# [Parity](https://parity.io/) - fast, light, and robust Ethereum client [](https://gitlab.parity.io/parity/parity/commits/master) [](https://build.snapcraft.io/user/paritytech/parity) [](https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html) - [Download the latest release here.](https://github.com/paritytech/parity/releases/latest) ### Join the chat! Get in touch with us on Gitter: [](https://gitter.im/paritytech/parity) [](https://gitter.im/paritytech/parity.js) [](https://gitter.im/paritytech/parity/miners) [](https://gitter.im/paritytech/parity-poa) Or join our community on Matrix: [](https://riot.im/app/#/group/+parity:matrix.parity.io) Be sure to check out [our wiki](https://paritytech.github.io/wiki/) and the [internal documentation](https://paritytech.github.io/parity/ethcore/index.html) for more information. ---- ## About Parity Parity's goal is to be the fastest, lightest, and most secure Ethereum client. We are developing Parity using the sophisticated and cutting-edge Rust programming language. Parity is licensed under the GPLv3, and can be used for all your Ethereum needs. Parity comes with a built-in wallet. To access [Parity Wallet](http://web3.site/) simply go to http://web3.site/ (if you don't have access to the internet, but still want to use the service, you can also use It includes various functionality allowing you to: - create and manage your Ethereum accounts; - manage your Ether and any Ethereum tokens; - create and register your own tokens; - and much more. By default, Parity will also run a JSONRPC server on `` and a websockets server on ``. This is fully configurable and supports a number of APIs. If you run into an issue while using Parity, feel free to file one in this repository or hop on our [Gitter](https://gitter.im/paritytech/parity) or [Riot](https://riot.im/app/#/group/+parity:matrix.parity.io) chat room to ask a question. We are glad to help! **For security-critical issues**, please refer to the security policy outlined in [SECURITY.MD](SECURITY.md). Parity's current release is 1.8. You can download it at https://github.com/paritytech/parity/releases or follow the instructions below to build from source. ---- ## Build dependencies **Parity requires Rust version 1.21.0 to build** We recommend installing Rust through [rustup](https://www.rustup.rs/). If you don't already have rustup, you can install it like this: - Linux: ```bash $ curl https://sh.rustup.rs -sSf | sh ``` Parity also requires `gcc`, `g++`, `libssl-dev`/`openssl`, `libudev-dev` and `pkg-config` packages to be installed. - OSX: ```bash $ curl https://sh.rustup.rs -sSf | sh ``` `clang` is required. It comes with Xcode command line tools or can be installed with homebrew. - Windows Make sure you have Visual Studio 2015 with C++ support installed. Next, download and run the rustup installer from https://static.rust-lang.org/rustup/dist/x86_64-pc-windows-msvc/rustup-init.exe, start "VS2015 x64 Native Tools Command Prompt", and use the following command to install and set up the msvc toolchain: ```bash $ rustup default stable-x86_64-pc-windows-msvc ``` Once you have rustup, install Parity or download and build from source ---- ## Install from the snap store In any of the [supported Linux distros](https://snapcraft.io/docs/core/install): ```bash sudo snap install parity --edge ``` (Note that this is an experimental and unstable release, at the moment) ---- ## Build from source ```bash # download Parity code $ git clone https://github.com/paritytech/parity $ cd parity # build in release mode $ cargo build --release ``` This will produce an executable in the `./target/release` subdirectory. Note: if cargo fails to parse manifest try: ```bash $ ~/.cargo/bin/cargo build --release ``` Note: When compiling a crate and you receive the following error: ``` error: the crate is compiled with the panic strategy `abort` which is incompatible with this crate's strategy of `unwind` ``` Cleaning the repository will most likely solve the issue, try: ```bash $ cargo clean ``` This will always compile the latest nightly builds. If you want to build stable or beta, do a `git checkout stable` or `git checkout beta` first. ---- ## Simple one-line installer for Mac and Ubuntu ```bash bash <(curl https://get.parity.io -Lk) ``` The one-line installer always defaults to the latest beta release. ## Start Parity ### Manually To start Parity manually, just run ```bash $ ./target/release/parity ``` and Parity will begin syncing the Ethereum blockchain. ### Using systemd service file To start Parity as a regular user using systemd init: 1. Copy `./scripts/parity.service` to your systemd user directory (usually `~/.config/systemd/user`). 2. To configure Parity, write a `/etc/parity/config.toml` config file, see [Configuring Parity](https://github.com/paritytech/parity/wiki/Configuring-Parity) for details.