Afri Schoedon 7c335e8764
misc: bump license header to 2019 (#10135)
* misc: bump license header to 2019

* misc:

* misc: run license header script

* commit cargo lock
2019-01-07 11:33:07 +01:00

220 lines
7.1 KiB

// Copyright 2015-2019 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// This file is part of Parity Ethereum.
// Parity Ethereum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Parity Ethereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Parity Ethereum. If not, see <>.
//! Finality proof generation and checking.
use std::collections::{VecDeque};
use std::collections::hash_map::{HashMap, Entry};
use ethereum_types::{H256, Address};
use engines::validator_set::SimpleList;
/// Error indicating unknown validator.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Copy)]
pub struct UnknownValidator;
/// Rolling finality checker for authority round consensus.
/// Stores a chain of unfinalized hashes that can be pushed onto.
pub struct RollingFinality {
headers: VecDeque<(H256, Vec<Address>)>,
signers: SimpleList,
sign_count: HashMap<Address, usize>,
last_pushed: Option<H256>,
impl RollingFinality {
/// Create a blank finality checker under the given validator set.
pub fn blank(signers: Vec<Address>) -> Self {
RollingFinality {
headers: VecDeque::new(),
signers: SimpleList::new(signers),
sign_count: HashMap::new(),
last_pushed: None,
/// Extract unfinalized subchain from ancestry iterator.
/// Clears the current subchain.
/// Fails if any provided signature isn't part of the signers set.
pub fn build_ancestry_subchain<I>(&mut self, iterable: I) -> Result<(), UnknownValidator>
where I: IntoIterator<Item=(H256, Vec<Address>)>
for (hash, signers) in iterable {
if signers.iter().any(|s| !self.signers.contains(s)) { return Err(UnknownValidator) }
if self.last_pushed.is_none() { self.last_pushed = Some(hash) }
// break when we've got our first finalized block.
let current_signed = self.sign_count.len();
let new_signers = signers.iter().filter(|s| !self.sign_count.contains_key(s)).count();
let would_be_finalized = (current_signed + new_signers) * 2 > self.signers.len();
if would_be_finalized {
trace!(target: "finality", "Encountered already finalized block {}", hash);
for signer in signers.iter() {
*self.sign_count.entry(*signer).or_insert(0) += 1;
self.headers.push_front((hash, signers));
trace!(target: "finality", "Rolling finality state: {:?}", self.headers);
/// Clear the finality status, but keeps the validator set.
pub fn clear(&mut self) {
self.last_pushed = None;
/// Returns the last pushed hash.
pub fn subchain_head(&self) -> Option<H256> {
/// Get an iterator over stored hashes in order.
pub fn unfinalized_hashes(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item=&H256> {
self.headers.iter().map(|(h, _)| h)
/// Get the validator set.
pub fn validators(&self) -> &SimpleList { &self.signers }
/// Push a hash onto the rolling finality checker (implying `subchain_head` == head.parent)
/// Fails if `signer` isn't a member of the active validator set.
/// Returns a list of all newly finalized headers.
// TODO: optimize with smallvec.
pub fn push_hash(&mut self, head: H256, signers: Vec<Address>) -> Result<Vec<H256>, UnknownValidator> {
if signers.iter().any(|s| !self.signers.contains(s)) { return Err(UnknownValidator) }
for signer in signers.iter() {
*self.sign_count.entry(*signer).or_insert(0) += 1;
self.headers.push_back((head, signers));
let mut newly_finalized = Vec::new();
while self.sign_count.len() * 2 > self.signers.len() {
let (hash, signers) = self.headers.pop_front()
.expect("headers length always greater than sign count length; qed");
for signer in signers {
match self.sign_count.entry(signer) {
Entry::Occupied(mut entry) => {
// decrement count for this signer and purge on zero.
*entry.get_mut() -= 1;
if *entry.get() == 0 {
Entry::Vacant(_) => panic!("all hashes in `header` should have entries in `sign_count` for their signers; qed"),
trace!(target: "finality", "Blocks finalized by {:?}: {:?}", head, newly_finalized);
self.last_pushed = Some(head);
mod tests {
use ethereum_types::{H256, Address};
use super::RollingFinality;
fn rejects_unknown_signers() {
let signers = (0..3).map(|_| Address::random()).collect::<Vec<_>>();
let mut finality = RollingFinality::blank(signers.clone());
assert!(finality.push_hash(H256::random(), vec![signers[0], Address::random()]).is_err());
fn finalize_multiple() {
let signers: Vec<_> = (0..6).map(|_| Address::random()).collect();
let mut finality = RollingFinality::blank(signers.clone());
let hashes: Vec<_> = (0..7).map(|_| H256::random()).collect();
// 3 / 6 signers is < 51% so no finality.
for (i, hash) in hashes.iter().take(6).cloned().enumerate() {
let i = i % 3;
assert!(finality.push_hash(hash, vec![signers[i]]).unwrap().len() == 0);
// after pushing a block signed by a fourth validator, the first four
// blocks of the unverified chain become verified.
assert_eq!(finality.push_hash(hashes[6], vec![signers[4]]).unwrap(),
vec![hashes[0], hashes[1], hashes[2], hashes[3]]);
fn finalize_multiple_signers() {
let signers: Vec<_> = (0..6).map(|_| Address::random()).collect();
let mut finality = RollingFinality::blank(signers.clone());
let hash = H256::random();
// after pushing a block signed by four validators, it becomes verified right away.
assert_eq!(finality.push_hash(hash, signers[0..4].to_vec()).unwrap(), vec![hash]);
fn from_ancestry() {
let signers: Vec<_> = (0..6).map(|_| Address::random()).collect();
let hashes: Vec<_> = (0..12).map(|i| (H256::random(), vec![signers[i % 6]])).collect();
let mut finality = RollingFinality::blank(signers.clone());
assert_eq!(finality.unfinalized_hashes().count(), 3);
assert_eq!(finality.subchain_head(), Some(hashes[11].0));
fn from_ancestry_multiple_signers() {
let signers: Vec<_> = (0..6).map(|_| Address::random()).collect();
let hashes: Vec<_> = (0..12).map(|i| {
(H256::random(), vec![signers[i % 6], signers[(i + 1) % 6], signers[(i + 2) % 6]])
let mut finality = RollingFinality::blank(signers.clone());
// only the last hash has < 51% of authorities' signatures
assert_eq!(finality.unfinalized_hashes().count(), 1);
assert_eq!(finality.unfinalized_hashes().next(), Some(&hashes[11].0));
assert_eq!(finality.subchain_head(), Some(hashes[11].0));