
1018 lines
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// Copyright 2015-2019 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// This file is part of Parity Ethereum.
// Parity Ethereum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Parity Ethereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Parity Ethereum. If not, see <>.
//! Eth rpc implementation.
use std::thread;
use std::time::{Instant, Duration, SystemTime, UNIX_EPOCH};
use std::sync::Arc;
use rlp::Rlp;
use ethereum_types::{Address, H64, H160, H256, U64, U256};
use parking_lot::Mutex;
use ethash::{self, SeedHashCompute};
use ethcore::client::{BlockChainClient, BlockId, TransactionId, UncleId, StateOrBlock, StateClient, StateInfo, Call, EngineInfo, ProvingBlockChainClient};
use ethcore::miner::{self, MinerService};
use ethcore::snapshot::SnapshotService;
use hash::keccak;
use miner::external::ExternalMinerService;
use sync::SyncProvider;
use types::transaction::{SignedTransaction, LocalizedTransaction};
use types::BlockNumber as EthBlockNumber;
use types::encoded;
use types::filter::Filter as EthcoreFilter;
use types::header::Header;
use jsonrpc_core::{BoxFuture, Result};
use jsonrpc_core::futures::future;
use v1::helpers::{self, errors, limit_logs, fake_sign};
use v1::helpers::deprecated::{self, DeprecationNotice};
use v1::helpers::dispatch::{FullDispatcher, default_gas_price};
use v1::helpers::block_import::is_major_importing;
use v1::traits::Eth;
use v1::types::{
RichBlock, Block, BlockTransactions, BlockNumber, Bytes, SyncStatus, SyncInfo,
Transaction, CallRequest, Index, Filter, Log, Receipt, Work, EthAccount, StorageProof,
use v1::metadata::Metadata;
const EXTRA_INFO_PROOF: &str = "Object exists in blockchain (fetched earlier), extra_info is always available if object exists; qed";
/// Eth RPC options
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub struct EthClientOptions {
/// Return nonce from transaction queue when pending block not available.
pub pending_nonce_from_queue: bool,
/// Returns receipt from pending blocks
pub allow_pending_receipt_query: bool,
/// Send additional block number when asking for work
pub send_block_number_in_get_work: bool,
/// Gas Price Percentile used as default gas price.
pub gas_price_percentile: usize,
/// Return 'null' instead of an error if ancient block sync is still in
/// progress and the block information requested could not be found.
pub allow_missing_blocks: bool,
/// Enable Experimental RPC-Calls
pub allow_experimental_rpcs: bool,
/// flag for ancient block sync
pub no_ancient_blocks: bool,
impl EthClientOptions {
/// Creates new default `EthClientOptions` and allows alterations
/// by provided function.
pub fn with<F: Fn(&mut Self)>(fun: F) -> Self {
let mut options = Self::default();
fun(&mut options);
impl Default for EthClientOptions {
fn default() -> Self {
EthClientOptions {
pending_nonce_from_queue: false,
allow_pending_receipt_query: true,
send_block_number_in_get_work: true,
gas_price_percentile: 50,
allow_missing_blocks: false,
allow_experimental_rpcs: false,
no_ancient_blocks: false,
/// Eth rpc implementation.
pub struct EthClient<C, SN: ?Sized, S: ?Sized, M, EM> where
C: miner::BlockChainClient + BlockChainClient,
SN: SnapshotService,
S: SyncProvider,
M: MinerService,
EM: ExternalMinerService {
client: Arc<C>,
snapshot: Arc<SN>,
sync: Arc<S>,
accounts: Arc<Fn() -> Vec<Address> + Send + Sync>,
miner: Arc<M>,
external_miner: Arc<EM>,
seed_compute: Mutex<SeedHashCompute>,
options: EthClientOptions,
deprecation_notice: DeprecationNotice,
enum BlockNumberOrId {
impl From<BlockId> for BlockNumberOrId {
fn from(value: BlockId) -> BlockNumberOrId {
impl From<BlockNumber> for BlockNumberOrId {
fn from(value: BlockNumber) -> BlockNumberOrId {
enum PendingOrBlock {
struct PendingUncleId {
id: PendingOrBlock,
position: usize,
enum PendingTransactionId {
Location(PendingOrBlock, usize)
pub fn base_logs<C, M, T: StateInfo + 'static> (client: &C, miner: &M, filter: Filter) -> BoxFuture<Vec<Log>> where
C: miner::BlockChainClient + BlockChainClient + StateClient<State=T> + Call<State=T>,
M: MinerService<State=T> {
let include_pending = filter.to_block == Some(BlockNumber::Pending);
let filter: EthcoreFilter = match filter.try_into() {
Ok(value) => value,
Err(err) => return Box::new(future::err(err)),
let mut logs = match client.logs(filter.clone()) {
Ok(logs) => logs
Err(id) => return Box::new(future::err(errors::filter_block_not_found(id))),
if include_pending {
let best_block = client.chain_info().best_block_number;
let pending = pending_logs(&*miner, best_block, &filter);
let logs = limit_logs(logs, filter.limit);
impl<C, SN: ?Sized, S: ?Sized, M, EM, T: StateInfo + 'static> EthClient<C, SN, S, M, EM> where
C: miner::BlockChainClient + BlockChainClient + StateClient<State=T> + Call<State=T> + EngineInfo,
SN: SnapshotService,
S: SyncProvider,
M: MinerService<State=T>,
EM: ExternalMinerService {
/// Creates new EthClient.
pub fn new(
client: &Arc<C>,
snapshot: &Arc<SN>,
sync: &Arc<S>,
accounts: &Arc<Fn() -> Vec<Address> + Send + Sync>,
miner: &Arc<M>,
em: &Arc<EM>,
options: EthClientOptions
) -> Self {
EthClient {
client: client.clone(),
snapshot: snapshot.clone(),
sync: sync.clone(),
miner: miner.clone(),
accounts: accounts.clone(),
external_miner: em.clone(),
seed_compute: Mutex::new(SeedHashCompute::default()),
deprecation_notice: Default::default(),
fn rich_block(&self, id: BlockNumberOrId, include_txs: bool) -> Result<Option<RichBlock>> {
let client = &self.client;
let client_query = |id| (client.block(id), client.block_total_difficulty(id), client.block_extra_info(id), false);
let (block, difficulty, extra, is_pending) = match id {
BlockNumberOrId::Number(BlockNumber::Pending) => {
let info = self.client.chain_info();
match self.miner.pending_block(info.best_block_number) {
Some(pending_block) => {
warn!("`Pending` is deprecated and may be removed in future versions.");
let difficulty = {
let latest_difficulty = self.client.block_total_difficulty(BlockId::Latest).expect("blocks in chain have details; qed");
let pending_difficulty = self.miner.pending_block_header(info.best_block_number).map(|header| *header.difficulty());
if let Some(difficulty) = pending_difficulty {
difficulty + latest_difficulty
} else {
let extra = self.client.engine().extra_info(&pending_block.header);
(Some(encoded::Block::new(pending_block.rlp_bytes())), Some(difficulty), Some(extra), true)
None => {
warn!("`Pending` is deprecated and may be removed in future versions. Falling back to `Latest`");
BlockNumberOrId::Number(num) => {
let id = match num {
BlockNumber::Latest => BlockId::Latest,
BlockNumber::Earliest => BlockId::Earliest,
BlockNumber::Num(n) => BlockId::Number(n),
BlockNumber::Pending => unreachable!() // Already covered
BlockNumberOrId::Id(id) => client_query(id),
match (block, difficulty) {
(Some(block), Some(total_difficulty)) => {
let view = block.header_view();
Ok(Some(RichBlock {
inner: Block {
hash: match is_pending {
true => None,
false => Some(view.hash()),
size: Some(block.rlp().as_raw().len().into()),
parent_hash: view.parent_hash(),
uncles_hash: view.uncles_hash(),
state_root: view.state_root(),
transactions_root: view.transactions_root(),
receipts_root: view.receipts_root(),
number: match is_pending {
true => None,
false => Some(view.number().into()),
gas_used: view.gas_used(),
gas_limit: view.gas_limit(),
logs_bloom: match is_pending {
true => None,
false => Some(view.log_bloom()),
timestamp: view.timestamp().into(),
difficulty: view.difficulty(),
total_difficulty: Some(total_difficulty),
seal_fields: view.seal().into_iter().map(Into::into).collect(),
uncles: block.uncle_hashes(),
transactions: match include_txs {
true => BlockTransactions::Full(block.view().localized_transactions().into_iter().map(Transaction::from_localized).collect()),
false => BlockTransactions::Hashes(block.transaction_hashes()),
extra_data: Bytes::new(view.extra_data()),
extra_info: extra.expect(EXTRA_INFO_PROOF),
_ => Ok(None)
fn transaction(&self, id: PendingTransactionId) -> Result<Option<Transaction>> {
let client_transaction = |id| match self.client.transaction(id) {
Some(t) => Ok(Some(Transaction::from_localized(t))),
None => Ok(None),
match id {
PendingTransactionId::Hash(hash) => client_transaction(TransactionId::Hash(hash)),
PendingTransactionId::Location(PendingOrBlock::Block(block), index) => {
client_transaction(TransactionId::Location(block, index))
PendingTransactionId::Location(PendingOrBlock::Pending, index) => {
let info = self.client.chain_info();
let pending_block = match self.miner.pending_block(info.best_block_number) {
Some(block) => block,
None => return Ok(None),
// Implementation stolen from `extract_transaction_at_index`
let transaction = pending_block.transactions.get(index)
// Verify if transaction signature is correct.
.and_then(|tx| SignedTransaction::new(tx.clone()).ok())
.map(|signed_tx| {
let (signed, sender, _) = signed_tx.deconstruct();
let block_hash = pending_block.header.hash();
let block_number = pending_block.header.number();
let transaction_index = index;
let cached_sender = Some(sender);
LocalizedTransaction {
fn uncle(&self, id: PendingUncleId) -> Result<Option<RichBlock>> {
let client = &self.client;
let (uncle, parent_difficulty, extra) = match id {
PendingUncleId { id: PendingOrBlock::Pending, position } => {
let info = self.client.chain_info();
let pending_block = match self.miner.pending_block(info.best_block_number) {
Some(block) => block,
None => return Ok(None),
let uncle = match pending_block.uncles.get(position) {
Some(uncle) => uncle.clone(),
None => return Ok(None),
let difficulty = {
let latest_difficulty = self.client.block_total_difficulty(BlockId::Latest).expect("blocks in chain have details; qed");
let pending_difficulty = self.miner.pending_block_header(info.best_block_number).map(|header| *header.difficulty());
if let Some(difficulty) = pending_difficulty {
difficulty + latest_difficulty
} else {
let extra = self.client.engine().extra_info(&pending_block.header);
(uncle, difficulty, extra)
PendingUncleId { id: PendingOrBlock::Block(block_id), position } => {
let uncle_id = UncleId { block: block_id, position };
let uncle = match client.uncle(uncle_id) {
Some(hdr) => match hdr.decode() {
Ok(h) => h,
Err(e) => return Err(errors::decode(e))
None => { return Ok(None); }
let parent_difficulty = match client.block_total_difficulty(BlockId::Hash(*uncle.parent_hash())) {
Some(difficulty) => difficulty,
None => { return Ok(None); }
let extra = client.uncle_extra_info(uncle_id).expect(EXTRA_INFO_PROOF);
(uncle, parent_difficulty, extra)
let size = client.block(BlockId::Hash(uncle.hash()))
.map(|block| block.into_inner().len())
let block = RichBlock {
inner: Block {
hash: Some(uncle.hash()),
parent_hash: *uncle.parent_hash(),
uncles_hash: *uncle.uncles_hash(),
author: *,
miner: *,
state_root: *uncle.state_root(),
transactions_root: *uncle.transactions_root(),
number: Some(uncle.number().into()),
gas_used: *uncle.gas_used(),
gas_limit: *uncle.gas_limit(),
logs_bloom: Some(*uncle.log_bloom()),
timestamp: uncle.timestamp().into(),
difficulty: *uncle.difficulty(),
total_difficulty: Some(uncle.difficulty() + parent_difficulty),
receipts_root: *uncle.receipts_root(),
extra_data: uncle.extra_data().clone().into(),
seal_fields: uncle.seal().iter().cloned().map(Into::into).collect(),
uncles: vec![],
transactions: BlockTransactions::Hashes(vec![]),
extra_info: extra,
/// Get state for the given block number. Returns either the State or a block from which state
/// can be retrieved.
/// Note: When passing `BlockNumber::Pending` we fall back to the state of the current best block
/// if no state found for the best pending block.
fn get_state(&self, number: BlockNumber) -> StateOrBlock {
match number {
BlockNumber::Num(num) => BlockId::Number(num).into(),
BlockNumber::Earliest => BlockId::Earliest.into(),
BlockNumber::Latest => BlockId::Latest.into(),
BlockNumber::Pending => {
let info = self.client.chain_info();
.map(|s| Box::new(s) as Box<dyn StateInfo>)
.unwrap_or_else(|| {
warn!("Asked for best pending state, but none found. Falling back to latest state");
let (state, _) = self.client.latest_state_and_header();
Box::new(state) as Box<dyn StateInfo>
/// Get the state and header of best pending block. On failure, fall back to the best imported
/// blocks state&header.
fn pending_state_and_header_with_fallback(&self) -> (T, Header) {
let best_block_number = self.client.chain_info().best_block_number;
let (maybe_state, maybe_header) =
self.miner.pending_state(best_block_number).map_or_else(|| (None, None),|s| {
(Some(s), self.miner.pending_block_header(best_block_number))
match (maybe_state, maybe_header) {
(Some(state), Some(header)) => (state, header),
_ => {
warn!("Falling back to \"Latest\"");
pub fn pending_logs<M>(miner: &M, best_block: EthBlockNumber, filter: &EthcoreFilter) -> Vec<Log> where M: MinerService {
let receipts = miner.pending_receipts(best_block).unwrap_or_default();
.flat_map(|r| {
let hash = r.transaction_hash;
r.logs.into_iter().map(move |l| (hash, l))
.filter(|pair| filter.matches(&pair.1))
.map(|pair| {
let mut log = Log::from(pair.1);
log.transaction_hash = Some(pair.0);
fn check_known<C>(client: &C, number: BlockNumber) -> Result<()> where C: BlockChainClient {
use types::block_status::BlockStatus;
let id = match number {
BlockNumber::Pending => return Ok(()),
BlockNumber::Num(n) => BlockId::Number(n),
BlockNumber::Latest => BlockId::Latest,
BlockNumber::Earliest => BlockId::Earliest,
match client.block_status(id) {
BlockStatus::InChain => Ok(()),
_ => Err(errors::unknown_block()),
const MAX_QUEUE_SIZE_TO_MINE_ON: usize = 4; // because uncles go back 6.
impl<C, SN: ?Sized, S: ?Sized, M, EM, T: StateInfo + 'static> Eth for EthClient<C, SN, S, M, EM> where
C: miner::BlockChainClient + StateClient<State=T> + ProvingBlockChainClient + Call<State=T> + EngineInfo + 'static,
SN: SnapshotService + 'static,
S: SyncProvider + 'static,
M: MinerService<State=T> + 'static,
EM: ExternalMinerService + 'static,
type Metadata = Metadata;
fn protocol_version(&self) -> Result<String> {
let version = self.sync.status().protocol_version.to_owned();
Ok(format!("{}", version))
fn syncing(&self) -> Result<SyncStatus> {
use ethcore::snapshot::RestorationStatus;
let status = self.sync.status();
let client = &self.client;
let snapshot_status = self.snapshot.status();
let (warping, warp_chunks_amount, warp_chunks_processed) = match snapshot_status {
RestorationStatus::Ongoing { state_chunks, block_chunks, state_chunks_done, block_chunks_done } =>
(true, Some(block_chunks + state_chunks), Some(block_chunks_done + state_chunks_done)),
_ => (false, None, None),
if warping || is_major_importing(Some(status.state), client.queue_info()) {
let chain_info = client.chain_info();
let current_block = U256::from(chain_info.best_block_number);
let highest_block = U256::from(status.highest_block_number.unwrap_or(status.start_block_number));
let info = SyncInfo {
starting_block: status.start_block_number.into(),
warp_chunks_amount:|x| U256::from(x as u64)).map(Into::into),
warp_chunks_processed:|x| U256::from(x as u64)).map(Into::into),
} else {
fn author(&self) -> Result<H160> {
let miner = self.miner.authoring_params().author;
if miner == 0.into() {
.ok_or_else(|| errors::account("No accounts were found", ""))
} else {
fn is_mining(&self) -> Result<bool> {
fn chain_id(&self) -> Result<Option<U64>> {
fn hashrate(&self) -> Result<U256> {
fn gas_price(&self) -> BoxFuture<U256> {
Box::new(future::ok(default_gas_price(&*self.client, &*self.miner, self.options.gas_price_percentile)))
fn accounts(&self) -> Result<Vec<H160>> {
self.deprecation_notice.print("eth_accounts", deprecated::msgs::ACCOUNTS);
let accounts = (self.accounts)();
fn block_number(&self) -> Result<U256> {
fn balance(&self, address: H160, num: Option<BlockNumber>) -> BoxFuture<U256> {
let num = num.unwrap_or_default();
try_bf!(check_known(&*self.client, num.clone()));
let res = match self.client.balance(&address, self.get_state(num)) {
Some(balance) => Ok(balance),
None => Err(errors::state_pruned()),
fn proof(&self, address: H160, values: Vec<H256>, num: Option<BlockNumber>) -> BoxFuture<EthAccount> {
try_bf!(errors::require_experimental(self.options.allow_experimental_rpcs, "1186"));
let key1 = keccak(address);
let num = num.unwrap_or_default();
let id = match num {
BlockNumber::Num(n) => BlockId::Number(n),
BlockNumber::Earliest => BlockId::Earliest,
BlockNumber::Latest => BlockId::Latest,
BlockNumber::Pending => {
self.deprecation_notice.print("`Pending`", Some("falling back to `Latest`"));
try_bf!(check_known(&*self.client, num.clone()));
let res = match self.client.prove_account(key1, id) {
Some((proof, account)) => Ok(EthAccount {
balance: account.balance,
nonce: account.nonce,
code_hash: account.code_hash,
storage_hash: account.storage_root,
account_proof: proof.into_iter().map(Bytes::new).collect(),
storage_proof: values.into_iter().filter_map(|storage_index| {
let key2: H256 = storage_index;
self.client.prove_storage(key1, keccak(key2), id)
.map(|(storage_proof, storage_value)| StorageProof {
key: key2.into(),
value: storage_value.into(),
proof: storage_proof.into_iter().map(Bytes::new).collect()
None => Err(errors::state_pruned()),
fn storage_at(&self, address: H160, position: U256, num: Option<BlockNumber>) -> BoxFuture<H256> {
let num = num.unwrap_or_default();
try_bf!(check_known(&*self.client, num.clone()));
let res = match self.client.storage_at(&address, &H256::from(position), self.get_state(num)) {
Some(s) => Ok(s),
None => Err(errors::state_pruned()),
fn transaction_count(&self, address: H160, num: Option<BlockNumber>) -> BoxFuture<U256> {
let res = match num.unwrap_or_default() {
BlockNumber::Pending if self.options.pending_nonce_from_queue => {
Ok(self.miner.next_nonce(&*self.client, &address))
BlockNumber::Pending => {
let info = self.client.chain_info();
let nonce = self.miner
.and_then(|s| s.nonce(&address).ok())
.or_else(|| {
warn!("Fallback to `BlockId::Latest`");
self.client.nonce(&address, BlockId::Latest)
match nonce {
Some(nonce) => Ok(nonce),
None => Err(errors::database("latest nonce missing"))
number => {
try_bf!(check_known(&*self.client, number.clone()));
match self.client.nonce(&address, block_number_to_id(number)) {
Some(nonce) => Ok(nonce),
None => Err(errors::state_pruned()),
fn block_transaction_count_by_hash(&self, hash: H256) -> BoxFuture<Option<U256>> {
let trx_count = self.client.block(BlockId::Hash(hash))
.map(|block| block.transactions_count().into());
let result = Ok(trx_count)
.and_then(errors::check_block_gap(&*self.client, self.options));
fn block_transaction_count_by_number(&self, num: BlockNumber) -> BoxFuture<Option<U256>> {
Box::new(future::done(match num {
BlockNumber::Pending =>
_ => {
let trx_count = self.client.block(block_number_to_id(num.clone()))
.map(|block| block.transactions_count().into());
fn block_uncles_count_by_hash(&self, hash: H256) -> BoxFuture<Option<U256>> {
let uncle_count = self.client.block(BlockId::Hash(hash))
.map(|block| block.uncles_count().into());
let result = Ok(uncle_count)
.and_then(errors::check_block_gap(&*self.client, self.options));
fn block_uncles_count_by_number(&self, num: BlockNumber) -> BoxFuture<Option<U256>> {
Box::new(future::done(match num {
BlockNumber::Pending => Ok(Some(0.into())),
_ => {
let uncles_count = self.client.block(block_number_to_id(num.clone()))
.map(|block| block.uncles_count().into());
fn code_at(&self, address: H160, num: Option<BlockNumber>) -> BoxFuture<Bytes> {
let address: Address = H160::into(address);
let num = num.unwrap_or_default();
try_bf!(check_known(&*self.client, num.clone()));
let res = match self.client.code(&address, self.get_state(num)) {
Some(code) => Ok(code.map_or_else(Bytes::default, Bytes::new)),
None => Err(errors::state_pruned()),
fn block_by_hash(&self, hash: H256, include_txs: bool) -> BoxFuture<Option<RichBlock>> {
let result = self.rich_block(BlockId::Hash(hash).into(), include_txs)
.and_then(errors::check_block_gap(&*self.client, self.options));
fn block_by_number(&self, num: BlockNumber, include_txs: bool) -> BoxFuture<Option<RichBlock>> {
let result = self.rich_block(num.clone().into(), include_txs).and_then(
errors::check_block_number_existence(&*self.client, num, self.options));
fn transaction_by_hash(&self, hash: H256) -> BoxFuture<Option<Transaction>> {
let tx = try_bf!(self.transaction(PendingTransactionId::Hash(hash))).or_else(|| {
.map(|t| Transaction::from_pending(t.pending().clone()))
let result = Ok(tx).and_then(
errors::check_block_gap(&*self.client, self.options));
fn transaction_by_block_hash_and_index(&self, hash: H256, index: Index) -> BoxFuture<Option<Transaction>> {
let id = PendingTransactionId::Location(PendingOrBlock::Block(BlockId::Hash(hash)), index.value());
let result = self.transaction(id).and_then(
errors::check_block_gap(&*self.client, self.options));
fn transaction_by_block_number_and_index(&self, num: BlockNumber, index: Index) -> BoxFuture<Option<Transaction>> {
let block_id = match num {
BlockNumber::Latest => PendingOrBlock::Block(BlockId::Latest),
BlockNumber::Earliest => PendingOrBlock::Block(BlockId::Earliest),
BlockNumber::Num(num) => PendingOrBlock::Block(BlockId::Number(num)),
BlockNumber::Pending => PendingOrBlock::Pending,
let transaction_id = PendingTransactionId::Location(block_id, index.value());
let result = self.transaction(transaction_id).and_then(
errors::check_block_number_existence(&*self.client, num, self.options));
fn transaction_receipt(&self, hash: H256) -> BoxFuture<Option<Receipt>> {
if self.options.allow_pending_receipt_query {
let best_block = self.client.chain_info().best_block_number;
if let Some(receipt) = self.miner.pending_receipt(best_block, &hash) {
return Box::new(future::ok(Some(receipt.into())));
let receipt = self.client.transaction_receipt(TransactionId::Hash(hash));
let result = Ok(
.and_then(errors::check_block_gap(&*self.client, self.options));
fn uncle_by_block_hash_and_index(&self, hash: H256, index: Index) -> BoxFuture<Option<RichBlock>> {
let result = self.uncle(PendingUncleId {
id: PendingOrBlock::Block(BlockId::Hash(hash)),
position: index.value()
}).and_then(errors::check_block_gap(&*self.client, self.options));
fn uncle_by_block_number_and_index(&self, num: BlockNumber, index: Index) -> BoxFuture<Option<RichBlock>> {
let id = match num {
BlockNumber::Latest => PendingUncleId { id: PendingOrBlock::Block(BlockId::Latest), position: index.value() },
BlockNumber::Earliest => PendingUncleId { id: PendingOrBlock::Block(BlockId::Earliest), position: index.value() },
BlockNumber::Num(num) => PendingUncleId { id: PendingOrBlock::Block(BlockId::Number(num)), position: index.value() },
BlockNumber::Pending => PendingUncleId { id: PendingOrBlock::Pending, position: index.value() },
let result = self.uncle(id)
fn compilers(&self) -> Result<Vec<String>> {
Err(errors::deprecated("Compilation functionality is deprecated.".to_string()))
fn logs(&self, filter: Filter) -> BoxFuture<Vec<Log>> {
base_logs(&*self.client, &*self.miner, filter)
fn work(&self, no_new_work_timeout: Option<u64>) -> Result<Work> {
let no_new_work_timeout = no_new_work_timeout.unwrap_or_default();
// check if we're still syncing and return empty strings in that case
let sync_status = self.sync.status();
let queue_info = self.client.queue_info();
let total_queue_size = queue_info.total_queue_size();
if sync_status.is_snapshot_syncing() || total_queue_size > MAX_QUEUE_SIZE_TO_MINE_ON {
trace!(target: "miner", "Syncing. Cannot give any work.");
return Err(errors::no_work());
// Otherwise spin until our submitted block has been included.
let timeout = Instant::now() + Duration::from_millis(1000);
while Instant::now() < timeout && self.client.queue_info().total_queue_size() > 0 {
if self.miner.authoring_params().author.is_zero() {
warn!(target: "miner", "Cannot give work package - no author is configured. Use --author to configure!");
return Err(errors::no_author())
let work = self.miner.work_package(&*self.client).ok_or_else(|| {
warn!(target: "miner", "Cannot give work package - engine seals internally.");
let (pow_hash, number, timestamp, difficulty) = work;
let target = ethash::difficulty_to_boundary(&difficulty);
let seed_hash = self.seed_compute.lock().hash_block_number(number);
let now = SystemTime::now().duration_since(UNIX_EPOCH).unwrap_or_default().as_secs();
if no_new_work_timeout > 0 && timestamp + no_new_work_timeout < now {
} else if self.options.send_block_number_in_get_work {
Ok(Work {
seed_hash: seed_hash.into(),
number: Some(number),
} else {
Ok(Work {
seed_hash: seed_hash.into(),
number: None
fn submit_work(&self, nonce: H64, pow_hash: H256, mix_hash: H256) -> Result<bool> {
match helpers::submit_work_detail(&self.client, &self.miner, nonce, pow_hash, mix_hash) {
Ok(_) => Ok(true),
Err(_) => Ok(false),
fn submit_hashrate(&self, rate: U256, id: H256) -> Result<bool> {
self.external_miner.submit_hashrate(rate, id);
fn send_raw_transaction(&self, raw: Bytes) -> Result<H256> {
.and_then(|tx| SignedTransaction::new(tx).map_err(errors::transaction))
.and_then(|signed_transaction| {
fn submit_transaction(&self, raw: Bytes) -> Result<H256> {
fn call(&self, request: CallRequest, num: Option<BlockNumber>) -> BoxFuture<Bytes> {
let request = CallRequest::into(request);
let signed = try_bf!(fake_sign::sign_call(request));
let num = num.unwrap_or_default();
let (mut state, header) =
if num == BlockNumber::Pending {
} else {
let id = match num {
BlockNumber::Num(num) => BlockId::Number(num),
BlockNumber::Earliest => BlockId::Earliest,
BlockNumber::Latest => BlockId::Latest,
BlockNumber::Pending => unreachable!(), // Already covered
let state = try_bf!(self.client.state_at(id).ok_or_else(errors::state_pruned));
let header = try_bf!(
.and_then(|h| h.decode().map_err(errors::decode))
(state, header)
let result =, Default::default(), &mut state, &header);
.and_then(|executed| {
match executed.exception {
Some(ref exception) => Err(errors::vm(exception, &executed.output)),
None => Ok(executed)
.map(|b| b.output.into())
fn estimate_gas(&self, request: CallRequest, num: Option<BlockNumber>) -> BoxFuture<U256> {
let request = CallRequest::into(request);
let signed = try_bf!(fake_sign::sign_call(request));
let num = num.unwrap_or_default();
let (state, header) = if num == BlockNumber::Pending {
} else {
let id = match num {
BlockNumber::Num(num) => BlockId::Number(num),
BlockNumber::Earliest => BlockId::Earliest,
BlockNumber::Latest => BlockId::Latest,
BlockNumber::Pending => unreachable!(), // Already covered
let state = try_bf!(self.client.state_at(id)
let header = try_bf!(self.client.block_header(id)
.and_then(|h| h.decode().map_err(errors::decode)));
(state, header)
Box::new(future::done(self.client.estimate_gas(&signed, &state, &header)
fn compile_lll(&self, _: String) -> Result<Bytes> {
Err(errors::deprecated("Compilation of LLL via RPC is deprecated".to_string()))
fn compile_serpent(&self, _: String) -> Result<Bytes> {
Err(errors::deprecated("Compilation of Serpent via RPC is deprecated".to_string()))
fn compile_solidity(&self, _: String) -> Result<Bytes> {
Err(errors::deprecated("Compilation of Solidity via RPC is deprecated".to_string()))