// Copyright 2015, 2016 Ethcore (UK) Ltd. // This file is part of Parity. // Parity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // Parity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Parity. If not, see . //! Eth rpc implementation. use std::collections::HashMap; use std::sync::{Arc, Weak, Mutex, RwLock}; use ethsync::{SyncProvider, SyncState}; use jsonrpc_core::*; use util::numbers::*; use util::sha3::*; use util::rlp::encode; use ethcore::client::*; use ethcore::block::{IsBlock}; use ethcore::views::*; use ethcore::ethereum::Ethash; use ethcore::ethereum::denominations::shannon; use v1::traits::{Eth, EthFilter}; use v1::types::{Block, BlockTransactions, BlockNumber, Bytes, SyncStatus, SyncInfo, Transaction, TransactionRequest, OptionalValue, Index, Filter, Log}; use v1::helpers::{PollFilter, PollManager}; use util::keys::store::AccountProvider; /// Eth rpc implementation. pub struct EthClient where C: BlockChainClient, S: SyncProvider, A: AccountProvider { client: Weak, sync: Weak, accounts: Weak, hashrates: RwLock>, } impl EthClient where C: BlockChainClient, S: SyncProvider, A: AccountProvider { /// Creates new EthClient. pub fn new(client: &Arc, sync: &Arc, accounts: &Arc) -> Self { EthClient { client: Arc::downgrade(client), sync: Arc::downgrade(sync), accounts: Arc::downgrade(accounts), hashrates: RwLock::new(HashMap::new()), } } fn block(&self, id: BlockId, include_txs: bool) -> Result { let client = take_weak!(self.client); match (client.block(id.clone()), client.block_total_difficulty(id)) { (Some(bytes), Some(total_difficulty)) => { let block_view = BlockView::new(&bytes); let view = block_view.header_view(); let block = Block { hash: OptionalValue::Value(view.sha3()), parent_hash: view.parent_hash(), uncles_hash: view.uncles_hash(), author: view.author(), miner: view.author(), state_root: view.state_root(), transactions_root: view.transactions_root(), receipts_root: view.receipts_root(), number: OptionalValue::Value(U256::from(view.number())), gas_used: view.gas_used(), gas_limit: view.gas_limit(), logs_bloom: view.log_bloom(), timestamp: U256::from(view.timestamp()), difficulty: view.difficulty(), total_difficulty: total_difficulty, uncles: vec![], transactions: { if include_txs { BlockTransactions::Full(block_view.localized_transactions().into_iter().map(From::from).collect()) } else { BlockTransactions::Hashes(block_view.transaction_hashes()) } }, extra_data: Bytes::default() }; to_value(&block) }, _ => Ok(Value::Null) } } fn transaction(&self, id: TransactionId) -> Result { match take_weak!(self.client).transaction(id) { Some(t) => to_value(&Transaction::from(t)), None => Ok(Value::Null) } } } impl Eth for EthClient where C: BlockChainClient + 'static, S: SyncProvider + 'static, A: AccountProvider + 'static { fn protocol_version(&self, params: Params) -> Result { match params { Params::None => to_value(&U256::from(take_weak!(self.sync).status().protocol_version)), _ => Err(Error::invalid_params()) } } fn syncing(&self, params: Params) -> Result { match params { Params::None => { let status = take_weak!(self.sync).status(); let res = match status.state { SyncState::NotSynced | SyncState::Idle => SyncStatus::None, SyncState::Waiting | SyncState::Blocks | SyncState::NewBlocks => SyncStatus::Info(SyncInfo { starting_block: U256::from(status.start_block_number), current_block: U256::from(take_weak!(self.client).chain_info().best_block_number), highest_block: U256::from(status.highest_block_number.unwrap_or(status.start_block_number)) }) }; to_value(&res) } _ => Err(Error::invalid_params()) } } // TODO: do not hardcode author. fn author(&self, params: Params) -> Result { match params { Params::None => to_value(&Address::new()), _ => Err(Error::invalid_params()) } } // TODO: return real value of mining once it's implemented. fn is_mining(&self, params: Params) -> Result { match params { Params::None => to_value(&!self.hashrates.read().unwrap().is_empty()), _ => Err(Error::invalid_params()) } } // TODO: return real hashrate once we have mining fn hashrate(&self, params: Params) -> Result { match params { Params::None => to_value(&self.hashrates.read().unwrap().iter().fold(0u64, |sum, (_, v)| sum + v)), _ => Err(Error::invalid_params()) } } fn gas_price(&self, params: Params) -> Result { match params { Params::None => to_value(&(shannon() * U256::from(50))), _ => Err(Error::invalid_params()) } } fn block_number(&self, params: Params) -> Result { match params { Params::None => to_value(&U256::from(take_weak!(self.client).chain_info().best_block_number)), _ => Err(Error::invalid_params()) } } fn block_transaction_count_by_hash(&self, params: Params) -> Result { from_params::<(H256,)>(params) .and_then(|(hash,)| match take_weak!(self.client).block(BlockId::Hash(hash)) { Some(bytes) => to_value(&BlockView::new(&bytes).transactions_count()), None => Ok(Value::Null) }) } fn block_transaction_count_by_number(&self, params: Params) -> Result { from_params::<(BlockNumber,)>(params) .and_then(|(block_number,)| match block_number { BlockNumber::Pending => to_value(&take_weak!(self.sync).status().transaction_queue_pending), _ => match take_weak!(self.client).block(block_number.into()) { Some(bytes) => to_value(&BlockView::new(&bytes).transactions_count()), None => Ok(Value::Null) } }) } fn block_uncles_count(&self, params: Params) -> Result { from_params::<(H256,)>(params) .and_then(|(hash,)| match take_weak!(self.client).block(BlockId::Hash(hash)) { Some(bytes) => to_value(&BlockView::new(&bytes).uncles_count()), None => Ok(Value::Null) }) } // TODO: do not ignore block number param fn code_at(&self, params: Params) -> Result { from_params::<(Address, BlockNumber)>(params) .and_then(|(address, _block_number)| to_value(&take_weak!(self.client).code(&address).map_or_else(Bytes::default, Bytes::new))) } fn block_by_hash(&self, params: Params) -> Result { from_params::<(H256, bool)>(params) .and_then(|(hash, include_txs)| self.block(BlockId::Hash(hash), include_txs)) } fn block_by_number(&self, params: Params) -> Result { from_params::<(BlockNumber, bool)>(params) .and_then(|(number, include_txs)| self.block(number.into(), include_txs)) } fn transaction_by_hash(&self, params: Params) -> Result { from_params::<(H256,)>(params) .and_then(|(hash,)| self.transaction(TransactionId::Hash(hash))) } fn transaction_by_block_hash_and_index(&self, params: Params) -> Result { from_params::<(H256, Index)>(params) .and_then(|(hash, index)| self.transaction(TransactionId::Location(BlockId::Hash(hash), index.value()))) } fn transaction_by_block_number_and_index(&self, params: Params) -> Result { from_params::<(BlockNumber, Index)>(params) .and_then(|(number, index)| self.transaction(TransactionId::Location(number.into(), index.value()))) } fn logs(&self, params: Params) -> Result { from_params::<(Filter,)>(params) .and_then(|(filter,)| { let logs = take_weak!(self.client).logs(filter.into()) .into_iter() .map(From::from) .collect::>(); to_value(&logs) }) } fn work(&self, params: Params) -> Result { match params { Params::None => { let c = take_weak!(self.client); let u = c.sealing_block().lock().unwrap(); match *u { Some(ref b) => { let pow_hash = b.hash(); let target = Ethash::difficulty_to_boundary(b.block().header().difficulty()); let seed_hash = Ethash::get_seedhash(b.block().header().number()); to_value(&(pow_hash, seed_hash, target)) } _ => Err(Error::invalid_params()) } }, _ => Err(Error::invalid_params()) } } fn submit_work(&self, params: Params) -> Result { from_params::<(H64, H256, H256)>(params).and_then(|(nonce, pow_hash, mix_hash)| { // trace!("Decoded: nonce={}, pow_hash={}, mix_hash={}", nonce, pow_hash, mix_hash); let c = take_weak!(self.client); let seal = vec![encode(&mix_hash).to_vec(), encode(&nonce).to_vec()]; let r = c.submit_seal(pow_hash, seal); to_value(&r.is_ok()) }) } fn submit_hashrate(&self, params: Params) -> Result { // TODO: Index should be U256. from_params::<(Index, H256)>(params).and_then(|(rate, id)| { self.hashrates.write().unwrap().insert(id, rate.value() as u64); to_value(&true) }) } fn send_transaction(&self, params: Params) -> Result { from_params::<(TransactionRequest, )>(params) .and_then(|(transaction_request, )| { let accounts = take_weak!(self.accounts); match accounts.account_secret(&transaction_request.from) { Ok(secret) => { let sync = take_weak!(self.sync); let (transaction, _) = transaction_request.to_eth(); let signed_transaction = transaction.sign(&secret); let hash = signed_transaction.hash(); sync.insert_transaction(signed_transaction); to_value(&hash) }, Err(_) => { to_value(&U256::zero()) } } }) } } /// Eth filter rpc implementation. pub struct EthFilterClient where C: BlockChainClient { client: Weak, polls: Mutex>, } impl EthFilterClient where C: BlockChainClient { /// Creates new Eth filter client. pub fn new(client: &Arc) -> Self { EthFilterClient { client: Arc::downgrade(client), polls: Mutex::new(PollManager::new()) } } } impl EthFilter for EthFilterClient where C: BlockChainClient + 'static { fn new_filter(&self, params: Params) -> Result { from_params::<(Filter,)>(params) .and_then(|(filter,)| { let mut polls = self.polls.lock().unwrap(); let id = polls.create_poll(PollFilter::Logs(filter.into()), take_weak!(self.client).chain_info().best_block_number); to_value(&U256::from(id)) }) } fn new_block_filter(&self, params: Params) -> Result { match params { Params::None => { let mut polls = self.polls.lock().unwrap(); let id = polls.create_poll(PollFilter::Block, take_weak!(self.client).chain_info().best_block_number); to_value(&U256::from(id)) }, _ => Err(Error::invalid_params()) } } fn new_pending_transaction_filter(&self, params: Params) -> Result { match params { Params::None => { let mut polls = self.polls.lock().unwrap(); let id = polls.create_poll(PollFilter::PendingTransaction, take_weak!(self.client).chain_info().best_block_number); to_value(&U256::from(id)) }, _ => Err(Error::invalid_params()) } } fn filter_changes(&self, params: Params) -> Result { let client = take_weak!(self.client); from_params::<(Index,)>(params) .and_then(|(index,)| { let info = self.polls.lock().unwrap().poll_info(&index.value()).cloned(); match info { None => Ok(Value::Array(vec![] as Vec)), Some(info) => match info.filter { PollFilter::Block => { // + 1, cause we want to return hashes including current block hash. let current_number = client.chain_info().best_block_number + 1; let hashes = (info.block_number..current_number).into_iter() .map(BlockId::Number) .filter_map(|id| client.block_hash(id)) .collect::>(); self.polls.lock().unwrap().update_poll(&index.value(), current_number); to_value(&hashes) }, PollFilter::PendingTransaction => { // TODO: fix implementation once TransactionQueue is merged to_value(&vec![] as &Vec) }, PollFilter::Logs(mut filter) => { filter.from_block = BlockId::Number(info.block_number); filter.to_block = BlockId::Latest; let logs = client.logs(filter) .into_iter() .map(From::from) .collect::>(); let current_number = client.chain_info().best_block_number; self.polls.lock().unwrap().update_poll(&index.value(), current_number); to_value(&logs) } } } }) } fn uninstall_filter(&self, params: Params) -> Result { from_params::<(Index,)>(params) .and_then(|(index,)| { self.polls.lock().unwrap().remove_poll(&index.value()); to_value(&true) }) } }