Gav Wood 2245baaaab Provide CLI options to disable aspects of soft-fork.
Soft-fork will remain default behaviour, but you can now disable
either the whole mechanism (you'll lose money if you mine with this
when the majority network doesn't) or just vote against it but
otherwise go with the flow.
2016-06-19 13:20:14 +02:00

457 lines
14 KiB

// Copyright 2015, 2016 Ethcore (UK) Ltd.
// This file is part of Parity.
// Parity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Parity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Parity. If not, see <>.
use std::env;
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::{BufRead, BufReader};
use std::net::{SocketAddr, IpAddr};
use std::path::PathBuf;
use cli::{USAGE, Args};
use docopt::Docopt;
use die::*;
use util::*;
use util::keys::store::{ImportKeySet, AccountService};
use util::network_settings::NetworkSettings;
use ethcore::client::{append_path, get_db_path, ClientConfig, Switch, VMType};
use ethcore::ethereum;
use ethcore::spec::Spec;
use ethsync::SyncConfig;
use price_info::PriceInfo;
use rpc::IpcConfiguration;
pub struct Configuration {
pub args: Args
pub struct Directories {
pub keys: String,
pub db: String,
pub dapps: String,
pub signer: String,
impl Configuration {
pub fn parse() -> Self {
Configuration {
args: Docopt::new(USAGE).and_then(|d| d.decode()).unwrap_or_else(|e| e.exit()),
fn net_port(&self) -> u16 {
fn chain(&self) -> String {
if self.args.flag_testnet {
} else {
fn max_peers(&self) -> u32 {
self.args.flag_maxpeers.unwrap_or(self.args.flag_peers) as u32
pub fn author(&self) -> Address {
let d = self.args.flag_etherbase.as_ref().unwrap_or(&self.args.flag_author);
Address::from_str(clean_0x(d)).unwrap_or_else(|_| {
die!("{}: Invalid address for --author. Must be 40 hex characters, with or without the 0x at the beginning.", d)
pub fn gas_floor_target(&self) -> U256 {
if self.args.flag_assist_dao_attack || self.args.flag_dogmatic {
} else {
let d = &self.args.flag_gas_floor_target;
U256::from_dec_str(d).unwrap_or_else(|_| {
die!("{}: Invalid target gas floor given. Must be a decimal unsigned 256-bit number.", d)
pub fn gas_price(&self) -> U256 {
match self.args.flag_gasprice.as_ref() {
Some(d) => {
U256::from_dec_str(d).unwrap_or_else(|_| {
die!("{}: Invalid gas price given. Must be a decimal unsigned 256-bit number.", d)
_ => {
let usd_per_tx: f32 = FromStr::from_str(&self.args.flag_usd_per_tx).unwrap_or_else(|_| {
die!("{}: Invalid basic transaction price given in USD. Must be a decimal number.", self.args.flag_usd_per_tx)
let usd_per_eth = match self.args.flag_usd_per_eth.as_str() {
"auto" => PriceInfo::get().map_or_else(|| {
let last_known_good = 9.69696;
// TODO: use #1083 to read last known good value.
}, |x| x.ethusd),
"etherscan" => PriceInfo::get().map_or_else(|| {
die!("Unable to retrieve USD value of ETH from etherscan. Rerun with a different value for --usd-per-eth.")
}, |x| x.ethusd),
x => FromStr::from_str(x).unwrap_or_else(|_| die!("{}: Invalid ether price given in USD. Must be a decimal number.", x))
// TODO: use #1083 to write last known good value as use_per_eth.
let wei_per_usd: f32 = 1.0e18 / usd_per_eth;
let gas_per_tx: f32 = 21000.0;
let wei_per_gas: f32 = wei_per_usd * usd_per_tx / gas_per_tx;
info!("Using a conversion rate of Ξ1 = US${} ({} wei/gas)", usd_per_eth, wei_per_gas);
U256::from_dec_str(&format!("{:.0}", wei_per_gas)).unwrap()
pub fn extra_data(&self) -> Bytes {
match self.args.flag_extradata.as_ref().or(self.args.flag_extra_data.as_ref()) {
Some(ref x) if x.len() <= 32 => x.as_bytes().to_owned(),
None => version_data(),
Some(ref x) => { die!("{}: Extra data must be at most 32 characters.", x); }
pub fn spec(&self) -> Spec {
match self.chain().as_str() {
"frontier" | "homestead" | "mainnet" => ethereum::new_frontier(!self.args.flag_dogmatic),
"morden" | "testnet" => ethereum::new_morden(),
"olympic" => ethereum::new_olympic(),
f => Spec::load(contents(f).unwrap_or_else(|_| {
die!("{}: Couldn't read chain specification file. Sure it exists?", f)
pub fn normalize_enode(e: &str) -> Option<String> {
if is_valid_node_url(e) {
} else {
pub fn init_nodes(&self, spec: &Spec) -> Vec<String> {
match self.args.flag_bootnodes {
Some(ref x) if !x.is_empty() => x.split(',').map(|s| {
Self::normalize_enode(s).unwrap_or_else(|| {
die!("{}: Invalid node address format given for a boot node.", s)
Some(_) => Vec::new(),
None => spec.nodes().clone(),
pub fn net_addresses(&self) -> (Option<SocketAddr>, Option<SocketAddr>) {
let port = self.net_port();
let listen_address = Some(SocketAddr::new(IpAddr::from_str("").unwrap(), port));
let public_address = if self.args.flag_nat.starts_with("extip:") {
let host = &self.args.flag_nat[6..];
let host = IpAddr::from_str(host).unwrap_or_else(|_| die!("Invalid host given with `--nat extip:{}`", host));
Some(SocketAddr::new(host, port))
} else {
(listen_address, public_address)
pub fn net_settings(&self, spec: &Spec) -> NetworkConfiguration {
let mut ret = NetworkConfiguration::new();
ret.nat_enabled = self.args.flag_nat == "any" || self.args.flag_nat == "upnp";
ret.boot_nodes = self.init_nodes(spec);
let (listen, public) = self.net_addresses();
ret.listen_address = listen;
ret.public_address = public;
ret.use_secret = self.args.flag_node_key.as_ref().map(|s| Secret::from_str(s).unwrap_or_else(|_| s.sha3()));
ret.discovery_enabled = !self.args.flag_no_discovery && !self.args.flag_nodiscover;
ret.ideal_peers = self.max_peers();
let mut net_path = PathBuf::from(&self.path());
ret.config_path = Some(net_path.to_str().unwrap().to_owned());
pub fn find_best_db(&self, spec: &Spec) -> Option<journaldb::Algorithm> {
let mut ret = None;
let mut latest_era = None;
let jdb_types = [journaldb::Algorithm::Archive, journaldb::Algorithm::EarlyMerge, journaldb::Algorithm::OverlayRecent, journaldb::Algorithm::RefCounted];
for i in jdb_types.into_iter() {
let db = journaldb::new(&append_path(&get_db_path(Path::new(&self.path()), *i, spec.genesis_header().hash()), "state"), *i);
trace!(target: "parity", "Looking for best DB: {} at {:?}", i, db.latest_era());
match (latest_era, db.latest_era()) {
(Some(best), Some(this)) if best >= this => {}
(_, None) => {}
(_, Some(this)) => {
latest_era = Some(this);
ret = Some(*i);
pub fn client_config(&self, spec: &Spec) -> ClientConfig {
let mut client_config = ClientConfig::default();
match self.args.flag_cache {
Some(mb) => {
client_config.blockchain.max_cache_size = mb * 1024 * 1024;
client_config.blockchain.pref_cache_size = client_config.blockchain.max_cache_size * 3 / 4;
None => {
client_config.blockchain.pref_cache_size = self.args.flag_cache_pref_size;
client_config.blockchain.max_cache_size = self.args.flag_cache_max_size;
client_config.tracing.enabled = match self.args.flag_tracing.as_str() {
"auto" => Switch::Auto,
"on" => Switch::On,
"off" => Switch::Off,
_ => { die!("Invalid tracing method given!") }
client_config.pruning = match self.args.flag_pruning.as_str() {
"archive" => journaldb::Algorithm::Archive,
"light" => journaldb::Algorithm::EarlyMerge,
"fast" => journaldb::Algorithm::OverlayRecent,
"basic" => journaldb::Algorithm::RefCounted,
"auto" => self.find_best_db(spec).unwrap_or(journaldb::Algorithm::Archive),
_ => { die!("Invalid pruning method given."); }
if self.args.flag_jitvm {
client_config.vm_type = VMType::jit().unwrap_or_else(|| die!("Parity built without jit vm."))
trace!(target: "parity", "Using pruning strategy of {}", client_config.pruning); = self.args.flag_identity.clone();
client_config.queue.max_mem_use = self.args.flag_queue_max_size;
pub fn sync_config(&self, spec: &Spec) -> SyncConfig {
let mut sync_config = SyncConfig::default();
sync_config.network_id = self.args.flag_network_id.as_ref().or(self.args.flag_networkid.as_ref()).map_or(spec.network_id(), |id| {
U256::from_str(id).unwrap_or_else(|_| die!("{}: Invalid index given with --network-id/--networkid", id))
pub fn account_service(&self) -> AccountService {
// Secret Store
let passwords = self.args.flag_password.iter().flat_map(|filename| {
BufReader::new(&File::open(filename).unwrap_or_else(|_| die!("{} Unable to read password file. Ensure it exists and permissions are correct.", filename)))
.map(|l| l.unwrap())
let import_keys = match (self.args.flag_no_import_keys, self.args.flag_testnet) {
(true, _) => ImportKeySet::None,
(false, false) => ImportKeySet::Legacy,
(false, true) => ImportKeySet::LegacyTestnet,
let account_service = AccountService::with_security(Path::new(&self.keys_path()), self.keys_iterations(), import_keys);
if let Some(ref unlocks) = self.args.flag_unlock {
for d in unlocks.split(',') {
let a = Address::from_str(clean_0x(d)).unwrap_or_else(|_| {
die!("{}: Invalid address for --unlock. Must be 40 hex characters, without the 0x at the beginning.", d)
if passwords.iter().find(|p| account_service.unlock_account_no_expire(&a, p).is_ok()).is_none() {
die!("No password given to unlock account {}. Pass the password using `--password`.", a);
pub fn rpc_apis(&self) -> String {
pub fn rpc_cors(&self) -> Vec<String> {
let cors = self.args.flag_jsonrpc_cors.clone().or(self.args.flag_rpccorsdomain.clone());
cors.map_or_else(Vec::new, |c| c.split(',').map(|s| s.to_owned()).collect())
fn geth_ipc_path(&self) -> String {
if cfg!(windows) {
else {
if self.args.flag_testnet { path::ethereum::with_testnet("geth.ipc") }
else { path::ethereum::with_default("geth.ipc") }
pub fn keys_iterations(&self) -> u32 {
pub fn ipc_settings(&self) -> IpcConfiguration {
IpcConfiguration {
enabled: !(self.args.flag_ipcdisable || self.args.flag_ipc_off),
socket_addr: self.ipc_path(),
apis: self.args.flag_ipcapi.clone().unwrap_or(self.args.flag_ipc_apis.clone()),
pub fn network_settings(&self) -> NetworkSettings {
if self.args.flag_jsonrpc { println!("WARNING: Flag -j/--json-rpc is deprecated. JSON-RPC is now on by default. Ignoring."); }
NetworkSettings {
name: self.args.flag_identity.clone(),
chain: self.chain(),
max_peers: self.max_peers(),
network_port: self.net_port(),
rpc_enabled: !self.args.flag_jsonrpc_off,
rpc_interface: self.args.flag_rpcaddr.clone().unwrap_or(self.args.flag_jsonrpc_interface.clone()),
rpc_port: self.args.flag_rpcport.unwrap_or(self.args.flag_jsonrpc_port),
pub fn directories(&self) -> Directories {
let db_path = Configuration::replace_home(
::std::fs::create_dir_all(&db_path).unwrap_or_else(|e| die_with_io_error("main", e));
let keys_path = Configuration::replace_home(
if self.args.flag_testnet {
} else {
::std::fs::create_dir_all(&keys_path).unwrap_or_else(|e| die_with_io_error("main", e));
let dapps_path = Configuration::replace_home(&self.args.flag_dapps_path);
::std::fs::create_dir_all(&dapps_path).unwrap_or_else(|e| die_with_io_error("main", e));
let signer_path = Configuration::replace_home(&self.args.flag_signer_path);
::std::fs::create_dir_all(&signer_path).unwrap_or_else(|e| die_with_io_error("main", e));
Directories {
keys: keys_path,
db: db_path,
dapps: dapps_path,
signer: signer_path,
pub fn keys_path(&self) -> String {
pub fn path(&self) -> String {
fn replace_home(arg: &str) -> String {
arg.replace("$HOME", env::home_dir().unwrap().to_str().unwrap())
fn ipc_path(&self) -> String {
if self.args.flag_geth {
} else if cfg!(windows) {
} else {
pub fn have_color(&self) -> bool {
!self.args.flag_no_color && !cfg!(windows)
pub fn signer_port(&self) -> Option<u16> {
if self.args.flag_signer {
} else {
mod tests {
use super::*;
use cli::USAGE;
use docopt::Docopt;
use util::network_settings::NetworkSettings;
fn parse(args: &[&str]) -> Configuration {
Configuration {
args: Docopt::new(USAGE).unwrap().argv(args).decode().unwrap(),
fn should_parse_network_settings() {
// given
// when
let conf = parse(&["parity", "--testnet", "--identity", "testname"]);
// then
assert_eq!(conf.network_settings(), NetworkSettings {
name: "testname".to_owned(),
chain: "morden".to_owned(),
max_peers: 25,
network_port: 30303,
rpc_enabled: true,
rpc_interface: "local".to_owned(),
rpc_port: 8545,
fn should_parse_rpc_settings_with_geth_compatiblity() {
// given
fn assert(conf: Configuration) {
let net = conf.network_settings();
assert_eq!(net.rpc_enabled, true);
assert_eq!(net.rpc_interface, "all".to_owned());
assert_eq!(net.rpc_port, 8000);
assert_eq!(conf.rpc_cors(), vec!["*".to_owned()]);
assert_eq!(conf.rpc_apis(), "web3,eth".to_owned());
// when
let conf1 = parse(&["parity", "-j",
"--jsonrpc-port", "8000",
"--jsonrpc-interface", "all",
"--jsonrpc-cors", "*",
"--jsonrpc-apis", "web3,eth"
let conf2 = parse(&["parity", "--rpc",
"--rpcport", "8000",
"--rpcaddr", "all",
"--rpccorsdomain", "*",
"--rpcapi", "web3,eth"
// then