Afri Schoedon 7c335e8764
misc: bump license header to 2019 (#10135)
* misc: bump license header to 2019

* misc:

* misc: run license header script

* commit cargo lock
2019-01-07 11:33:07 +01:00

276 lines
7.6 KiB

// Copyright 2015-2019 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// This file is part of Parity Ethereum.
// Parity Ethereum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Parity Ethereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Parity Ethereum. If not, see <>.
extern crate siphasher;
use std::cmp;
use std::mem;
use std::f64;
use std::hash::{Hash, Hasher};
use std::collections::HashSet;
use siphasher::sip::SipHasher;
/// BitVec structure with journalling
/// Every time any of the blocks is getting set it's index is tracked
/// and can be then drained by `drain` method
struct BitVecJournal {
elems: Vec<u64>,
journal: HashSet<usize>,
impl BitVecJournal {
pub fn new(size: usize) -> BitVecJournal {
let extra = if size % 64 > 0 { 1 } else { 0 };
BitVecJournal {
elems: vec![0u64; size / 64 + extra],
journal: HashSet::new(),
pub fn from_parts(parts: &[u64]) -> BitVecJournal {
BitVecJournal {
elems: parts.to_vec(),
journal: HashSet::new(),
pub fn set(&mut self, index: usize) {
let e_index = index / 64;
let bit_index = index % 64;
let val = self.elems.get_mut(e_index).unwrap();
*val |= 1u64 << bit_index;
pub fn get(&self, index: usize) -> bool {
let e_index = index / 64;
let bit_index = index % 64;
self.elems[e_index] & (1 << bit_index) != 0
pub fn drain(&mut self) -> Vec<(usize, u64)> {
let journal = mem::replace(&mut self.journal, HashSet::new()).into_iter();|idx| (idx, self.elems[idx])).collect::<Vec<(usize, u64)>>()
pub fn saturation(&self) -> f64 {
self.elems.iter().fold(0u64, |acc, e| acc + e.count_ones() as u64) as f64 / (self.elems.len() * 64) as f64
/// Bloom filter structure
pub struct Bloom {
bitmap: BitVecJournal,
bitmap_bits: u64,
k_num: u32,
impl Bloom {
/// Create a new bloom filter structure.
/// bitmap_size is the size in bytes (not bits) that will be allocated in memory
/// items_count is an estimation of the maximum number of items to store.
pub fn new(bitmap_size: usize, items_count: usize) -> Bloom {
assert!(bitmap_size > 0 && items_count > 0);
let bitmap_bits = (bitmap_size as u64) * 8u64;
let k_num = Bloom::optimal_k_num(bitmap_bits, items_count);
let bitmap = BitVecJournal::new(bitmap_bits as usize);
Bloom {
bitmap: bitmap,
bitmap_bits: bitmap_bits,
k_num: k_num,
/// Initializes bloom filter from saved state
pub fn from_parts(parts: &[u64], k_num: u32) -> Bloom {
let bitmap_size = parts.len() * 8;
let bitmap_bits = (bitmap_size as u64) * 8u64;
let bitmap = BitVecJournal::from_parts(parts);
Bloom {
bitmap: bitmap,
bitmap_bits: bitmap_bits,
k_num: k_num,
/// Create a new bloom filter structure.
/// items_count is an estimation of the maximum number of items to store.
/// fp_p is the wanted rate of false positives, in ]0.0, 1.0[
pub fn new_for_fp_rate(items_count: usize, fp_p: f64) -> Bloom {
let bitmap_size = Bloom::compute_bitmap_size(items_count, fp_p);
Bloom::new(bitmap_size, items_count)
/// Compute a recommended bitmap size for items_count items
/// and a fp_p rate of false positives.
/// fp_p obviously has to be within the ]0.0, 1.0[ range.
pub fn compute_bitmap_size(items_count: usize, fp_p: f64) -> usize {
assert!(items_count > 0);
assert!(fp_p > 0.0 && fp_p < 1.0);
let log2 = f64::consts::LN_2;
let log2_2 = log2 * log2;
((items_count as f64) * f64::ln(fp_p) / (-8.0 * log2_2)).ceil() as usize
/// Records the presence of an item.
pub fn set<T>(&mut self, item: T)
where T: Hash
let base_hash = Bloom::sip_hash(&item);
for k_i in 0..self.k_num {
let bit_offset = (Bloom::bloom_hash(base_hash, k_i) % self.bitmap_bits) as usize;
/// Check if an item is present in the set.
/// There can be false positives, but no false negatives.
pub fn check<T>(&self, item: T) -> bool
where T: Hash
let base_hash = Bloom::sip_hash(&item);
for k_i in 0..self.k_num {
let bit_offset = (Bloom::bloom_hash(base_hash, k_i) % self.bitmap_bits) as usize;
if !self.bitmap.get(bit_offset) {
return false;
/// Return the number of bits in the filter
pub fn number_of_bits(&self) -> u64 {
/// Return the number of hash functions used for `check` and `set`
pub fn number_of_hash_functions(&self) -> u32 {
fn optimal_k_num(bitmap_bits: u64, items_count: usize) -> u32 {
let m = bitmap_bits as f64;
let n = items_count as f64;
let k_num = (m / n * f64::ln(2.0f64)).ceil() as u32;
cmp::max(k_num, 1)
fn sip_hash<T>(item: &T) -> u64
where T: Hash
let mut sip = SipHasher::new();
item.hash(&mut sip);
let hash = sip.finish();
fn bloom_hash(base_hash: u64, k_i: u32) -> u64 {
if k_i < 2 {
} else {
base_hash.wrapping_add((k_i as u64).wrapping_mul(base_hash) % 0xffffffffffffffc5)
/// Drains the bloom journal returning the updated bloom part
pub fn drain_journal(&mut self) -> BloomJournal {
BloomJournal {
entries: self.bitmap.drain(),
hash_functions: self.k_num,
/// Returns the ratio of set bits in the bloom filter to the total bits
pub fn saturation(&self) -> f64 {
/// Bloom journal
/// Returns the tuple of (bloom part index, bloom part value) where each one is representing
/// an index of bloom parts that was updated since the last drain
pub struct BloomJournal {
pub hash_functions: u32,
pub entries: Vec<(usize, u64)>,
mod tests {
use super::Bloom;
use std::collections::HashSet;
fn get_set() {
let mut bloom = Bloom::new(10, 80);
let key = vec![115u8, 99];
fn journalling() {
let initial = vec![0u64; 8];
let mut bloom = Bloom::from_parts(&initial, 3);
bloom.set(&vec![5u8, 4]);
let drain = bloom.drain_journal();
assert_eq!(2, drain.entries.len())
fn saturation() {
let initial = vec![0u64; 8];
let mut bloom = Bloom::from_parts(&initial, 3);
bloom.set(&vec![5u8, 4]);
let full = bloom.saturation();
// 2/8/64 = 0.00390625
assert!(full >= 0.0039f64 && full <= 0.004f64);
fn hash_backward_compatibility_for_new() {
let ss = vec!["you", "should", "not", "break", "hash", "backward", "compatibility"];
let mut bloom = Bloom::new(16, 8);
for s in ss.iter() {
let drained_elems: HashSet<u64> = bloom.drain_journal().entries.into_iter().map(|t| t.1).collect();
let expected: HashSet<u64> = [2094615114573771027u64, 244675582389208413u64].iter().cloned().collect();
assert_eq!(drained_elems, expected);
assert_eq!(bloom.k_num, 12);
fn hash_backward_compatibility_for_from_parts() {
let stored_state = vec![2094615114573771027u64, 244675582389208413u64];
let k_num = 12;
let bloom = Bloom::from_parts(&stored_state, k_num);
let ss = vec!["you", "should", "not", "break", "hash", "backward", "compatibility"];
let tt = vec!["this", "doesnot", "exist"];
for s in ss.iter() {
for s in tt.iter() {