* Merge pull request #7368 from paritytech/td-future-blocks Wait for future blocks in AuRa * Fix tracing failed calls. * Problem: sending any Whisper message fails The error is "PoW too low to compete with other messages" This has been previously reported in #7144 Solution: prevent the move semantics The source of the error is in PoolHandle.relay implementation for NetPoolHandle. Because of the move semantics, `res` variable is in fact copied (as it implements Copy) into the closure and for that reason, the returned result is always `false. * Merge pull request #7433 from paritytech/td-strict-config Strict config parsing * Problem: AuRa's unsafeties around step duration (#7282) Firstly, `Step.duration_remaining` casts it to u32, unnecesarily limiting it to 2^32. While theoretically this is "good enough" (at 3 seconds steps it provides room for a little over 400 years), it is still a lossy way to calculate the remaining time until the next step. Secondly, step duration might be zero, triggering division by zero in `Step.calibrate` Solution: rework the code around the fact that duration is typically in single digits and never grows, hence, it can be represented by a much narrower range (u16) and this highlights the fact that multiplying u64 by u16 will only result in an overflow in even further future, at which point we should panic informatively (if anybody's still around) Similarly, panic when it is detected that incrementing the step counter wrapped around on the overflow of usize. As for the division by zero, prevent it by making zero an invalid value for step duration. This will make AuRa log the constraint mismatch and panic (after all, what purpose would zero step duration serve? it makes no sense within the definition of the protocol, as finality can only be achieved as per the specification if messages are received within the step duration, which would violate the speed of light and other physical laws in this case). * Merge pull request #7437 from paritytech/a5-chains-expanse Remove expanse chain * Expanse Byzantium update w/ correct metropolis difficulty increment divisor (#7463) * Byzantium Update for Expanse Here the changes go. Hope I didnt miss anything. * expip2 changes - update duration limit * Fix missing EXPIP-2 fields * Format numbers as hex * Fix compilation errors * Group expanse chain spec fields together * Set metropolisDifficultyIncrementDivisor for Expanse * Revert #7437 * Add Expanse block 900_000 hash checkpoint * Advance AuRa step as far as we can and prevent invalid blocks. (#7451) * Advance AuRa step as far as we can. * Wait for future blocks. * fixed panic when io is not available for export block, closes #7486 (#7495) * Update Parity Mainnet Bootnodes (#7476) * Update Parity Mainnet Bootnodes * Replace the Azure HDD bootnodes with the new ones :) * Use https connection (#7503) Use https when connecting to etherscan.io API for price-info * Expose default gas price percentile configuration in CLI (#7497) * Expose gas price percentile. * Fix light eth_call. * fix gas_price in light client
1005 lines
33 KiB
1005 lines
33 KiB
// Copyright 2015-2017 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// This file is part of Parity.
// Parity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Parity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Parity. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
use std::fmt;
use std::sync::{Arc, Weak};
use std::net::{TcpListener};
use ctrlc::CtrlC;
use ethcore_logger::{Config as LogConfig, RotatingLogger};
use ethcore::account_provider::{AccountProvider, AccountProviderSettings};
use ethcore::client::{Client, Mode, DatabaseCompactionProfile, VMType, BlockChainClient};
use ethcore::ethstore::ethkey;
use ethcore::miner::{Miner, MinerService, ExternalMiner, MinerOptions};
use ethcore::miner::{StratumOptions, Stratum};
use ethcore::service::ClientService;
use ethcore::snapshot;
use ethcore::spec::{SpecParams, OptimizeFor};
use ethcore::verification::queue::VerifierSettings;
use ethsync::{self, SyncConfig};
use fdlimit::raise_fd_limit;
use hash_fetch::fetch::{Fetch, Client as FetchClient};
use informant::{Informant, LightNodeInformantData, FullNodeInformantData};
use light::Cache as LightDataCache;
use node_health;
use parity_reactor::EventLoop;
use parity_rpc::{NetworkSettings, informant, is_major_importing};
use updater::{UpdatePolicy, Updater};
use ansi_term::Colour;
use util::version;
use parking_lot::{Condvar, Mutex};
use node_filter::NodeFilter;
use util::journaldb::Algorithm;
use params::{
SpecType, Pruning, AccountsConfig, GasPricerConfig, MinerExtras, Switch,
tracing_switch_to_bool, fatdb_switch_to_bool, mode_switch_to_bool
use helpers::{to_client_config, execute_upgrades, passwords_from_files};
use upgrade::upgrade_key_location;
use dir::{Directories, DatabaseDirectories};
use cache::CacheConfig;
use user_defaults::UserDefaults;
use dapps;
use ipfs;
use modules;
use rpc;
use rpc_apis;
use secretstore;
use signer;
use url;
// how often to take periodic snapshots.
const SNAPSHOT_PERIOD: u64 = 5000;
// how many blocks to wait before starting a periodic snapshot.
const SNAPSHOT_HISTORY: u64 = 100;
// Number of minutes before a given gas price corpus should expire.
// Light client only.
// Pops along with error messages when a password is missing or invalid.
const VERIFY_PASSWORD_HINT: &'static str = "Make sure valid password is present in files passed using `--password` or in the configuration file.";
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct RunCmd {
pub cache_config: CacheConfig,
pub dirs: Directories,
pub spec: SpecType,
pub pruning: Pruning,
pub pruning_history: u64,
pub pruning_memory: usize,
/// Some if execution should be daemonized. Contains pid_file path.
pub daemon: Option<String>,
pub logger_config: LogConfig,
pub miner_options: MinerOptions,
pub gas_price_percentile: usize,
pub ntp_servers: Vec<String>,
pub ws_conf: rpc::WsConfiguration,
pub http_conf: rpc::HttpConfiguration,
pub ipc_conf: rpc::IpcConfiguration,
pub net_conf: ethsync::NetworkConfiguration,
pub network_id: Option<u64>,
pub warp_sync: bool,
pub public_node: bool,
pub acc_conf: AccountsConfig,
pub gas_pricer_conf: GasPricerConfig,
pub miner_extras: MinerExtras,
pub update_policy: UpdatePolicy,
pub mode: Option<Mode>,
pub tracing: Switch,
pub fat_db: Switch,
pub compaction: DatabaseCompactionProfile,
pub wal: bool,
pub vm_type: VMType,
pub geth_compatibility: bool,
pub net_settings: NetworkSettings,
pub dapps_conf: dapps::Configuration,
pub ipfs_conf: ipfs::Configuration,
pub ui_conf: rpc::UiConfiguration,
pub secretstore_conf: secretstore::Configuration,
pub dapp: Option<String>,
pub ui: bool,
pub name: String,
pub custom_bootnodes: bool,
pub stratum: Option<StratumOptions>,
pub no_periodic_snapshot: bool,
pub check_seal: bool,
pub download_old_blocks: bool,
pub verifier_settings: VerifierSettings,
pub serve_light: bool,
pub light: bool,
pub no_persistent_txqueue: bool,
pub whisper: ::whisper::Config
pub fn open_ui(ws_conf: &rpc::WsConfiguration, ui_conf: &rpc::UiConfiguration, logger_config: &LogConfig) -> Result<(), String> {
if !ui_conf.enabled {
return Err("Cannot use UI command with UI turned off.".into())
let token = signer::generate_token_and_url(ws_conf, ui_conf, logger_config)?;
// Open a browser
// Print a message
println!("{}", token.message);
pub fn open_dapp(dapps_conf: &dapps::Configuration, rpc_conf: &rpc::HttpConfiguration, dapp: &str) -> Result<(), String> {
if !dapps_conf.enabled {
return Err("Cannot use DAPP command with Dapps turned off.".into())
let url = format!("http://{}:{}/{}/", rpc_conf.interface, rpc_conf.port, dapp);
// node info fetcher for the local store.
struct FullNodeInfo {
miner: Option<Arc<Miner>>, // TODO: only TXQ needed, just use that after decoupling.
impl ::local_store::NodeInfo for FullNodeInfo {
fn pending_transactions(&self) -> Vec<::ethcore::transaction::PendingTransaction> {
let miner = match self.miner.as_ref() {
Some(m) => m,
None => return Vec::new(),
let local_txs = miner.local_transactions();
.filter(|tx| local_txs.contains_key(&tx.hash()))
// helper for light execution.
fn execute_light(cmd: RunCmd, can_restart: bool, logger: Arc<RotatingLogger>) -> Result<(bool, Option<String>), String> {
use light::client as light_client;
use ethsync::{LightSyncParams, LightSync, ManageNetwork};
use parking_lot::{Mutex, RwLock};
// load spec
let spec = cmd.spec.spec(SpecParams::new(cmd.dirs.cache.as_ref(), OptimizeFor::Memory))?;
// load genesis hash
let genesis_hash = spec.genesis_header().hash();
// database paths
let db_dirs = cmd.dirs.database(genesis_hash, cmd.spec.legacy_fork_name(), spec.data_dir.clone());
// user defaults path
let user_defaults_path = db_dirs.user_defaults_path();
// load user defaults
let user_defaults = UserDefaults::load(&user_defaults_path)?;
// select pruning algorithm
let algorithm = cmd.pruning.to_algorithm(&user_defaults);
let compaction = cmd.compaction.compaction_profile(db_dirs.db_root_path().as_path());
// execute upgrades
execute_upgrades(&cmd.dirs.base, &db_dirs, algorithm, compaction.clone())?;
// create dirs used by parity
cmd.dirs.create_dirs(cmd.dapps_conf.enabled, cmd.ui_conf.enabled, cmd.secretstore_conf.enabled)?;
//print out running parity environment
print_running_environment(&spec.name, &cmd.dirs, &db_dirs, &cmd.dapps_conf);
info!("Running in experimental {} mode.", Colour::Blue.bold().paint("Light Client"));
// TODO: configurable cache size.
let cache = LightDataCache::new(Default::default(), ::time::Duration::minutes(GAS_CORPUS_EXPIRATION_MINUTES));
let cache = Arc::new(Mutex::new(cache));
// start client and create transaction queue.
let mut config = light_client::Config {
queue: Default::default(),
chain_column: ::ethcore::db::COL_LIGHT_CHAIN,
db_cache_size: Some(cmd.cache_config.blockchain() as usize * 1024 * 1024),
db_compaction: compaction,
db_wal: cmd.wal,
verify_full: true,
check_seal: cmd.check_seal,
config.queue.max_mem_use = cmd.cache_config.queue() as usize * 1024 * 1024;
config.queue.verifier_settings = cmd.verifier_settings;
// start on_demand service.
let on_demand = Arc::new(::light::on_demand::OnDemand::new(cache.clone()));
let sync_handle = Arc::new(RwLock::new(Weak::new()));
let fetch = ::light_helpers::EpochFetch {
on_demand: on_demand.clone(),
sync: sync_handle.clone(),
let service = light_client::Service::start(config, &spec, fetch, &db_dirs.client_path(algorithm), cache.clone())
.map_err(|e| format!("Error starting light client: {}", e))?;
let txq = Arc::new(RwLock::new(::light::transaction_queue::TransactionQueue::default()));
let provider = ::light::provider::LightProvider::new(service.client().clone(), txq.clone());
// start network.
// set up bootnodes
let mut net_conf = cmd.net_conf;
if !cmd.custom_bootnodes {
net_conf.boot_nodes = spec.nodes.clone();
let mut attached_protos = Vec::new();
let whisper_factory = if cmd.whisper.enabled {
let whisper_factory = ::whisper::setup(cmd.whisper.target_message_pool_size, &mut attached_protos)
.map_err(|e| format!("Failed to initialize whisper: {}", e))?;
} else {
// set network path.
net_conf.net_config_path = Some(db_dirs.network_path().to_string_lossy().into_owned());
let sync_params = LightSyncParams {
network_config: net_conf.into_basic().map_err(|e| format!("Failed to produce network config: {}", e))?,
client: Arc::new(provider),
network_id: cmd.network_id.unwrap_or(spec.network_id()),
subprotocol_name: ethsync::LIGHT_PROTOCOL,
handlers: vec![on_demand.clone()],
attached_protos: attached_protos,
let light_sync = LightSync::new(sync_params).map_err(|e| format!("Error starting network: {}", e))?;
let light_sync = Arc::new(light_sync);
*sync_handle.write() = Arc::downgrade(&light_sync);
// spin up event loop
let event_loop = EventLoop::spawn();
// queue cull service.
let queue_cull = Arc::new(::light_helpers::QueueCull {
client: service.client().clone(),
sync: light_sync.clone(),
on_demand: on_demand.clone(),
txq: txq.clone(),
remote: event_loop.remote(),
service.register_handler(queue_cull).map_err(|e| format!("Error attaching service: {:?}", e))?;
// start the network.
// fetch service
let fetch = FetchClient::new().map_err(|e| format!("Error starting fetch client: {:?}", e))?;
let passwords = passwords_from_files(&cmd.acc_conf.password_files)?;
// prepare account provider
let account_provider = Arc::new(prepare_account_provider(&cmd.spec, &cmd.dirs, &spec.data_dir, cmd.acc_conf, &passwords)?);
let rpc_stats = Arc::new(informant::RpcStats::default());
// the dapps server
let signer_service = Arc::new(signer::new_service(&cmd.ws_conf, &cmd.ui_conf, &cmd.logger_config));
let (node_health, dapps_deps) = {
let contract_client = Arc::new(::dapps::LightRegistrar {
client: service.client().clone(),
sync: light_sync.clone(),
on_demand: on_demand.clone(),
struct LightSyncStatus(Arc<LightSync>);
impl fmt::Debug for LightSyncStatus {
fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
write!(fmt, "Light Sync Status")
impl node_health::SyncStatus for LightSyncStatus {
fn is_major_importing(&self) -> bool { self.0.is_major_importing() }
fn peers(&self) -> (usize, usize) {
let peers = ethsync::LightSyncProvider::peer_numbers(&*self.0);
(peers.connected, peers.max)
let sync_status = Arc::new(LightSyncStatus(light_sync.clone()));
let node_health = node_health::NodeHealth::new(
node_health::TimeChecker::new(&cmd.ntp_servers, fetch.pool()),
(node_health.clone(), dapps::Dependencies {
contract_client: contract_client,
fetch: fetch.clone(),
signer: signer_service.clone(),
ui_address: cmd.ui_conf.redirection_address(),
let dapps_middleware = dapps::new(cmd.dapps_conf.clone(), dapps_deps.clone())?;
let ui_middleware = dapps::new_ui(cmd.ui_conf.enabled, dapps_deps)?;
// start RPCs
let dapps_service = dapps::service(&dapps_middleware);
let deps_for_rpc_apis = Arc::new(rpc_apis::LightDependencies {
signer_service: signer_service,
client: service.client().clone(),
sync: light_sync.clone(),
net: light_sync.clone(),
health: node_health,
secret_store: account_provider,
logger: logger,
settings: Arc::new(cmd.net_settings),
on_demand: on_demand,
cache: cache.clone(),
transaction_queue: txq,
dapps_service: dapps_service,
dapps_address: cmd.dapps_conf.address(cmd.http_conf.address()),
ws_address: cmd.ws_conf.address(),
fetch: fetch,
geth_compatibility: cmd.geth_compatibility,
remote: event_loop.remote(),
whisper_rpc: whisper_factory,
gas_price_percentile: cmd.gas_price_percentile,
let dependencies = rpc::Dependencies {
apis: deps_for_rpc_apis.clone(),
remote: event_loop.raw_remote(),
stats: rpc_stats.clone(),
pool: if cmd.http_conf.processing_threads > 0 {
} else {
// start rpc servers
let _ws_server = rpc::new_ws(cmd.ws_conf, &dependencies)?;
let _http_server = rpc::new_http("HTTP JSON-RPC", "jsonrpc", cmd.http_conf.clone(), &dependencies, dapps_middleware)?;
let _ipc_server = rpc::new_ipc(cmd.ipc_conf, &dependencies)?;
let _ui_server = rpc::new_http("Parity Wallet (UI)", "ui", cmd.ui_conf.clone().into(), &dependencies, ui_middleware)?;
// the informant
let informant = Arc::new(Informant::new(
LightNodeInformantData {
client: service.client().clone(),
sync: light_sync.clone(),
cache: cache,
service.register_handler(informant.clone()).map_err(|_| "Unable to register informant handler".to_owned())?;
// wait for ctrl-c and then shut down the informant.
let res = wait_for_exit(None, None, can_restart);
pub fn execute(cmd: RunCmd, can_restart: bool, logger: Arc<RotatingLogger>) -> Result<(bool, Option<String>), String> {
if cmd.ui && cmd.dapps_conf.enabled {
// Check if Parity is already running
let addr = format!("{}:{}", cmd.ui_conf.interface, cmd.ui_conf.port);
if !TcpListener::bind(&addr as &str).is_ok() {
return open_ui(&cmd.ws_conf, &cmd.ui_conf, &cmd.logger_config).map(|_| (false, None));
// increase max number of open files
// run as light client.
if cmd.light {
return execute_light(cmd, can_restart, logger);
// load spec
let spec = cmd.spec.spec(&cmd.dirs.cache)?;
// load genesis hash
let genesis_hash = spec.genesis_header().hash();
// database paths
let db_dirs = cmd.dirs.database(genesis_hash, cmd.spec.legacy_fork_name(), spec.data_dir.clone());
// user defaults path
let user_defaults_path = db_dirs.user_defaults_path();
// load user defaults
let mut user_defaults = UserDefaults::load(&user_defaults_path)?;
// select pruning algorithm
let algorithm = cmd.pruning.to_algorithm(&user_defaults);
// check if tracing is on
let tracing = tracing_switch_to_bool(cmd.tracing, &user_defaults)?;
// check if fatdb is on
let fat_db = fatdb_switch_to_bool(cmd.fat_db, &user_defaults, algorithm)?;
// get the mode
let mode = mode_switch_to_bool(cmd.mode, &user_defaults)?;
trace!(target: "mode", "mode is {:?}", mode);
let network_enabled = match mode { Mode::Dark(_) | Mode::Off => false, _ => true, };
// get the update policy
let update_policy = cmd.update_policy;
// prepare client and snapshot paths.
let client_path = db_dirs.client_path(algorithm);
let snapshot_path = db_dirs.snapshot_path();
// execute upgrades
execute_upgrades(&cmd.dirs.base, &db_dirs, algorithm, cmd.compaction.compaction_profile(db_dirs.db_root_path().as_path()))?;
// create dirs used by parity
cmd.dirs.create_dirs(cmd.dapps_conf.enabled, cmd.ui_conf.enabled, cmd.secretstore_conf.enabled)?;
// run in daemon mode
if let Some(pid_file) = cmd.daemon {
//print out running parity environment
print_running_environment(&spec.name, &cmd.dirs, &db_dirs, &cmd.dapps_conf);
// display info about used pruning algorithm
info!("State DB configuration: {}{}{}",
match fat_db {
true => Colour::White.bold().paint(" +Fat").to_string(),
false => "".to_owned(),
match tracing {
true => Colour::White.bold().paint(" +Trace").to_string(),
false => "".to_owned(),
info!("Operating mode: {}", Colour::White.bold().paint(format!("{}", mode)));
// display warning about using experimental journaldb algorithm
if !algorithm.is_stable() {
warn!("Your chosen strategy is {}! You can re-run with --pruning to change.", Colour::Red.bold().paint("unstable"));
// create sync config
let mut sync_config = SyncConfig::default();
sync_config.network_id = match cmd.network_id {
Some(id) => id,
None => spec.network_id(),
if spec.subprotocol_name().len() != 3 {
warn!("Your chain specification's subprotocol length is not 3. Ignoring.");
} else {
sync_config.fork_block = spec.fork_block();
let mut warp_sync = cmd.warp_sync;
if warp_sync {
// Logging is not initialized yet, so we print directly to stderr
if fat_db {
warn!("Warning: Warp Sync is disabled because Fat DB is turned on.");
warp_sync = false;
} else if tracing {
warn!("Warning: Warp Sync is disabled because tracing is turned on.");
warp_sync = false;
} else if algorithm != Algorithm::OverlayRecent {
warn!("Warning: Warp Sync is disabled because of non-default pruning mode.");
warp_sync = false;
sync_config.warp_sync = spec.engine.supports_warp() && warp_sync;
sync_config.download_old_blocks = cmd.download_old_blocks;
sync_config.serve_light = cmd.serve_light;
let passwords = passwords_from_files(&cmd.acc_conf.password_files)?;
// prepare account provider
let account_provider = Arc::new(prepare_account_provider(&cmd.spec, &cmd.dirs, &spec.data_dir, cmd.acc_conf, &passwords)?);
// fetch service
let fetch = FetchClient::new().map_err(|e| format!("Error starting fetch client: {:?}", e))?;
// create miner
let initial_min_gas_price = cmd.gas_pricer_conf.initial_min();
let miner = Miner::new(cmd.miner_options, cmd.gas_pricer_conf.to_gas_pricer(fetch.clone()), &spec, Some(account_provider.clone()));
let engine_signer = cmd.miner_extras.engine_signer;
if engine_signer != Default::default() {
// Check if engine signer exists
if !account_provider.has_account(engine_signer).unwrap_or(false) {
return Err(format!("Consensus signer account not found for the current chain. {}", build_create_account_hint(&cmd.spec, &cmd.dirs.keys)));
// Check if any passwords have been read from the password file(s)
if passwords.is_empty() {
return Err(format!("No password found for the consensus signer {}. {}", engine_signer, VERIFY_PASSWORD_HINT));
// Attempt to sign in the engine signer.
if !passwords.iter().any(|p| miner.set_engine_signer(engine_signer, (*p).clone()).is_ok()) {
return Err(format!("No valid password for the consensus signer {}. {}", engine_signer, VERIFY_PASSWORD_HINT));
// create client config
let mut client_config = to_client_config(
client_config.queue.verifier_settings = cmd.verifier_settings;
// set up bootnodes
let mut net_conf = cmd.net_conf;
if !cmd.custom_bootnodes {
net_conf.boot_nodes = spec.nodes.clone();
// set network path.
net_conf.net_config_path = Some(db_dirs.network_path().to_string_lossy().into_owned());
// create supervisor
let mut hypervisor = modules::hypervisor(&cmd.dirs.ipc_path());
// create client service.
let service = ClientService::start(
).map_err(|e| format!("Client service error: {:?}", e))?;
let connection_filter_address = spec.params().node_permission_contract;
// drop the spec to free up genesis state.
// take handle to client
let client = service.client();
let connection_filter = connection_filter_address.map(|a| Arc::new(NodeFilter::new(Arc::downgrade(&client) as Weak<BlockChainClient>, a)));
let snapshot_service = service.snapshot_service();
// initialize the local node information store.
let store = {
let db = service.db();
let node_info = FullNodeInfo {
miner: match cmd.no_persistent_txqueue {
true => None,
false => Some(miner.clone()),
let store = ::local_store::create(db, ::ethcore::db::COL_NODE_INFO, node_info);
if cmd.no_persistent_txqueue {
info!("Running without a persistent transaction queue.");
if let Err(e) = store.clear() {
warn!("Error clearing persistent transaction queue: {}", e);
// re-queue pending transactions.
match store.pending_transactions() {
Ok(pending) => {
for pending_tx in pending {
if let Err(e) = miner.import_own_transaction(&*client, pending_tx) {
warn!("Error importing saved transaction: {}", e)
Err(e) => warn!("Error loading cached pending transactions from disk: {}", e),
// register it as an IO service to update periodically.
service.register_io_handler(store).map_err(|_| "Unable to register local store handler".to_owned())?;
// create external miner
let external_miner = Arc::new(ExternalMiner::default());
// start stratum
if let Some(ref stratum_config) = cmd.stratum {
Stratum::register(stratum_config, miner.clone(), Arc::downgrade(&client))
.map_err(|e| format!("Stratum start error: {:?}", e))?;
let mut attached_protos = Vec::new();
let whisper_factory = if cmd.whisper.enabled {
let whisper_factory = ::whisper::setup(cmd.whisper.target_message_pool_size, &mut attached_protos)
.map_err(|e| format!("Failed to initialize whisper: {}", e))?;
} else {
// create sync object
let (sync_provider, manage_network, chain_notify) = modules::sync(
&mut hypervisor,
connection_filter.clone().map(|f| f as Arc<::ethsync::ConnectionFilter + 'static>),
).map_err(|e| format!("Sync error: {}", e))?;
if let Some(filter) = connection_filter {
// start network
if network_enabled {
// spin up event loop
let event_loop = EventLoop::spawn();
// the updater service
let updater = Updater::new(
Arc::downgrade(&(service.client() as Arc<BlockChainClient>)),
// set up dependencies for rpc servers
let rpc_stats = Arc::new(informant::RpcStats::default());
let secret_store = match cmd.public_node {
true => None,
false => Some(account_provider.clone())
let signer_service = Arc::new(signer::new_service(&cmd.ws_conf, &cmd.ui_conf, &cmd.logger_config));
// the dapps server
let (node_health, dapps_deps) = {
let (sync, client) = (sync_provider.clone(), client.clone());
let contract_client = Arc::new(::dapps::FullRegistrar { client: client.clone() });
struct SyncStatus(Arc<ethsync::SyncProvider>, Arc<Client>, ethsync::NetworkConfiguration);
impl fmt::Debug for SyncStatus {
fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
write!(fmt, "Dapps Sync Status")
impl node_health::SyncStatus for SyncStatus {
fn is_major_importing(&self) -> bool {
is_major_importing(Some(self.0.status().state), self.1.queue_info())
fn peers(&self) -> (usize, usize) {
let status = self.0.status();
(status.num_peers, status.current_max_peers(self.2.min_peers, self.2.max_peers) as usize)
let sync_status = Arc::new(SyncStatus(sync, client, net_conf));
let node_health = node_health::NodeHealth::new(
node_health::TimeChecker::new(&cmd.ntp_servers, fetch.pool()),
(node_health.clone(), dapps::Dependencies {
contract_client: contract_client,
fetch: fetch.clone(),
signer: signer_service.clone(),
ui_address: cmd.ui_conf.redirection_address(),
let dapps_middleware = dapps::new(cmd.dapps_conf.clone(), dapps_deps.clone())?;
let ui_middleware = dapps::new_ui(cmd.ui_conf.enabled, dapps_deps)?;
let dapps_service = dapps::service(&dapps_middleware);
let deps_for_rpc_apis = Arc::new(rpc_apis::FullDependencies {
signer_service: signer_service,
snapshot: snapshot_service.clone(),
client: client.clone(),
sync: sync_provider.clone(),
health: node_health,
net: manage_network.clone(),
secret_store: secret_store,
miner: miner.clone(),
external_miner: external_miner.clone(),
logger: logger.clone(),
settings: Arc::new(cmd.net_settings.clone()),
net_service: manage_network.clone(),
updater: updater.clone(),
geth_compatibility: cmd.geth_compatibility,
dapps_service: dapps_service,
dapps_address: cmd.dapps_conf.address(cmd.http_conf.address()),
ws_address: cmd.ws_conf.address(),
fetch: fetch.clone(),
remote: event_loop.remote(),
whisper_rpc: whisper_factory,
gas_price_percentile: cmd.gas_price_percentile,
let dependencies = rpc::Dependencies {
apis: deps_for_rpc_apis.clone(),
remote: event_loop.raw_remote(),
stats: rpc_stats.clone(),
pool: if cmd.http_conf.processing_threads > 0 {
} else {
// start rpc servers
let ws_server = rpc::new_ws(cmd.ws_conf.clone(), &dependencies)?;
let ipc_server = rpc::new_ipc(cmd.ipc_conf, &dependencies)?;
let http_server = rpc::new_http("HTTP JSON-RPC", "jsonrpc", cmd.http_conf.clone(), &dependencies, dapps_middleware)?;
// the ui server
let ui_server = rpc::new_http("UI WALLET", "ui", cmd.ui_conf.clone().into(), &dependencies, ui_middleware)?;
// secret store key server
let secretstore_deps = secretstore::Dependencies {
client: client.clone(),
account_provider: account_provider,
accounts_passwords: &passwords,
let secretstore_key_server = secretstore::start(cmd.secretstore_conf.clone(), secretstore_deps)?;
// the ipfs server
let ipfs_server = ipfs::start_server(cmd.ipfs_conf.clone(), client.clone())?;
// the informant
let informant = Arc::new(Informant::new(
FullNodeInformantData {
client: service.client(),
sync: Some(sync_provider.clone()),
net: Some(manage_network.clone()),
service.register_io_handler(informant.clone()).map_err(|_| "Unable to register informant handler".to_owned())?;
// save user defaults
user_defaults.is_first_launch = false;
user_defaults.pruning = algorithm;
user_defaults.tracing = tracing;
user_defaults.fat_db = fat_db;
user_defaults.mode = mode;
// tell client how to save the default mode if it gets changed.
client.on_user_defaults_change(move |mode: Option<Mode>| {
if let Some(mode) = mode {
user_defaults.mode = mode;
let _ = user_defaults.save(&user_defaults_path); // discard failures - there's nothing we can do
// the watcher must be kept alive.
let _watcher = match cmd.no_periodic_snapshot {
true => None,
false => {
let sync = sync_provider.clone();
let client = client.clone();
let watcher = Arc::new(snapshot::Watcher::new(
move || is_major_importing(Some(sync.status().state), client.queue_info()),
// start ui
if cmd.ui {
open_ui(&cmd.ws_conf, &cmd.ui_conf, &cmd.logger_config)?;
if let Some(dapp) = cmd.dapp {
open_dapp(&cmd.dapps_conf, &cmd.http_conf, &dapp)?;
// Handle exit
let restart = wait_for_exit(Some(updater), Some(client), can_restart);
info!("Finishing work, please wait...");
// drop this stuff as soon as exit detected.
drop((ws_server, http_server, ipc_server, ui_server, secretstore_key_server, ipfs_server, event_loop));
// to make sure timer does not spawn requests while shutdown is in progress
// just Arc is dropping here, to allow other reference release in its default time
// hypervisor should be shutdown first while everything still works and can be
// terminated gracefully
fn daemonize(pid_file: String) -> Result<(), String> {
extern crate daemonize;
.map(|_| ())
.map_err(|e| format!("Couldn't daemonize; {}", e))
fn daemonize(_pid_file: String) -> Result<(), String> {
Err("daemon is no supported on windows".into())
fn print_running_environment(spec_name: &String, dirs: &Directories, db_dirs: &DatabaseDirectories, dapps_conf: &dapps::Configuration) {
info!("Starting {}", Colour::White.bold().paint(version()));
info!("Keys path {}", Colour::White.bold().paint(dirs.keys_path(spec_name).to_string_lossy().into_owned()));
info!("DB path {}", Colour::White.bold().paint(db_dirs.db_root_path().to_string_lossy().into_owned()));
info!("Path to dapps {}", Colour::White.bold().paint(dapps_conf.dapps_path.to_string_lossy().into_owned()));
fn prepare_account_provider(spec: &SpecType, dirs: &Directories, data_dir: &str, cfg: AccountsConfig, passwords: &[String]) -> Result<AccountProvider, String> {
use ethcore::ethstore::EthStore;
use ethcore::ethstore::dir::RootDiskDirectory;
let path = dirs.keys_path(data_dir);
upgrade_key_location(&dirs.legacy_keys_path(cfg.testnet), &path);
let dir = Box::new(RootDiskDirectory::create(&path).map_err(|e| format!("Could not open keys directory: {}", e))?);
let account_settings = AccountProviderSettings {
enable_hardware_wallets: cfg.enable_hardware_wallets,
hardware_wallet_classic_key: spec == &SpecType::Classic,
unlock_keep_secret: cfg.enable_fast_unlock,
blacklisted_accounts: match *spec {
SpecType::Morden | SpecType::Ropsten | SpecType::Kovan | SpecType::Dev => vec![],
_ => vec![
let account_provider = AccountProvider::new(
Box::new(EthStore::open_with_iterations(dir, cfg.iterations).map_err(|e| format!("Could not open keys directory: {}", e))?),
for a in cfg.unlocked_accounts {
// Check if the account exists
if !account_provider.has_account(a).unwrap_or(false) {
return Err(format!("Account {} not found for the current chain. {}", a, build_create_account_hint(spec, &dirs.keys)));
// Check if any passwords have been read from the password file(s)
if passwords.is_empty() {
return Err(format!("No password found to unlock account {}. {}", a, VERIFY_PASSWORD_HINT));
if !passwords.iter().any(|p| account_provider.unlock_account_permanently(a, (*p).clone()).is_ok()) {
return Err(format!("No valid password to unlock account {}. {}", a, VERIFY_PASSWORD_HINT));
// Add development account if running dev chain:
if let SpecType::Dev = *spec {
fn insert_dev_account(account_provider: &AccountProvider) {
let secret: ethkey::Secret = "4d5db4107d237df6a3d58ee5f70ae63d73d7658d4026f2eefd2f204c81682cb7".into();
let dev_account = ethkey::KeyPair::from_secret(secret.clone()).expect("Valid secret produces valid key;qed");
if let Ok(false) = account_provider.has_account(dev_account.address()) {
match account_provider.insert_account(secret, "") {
Err(e) => warn!("Unable to add development account: {}", e),
Ok(address) => {
let _ = account_provider.set_account_name(address.clone(), "Development Account".into());
let _ = account_provider.set_account_meta(address, ::serde_json::to_string(&(vec![
("description", "Never use this account outside of develoopment chain!"),
("passwordHint","Password is empty string"),
].into_iter().collect::<::std::collections::HashMap<_,_>>())).expect("Serialization of hashmap does not fail."));
// Construct an error `String` with an adaptive hint on how to create an account.
fn build_create_account_hint(spec: &SpecType, keys: &str) -> String {
format!("You can create an account via RPC, UI or `parity account new --chain {} --keys-path {}`.", spec, keys)
fn wait_for_exit(
updater: Option<Arc<Updater>>,
client: Option<Arc<Client>>,
can_restart: bool
) -> (bool, Option<String>) {
let exit = Arc::new((Mutex::new((false, None)), Condvar::new()));
// Handle possible exits
let e = exit.clone();
CtrlC::set_handler(move || { e.1.notify_all(); });
if can_restart {
if let Some(updater) = updater {
// Handle updater wanting to restart us
let e = exit.clone();
updater.set_exit_handler(move || { *e.0.lock() = (true, None); e.1.notify_all(); });
if let Some(client) = client {
// Handle updater wanting to restart us
let e = exit.clone();
client.set_exit_handler(move |restart, new_chain: Option<String>| { *e.0.lock() = (restart, new_chain); e.1.notify_all(); });
} else {
trace!(target: "mode", "Not hypervised: not setting exit handlers.");
// Wait for signal
let mut l = exit.0.lock();
let _ = exit.1.wait(&mut l);