is in use. (default: ${flag_force_signer}) --no-signer Disable Trusted Signer WebSocket endpoint used by Signer UIs. (default: ${flag_no_signer}) --signer-port PORT Specify the port of Trusted Signer server (default: {flag_signer_port}). --signer-interface IP Specify the hostname portion of the Trusted Signer server, IP should be an interface's IP address, or local (default: {flag_signer_interface}). --signer-path PATH Specify directory where Signer UIs tokens should be stored. (default: {flag_signer_path}) --signer-no-validation Disable Origin and Host headers validation for Trusted Signer. WARNING: INSECURE. Used only for development. (default: {flag_signer_no_validation}) Networking Options: --no-network Disable p2p networking. (default: {flag_no_network}) --port PORT Override the port on which the node should listen (default: {flag_port}). --min-peers NUM Try to maintain at least NUM peers (default: {flag_min_peers}). --max-peers NUM Allow up to that many peers (default: {flag_max_peers}). --nat METHOD Specify method to use for determining public address. Must be one of: any, none, upnp, extip: (default: {flag_nat}). --network-id INDEX Override the network identifier from the chain we are on. (default: {flag_network_id:?}) --bootnodes NODES Override the bootnodes from our chain. NODES should be comma-delimited enodes. (default: {flag_bootnodes:?}) --no-discovery Disable new peer discovery. (default: {flag_no_discovery}) --node-key KEY Specify node secret key, either as 64-character hex string or input to SHA3 operation. (default: {flag_node_key:?}) --reserved-peers FILE Provide a file containing enodes, one per line. These nodes will always have a reserved slot on top of the normal maximum peers. (default: {flag_reserved_peers:?}) --reserved-only Connect only to reserved nodes. (default: {flag_reserved_only}) API and Console Options: --no-jsonrpc Disable the JSON-RPC API server. (default: {flag_no_jsonrpc}) --jsonrpc-port PORT Specify the port portion of the JSONRPC API server (default: {flag_jsonrpc_port}). --jsonrpc-interface IP Specify the hostname portion of the JSONRPC API server, IP should be an interface's IP address, or all (all interfaces) or local (default: {flag_jsonrpc_interface}). --jsonrpc-cors URL Specify CORS header for JSON-RPC API responses. (default: {flag_jsonrpc_cors:?}) --jsonrpc-apis APIS Specify the APIs available through the JSONRPC interface. APIS is a comma-delimited list of API name. Possible name are web3, eth, net, personal, ethcore, ethcore_set, traces, rpc. (default: {flag_jsonrpc_apis}). --jsonrpc-hosts HOSTS List of allowed Host header values. This option will validate the Host header sent by the browser, it is additional security against some attack vectors. Special options: "all", "none", (default: {flag_jsonrpc_hosts}). --no-ipc Disable JSON-RPC over IPC service. (default: {flag_no_ipc}) --ipc-path PATH Specify custom path for JSON-RPC over IPC service (default: {flag_ipc_path}). --ipc-apis APIS Specify custom API set available via JSON-RPC over IPC (default: {flag_ipc_apis}). --no-dapps Disable the Dapps server (e.g. status page). (default: {flag_no_dapps}) --dapps-port PORT Specify the port portion of the Dapps server (default: {flag_dapps_port}). --dapps-interface IP Specify the hostname portion of the Dapps server, IP should be an interface's IP address, or local (default: {flag_dapps_interface}). --dapps-hosts HOSTS List of allowed Host header values. This option will validate the Host header sent by the browser, it is additional security against some attack vectors. Special options: "all", "none", (default: {flag_dapps_hosts}). --dapps-user USERNAME Specify username for Dapps server. It will be used in HTTP Basic Authentication Scheme. If --dapps-pass is not specified you will be asked for password on startup. (default: {flag_dapps_user:?}) --dapps-pass PASSWORD Specify password for Dapps server. Use only in conjunction with --dapps-user. (default: {flag_dapps_pass:?}) --dapps-path PATH Specify directory where dapps should be installed. (default: {flag_dapps_path}) Sealing/Mining Options: --author ADDRESS Specify the block author (aka "coinbase") address for sending block rewards from sealed blocks. NOTE: MINING WILL NOT WORK WITHOUT THIS OPTION. (default: {flag_author:?}) --force-sealing Force the node to author new blocks as if it were always sealing/mining. (default: {flag_force_sealing}) --reseal-on-txs SET Specify which transactions should force the node to reseal a block. SET is one of: none - never reseal on new transactions; own - reseal only on a new local transaction; ext - reseal only on a new external transaction; all - reseal on all new transactions (default: {flag_reseal_on_txs}). --reseal-min-period MS Specify the minimum time between reseals from incoming transactions. MS is time measured in milliseconds (default: {flag_reseal_min_period}). --work-queue-size ITEMS Specify the number of historical work packages which are kept cached lest a solution is found for them later. High values take more memory but result in fewer unusable solutions (default: {flag_work_queue_size}). --tx-gas-limit GAS Apply a limit of GAS as the maximum amount of gas a single transaction may have for it to be mined. (default: {flag_tx_gas_limit:?}) --relay-set SET Set of transactions to relay. SET may be: cheap - Relay any transaction in the queue (this may include invalid transactions); strict - Relay only executed transactions (this guarantees we don't relay invalid transactions, but means we relay nothing if not mining); lenient - Same as strict when mining, and cheap when not (default: {flag_relay_set}). --usd-per-tx USD Amount of USD to be paid for a basic transaction (default: {flag_usd_per_tx}). The minimum gas price is set accordingly. --usd-per-eth SOURCE USD value of a single ETH. SOURCE may be either an amount in USD, a web service or 'auto' to use each web service in turn and fallback on the last known good value (default: {flag_usd_per_eth}). --price-update-period T T will be allowed to pass between each gas price update. T may be daily, hourly, a number of seconds, or a time string of the form "2 days", "30 minutes" etc. (default: {flag_price_update_period}). --gas-floor-target GAS Amount of gas per block to target when sealing a new block (default: {flag_gas_floor_target}). --gas-cap GAS A cap on how large we will raise the gas limit per block due to transaction volume (default: {flag_gas_cap}). --extra-data STRING Specify a custom extra-data for authored blocks, no more than 32 characters. (default: {flag_extra_data:?}) --tx-queue-size LIMIT Maximum amount of transactions in the queue (waiting to be included in next block) (default: {flag_tx_queue_size}). --tx-queue-gas LIMIT Maximum amount of total gas for external transactions in the queue. LIMIT can be either an amount of gas or 'auto' or 'off'. 'auto' sets the limit to be 20x the current block gas limit. (default: {flag_tx_queue_gas}). --remove-solved Move solved blocks from the work package queue instead of cloning them. This gives a slightly faster import speed, but means that extra solutions submitted for the same work package will go unused. (default: {flag_remove_solved}) --notify-work URLS URLs to which work package notifications are pushed. URLS should be a comma-delimited list of HTTP URLs. (default: {flag_notify_work:?}) Footprint Options: --tracing BOOL Indicates if full transaction tracing should be enabled. Works only if client had been fully synced with tracing enabled. BOOL may be one of auto, on, off. auto uses last used value of this option (off if it does not exist) (default: {flag_tracing}). --pruning METHOD Configure pruning of the state/storage trie. METHOD may be one of auto, archive, fast: archive - keep all state trie data. No pruning. fast - maintain journal overlay. Fast but 50MB used. auto - use the method most recently synced or default to fast if none synced (default: {flag_pruning}). --cache-size-db MB Override database cache size (default: {flag_cache_size_db}). --cache-size-blocks MB Specify the prefered size of the blockchain cache in megabytes (default: {flag_cache_size_blocks}). --cache-size-queue MB Specify the maximum size of memory to use for block queue (default: {flag_cache_size_queue}). --cache-size-state MB Specify the maximum size of memory to use for the state cache (default: {flag_cache_size_state}). --cache-size MB Set total amount of discretionary memory to use for the entire system, overrides other cache and queue options.a (default: {flag_cache_size:?}) --fast-and-loose Disables DB WAL, which gives a significant speed up but means an unclean exit is unrecoverable. (default: {flag_fast_and_loose}) --db-compaction TYPE Database compaction type. TYPE may be one of: ssd - suitable for SSDs and fast HDDs; hdd - suitable for slow HDDs (default: {flag_db_compaction}). --fat-db BOOL Build appropriate information to allow enumeration of all accounts and storage keys. Doubles the size of the state database. BOOL may be one of on, off or auto. (default: {flag_fat_db}) Import/Export Options: --from BLOCK Export from block BLOCK, which may be an index or hash (default: {flag_from}). --to BLOCK Export to (including) block BLOCK, which may be an index, hash or 'latest' (default: {flag_to}). --format FORMAT For import/export in given format. FORMAT must be one of 'hex' and 'binary'. (default: {flag_format:?} = Import: auto, Export: binary) Snapshot Options: --at BLOCK Take a snapshot at the given block, which may be an index, hash, or 'latest'. Note that taking snapshots at non-recent blocks will only work with --pruning archive (default: {flag_at}) --no-periodic-snapshot Disable automated snapshots which usually occur once every 10000 blocks. (default: {flag_no_periodic_snapshot}) Virtual Machine Options: --jitvm Enable the JIT VM. (default: {flag_jitvm}) Legacy Options: --geth Run in Geth-compatibility mode. Sets the IPC path to be the same as Geth's. Overrides the --ipc-path and --ipcpath options. Alters RPCs to reflect Geth bugs. --testnet Geth-compatible testnet mode. Equivalent to --chain testnet --keys-path $HOME/parity/testnet-keys. Overrides the --keys-path option. --import-geth-keys Attempt to import keys from Geth client. --datadir PATH Equivalent to --db-path PATH. --networkid INDEX Equivalent to --network-id INDEX. --peers NUM Equivalent to --min-peers NUM. --nodekey KEY Equivalent to --node-key KEY. --nodiscover Equivalent to --no-discovery. -j --jsonrpc Does nothing; JSON-RPC is on by default now. --jsonrpc-off Equivalent to --no-jsonrpc. -w --webapp Does nothing; dapps server is on by default now. --dapps-off Equivalent to --no-dapps. --rpc Does nothing; JSON-RPC is on by default now. --rpcaddr IP Equivalent to --jsonrpc-interface IP. --rpcport PORT Equivalent to --jsonrpc-port PORT. --rpcapi APIS Equivalent to --jsonrpc-apis APIS. --rpccorsdomain URL Equivalent to --jsonrpc-cors URL. --ipcdisable Equivalent to --no-ipc. --ipc-off Equivalent to --no-ipc. --ipcapi APIS Equivalent to --ipc-apis APIS. --ipcpath PATH Equivalent to --ipc-path PATH. --gasprice WEI Minimum amount of Wei per GAS to be paid for a transaction to be accepted for mining. Overrides --basic-tx-usd. --etherbase ADDRESS Equivalent to --author ADDRESS. --extradata STRING Equivalent to --extra-data STRING. --cache MB Equivalent to --cache-size MB. Miscellaneous Options: -c --config CONFIG Specify a filename containing a configuration file. (default: {flag_config}) -l --logging LOGGING Specify the logging level. Must conform to the same format as RUST_LOG. (default: {flag_logging:?}) --log-file FILENAME Specify a filename into which logging should be directed. (default: {flag_log_file:?}) --no-config Don't load a configuration file. --no-color Don't use terminal color codes in output. (default: {flag_no_color}) -v --version Show information about version. -h --help Show this screen.