// Copyright 2015-2018 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd. // This file is part of Parity. // Parity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // Parity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Parity. If not, see . use std::cmp; use std::time::{Instant, Duration}; use std::collections::{BTreeMap, BTreeSet, HashSet}; use std::sync::Arc; use ansi_term::Colour; use bytes::Bytes; use engines::{EthEngine, Seal}; use error::{Error, ErrorKind, ExecutionError}; use ethcore_miner::gas_pricer::GasPricer; use ethcore_miner::pool::{self, TransactionQueue, VerifiedTransaction, QueueStatus, PrioritizationStrategy}; #[cfg(feature = "work-notify")] use ethcore_miner::work_notify::NotifyWork; use ethereum_types::{H256, U256, Address}; use io::IoChannel; use parking_lot::{Mutex, RwLock}; use rayon::prelude::*; use transaction::{ self, Action, UnverifiedTransaction, SignedTransaction, PendingTransaction, }; use using_queue::{UsingQueue, GetAction}; use account_provider::{AccountProvider, SignError as AccountError}; use block::{ClosedBlock, IsBlock, Block, SealedBlock}; use client::{ BlockChain, ChainInfo, CallContract, BlockProducer, SealedBlockImporter, Nonce }; use client::{BlockId, ClientIoMessage}; use executive::contract_address; use header::{Header, BlockNumber}; use miner; use miner::pool_client::{PoolClient, CachedNonceClient, NonceCache}; use receipt::{Receipt, RichReceipt}; use spec::Spec; use state::State; use ethkey::Password; /// Different possible definitions for pending transaction set. #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)] pub enum PendingSet { /// Always just the transactions in the queue. These have had only cheap checks. AlwaysQueue, /// Always just the transactions in the sealing block. These have had full checks but /// may be empty if the node is not actively mining or has no force_sealing enabled. AlwaysSealing, /// Takes from sealing if mining, from queue otherwise. SealingOrElseQueue, } /// Transaction queue penalization settings. /// /// Senders of long-running transactions (above defined threshold) /// will get lower priority. #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Clone)] pub enum Penalization { /// Penalization in transaction queue is disabled Disabled, /// Penalization in transaction queue is enabled Enabled { /// Upper limit of transaction processing time before penalizing. offend_threshold: Duration, }, } /// Initial minimal gas price. /// /// Gas price should be later overwritten externally /// for instance by a dynamic gas price mechanism or CLI parameter. /// This constant controls the initial value. const DEFAULT_MINIMAL_GAS_PRICE: u64 = 20_000_000_000; /// Allowed number of skipped transactions when constructing pending block. /// /// When we push transactions to pending block, some of the transactions might /// get skipped because of block gas limit being reached. /// This constant controls how many transactions we can skip because of that /// before stopping attempts to push more transactions to the block. /// This is an optimization that prevents traversing the entire pool /// in case we have only a fraction of available block gas limit left. const MAX_SKIPPED_TRANSACTIONS: usize = 8; /// Configures the behaviour of the miner. #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)] pub struct MinerOptions { /// Force the miner to reseal, even when nobody has asked for work. pub force_sealing: bool, /// Reseal on receipt of new external transactions. pub reseal_on_external_tx: bool, /// Reseal on receipt of new local transactions. pub reseal_on_own_tx: bool, /// Reseal when new uncle block has been imported. pub reseal_on_uncle: bool, /// Minimum period between transaction-inspired reseals. pub reseal_min_period: Duration, /// Maximum period between blocks (enables force sealing after that). pub reseal_max_period: Duration, /// Whether we should fallback to providing all the queue's transactions or just pending. pub pending_set: PendingSet, /// How many historical work packages can we store before running out? pub work_queue_size: usize, /// Can we submit two different solutions for the same block and expect both to result in an import? pub enable_resubmission: bool, /// Create a pending block with maximal possible gas limit. /// NOTE: Such block will contain all pending transactions but /// will be invalid if mined. pub infinite_pending_block: bool, /// Strategy to use for prioritizing transactions in the queue. pub tx_queue_strategy: PrioritizationStrategy, /// Simple senders penalization. pub tx_queue_penalization: Penalization, /// Do we want to mark transactions recieved locally (e.g. RPC) as local if we don't have the sending account? pub tx_queue_no_unfamiliar_locals: bool, /// Do we refuse to accept service transactions even if sender is certified. pub refuse_service_transactions: bool, /// Transaction pool limits. pub pool_limits: pool::Options, /// Initial transaction verification options. pub pool_verification_options: pool::verifier::Options, } impl Default for MinerOptions { fn default() -> Self { MinerOptions { force_sealing: false, reseal_on_external_tx: false, reseal_on_own_tx: true, reseal_on_uncle: false, reseal_min_period: Duration::from_secs(2), reseal_max_period: Duration::from_secs(120), pending_set: PendingSet::AlwaysQueue, work_queue_size: 20, enable_resubmission: true, infinite_pending_block: false, tx_queue_strategy: PrioritizationStrategy::GasPriceOnly, tx_queue_penalization: Penalization::Disabled, tx_queue_no_unfamiliar_locals: false, refuse_service_transactions: false, pool_limits: pool::Options { max_count: 8_192, max_per_sender: 81, max_mem_usage: 4 * 1024 * 1024, }, pool_verification_options: pool::verifier::Options { minimal_gas_price: DEFAULT_MINIMAL_GAS_PRICE.into(), block_gas_limit: U256::max_value(), tx_gas_limit: U256::max_value(), }, } } } /// Configurable parameters of block authoring. #[derive(Debug, Default, Clone)] pub struct AuthoringParams { /// Lower and upper bound of block gas limit that we are targeting pub gas_range_target: (U256, U256), /// Block author pub author: Address, /// Block extra data pub extra_data: Bytes, } struct SealingWork { queue: UsingQueue, enabled: bool, next_allowed_reseal: Instant, next_mandatory_reseal: Instant, // block number when sealing work was last requested last_request: Option, } impl SealingWork { /// Are we allowed to do a non-mandatory reseal? fn reseal_allowed(&self) -> bool { Instant::now() > self.next_allowed_reseal } } /// Keeps track of transactions using priority queue and holds currently mined block. /// Handles preparing work for "work sealing" or seals "internally" if Engine does not require work. pub struct Miner { // NOTE [ToDr] When locking always lock in this order! sealing: Mutex, params: RwLock, #[cfg(feature = "work-notify")] listeners: RwLock>>, nonce_cache: NonceCache, gas_pricer: Mutex, options: MinerOptions, // TODO [ToDr] Arc is only required because of price updater transaction_queue: Arc, engine: Arc, accounts: Option>, io_channel: RwLock>>, } impl Miner { /// Push listener that will handle new jobs #[cfg(feature = "work-notify")] pub fn add_work_listener(&self, notifier: Box) { self.listeners.write().push(notifier); self.sealing.lock().enabled = true; } /// Set a callback to be notified about imported transactions' hashes. pub fn add_transactions_listener(&self, f: Box) { self.transaction_queue.add_listener(f); } /// Creates new instance of miner Arc. pub fn new( options: MinerOptions, gas_pricer: GasPricer, spec: &Spec, accounts: Option>, ) -> Self { let limits = options.pool_limits.clone(); let verifier_options = options.pool_verification_options.clone(); let tx_queue_strategy = options.tx_queue_strategy; let nonce_cache_size = cmp::max(4096, limits.max_count / 4); Miner { sealing: Mutex::new(SealingWork { queue: UsingQueue::new(options.work_queue_size), enabled: options.force_sealing || spec.engine.seals_internally().is_some(), next_allowed_reseal: Instant::now(), next_mandatory_reseal: Instant::now() + options.reseal_max_period, last_request: None, }), params: RwLock::new(AuthoringParams::default()), #[cfg(feature = "work-notify")] listeners: RwLock::new(vec![]), gas_pricer: Mutex::new(gas_pricer), nonce_cache: NonceCache::new(nonce_cache_size), options, transaction_queue: Arc::new(TransactionQueue::new(limits, verifier_options, tx_queue_strategy)), accounts, engine: spec.engine.clone(), io_channel: RwLock::new(None), } } /// Creates new instance of miner with given spec and accounts. /// /// NOTE This should be only used for tests. pub fn new_for_tests(spec: &Spec, accounts: Option>) -> Miner { let minimal_gas_price = 0.into(); Miner::new(MinerOptions { pool_verification_options: pool::verifier::Options { minimal_gas_price, block_gas_limit: U256::max_value(), tx_gas_limit: U256::max_value(), }, reseal_min_period: Duration::from_secs(0), ..Default::default() }, GasPricer::new_fixed(minimal_gas_price), spec, accounts) } /// Sets `IoChannel` pub fn set_io_channel(&self, io_channel: IoChannel) { *self.io_channel.write() = Some(io_channel); } /// Clear all pending block states pub fn clear(&self) { self.sealing.lock().queue.reset(); } /// Updates transaction queue verification limits. /// /// Limits consist of current block gas limit and minimal gas price. pub fn update_transaction_queue_limits(&self, block_gas_limit: U256) { trace!(target: "miner", "minimal_gas_price: recalibrating..."); let txq = self.transaction_queue.clone(); let mut options = self.options.pool_verification_options.clone(); self.gas_pricer.lock().recalibrate(move |gas_price| { debug!(target: "miner", "minimal_gas_price: Got gas price! {}", gas_price); options.minimal_gas_price = gas_price; options.block_gas_limit = block_gas_limit; txq.set_verifier_options(options); }); } /// Retrieves an existing pending block iff it's not older than given block number. /// /// NOTE: This will not prepare a new pending block if it's not existing. /// See `map_pending_block` for alternative behaviour. fn map_existing_pending_block(&self, f: F, latest_block_number: BlockNumber) -> Option where F: FnOnce(&ClosedBlock) -> T, { self.sealing.lock().queue .peek_last_ref() .and_then(|b| { if b.block().header().number() > latest_block_number { Some(f(b)) } else { None } }) } fn pool_client<'a, C: 'a>(&'a self, chain: &'a C) -> PoolClient<'a, C> where C: BlockChain + CallContract, { PoolClient::new( chain, &self.nonce_cache, &*self.engine, self.accounts.as_ref().map(|x| &**x), self.options.refuse_service_transactions, ) } /// Prepares new block for sealing including top transactions from queue. fn prepare_block(&self, chain: &C) -> (ClosedBlock, Option) where C: BlockChain + CallContract + BlockProducer + Nonce + Sync, { trace_time!("prepare_block"); let chain_info = chain.chain_info(); // Open block let (mut open_block, original_work_hash) = { let mut sealing = self.sealing.lock(); let last_work_hash = sealing.queue.peek_last_ref().map(|pb| pb.block().header().hash()); let best_hash = chain_info.best_block_hash; // check to see if last ClosedBlock in would_seals is actually same parent block. // if so // duplicate, re-open and push any new transactions. // if at least one was pushed successfully, close and enqueue new ClosedBlock; // otherwise, leave everything alone. // otherwise, author a fresh block. let mut open_block = match sealing.queue.pop_if(|b| b.block().header().parent_hash() == &best_hash) { Some(old_block) => { trace!(target: "miner", "prepare_block: Already have previous work; updating and returning"); // add transactions to old_block chain.reopen_block(old_block) } None => { // block not found - create it. trace!(target: "miner", "prepare_block: No existing work - making new block"); let params = self.params.read().clone(); chain.prepare_open_block( params.author, params.gas_range_target, params.extra_data, ) } }; if self.options.infinite_pending_block { open_block.remove_gas_limit(); } (open_block, last_work_hash) }; let mut invalid_transactions = HashSet::new(); let mut not_allowed_transactions = HashSet::new(); let mut senders_to_penalize = HashSet::new(); let block_number = open_block.block().header().number(); let mut tx_count = 0usize; let mut skipped_transactions = 0usize; let client = self.pool_client(chain); let engine_params = self.engine.params(); let min_tx_gas: U256 = self.engine.schedule(chain_info.best_block_number).tx_gas.into(); let nonce_cap: Option = if chain_info.best_block_number + 1 >= engine_params.dust_protection_transition { Some((engine_params.nonce_cap_increment * (chain_info.best_block_number + 1)).into()) } else { None }; // we will never need more transactions than limit divided by min gas let max_transactions = if min_tx_gas.is_zero() { usize::max_value() } else { (*open_block.block().header().gas_limit() / min_tx_gas).as_u64() as usize }; let pending: Vec> = self.transaction_queue.pending( client.clone(), pool::PendingSettings { block_number: chain_info.best_block_number, current_timestamp: chain_info.best_block_timestamp, nonce_cap, max_len: max_transactions, ordering: miner::PendingOrdering::Priority, } ); let took_ms = |elapsed: &Duration| { elapsed.as_secs() * 1000 + elapsed.subsec_nanos() as u64 / 1_000_000 }; let block_start = Instant::now(); debug!(target: "miner", "Attempting to push {} transactions.", pending.len()); for tx in pending { let start = Instant::now(); let transaction = tx.signed().clone(); let hash = transaction.hash(); let sender = transaction.sender(); // Re-verify transaction again vs current state. let result = client.verify_signed(&transaction) .map_err(|e| e.into()) .and_then(|_| { open_block.push_transaction(transaction, None) }); let took = start.elapsed(); // Check for heavy transactions match self.options.tx_queue_penalization { Penalization::Enabled { ref offend_threshold } if &took > offend_threshold => { senders_to_penalize.insert(sender); debug!(target: "miner", "Detected heavy transaction ({} ms). Penalizing sender.", took_ms(&took)); }, _ => {}, } debug!(target: "miner", "Adding tx {:?} took {} ms", hash, took_ms(&took)); match result { Err(Error(ErrorKind::Execution(ExecutionError::BlockGasLimitReached { gas_limit, gas_used, gas }), _)) => { debug!(target: "miner", "Skipping adding transaction to block because of gas limit: {:?} (limit: {:?}, used: {:?}, gas: {:?})", hash, gas_limit, gas_used, gas); // Penalize transaction if it's above current gas limit if gas > gas_limit { debug!(target: "txqueue", "[{:?}] Transaction above block gas limit.", hash); invalid_transactions.insert(hash); } // Exit early if gas left is smaller then min_tx_gas let gas_left = gas_limit - gas_used; if gas_left < min_tx_gas { debug!(target: "miner", "Remaining gas is lower than minimal gas for a transaction. Block is full."); break; } // Avoid iterating over the entire queue in case block is almost full. skipped_transactions += 1; if skipped_transactions > MAX_SKIPPED_TRANSACTIONS { debug!(target: "miner", "Reached skipped transactions threshold. Assuming block is full."); break; } }, // Invalid nonce error can happen only if previous transaction is skipped because of gas limit. // If there is errornous state of transaction queue it will be fixed when next block is imported. Err(Error(ErrorKind::Execution(ExecutionError::InvalidNonce { expected, got }), _)) => { debug!(target: "miner", "Skipping adding transaction to block because of invalid nonce: {:?} (expected: {:?}, got: {:?})", hash, expected, got); }, // already have transaction - ignore Err(Error(ErrorKind::Transaction(transaction::Error::AlreadyImported), _)) => {}, Err(Error(ErrorKind::Transaction(transaction::Error::NotAllowed), _)) => { not_allowed_transactions.insert(hash); debug!(target: "miner", "Skipping non-allowed transaction for sender {:?}", hash); }, Err(e) => { debug!(target: "txqueue", "[{:?}] Marking as invalid: {:?}.", hash, e); debug!( target: "miner", "Error adding transaction to block: number={}. transaction_hash={:?}, Error: {:?}", block_number, hash, e ); invalid_transactions.insert(hash); }, // imported ok _ => tx_count += 1, } } let elapsed = block_start.elapsed(); debug!(target: "miner", "Pushed {} transactions in {} ms", tx_count, took_ms(&elapsed)); let block = open_block.close(); { self.transaction_queue.remove(invalid_transactions.iter(), true); self.transaction_queue.remove(not_allowed_transactions.iter(), false); self.transaction_queue.penalize(senders_to_penalize.iter()); } (block, original_work_hash) } /// Returns `true` if we should create pending block even if some other conditions are not met. /// /// In general we always seal iff: /// 1. --force-sealing CLI parameter is provided /// 2. There are listeners awaiting new work packages (e.g. remote work notifications or stratum). fn forced_sealing(&self) -> bool { let listeners_empty = { #[cfg(feature = "work-notify")] { self.listeners.read().is_empty() } #[cfg(not(feature = "work-notify"))] { true } }; self.options.force_sealing || !listeners_empty } /// Check is reseal is allowed and necessary. fn requires_reseal(&self, best_block: BlockNumber) -> bool { let mut sealing = self.sealing.lock(); if !sealing.enabled { trace!(target: "miner", "requires_reseal: sealing is disabled"); return false } if !sealing.reseal_allowed() { trace!(target: "miner", "requires_reseal: reseal too early"); return false } trace!(target: "miner", "requires_reseal: sealing enabled"); // Disable sealing if there were no requests for SEALING_TIMEOUT_IN_BLOCKS let had_requests = sealing.last_request.map(|last_request| { best_block > last_request && best_block - last_request <= SEALING_TIMEOUT_IN_BLOCKS }).unwrap_or(false); // keep sealing enabled if any of the conditions is met let sealing_enabled = self.forced_sealing() || self.transaction_queue.has_local_pending_transactions() || self.engine.seals_internally() == Some(true) || had_requests; let should_disable_sealing = !sealing_enabled; trace!(target: "miner", "requires_reseal: should_disable_sealing={}; forced={:?}, has_local={:?}, internal={:?}, had_requests={:?}", should_disable_sealing, self.forced_sealing(), self.transaction_queue.has_local_pending_transactions(), self.engine.seals_internally(), had_requests, ); if should_disable_sealing { trace!(target: "miner", "Miner sleeping (current {}, last {})", best_block, sealing.last_request.unwrap_or(0)); sealing.enabled = false; sealing.queue.reset(); false } else { // sealing enabled and we don't want to sleep. sealing.next_allowed_reseal = Instant::now() + self.options.reseal_min_period; true } } /// Attempts to perform internal sealing (one that does not require work) and handles the result depending on the type of Seal. fn seal_and_import_block_internally(&self, chain: &C, block: ClosedBlock) -> bool where C: BlockChain + SealedBlockImporter, { { let sealing = self.sealing.lock(); if block.transactions().is_empty() && !self.forced_sealing() && Instant::now() <= sealing.next_mandatory_reseal { return false } } trace!(target: "miner", "seal_block_internally: attempting internal seal."); let parent_header = match chain.block_header(BlockId::Hash(*block.header().parent_hash())) { Some(h) => { match h.decode() { Ok(decoded_hdr) => decoded_hdr, Err(_) => return false } } None => return false, }; match self.engine.generate_seal(block.block(), &parent_header) { // Save proposal for later seal submission and broadcast it. Seal::Proposal(seal) => { trace!(target: "miner", "Received a Proposal seal."); { let mut sealing = self.sealing.lock(); sealing.next_mandatory_reseal = Instant::now() + self.options.reseal_max_period; sealing.queue.push(block.clone()); sealing.queue.use_last_ref(); } block .lock() .seal(&*self.engine, seal) .map(|sealed| { chain.broadcast_proposal_block(sealed); true }) .unwrap_or_else(|e| { warn!("ERROR: seal failed when given internally generated seal: {}", e); false }) }, // Directly import a regular sealed block. Seal::Regular(seal) => { trace!(target: "miner", "Received a Regular seal."); { let mut sealing = self.sealing.lock(); sealing.next_mandatory_reseal = Instant::now() + self.options.reseal_max_period; } block .lock() .seal(&*self.engine, seal) .map(|sealed| { chain.import_sealed_block(sealed).is_ok() }) .unwrap_or_else(|e| { warn!("ERROR: seal failed when given internally generated seal: {}", e); false }) }, Seal::None => false, } } /// Prepares work which has to be done to seal. fn prepare_work(&self, block: ClosedBlock, original_work_hash: Option) { let (work, is_new) = { let block_header = block.block().header().clone(); let block_hash = block_header.hash(); let mut sealing = self.sealing.lock(); let last_work_hash = sealing.queue.peek_last_ref().map(|pb| pb.block().header().hash()); trace!( target: "miner", "prepare_work: Checking whether we need to reseal: orig={:?} last={:?}, this={:?}", original_work_hash, last_work_hash, block_hash ); let (work, is_new) = if last_work_hash.map_or(true, |h| h != block_hash) { trace!( target: "miner", "prepare_work: Pushing a new, refreshed or borrowed pending {}...", block_hash ); let is_new = original_work_hash.map_or(true, |h| h != block_hash); sealing.queue.push(block); #[cfg(feature = "work-notify")] { // If push notifications are enabled we assume all work items are used. if is_new && !self.listeners.read().is_empty() { sealing.queue.use_last_ref(); } } (Some((block_hash, *block_header.difficulty(), block_header.number())), is_new) } else { (None, false) }; trace!( target: "miner", "prepare_work: leaving (last={:?})", sealing.queue.peek_last_ref().map(|b| b.block().header().hash()) ); (work, is_new) }; #[cfg(feature = "work-notify")] { if is_new { work.map(|(pow_hash, difficulty, number)| { for notifier in self.listeners.read().iter() { notifier.notify(pow_hash, difficulty, number) } }); } } // NB: hack to use variables to avoid warning. #[cfg(not(feature = "work-notify"))] { let _work = work; let _is_new = is_new; } } /// Returns true if we had to prepare new pending block. fn prepare_pending_block(&self, client: &C) -> bool where C: BlockChain + CallContract + BlockProducer + SealedBlockImporter + Nonce + Sync, { trace!(target: "miner", "prepare_pending_block: entering"); let prepare_new = { let mut sealing = self.sealing.lock(); let have_work = sealing.queue.peek_last_ref().is_some(); trace!(target: "miner", "prepare_pending_block: have_work={}", have_work); if !have_work { sealing.enabled = true; true } else { false } }; if prepare_new { // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // | NOTE Code below requires sealing locks. | // | Make sure to release the locks before calling that method. | // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- let (block, original_work_hash) = self.prepare_block(client); self.prepare_work(block, original_work_hash); } let best_number = client.chain_info().best_block_number; let mut sealing = self.sealing.lock(); if sealing.last_request != Some(best_number) { trace!( target: "miner", "prepare_pending_block: Miner received request (was {}, now {}) - waking up.", sealing.last_request.unwrap_or(0), best_number ); sealing.last_request = Some(best_number); } // Return if we restarted prepare_new } /// Prepare pending block, check whether sealing is needed, and then update sealing. fn prepare_and_update_sealing(&self, chain: &C) { use miner::MinerService; // Make sure to do it after transaction is imported and lock is dropped. // We need to create pending block and enable sealing. if self.engine.seals_internally().unwrap_or(false) || !self.prepare_pending_block(chain) { // If new block has not been prepared (means we already had one) // or Engine might be able to seal internally, // we need to update sealing. self.update_sealing(chain); } } } const SEALING_TIMEOUT_IN_BLOCKS : u64 = 5; impl miner::MinerService for Miner { type State = State<::state_db::StateDB>; fn authoring_params(&self) -> AuthoringParams { self.params.read().clone() } fn set_gas_range_target(&self, gas_range_target: (U256, U256)) { self.params.write().gas_range_target = gas_range_target; } fn set_extra_data(&self, extra_data: Bytes) { self.params.write().extra_data = extra_data; } fn set_author(&self, address: Address, password: Option) -> Result<(), AccountError> { self.params.write().author = address; if self.engine.seals_internally().is_some() && password.is_some() { if let Some(ref ap) = self.accounts { let password = password.unwrap_or_else(|| Password::from(String::new())); // Sign test message ap.sign(address.clone(), Some(password.clone()), Default::default())?; // Enable sealing self.sealing.lock().enabled = true; // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // | NOTE Code below may require author and sealing locks | // | (some `Engine`s call `EngineClient.update_sealing()`) | // | Make sure to release the locks before calling that method. | // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- self.engine.set_signer(ap.clone(), address, password); Ok(()) } else { warn!(target: "miner", "No account provider"); Err(AccountError::NotFound) } } else { Ok(()) } } fn sensible_gas_price(&self) -> U256 { // 10% above our minimum. self.transaction_queue.current_worst_gas_price() * 110u32 / 100.into() } fn sensible_gas_limit(&self) -> U256 { self.params.read().gas_range_target.0 / 5.into() } fn import_external_transactions( &self, chain: &C, transactions: Vec ) -> Vec> { trace!(target: "external_tx", "Importing external transactions"); let client = self.pool_client(chain); let results = self.transaction_queue.import( client, transactions.into_iter().map(pool::verifier::Transaction::Unverified).collect(), ); // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // | NOTE Code below requires sealing locks. | // | Make sure to release the locks before calling that method. | // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- if !results.is_empty() && self.options.reseal_on_external_tx && self.sealing.lock().reseal_allowed() { self.prepare_and_update_sealing(chain); } results } fn import_own_transaction( &self, chain: &C, pending: PendingTransaction ) -> Result<(), transaction::Error> { // note: you may want to use `import_claimed_local_transaction` instead of this one. trace!(target: "own_tx", "Importing transaction: {:?}", pending); let client = self.pool_client(chain); let imported = self.transaction_queue.import( client, vec![pool::verifier::Transaction::Local(pending)] ).pop().expect("one result returned per added transaction; one added => one result; qed"); // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // | NOTE Code below requires sealing locks. | // | Make sure to release the locks before calling that method. | // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- if imported.is_ok() && self.options.reseal_on_own_tx && self.sealing.lock().reseal_allowed() { self.prepare_and_update_sealing(chain); } imported } fn import_claimed_local_transaction( &self, chain: &C, pending: PendingTransaction, trusted: bool ) -> Result<(), transaction::Error> { // treat the tx as local if the option is enabled, or if we have the account let sender = pending.sender(); let treat_as_local = trusted || !self.options.tx_queue_no_unfamiliar_locals || self.accounts.as_ref().map(|accts| accts.has_account(sender)).unwrap_or(false); if treat_as_local { self.import_own_transaction(chain, pending) } else { // We want to replicate behaviour for external transactions if we're not going to treat // this as local. This is important with regards to sealing blocks self.import_external_transactions(chain, vec![pending.transaction.into()]) .pop().expect("one result per tx, as in `import_own_transaction`") } } fn local_transactions(&self) -> BTreeMap { self.transaction_queue.local_transactions() } fn queued_transactions(&self) -> Vec> { self.transaction_queue.all_transactions() } fn pending_transaction_hashes(&self, chain: &C) -> BTreeSet where C: ChainInfo + Sync, { let chain_info = chain.chain_info(); let from_queue = || self.transaction_queue.pending_hashes( |sender| self.nonce_cache.get(sender), ); let from_pending = || { self.map_existing_pending_block(|sealing| { sealing.transactions() .iter() .map(|signed| signed.hash()) .collect() }, chain_info.best_block_number) }; match self.options.pending_set { PendingSet::AlwaysQueue => { from_queue() }, PendingSet::AlwaysSealing => { from_pending().unwrap_or_default() }, PendingSet::SealingOrElseQueue => { from_pending().unwrap_or_else(from_queue) }, } } fn ready_transactions(&self, chain: &C, max_len: usize, ordering: miner::PendingOrdering) -> Vec> where C: ChainInfo + Nonce + Sync, { let chain_info = chain.chain_info(); let from_queue = || { // We propagate transactions over the nonce cap. // The mechanism is only to limit number of transactions in pending block // those transactions are valid and will just be ready to be included in next block. let nonce_cap = None; self.transaction_queue.pending( CachedNonceClient::new(chain, &self.nonce_cache), pool::PendingSettings { block_number: chain_info.best_block_number, current_timestamp: chain_info.best_block_timestamp, nonce_cap, max_len, ordering, }, ) }; let from_pending = || { self.map_existing_pending_block(|sealing| { sealing.transactions() .iter() .map(|signed| pool::VerifiedTransaction::from_pending_block_transaction(signed.clone())) .map(Arc::new) .take(max_len) .collect() }, chain_info.best_block_number) }; match self.options.pending_set { PendingSet::AlwaysQueue => { from_queue() }, PendingSet::AlwaysSealing => { from_pending().unwrap_or_default() }, PendingSet::SealingOrElseQueue => { from_pending().unwrap_or_else(from_queue) }, } } fn next_nonce(&self, chain: &C, address: &Address) -> U256 where C: Nonce + Sync, { self.transaction_queue.next_nonce(CachedNonceClient::new(chain, &self.nonce_cache), address) .unwrap_or_else(|| chain.latest_nonce(address)) } fn transaction(&self, hash: &H256) -> Option> { self.transaction_queue.find(hash) } fn remove_transaction(&self, hash: &H256) -> Option> { self.transaction_queue.remove(::std::iter::once(hash), false) .pop() .expect("remove() returns one result per hash; one hash passed; qed") } fn queue_status(&self) -> QueueStatus { self.transaction_queue.status() } fn pending_receipt(&self, best_block: BlockNumber, hash: &H256) -> Option { self.map_existing_pending_block(|pending| { let txs = pending.transactions(); txs.iter() .map(|t| t.hash()) .position(|t| t == *hash) .map(|index| { let receipts = pending.receipts(); let prev_gas = if index == 0 { Default::default() } else { receipts[index - 1].gas_used }; let tx = &txs[index]; let receipt = &receipts[index]; RichReceipt { transaction_hash: hash.clone(), transaction_index: index, cumulative_gas_used: receipt.gas_used, gas_used: receipt.gas_used - prev_gas, contract_address: match tx.action { Action::Call(_) => None, Action::Create => { let sender = tx.sender(); Some(contract_address(self.engine.create_address_scheme(pending.header().number()), &sender, &tx.nonce, &tx.data).0) } }, logs: receipt.logs.clone(), log_bloom: receipt.log_bloom, outcome: receipt.outcome.clone(), } }) }, best_block).and_then(|x| x) } fn pending_receipts(&self, best_block: BlockNumber) -> Option> { self.map_existing_pending_block(|pending| { let hashes = pending.transactions().iter().map(|t| t.hash()); let receipts = pending.receipts().iter().cloned(); hashes.zip(receipts).collect() }, best_block) } /// Update sealing if required. /// Prepare the block and work if the Engine does not seal internally. fn update_sealing(&self, chain: &C) where C: BlockChain + CallContract + BlockProducer + SealedBlockImporter + Nonce + Sync, { trace!(target: "miner", "update_sealing"); // Do nothing if reseal is not required, // but note that `requires_reseal` updates internal state. if !self.requires_reseal(chain.chain_info().best_block_number) { return; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // | NOTE Code below requires sealing locks. | // | Make sure to release the locks before calling that method. | // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- trace!(target: "miner", "update_sealing: preparing a block"); let (block, original_work_hash) = self.prepare_block(chain); // refuse to seal the first block of the chain if it contains hard forks // which should be on by default. if block.block().header().number() == 1 && self.engine.params().contains_bugfix_hard_fork() { warn!("Your chain specification contains one or more hard forks which are required to be \ on by default. Please remove these forks and start your chain again."); return; } match self.engine.seals_internally() { Some(true) => { trace!(target: "miner", "update_sealing: engine indicates internal sealing"); if self.seal_and_import_block_internally(chain, block) { trace!(target: "miner", "update_sealing: imported internally sealed block"); } }, Some(false) => { trace!(target: "miner", "update_sealing: engine is not keen to seal internally right now"); // anyway, save the block for later use self.sealing.lock().queue.push(block); }, None => { trace!(target: "miner", "update_sealing: engine does not seal internally, preparing work"); self.prepare_work(block, original_work_hash) }, } } fn is_currently_sealing(&self) -> bool { self.sealing.lock().enabled } fn work_package(&self, chain: &C) -> Option<(H256, BlockNumber, u64, U256)> where C: BlockChain + CallContract + BlockProducer + SealedBlockImporter + Nonce + Sync, { if self.engine.seals_internally().is_some() { return None; } self.prepare_pending_block(chain); self.sealing.lock().queue.use_last_ref().map(|b| { let header = b.header(); (header.hash(), header.number(), header.timestamp(), *header.difficulty()) }) } // Note used for external submission (PoW) and internally by sealing engines. fn submit_seal(&self, block_hash: H256, seal: Vec) -> Result { let result = if let Some(b) = self.sealing.lock().queue.get_used_if( if self.options.enable_resubmission { GetAction::Clone } else { GetAction::Take }, |b| &b.hash() == &block_hash ) { trace!(target: "miner", "Submitted block {}={}={} with seal {:?}", block_hash, b.hash(), b.header().bare_hash(), seal); b.lock().try_seal(&*self.engine, seal).or_else(|(e, _)| { warn!(target: "miner", "Mined solution rejected: {}", e); Err(ErrorKind::PowInvalid.into()) }) } else { warn!(target: "miner", "Submitted solution rejected: Block unknown or out of date."); Err(ErrorKind::PowHashInvalid.into()) }; result.and_then(|sealed| { let n = sealed.header().number(); let h = sealed.header().hash(); info!(target: "miner", "Submitted block imported OK. #{}: {}", Colour::White.bold().paint(format!("{}", n)), Colour::White.bold().paint(format!("{:x}", h))); Ok(sealed) }) } fn chain_new_blocks(&self, chain: &C, imported: &[H256], _invalid: &[H256], enacted: &[H256], retracted: &[H256], is_internal_import: bool) where C: miner::BlockChainClient, { trace!(target: "miner", "chain_new_blocks"); // 1. We ignore blocks that were `imported` unless resealing on new uncles is enabled. // 2. We ignore blocks that are `invalid` because it doesn't have any meaning in terms of the transactions that // are in those blocks let has_new_best_block = enacted.len() > 0; if has_new_best_block { // Clear nonce cache self.nonce_cache.clear(); } // First update gas limit in transaction queue and minimal gas price. let gas_limit = *chain.best_block_header().gas_limit(); self.update_transaction_queue_limits(gas_limit); // Then import all transactions from retracted blocks. let client = self.pool_client(chain); { retracted .par_iter() .for_each(|hash| { let block = chain.block(BlockId::Hash(*hash)) .expect("Client is sending message after commit to db and inserting to chain; the block is available; qed"); let txs = block.transactions() .into_iter() .map(pool::verifier::Transaction::Retracted) .collect(); let _ = self.transaction_queue.import( client.clone(), txs, ); }); } if has_new_best_block || (imported.len() > 0 && self.options.reseal_on_uncle) { // Reset `next_allowed_reseal` in case a block is imported. // Even if min_period is high, we will always attempt to create // new pending block. self.sealing.lock().next_allowed_reseal = Instant::now(); if !is_internal_import { // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // | NOTE Code below requires sealing locks. | // | Make sure to release the locks before calling that method. | // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- self.update_sealing(chain); } } if has_new_best_block { // Make sure to cull transactions after we update sealing. // Not culling won't lead to old transactions being added to the block // (thanks to Ready), but culling can take significant amount of time, // so best to leave it after we create some work for miners to prevent increased // uncle rate. // If the io_channel is available attempt to offload culling to a separate task // to avoid blocking chain_new_blocks if let Some(ref channel) = *self.io_channel.read() { let queue = self.transaction_queue.clone(); let nonce_cache = self.nonce_cache.clone(); let engine = self.engine.clone(); let accounts = self.accounts.clone(); let refuse_service_transactions = self.options.refuse_service_transactions; let cull = move |chain: &::client::Client| { let client = PoolClient::new( chain, &nonce_cache, &*engine, accounts.as_ref().map(|x| &**x), refuse_service_transactions, ); queue.cull(client); }; if let Err(e) = channel.send(ClientIoMessage::execute(cull)) { warn!(target: "miner", "Error queueing cull: {:?}", e); } } else { self.transaction_queue.cull(client); } } } fn pending_state(&self, latest_block_number: BlockNumber) -> Option { self.map_existing_pending_block(|b| b.state().clone(), latest_block_number) } fn pending_block_header(&self, latest_block_number: BlockNumber) -> Option
{ self.map_existing_pending_block(|b| b.header().clone(), latest_block_number) } fn pending_block(&self, latest_block_number: BlockNumber) -> Option { self.map_existing_pending_block(|b| b.to_base(), latest_block_number) } fn pending_transactions(&self, latest_block_number: BlockNumber) -> Option> { self.map_existing_pending_block(|b| b.transactions().into_iter().cloned().collect(), latest_block_number) } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use ethkey::{Generator, Random}; use hash::keccak; use header::BlockNumber; use rustc_hex::FromHex; use client::{TestBlockChainClient, EachBlockWith, ChainInfo, ImportSealedBlock}; use miner::{MinerService, PendingOrdering}; use test_helpers::{generate_dummy_client, generate_dummy_client_with_spec_and_accounts}; use transaction::{Transaction}; #[test] fn should_prepare_block_to_seal() { // given let client = TestBlockChainClient::default(); let miner = Miner::new_for_tests(&Spec::new_test(), None); // when let sealing_work = miner.work_package(&client); assert!(sealing_work.is_some(), "Expected closed block"); } #[test] fn should_still_work_after_a_couple_of_blocks() { // given let client = TestBlockChainClient::default(); let miner = Miner::new_for_tests(&Spec::new_test(), None); let res = miner.work_package(&client); let hash = res.unwrap().0; let block = miner.submit_seal(hash, vec![]).unwrap(); client.import_sealed_block(block).unwrap(); // two more blocks mined, work requested. client.add_blocks(1, EachBlockWith::Uncle); miner.work_package(&client); client.add_blocks(1, EachBlockWith::Uncle); miner.work_package(&client); // solution to original work submitted. assert!(miner.submit_seal(hash, vec![]).is_ok()); } fn miner() -> Miner { Miner::new( MinerOptions { force_sealing: false, reseal_on_external_tx: false, reseal_on_own_tx: true, reseal_on_uncle: false, reseal_min_period: Duration::from_secs(5), reseal_max_period: Duration::from_secs(120), pending_set: PendingSet::AlwaysSealing, work_queue_size: 5, enable_resubmission: true, infinite_pending_block: false, tx_queue_penalization: Penalization::Disabled, tx_queue_strategy: PrioritizationStrategy::GasPriceOnly, tx_queue_no_unfamiliar_locals: false, refuse_service_transactions: false, pool_limits: Default::default(), pool_verification_options: pool::verifier::Options { minimal_gas_price: 0.into(), block_gas_limit: U256::max_value(), tx_gas_limit: U256::max_value(), }, }, GasPricer::new_fixed(0u64.into()), &Spec::new_test(), None, // accounts provider ) } const TEST_CHAIN_ID: u64 = 2; fn transaction() -> SignedTransaction { transaction_with_chain_id(TEST_CHAIN_ID) } fn transaction_with_chain_id(chain_id: u64) -> SignedTransaction { let keypair = Random.generate().unwrap(); Transaction { action: Action::Create, value: U256::zero(), data: "3331600055".from_hex().unwrap(), gas: U256::from(100_000), gas_price: U256::zero(), nonce: U256::zero(), }.sign(keypair.secret(), Some(chain_id)) } #[test] fn should_make_pending_block_when_importing_own_transaction() { // given let client = TestBlockChainClient::default(); let miner = miner(); let transaction = transaction(); let best_block = 0; // when let res = miner.import_own_transaction(&client, PendingTransaction::new(transaction, None)); // then assert_eq!(res.unwrap(), ()); assert_eq!(miner.pending_transactions(best_block).unwrap().len(), 1); assert_eq!(miner.pending_receipts(best_block).unwrap().len(), 1); assert_eq!(miner.ready_transactions(&client, 10, PendingOrdering::Priority).len(), 1); // This method will let us know if pending block was created (before calling that method) assert!(!miner.prepare_pending_block(&client)); } #[test] fn should_not_use_pending_block_if_best_block_is_higher() { // given let client = TestBlockChainClient::default(); let miner = miner(); let transaction = transaction(); let best_block = 10; // when let res = miner.import_own_transaction(&client, PendingTransaction::new(transaction, None)); // then assert_eq!(res.unwrap(), ()); assert_eq!(miner.pending_transactions(best_block), None); assert_eq!(miner.pending_receipts(best_block), None); assert_eq!(miner.ready_transactions(&client, 10, PendingOrdering::Priority).len(), 1); } #[test] fn should_import_external_transaction() { // given let client = TestBlockChainClient::default(); let miner = miner(); let transaction = transaction().into(); let best_block = 0; // when let res = miner.import_external_transactions(&client, vec![transaction]).pop().unwrap(); // then assert_eq!(res.unwrap(), ()); // By default we don't reseal on external transactions assert_eq!(miner.pending_transactions(best_block), None); assert_eq!(miner.pending_receipts(best_block), None); // By default we use PendingSet::AlwaysSealing, so no transactions yet. assert_eq!(miner.ready_transactions(&client, 10, PendingOrdering::Priority).len(), 0); // This method will let us know if pending block was created (before calling that method) assert!(miner.prepare_pending_block(&client)); // After pending block is created we should see a transaction. assert_eq!(miner.ready_transactions(&client, 10, PendingOrdering::Priority).len(), 1); } #[test] fn should_treat_unfamiliar_locals_selectively() { // given let keypair = Random.generate().unwrap(); let client = TestBlockChainClient::default(); let account_provider = AccountProvider::transient_provider(); account_provider.insert_account(keypair.secret().clone(), &"".into()).expect("can add accounts to the provider we just created"); let miner = Miner::new( MinerOptions { tx_queue_no_unfamiliar_locals: true, ..miner().options }, GasPricer::new_fixed(0u64.into()), &Spec::new_test(), Some(Arc::new(account_provider)), ); let transaction = transaction(); let best_block = 0; // when // This transaction should not be marked as local because our account_provider doesn't have the sender let res = miner.import_claimed_local_transaction(&client, PendingTransaction::new(transaction.clone(), None), false); // then // Check the same conditions as `should_import_external_transaction` first. Behaviour should be identical. // That is: it's treated as though we added it through `import_external_transactions` assert_eq!(res.unwrap(), ()); assert_eq!(miner.pending_transactions(best_block), None); assert_eq!(miner.pending_receipts(best_block), None); assert_eq!(miner.ready_transactions(&client, 10, PendingOrdering::Priority).len(), 0); assert!(miner.prepare_pending_block(&client)); assert_eq!(miner.ready_transactions(&client, 10, PendingOrdering::Priority).len(), 1); // when - 2nd part: create a local transaction from account_provider. // Borrow the transaction used before & sign with our generated keypair. let local_transaction = transaction.deconstruct().0.as_unsigned().clone().sign(keypair.secret(), Some(TEST_CHAIN_ID)); let res2 = miner.import_claimed_local_transaction(&client, PendingTransaction::new(local_transaction, None), false); // then - 2nd part: we add on the results from the last pending block. // This is borrowed from `should_make_pending_block_when_importing_own_transaction` and slightly modified. assert_eq!(res2.unwrap(), ()); assert_eq!(miner.pending_transactions(best_block).unwrap().len(), 2); assert_eq!(miner.pending_receipts(best_block).unwrap().len(), 2); assert_eq!(miner.ready_transactions(&client, 10, PendingOrdering::Priority).len(), 2); assert!(!miner.prepare_pending_block(&client)); } #[test] fn should_not_seal_unless_enabled() { let miner = miner(); let client = TestBlockChainClient::default(); // By default resealing is not required. assert!(!miner.requires_reseal(1u8.into())); miner.import_external_transactions(&client, vec![transaction().into()]).pop().unwrap().unwrap(); assert!(miner.prepare_pending_block(&client)); // Unless asked to prepare work. assert!(miner.requires_reseal(1u8.into())); } #[test] fn internal_seals_without_work() { let spec = Spec::new_instant(); let miner = Miner::new_for_tests(&spec, None); let client = generate_dummy_client(2); let import = miner.import_external_transactions(&*client, vec![transaction_with_chain_id(spec.chain_id()).into()]).pop().unwrap(); assert_eq!(import.unwrap(), ()); miner.update_sealing(&*client); client.flush_queue(); assert!(miner.pending_block(0).is_none()); assert_eq!(client.chain_info().best_block_number, 3 as BlockNumber); assert!(miner.import_own_transaction(&*client, PendingTransaction::new(transaction_with_chain_id(spec.chain_id()).into(), None)).is_ok()); miner.update_sealing(&*client); client.flush_queue(); assert!(miner.pending_block(0).is_none()); assert_eq!(client.chain_info().best_block_number, 4 as BlockNumber); } #[test] fn should_fail_setting_engine_signer_without_account_provider() { let spec = Spec::new_instant; let tap = Arc::new(AccountProvider::transient_provider()); let addr = tap.insert_account(keccak("1").into(), &"".into()).unwrap(); let client = generate_dummy_client_with_spec_and_accounts(spec, None); assert!(match client.miner().set_author(addr, Some("".into())) { Err(AccountError::NotFound) => true, _ => false }); } #[test] fn should_mine_if_internal_sealing_is_enabled() { let spec = Spec::new_instant(); let miner = Miner::new_for_tests(&spec, None); let client = generate_dummy_client(2); miner.update_sealing(&*client); assert!(miner.is_currently_sealing()); } #[test] fn should_not_mine_if_internal_sealing_is_disabled() { let spec = Spec::new_test_round(); let miner = Miner::new_for_tests(&spec, None); let client = generate_dummy_client(2); miner.update_sealing(&*client); assert!(!miner.is_currently_sealing()); } #[test] fn should_not_mine_if_no_fetch_work_request() { let spec = Spec::new_test(); let miner = Miner::new_for_tests(&spec, None); let client = generate_dummy_client(2); miner.update_sealing(&*client); assert!(!miner.is_currently_sealing()); } #[cfg(feature = "work-notify")] #[test] fn should_mine_if_fetch_work_request() { struct DummyNotifyWork; impl NotifyWork for DummyNotifyWork { fn notify(&self, _pow_hash: H256, _difficulty: U256, _number: u64) { } } let spec = Spec::new_test(); let miner = Miner::new_for_tests(&spec, None); miner.add_work_listener(Box::new(DummyNotifyWork)); let client = generate_dummy_client(2); miner.update_sealing(&*client); assert!(miner.is_currently_sealing()); } }