#!/usr/bin/env bash function run_installer() { ####### Init vars HOMEBREW_PREFIX=/usr/local HOMEBREW_CACHE=/Library/Caches/Homebrew HOMEBREW_REPO=https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew OSX_REQUIERED_VERSION="10.7.0" declare OS_TYPE declare OSX_VERSION declare GIT_PATH declare RUBY_PATH declare BREW_PATH declare INSTALL_FILES="" errorMessages="" isOsVersion=false isGit=false isRuby=false isBrew=false canContinue=true depCount=0 depFound=0 ####### Setup colors red=`tput setaf 1` green=`tput setaf 2` yellow=`tput setaf 3` blue=`tput setaf 4` magenta=`tput setaf 5` cyan=`tput setaf 6` white=`tput setaf 7` b=`tput bold` u=`tput sgr 0 1` ul=`tput smul` xl=`tput rmul` stou=`tput smso` xtou=`tput rmso` dim=`tput dim` reverse=`tput rev` reset=`tput sgr0` function head() { echo "${blue}${b}==>${white} $1${reset}" } function info() { echo "${blue}${b}==>${reset} $1" } function successHeading() { echo "${green}${b}==> $1${reset}" } function success() { echo "${green}${b}==>${reset}${green} $1${reset}" } function error() { echo "${red}==> ${u}${b}${red}$1${reset}" } function smallError() { echo "${red}==>${reset} $1" } function green() { echo "${green}$1${reset}" } function red() { echo "${red}$1${reset}" } function check() { echo "${green}${bold} ✓${reset} $1${reset}" } function uncheck() { echo "${red}${bold} ✘${reset} $1${reset}" } ####### Setup methods function wait_for_user() { while : do read -p "${blue}==>${reset} $1 [Y/n] " imp case $imp in [yY] ) echo; break ;; '' ) echo; break ;; [nN] ) abortInstall "${red}==>${reset} Process stopped by user. To resume the install run the one-liner command again." ;; * ) echo "Unrecognized option provided. Please provide either 'Y' or 'N'"; esac done } function exe() { echo "\$ $@"; "$@" } function detectOS() { if [[ "$OSTYPE" == "linux-gnu" ]] then OS_TYPE="linux" get_linux_dependencies elif [[ "$OSTYPE" == "darwin"* ]] then OS_TYPE="osx" get_osx_dependencies else OS_TYPE="win" abortInstall "${red}==>${reset} ${b}OS not supported:${reset} parity one-liner currently support OS X and Linux.\nFor instructions on installing parity on other platforms please visit ${u}${blue}http://ethcore.io/${reset}" fi echo if [[ $depCount == $depFound ]] then green "Found all dependencies ($depFound/$depCount)" else if [[ $canContinue == true ]] then red "Some dependencies are missing ($depFound/$depCount)" elif [[ $canContinue == false && $depFound == 0 ]] then red "All dependencies are missing and cannot be auto-installed ($depFound/$depCount)" abortInstall "$errorMessages"; elif [[ $canContinue == false ]] then red "Some dependencies which cannot be auto-installed are missing ($depFound/$depCount)" abortInstall "$errorMessages"; fi fi } function get_osx_dependencies() { macos_version find_git find_ruby find_brew } function macos_version() { declare -a reqVersion declare -a localVersion depCount=$((depCount+1)) OSX_VERSION=`/usr/bin/sw_vers -productVersion 2>/dev/null` if [ -z "$OSX_VERSION" ] then uncheck "OS X version not supported 🔥" isOsVersion=false canContinue=false else IFS='.' read -a localVersion <<< "$OSX_VERSION" IFS='.' read -a reqVersion <<< "$OSX_REQUIERED_VERSION" if (( ${reqVersion[0]} <= ${localVersion[0]} )) && (( ${reqVersion[1]} <= ${localVersion[1]} )) then check "OS X Version ${OSX_VERSION}" isOsVersion=true depFound=$((depFound+1)) return else uncheck "OS X version not supported" isOsVersion=false canContinue=false fi fi errorMessages+="${red}==>${reset} ${b}Mac OS version too old:${reset} eth requires OS X version ${red}$OSX_REQUIERED_VERSION${reset} at least in order to run.\n" errorMessages+=" Please update the OS and reload the install process.\n" } function find_eth() { ETH_PATH=`which eth 2>/dev/null` if [[ -f $ETH_PATH ]] then check "Found eth: $ETH_PATH" echo "$($ETH_PATH -V)" isEth=true else uncheck "Eth is missing" isEth=false fi } function find_git() { depCount=$((depCount+1)) GIT_PATH=`which git 2>/dev/null` if [[ -f $GIT_PATH ]] then check "$($GIT_PATH --version)" isGit=true depFound=$((depFound+1)) else uncheck "Git is missing" isGit=false fi } function find_ruby() { depCount=$((depCount+1)) RUBY_PATH=`which ruby 2>/dev/null` if [[ -f $RUBY_PATH ]] then RUBY_VERSION=`ruby -e "print RUBY_VERSION"` check "Ruby ${RUBY_VERSION}" isRuby=true depFound=$((depFound+1)) else uncheck "Ruby is missing 🔥" isRuby=false canContinue=false errorMessages+="${red}==>${reset} ${b}Couldn't find Ruby:${reset} Brew requires Ruby which could not be found.\n" errorMessages+=" Please install Ruby using these instructions ${u}${blue}https://www.ruby-lang.org/en/documentation/installation/${reset}.\n" fi } function find_brew() { BREW_PATH=`which brew 2>/dev/null` if [[ -f $BREW_PATH ]] then check "$($BREW_PATH -v)" isBrew=true depFound=$((depFound+1)) else uncheck "Homebrew is missing" isBrew=false INSTALL_FILES+="${blue}${dim}==> Homebrew:${reset}\n" INSTALL_FILES+=" ${blue}${dim}➜${reset} $HOMEBREW_PREFIX/bin/brew\n" INSTALL_FILES+=" ${blue}${dim}➜${reset} $HOMEBREW_PREFIX/Library\n" INSTALL_FILES+=" ${blue}${dim}➜${reset} $HOMEBREW_PREFIX/share/man/man1/brew.1\n" fi depCount=$((depCount+1)) } function install_brew() { if [[ $isBrew == false ]] then head "Installing Homebrew" if [[ $isRuby == true ]] then ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)" else cd /usr if [[ ! -d $HOMEBREW_PREFIX ]] then sudo mkdir $HOMEBREW_PREFIX sudo chmod g+rwx $HOMEBREW_PREFIX fi if [[ ! -d $HOMEBREW_CACHE ]] then sudo mkdir $HOMEBREW_CACHE sudo chmod g+rwx $HOMEBREW_CACHE fi DEVELOPER_DIR=`/usr/bin/xcode-select -print-path 2>/dev/null` if [[ ! $(ls -A $DEVELOPER_DIR) || ! -f $DEVELOPER_DIR/usr/bin/git ]] then info "Installing the Command Line Tools (expect a GUI popup):" sudo /usr/bin/xcode-select --install echo "Press any key when the installation has completed" fi cd $HOMEBREW_PREFIX bash -o pipefail -c "curl -fsSL ${HOMEBREW_REPO}/tarball/master | tar xz -m --strip 1" fi find_brew echo if [[ $isBrew == false ]] then abortInstall "Couldn't install brew" fi fi } function osx_installer() { osx_dependency_installer info "Updating brew" exe brew update echo info "Installing rocksdb" exe brew install rocksdb info "Installing multirust" exe brew install multirust sudo multirust update nightly sudo multirust default nightly echo } function osx_dependency_installer() { if [[ $isGit == false ]]; then echo "Installing Git" fi if [[ $isRuby == false ]]; then echo "Installing Ruby" fi if [[ $isBrew == false ]]; then install_brew fi } function get_linux_dependencies() { find_apt } function find_apt() { APT_PATH=`which apt-get 2>/dev/null` if [[ -f $APT_PATH ]] then check "apt-get" echo "$($APT_PATH -v)" isApt=true else uncheck "apt-get is missing" isApt=false fi } function linux_rocksdb_installer() { oldpwd=`pwd` cd /tmp exe git clone --branch v4.1 --depth=1 https://github.com/facebook/rocksdb.git cd rocksdb exe make shared_lib sudo cp -a librocksdb.so* /usr/lib sudo ldconfig cd /tmp rm -rf /tmp/rocksdb cd $oldpwd } function linux_installer() { info "Installing git" sudo apt-get install -q -y git echo info "Installing rocksdb" linux_rocksdb_installer echo info "Installing multirust" curl -sf https://raw.githubusercontent.com/brson/multirust/master/blastoff.sh | sudo sh -s -- --yes sudo multirust update nightly sudo multirust default nightly echo } function install() { echo head "Installing Parity build dependencies" if [[ $OS_TYPE == "osx" ]] then osx_installer elif [[ $OS_TYPE == "linux" ]] then linux_installer fi } function verify_installation() { info "Verifying installation" # find_eth # if [[ $isEth == false ]] # then # abortInstall # fi } function abortInstall() { echo error "Installation failed" echo -e "$1" echo exit 0 } function finish() { # echo # successHeading "Installation successful!" # head "Next steps" # info "Run ${cyan}\`\`${reset} to get started.${reset}" # echo exit 0 } # Check dependencies head "Checking OS dependencies" detectOS echo head "In addition to the parity build dependencies, this script will install:" echo "$INSTALL_FILES" echo # Prompt user to continue or abort wait_for_user "${b}OK,${reset} let's go!" # Install dependencies and eth install # Check installation verify_installation # Display goodby message finish } run_installer