// Copyright 2015-2017 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd. // This file is part of Parity. // Parity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // Parity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Parity. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. import sinon from 'sinon'; import Store, { STAGE_COMPLETED, STAGE_OPTIONS, STAGE_WAIT_DEPOSIT, STAGE_WAIT_EXCHANGE, WARNING_NONE, WARNING_NO_PRICE } from './store'; const ADDRESS = '0xabcdeffdecbaabcdeffdecbaabcdeffdecbaabcdeffdecba'; describe('modals/Shapeshift/Store', () => { let store; beforeEach(() => { store = new Store(ADDRESS); }); it('stores the ETH address', () => { expect(store.address).to.equal(ADDRESS); }); it('defaults to BTC-ETH pair', () => { expect(store.coinSymbol).to.equal('BTC'); expect(store.coinPair).to.equal('btc_eth'); }); it('defaults to stage STAGE_OPTIONS', () => { expect(store.stage).to.equal(STAGE_OPTIONS); }); it('defaults to terms not accepted', () => { expect(store.hasAcceptedTerms).to.be.false; }); describe('@action', () => { describe('setCoins', () => { it('sets the available coins', () => { const coins = ['BTC', 'ETC', 'XMR']; store.setCoins(coins); expect(store.coins.peek()).to.deep.equal(coins); }); }); describe('setCoinSymbol', () => { beforeEach(() => { sinon.stub(store, 'getCoinPrice'); store.setCoinSymbol('XMR'); }); afterEach(() => { store.getCoinPrice.restore(); }); it('sets the coinSymbol', () => { expect(store.coinSymbol).to.equal('XMR'); }); it('sets the coinPair', () => { expect(store.coinPair).to.equal('xmr_eth'); }); it('resets the price retrieved', () => { expect(store.price).to.be.null; }); it('retrieves the pair price', () => { expect(store.getCoinPrice).to.have.been.called; }); }); describe('setDepositAddress', () => { it('sets the depositAddress', () => { store.setDepositAddress('testing'); expect(store.depositAddress).to.equal('testing'); }); }); describe('setDepositInfo', () => { beforeEach(() => { store.setDepositInfo('testing'); }); it('sets the depositInfo', () => { expect(store.depositInfo).to.equal('testing'); }); it('sets the stage to STAGE_WAIT_EXCHANGE', () => { expect(store.stage).to.equal(STAGE_WAIT_EXCHANGE); }); }); describe('setError', () => { it('sets the error', () => { store.setError(new Error('testing')); expect(store.error).to.match(/testing/); }); }); describe('setExchangeInfo', () => { beforeEach(() => { store.setExchangeInfo('testing'); }); it('sets the exchangeInfo', () => { expect(store.exchangeInfo).to.equal('testing'); }); it('sets the stage to STAGE_COMPLETED', () => { expect(store.stage).to.equal(STAGE_COMPLETED); }); }); describe('setPrice', () => { it('sets the price', () => { store.setPrice('testing'); expect(store.price).to.equal('testing'); }); it('clears any warnings once set', () => { store.setWarning(-999); store.setPrice('testing'); expect(store.warning).to.equal(WARNING_NONE); }); }); describe('setRefundAddress', () => { it('sets the price', () => { store.setRefundAddress('testing'); expect(store.refundAddress).to.equal('testing'); }); }); describe('setStage', () => { it('sets the state', () => { store.setStage('testing'); expect(store.stage).to.equal('testing'); }); }); describe('setWarning', () => { it('sets the warning', () => { store.setWarning(-999); expect(store.warning).to.equal(-999); }); it('clears the warning with no parameters', () => { store.setWarning(-999); store.setWarning(); expect(store.warning).to.equal(WARNING_NONE); }); }); describe('toggleAcceptTerms', () => { it('changes state on hasAcceptedTerms', () => { store.toggleAcceptTerms(); expect(store.hasAcceptedTerms).to.be.true; }); }); }); describe('operations', () => { describe('getCoinPrice', () => { beforeEach(() => { sinon.stub(store._shapeshiftApi, 'getMarketInfo').resolves('testPrice'); return store.getCoinPrice(); }); afterEach(() => { store._shapeshiftApi.getMarketInfo.restore(); }); it('retrieves the market info from ShapeShift', () => { expect(store._shapeshiftApi.getMarketInfo).to.have.been.calledWith('btc_eth'); }); it('stores the price retrieved', () => { expect(store.price).to.equal('testPrice'); }); it('sets a warning on failure', () => { store._shapeshiftApi.getMarketInfo.restore(); sinon.stub(store._shapeshiftApi, 'getMarketInfo').rejects('someError'); return store.getCoinPrice().then(() => { expect(store.warning).to.equal(WARNING_NO_PRICE); }); }); }); describe('retrieveCoins', () => { beforeEach(() => { sinon.stub(store._shapeshiftApi, 'getCoins').resolves({ BTC: { symbol: 'BTC', status: 'available' }, ETC: { symbol: 'ETC' }, XMR: { symbol: 'XMR', status: 'available' } }); sinon.stub(store, 'getCoinPrice'); return store.retrieveCoins(); }); afterEach(() => { store._shapeshiftApi.getCoins.restore(); store.getCoinPrice.restore(); }); it('retrieves the coins from ShapeShift', () => { expect(store._shapeshiftApi.getCoins).to.have.been.called; }); it('sets the available coins', () => { expect(store.coins.peek()).to.deep.equal([ { status: 'available', symbol: 'BTC' }, { status: 'available', symbol: 'XMR' } ]); }); it('retrieves the price once resolved', () => { expect(store.getCoinPrice).to.have.been.called; }); }); describe('shift', () => { beforeEach(() => { sinon.stub(store, 'subscribe').resolves(); sinon.stub(store._shapeshiftApi, 'shift').resolves({ deposit: 'depositAddress' }); store.setRefundAddress('refundAddress'); return store.shift(); }); afterEach(() => { store.subscribe.restore(); store._shapeshiftApi.shift.restore(); }); it('moves to stage STAGE_WAIT_DEPOSIT', () => { expect(store.stage).to.equal(STAGE_WAIT_DEPOSIT); }); it('calls ShapeShift with the correct parameters', () => { expect(store._shapeshiftApi.shift).to.have.been.calledWith(ADDRESS, 'refundAddress', store.coinPair); }); it('sets the depositAddress', () => { expect(store.depositAddress).to.equal('depositAddress'); }); it('subscribes to updates', () => { expect(store.subscribe).to.have.been.called; }); it('sets error when shift fails', () => { store._shapeshiftApi.shift.restore(); sinon.stub(store._shapeshiftApi, 'shift').rejects({ message: 'testingError' }); return store.shift().then(() => { expect(store.error).to.match(/testingError/); }); }); }); describe('subscribe', () => { beforeEach(() => { sinon.stub(store._shapeshiftApi, 'subscribe'); store.setDepositAddress('depositAddress'); return store.subscribe(); }); afterEach(() => { store._shapeshiftApi.subscribe.restore(); }); it('calls into the ShapeShift subscribe', () => { expect(store._shapeshiftApi.subscribe).to.have.been.calledWith('depositAddress', store.onExchangeInfo); }); describe('onExchangeInfo', () => { it('sets the error when fatal error retrieved', () => { store.onExchangeInfo({ fatal: true, message: 'testing' }); expect(store.error.message).to.equal('testing'); }); it('does not set the error when non-fatal error retrieved', () => { store.onExchangeInfo({ message: 'testing' }); expect(store.error).to.be.null; }); describe('status received', () => { const INFO = { status: 'received' }; beforeEach(() => { store.onExchangeInfo(null, INFO); }); it('sets the depositInfo', () => { expect(store.depositInfo).to.deep.equal(INFO); }); it('only advanced depositInfo once', () => { store.onExchangeInfo(null, Object.assign({}, INFO, { state: 'secondTime' })); expect(store.depositInfo).to.deep.equal(INFO); }); }); describe('status completed', () => { const INFO = { status: 'complete' }; beforeEach(() => { store.onExchangeInfo(null, INFO); }); it('sets the depositInfo', () => { expect(store.exchangeInfo).to.deep.equal(INFO); }); it('only advanced depositInfo once', () => { store.onExchangeInfo(null, Object.assign({}, INFO, { state: 'secondTime' })); expect(store.exchangeInfo).to.deep.equal(INFO); }); }); }); }); describe('unsubscribe', () => { beforeEach(() => { sinon.stub(store._shapeshiftApi, 'unsubscribe'); store.setDepositAddress('depositAddress'); return store.unsubscribe(); }); afterEach(() => { store._shapeshiftApi.unsubscribe.restore(); }); it('calls into the ShapeShift unsubscribe', () => { expect(store._shapeshiftApi.unsubscribe).to.have.been.calledWith('depositAddress'); }); }); }); });