#!/bin/bash # ARGUMENT $1 Rust flavor to run test with (stable/beta/nightly) echo "________Running test-linux.sh________" set -e # fail on any error set -u # treat unset variables as error export CC="sccache "$CC export CXX="sccache "$CXX FEATURES="json-tests" OPTIONS="--release" #use nproc `linux only THREADS=$(nproc) rustup default $1 rustup show echo "________Running Parity Full Test Suite________" # Why are we using RUSTFLAGS? See https://github.com/paritytech/parity-ethereum/pull/10719 CARGO_INCREMENTAL=0 RUSTFLAGS="-C opt-level=3 -C overflow-checks=on -C debuginfo=2 -Ctarget-feature=+aes,+sse2,+ssse3" time cargo test $OPTIONS --features "$FEATURES" --locked --all --target $CARGO_TARGET --verbose --color=never -- --test-threads $THREADS #show sccache statistics sccache --show-stats