Andrew Jones a04c5b180a Replace legacy Rlp with UntrustedRlp and use in ethcore rlp views (#8316)

* Replace Rlp with UntrustedRlp in views, explicity unwrap with expect

First pass to get it to compile. Need to figure out whether to do this or to propogate Errors upstream, which would require many more changes to dependent code. If we do this way we are assuming that the views are always used in a context where the rlp is trusted to be valid e.g. when reading from our own DB. So need to fid out whether views are used with data received from an untrusted (e.g. extrernal peer).

* Remove original Rlp impl, rename UntrustedRlp -> Rlp

* Create rlp views with view! macro to record debug info

Views are assumed to be over valid rlp, so if there is a decoding error we record where the view was created in the first place and report it in the expect

* Use $crate in view! macro to avoid import, fix tests

* Expect valid rlp in decode functions for now

* Replace spaces with tabs in new file

* Add doc tests for creating views with macro

* Update rlp docs to reflect removing of UntrustedRlp

* Replace UntrustedRlp usages in private-tx merge
2018-04-16 15:52:12 +02:00

1099 lines
34 KiB

// Copyright 2015-2017 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// This file is part of Parity.
// Parity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Parity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Parity. If not, see <>.
//! Request types, verification, and verification errors.
use std::sync::Arc;
use ethcore::basic_account::BasicAccount;
use ethcore::encoded;
use ethcore::engines::{EthEngine, StateDependentProof};
use ethcore::machine::EthereumMachine;
use ethcore::receipt::Receipt;
use ethcore::state::{self, ProvedExecution};
use transaction::SignedTransaction;
use vm::EnvInfo;
use request::{self as net_request, IncompleteRequest, CompleteRequest, Output, OutputKind, Field};
use rlp::{RlpStream, Rlp};
use ethereum_types::{H256, U256, Address};
use parking_lot::Mutex;
use hashdb::HashDB;
use kvdb::DBValue;
use bytes::Bytes;
use memorydb::MemoryDB;
use trie::{Trie, TrieDB, TrieError};
const SUPPLIED_MATCHES: &'static str = "supplied responses always match produced requests; enforced by `check_response`; qed";
/// Core unit of the API: submit batches of these to be answered with `Response`s.
pub enum Request {
/// A request for a header proof.
/// A request for a header by hash.
/// A request for the index of a transaction.
/// A request for block receipts.
/// A request for a block body.
/// A request for an account.
/// A request for a contract's code.
/// A request for proof of execution.
/// A request for epoch change signal.
/// A request argument.
pub trait RequestArg {
/// the response type.
type Out;
/// Create the request type.
/// `extract` must not fail when presented with the corresponding
/// `Response`.
fn make(self) -> Request;
/// May not panic if the response corresponds with the request
/// from `make`.
/// Is free to panic otherwise.
fn extract(r: Response) -> Self::Out;
/// An adapter can be thought of as a grouping of request argument types.
/// This is implemented for various tuples and convenient types.
pub trait RequestAdapter {
/// The output type.
type Out;
/// Infallibly produce requests. When `extract_from` is presented
/// with the corresponding response vector, it may not fail.
fn make_requests(self) -> Vec<Request>;
/// Extract the output type from the given responses.
/// If they are the corresponding responses to the requests
/// made by `make_requests`, do not panic.
fn extract_from(Vec<Response>) -> Self::Out;
impl<T: RequestArg> RequestAdapter for Vec<T> {
type Out = Vec<T::Out>;
fn make_requests(self) -> Vec<Request> {
fn extract_from(r: Vec<Response>) -> Self::Out {
// helper to implement `RequestArg` and `From` for a single request kind.
macro_rules! impl_single {
($variant: ident, $me: ty, $out: ty) => {
impl RequestArg for $me {
type Out = $out;
fn make(self) -> Request {
fn extract(r: Response) -> $out {
match r {
Response::$variant(x) => x,
_ => panic!(SUPPLIED_MATCHES),
impl From<$me> for Request {
fn from(me: $me) -> Request {
// implement traits for each kind of request.
impl_single!(HeaderProof, HeaderProof, (H256, U256));
impl_single!(HeaderByHash, HeaderByHash, encoded::Header);
impl_single!(TransactionIndex, TransactionIndex, net_request::TransactionIndexResponse);
impl_single!(Receipts, BlockReceipts, Vec<Receipt>);
impl_single!(Body, Body, encoded::Block);
impl_single!(Account, Account, Option<BasicAccount>);
impl_single!(Code, Code, Bytes);
impl_single!(Execution, TransactionProof, super::ExecutionResult);
impl_single!(Signal, Signal, Vec<u8>);
macro_rules! impl_args {
() => {
impl<T: RequestArg> RequestAdapter for T {
type Out = T::Out;
fn make_requests(self) -> Vec<Request> {
fn extract_from(mut responses: Vec<Response>) -> Self::Out {
($first: ident, $($next: ident,)*) => {
$first: RequestArg,
$($next: RequestArg,)*
RequestAdapter for ($first, $($next,)*) {
type Out = ($first::Out, $($next::Out,)*);
fn make_requests(self) -> Vec<Request> {
let ($first, $($next,)*) = self;
fn extract_from(responses: Vec<Response>) -> Self::Out {
let mut iter = responses.into_iter();
mod impls {
use super::{RequestAdapter, RequestArg, Request, Response, SUPPLIED_MATCHES};
impl_args!(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L,);
/// A block header to be used for verification.
/// May be stored or an unresolved output of a prior request.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum HeaderRef {
/// A stored header.
/// An unresolved header. The first item here is the index of the request which
/// will return the header. The second is a back-reference pointing to a block hash
/// which can be used to make requests until that header is resolved.
Unresolved(usize, Field<H256>),
impl HeaderRef {
/// Attempt to inspect the header.
pub fn as_ref(&self) -> Result<&encoded::Header, Error> {
match *self {
HeaderRef::Stored(ref hdr) => Ok(hdr),
HeaderRef::Unresolved(idx, _) => Err(Error::UnresolvedHeader(idx)),
// get the blockhash field to be used in requests.
fn field(&self) -> Field<H256> {
match *self {
HeaderRef::Stored(ref hdr) => Field::Scalar(hdr.hash()),
HeaderRef::Unresolved(_, ref field) => field.clone(),
// yield the index of the request which will produce the header.
fn needs_header(&self) -> Option<(usize, Field<H256>)> {
match *self {
HeaderRef::Stored(_) => None,
HeaderRef::Unresolved(idx, ref field) => Some((idx, field.clone())),
impl From<encoded::Header> for HeaderRef {
fn from(header: encoded::Header) -> Self {
/// Requests coupled with their required data for verification.
/// This is used internally but not part of the public API.
pub enum CheckedRequest {
HeaderProof(HeaderProof, net_request::IncompleteHeaderProofRequest),
HeaderByHash(HeaderByHash, net_request::IncompleteHeadersRequest),
TransactionIndex(TransactionIndex, net_request::IncompleteTransactionIndexRequest),
Receipts(BlockReceipts, net_request::IncompleteReceiptsRequest),
Body(Body, net_request::IncompleteBodyRequest),
Account(Account, net_request::IncompleteAccountRequest),
Code(Code, net_request::IncompleteCodeRequest),
Execution(TransactionProof, net_request::IncompleteExecutionRequest),
Signal(Signal, net_request::IncompleteSignalRequest)
impl From<Request> for CheckedRequest {
fn from(req: Request) -> Self {
match req {
Request::HeaderByHash(req) => {
let net_req = net_request::IncompleteHeadersRequest {
skip: 0,
max: 1,
reverse: false,
CheckedRequest::HeaderByHash(req, net_req)
Request::HeaderProof(req) => {
let net_req = net_request::IncompleteHeaderProofRequest {
num: req.num().into(),
CheckedRequest::HeaderProof(req, net_req)
Request::TransactionIndex(req) => {
let net_req = net_request::IncompleteTransactionIndexRequest {
hash: req.0.clone(),
CheckedRequest::TransactionIndex(req, net_req)
Request::Body(req) => {
let net_req = net_request::IncompleteBodyRequest {
hash: req.0.field(),
CheckedRequest::Body(req, net_req)
Request::Receipts(req) => {
let net_req = net_request::IncompleteReceiptsRequest {
hash: req.0.field(),
CheckedRequest::Receipts(req, net_req)
Request::Account(req) => {
let net_req = net_request::IncompleteAccountRequest {
block_hash: req.header.field(),
address_hash: ::hash::keccak(&req.address).into(),
CheckedRequest::Account(req, net_req)
Request::Code(req) => {
let net_req = net_request::IncompleteCodeRequest {
block_hash: req.header.field(),
code_hash: req.code_hash.into(),
CheckedRequest::Code(req, net_req)
Request::Execution(req) => {
let net_req = net_request::IncompleteExecutionRequest {
block_hash: req.header.field(),
from: req.tx.sender(),
gas: req.tx.gas,
gas_price: req.tx.gas_price,
action: req.tx.action.clone(),
value: req.tx.value,
CheckedRequest::Execution(req, net_req)
Request::Signal(req) => {
let net_req = net_request::IncompleteSignalRequest {
block_hash: req.hash.into(),
CheckedRequest::Signal(req, net_req)
impl CheckedRequest {
/// Convert this into a network request.
pub fn into_net_request(self) -> net_request::Request {
use ::request::Request as NetRequest;
match self {
CheckedRequest::HeaderProof(_, req) => NetRequest::HeaderProof(req),
CheckedRequest::HeaderByHash(_, req) => NetRequest::Headers(req),
CheckedRequest::TransactionIndex(_, req) => NetRequest::TransactionIndex(req),
CheckedRequest::Receipts(_, req) => NetRequest::Receipts(req),
CheckedRequest::Body(_, req) => NetRequest::Body(req),
CheckedRequest::Account(_, req) => NetRequest::Account(req),
CheckedRequest::Code(_, req) => NetRequest::Code(req),
CheckedRequest::Execution(_, req) => NetRequest::Execution(req),
CheckedRequest::Signal(_, req) => NetRequest::Signal(req),
/// Whether this needs a header from a prior request.
/// Returns `Some` with the index of the request returning the header
/// and the field giving the hash
/// if so, `None` otherwise.
pub fn needs_header(&self) -> Option<(usize, Field<H256>)> {
match *self {
CheckedRequest::Receipts(ref x, _) => x.0.needs_header(),
CheckedRequest::Body(ref x, _) => x.0.needs_header(),
CheckedRequest::Account(ref x, _) => x.header.needs_header(),
CheckedRequest::Code(ref x, _) => x.header.needs_header(),
CheckedRequest::Execution(ref x, _) => x.header.needs_header(),
_ => None,
/// Provide a header where one was needed. Should only be called if `needs_header`
/// returns `Some`, and for correctness, only use the header yielded by the correct
/// request.
pub fn provide_header(&mut self, header: encoded::Header) {
match *self {
CheckedRequest::Receipts(ref mut x, _) => x.0 = HeaderRef::Stored(header),
CheckedRequest::Body(ref mut x, _) => x.0 = HeaderRef::Stored(header),
CheckedRequest::Account(ref mut x, _) => x.header = HeaderRef::Stored(header),
CheckedRequest::Code(ref mut x, _) => x.header = HeaderRef::Stored(header),
CheckedRequest::Execution(ref mut x, _) => x.header = HeaderRef::Stored(header),
_ => {},
/// Attempt to complete the request based on data in the cache.
pub fn respond_local(&self, cache: &Mutex<::cache::Cache>) -> Option<Response> {
match *self {
CheckedRequest::HeaderProof(ref check, _) => {
let mut cache = cache.lock();
.and_then(|h| cache.chain_score(&h).map(|s| (h, s)))
.map(|(h, s)| Response::HeaderProof((h, s)))
CheckedRequest::HeaderByHash(_, ref req) => {
if let Some(&net_request::HashOrNumber::Hash(ref h)) = req.start.as_ref() {
return cache.lock().block_header(h).map(Response::HeaderByHash);
CheckedRequest::Receipts(ref check, ref req) => {
// empty transactions -> no receipts
if check.0.as_ref().ok().map_or(false, |hdr| hdr.receipts_root() == KECCAK_NULL_RLP) {
return Some(Response::Receipts(Vec::new()));
.and_then(|hash| cache.lock().block_receipts(hash))
CheckedRequest::Body(ref check, ref req) => {
// check for empty body.
if let Some(hdr) = check.0.as_ref().ok() {
if hdr.transactions_root() == KECCAK_NULL_RLP && hdr.uncles_hash() == KECCAK_EMPTY_LIST_RLP {
let mut stream = RlpStream::new_list(3);
stream.append_raw(hdr.rlp().as_raw(), 1);
return Some(Response::Body(encoded::Block::new(stream.out())));
// otherwise, check for cached body and header.
let block_hash = req.hash.as_ref()
.or_else(|| check.0.as_ref().ok().map(|hdr| hdr.hash()));
let block_hash = match block_hash {
Some(hash) => hash,
None => return None,
let mut cache = cache.lock();
let cached_header;
// can't use as_ref here although it seems like you would be able to:
// it complains about uninitialized `cached_header`.
let block_header = match check.0.as_ref().ok() {
Some(hdr) => Some(hdr),
None => {
cached_header = cache.block_header(&block_hash);
.and_then(|hdr| cache.block_body(&block_hash).map(|b| (hdr, b)))
.map(|(hdr, body)| {
Response::Body(encoded::Block::new_from_header_and_body(&hdr.view(), &body.view()))
CheckedRequest::Code(_, ref req) => {
if req.code_hash.as_ref().map_or(false, |&h| h == KECCAK_EMPTY) {
} else {
_ => None,
macro_rules! match_me {
($me: expr, ($check: pat, $req: pat) => $e: expr) => {
match $me {
CheckedRequest::HeaderProof($check, $req) => $e,
CheckedRequest::HeaderByHash($check, $req) => $e,
CheckedRequest::TransactionIndex($check, $req) => $e,
CheckedRequest::Receipts($check, $req) => $e,
CheckedRequest::Body($check, $req) => $e,
CheckedRequest::Account($check, $req) => $e,
CheckedRequest::Code($check, $req) => $e,
CheckedRequest::Execution($check, $req) => $e,
CheckedRequest::Signal($check, $req) => $e,
impl IncompleteRequest for CheckedRequest {
type Complete = CompleteRequest;
type Response = net_request::Response;
fn check_outputs<F>(&self, mut f: F) -> Result<(), net_request::NoSuchOutput>
where F: FnMut(usize, usize, OutputKind) -> Result<(), net_request::NoSuchOutput>
match *self {
CheckedRequest::HeaderProof(_, ref req) => req.check_outputs(f),
CheckedRequest::HeaderByHash(ref check, ref req) => {
req.check_outputs(&mut f)?;
// make sure the output given is definitively a hash.
match check.0 {
Field::BackReference(r, idx) => f(r, idx, OutputKind::Hash),
_ => Ok(()),
CheckedRequest::TransactionIndex(_, ref req) => req.check_outputs(f),
CheckedRequest::Receipts(_, ref req) => req.check_outputs(f),
CheckedRequest::Body(_, ref req) => req.check_outputs(f),
CheckedRequest::Account(_, ref req) => req.check_outputs(f),
CheckedRequest::Code(_, ref req) => req.check_outputs(f),
CheckedRequest::Execution(_, ref req) => req.check_outputs(f),
CheckedRequest::Signal(_, ref req) => req.check_outputs(f),
fn note_outputs<F>(&self, f: F) where F: FnMut(usize, OutputKind) {
match_me!(*self, (_, ref req) => req.note_outputs(f))
fn fill<F>(&mut self, f: F) where F: Fn(usize, usize) -> Result<Output, net_request::NoSuchOutput> {
match_me!(*self, (_, ref mut req) => req.fill(f))
fn complete(self) -> Result<Self::Complete, net_request::NoSuchOutput> {
match self {
CheckedRequest::HeaderProof(_, req) => req.complete().map(CompleteRequest::HeaderProof),
CheckedRequest::HeaderByHash(_, req) => req.complete().map(CompleteRequest::Headers),
CheckedRequest::TransactionIndex(_, req) => req.complete().map(CompleteRequest::TransactionIndex),
CheckedRequest::Receipts(_, req) => req.complete().map(CompleteRequest::Receipts),
CheckedRequest::Body(_, req) => req.complete().map(CompleteRequest::Body),
CheckedRequest::Account(_, req) => req.complete().map(CompleteRequest::Account),
CheckedRequest::Code(_, req) => req.complete().map(CompleteRequest::Code),
CheckedRequest::Execution(_, req) => req.complete().map(CompleteRequest::Execution),
CheckedRequest::Signal(_, req) => req.complete().map(CompleteRequest::Signal),
fn adjust_refs<F>(&mut self, mapping: F) where F: FnMut(usize) -> usize {
match_me!(*self, (_, ref mut req) => req.adjust_refs(mapping))
impl net_request::CheckedRequest for CheckedRequest {
type Extract = Response;
type Error = Error;
type Environment = Mutex<::cache::Cache>;
/// Check whether the response matches (beyond the type).
fn check_response(&self, complete: &Self::Complete, cache: &Mutex<::cache::Cache>, response: &Self::Response) -> Result<Response, Error> {
use ::request::Response as NetResponse;
// helper for expecting a specific response for a given request.
macro_rules! expect {
($res: pat => $e: expr) => {{
match (response, complete) {
$res => $e,
_ => Err(Error::WrongKind),
// check response against contained prover.
match *self {
CheckedRequest::HeaderProof(ref prover, _) =>
expect!((&NetResponse::HeaderProof(ref res), _) =>
prover.check_response(cache, &res.proof).map(Response::HeaderProof)),
CheckedRequest::HeaderByHash(ref prover, _) =>
expect!((&NetResponse::Headers(ref res), &CompleteRequest::Headers(ref req)) =>
prover.check_response(cache, &req.start, &res.headers).map(Response::HeaderByHash)),
CheckedRequest::TransactionIndex(ref prover, _) =>
expect!((&NetResponse::TransactionIndex(ref res), _) =>
prover.check_response(cache, res).map(Response::TransactionIndex)),
CheckedRequest::Receipts(ref prover, _) =>
expect!((&NetResponse::Receipts(ref res), _) =>
prover.check_response(cache, &res.receipts).map(Response::Receipts)),
CheckedRequest::Body(ref prover, _) =>
expect!((&NetResponse::Body(ref res), _) =>
prover.check_response(cache, &res.body).map(Response::Body)),
CheckedRequest::Account(ref prover, _) =>
expect!((&NetResponse::Account(ref res), _) =>
prover.check_response(cache, &res.proof).map(Response::Account)),
CheckedRequest::Code(ref prover, _) =>
expect!((&NetResponse::Code(ref res), &CompleteRequest::Code(ref req)) =>
prover.check_response(cache, &req.code_hash, &res.code).map(Response::Code)),
CheckedRequest::Execution(ref prover, _) =>
expect!((&NetResponse::Execution(ref res), _) =>
prover.check_response(cache, &res.items).map(Response::Execution)),
CheckedRequest::Signal(ref prover, _) =>
expect!((&NetResponse::Signal(ref res), _) =>
prover.check_response(cache, &res.signal).map(Response::Signal)),
/// Responses to on-demand requests.
/// All of these are checked.
pub enum Response {
/// Response to a header proof request.
/// Returns the hash and chain score.
HeaderProof((H256, U256)),
/// Response to a header-by-hash request.
/// Response to a transaction-index request.
/// Response to a receipts request.
/// Response to a block body request.
/// Response to an Account request.
// TODO: `unwrap_or(engine_defaults)`
/// Response to a request for code.
/// Response to a request for proved execution.
/// Response to a request for epoch change signal.
impl net_request::ResponseLike for Response {
fn fill_outputs<F>(&self, mut f: F) where F: FnMut(usize, Output) {
match *self {
Response::HeaderProof((ref hash, _)) => f(0, Output::Hash(*hash)),
Response::Account(None) => {
f(0, Output::Hash(KECCAK_EMPTY)); // code hash
f(1, Output::Hash(KECCAK_NULL_RLP)); // storage root.
Response::Account(Some(ref acc)) => {
f(0, Output::Hash(acc.code_hash));
f(1, Output::Hash(acc.storage_root));
_ => {}
/// Errors in verification.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
pub enum Error {
/// RLP decoder error.
/// Empty response.
/// Trie lookup error (result of bad proof)
/// Bad inclusion proof
/// Header by number instead of hash.
/// Unresolved header reference.
/// Wrong header number.
WrongNumber(u64, u64),
/// Wrong hash.
WrongHash(H256, H256),
/// Wrong trie root.
WrongTrieRoot(H256, H256),
/// Wrong response kind.
impl From<::rlp::DecoderError> for Error {
fn from(err: ::rlp::DecoderError) -> Self {
impl From<Box<TrieError>> for Error {
fn from(err: Box<TrieError>) -> Self {
/// Request for header proof by number
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct HeaderProof {
/// The header's number.
num: u64,
/// The cht number for the given block number.
cht_num: u64,
/// The root of the CHT containing this header.
cht_root: H256,
impl HeaderProof {
/// Construct a new header-by-number request. Fails if the given number is 0.
/// Provide the expected CHT root to compare against.
pub fn new(num: u64, cht_root: H256) -> Option<Self> {
::cht::block_to_cht_number(num).map(|cht_num| HeaderProof {
num: num,
cht_num: cht_num,
cht_root: cht_root,
/// Access the requested block number.
pub fn num(&self) -> u64 { self.num }
/// Access the CHT number.
pub fn cht_num(&self) -> u64 { self.cht_num }
/// Access the expected CHT root.
pub fn cht_root(&self) -> H256 { self.cht_root }
/// Check a response with a CHT proof, get a hash and total difficulty back.
pub fn check_response(&self, cache: &Mutex<::cache::Cache>, proof: &[Bytes]) -> Result<(H256, U256), Error> {
match ::cht::check_proof(proof, self.num, self.cht_root) {
Some((expected_hash, td)) => {
let mut cache = cache.lock();
cache.insert_block_hash(self.num, expected_hash);
cache.insert_chain_score(expected_hash, td);
Ok((expected_hash, td))
None => Err(Error::BadProof),
/// Request for a header by hash.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct HeaderByHash(pub Field<H256>);
impl HeaderByHash {
/// Check a response for the header.
pub fn check_response(
cache: &Mutex<::cache::Cache>,
start: &net_request::HashOrNumber,
headers: &[encoded::Header]
) -> Result<encoded::Header, Error> {
let expected_hash = match (self.0, start) {
(Field::Scalar(ref h), &net_request::HashOrNumber::Hash(ref h2)) => {
if h != h2 { return Err(Error::WrongHash(*h, *h2)) }
(_, &net_request::HashOrNumber::Hash(h2)) => h2,
_ => return Err(Error::HeaderByNumber),
let header = headers.get(0).ok_or(Error::Empty)?;
let hash = header.hash();
match hash == expected_hash {
true => {
cache.lock().insert_block_header(hash, header.clone());
false => Err(Error::WrongHash(expected_hash, hash)),
/// Request for a transaction index.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct TransactionIndex(pub Field<H256>);
impl TransactionIndex {
/// Check a response for the transaction index.
// TODO: proper checking involves looking at canonicality of the
// hash w.r.t. the current best block header.
// unlike all other forms of request, we don't know the header to check
// until we make this request.
// This would require lookups in the database or perhaps CHT requests,
// which aren't currently possible.
// Also, returning a result that is not locally canonical doesn't necessarily
// indicate misbehavior, so the punishment scheme would need to be revised.
pub fn check_response(
_cache: &Mutex<::cache::Cache>,
res: &net_request::TransactionIndexResponse,
) -> Result<net_request::TransactionIndexResponse, Error> {
/// Request for a block, with header for verification.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct Body(pub HeaderRef);
impl Body {
/// Check a response for this block body.
pub fn check_response(&self, cache: &Mutex<::cache::Cache>, body: &encoded::Body) -> Result<encoded::Block, Error> {
// check the integrity of the the body against the header
let header = self.0.as_ref()?;
let tx_root = ::triehash::ordered_trie_root(body.transactions_rlp().iter().map(|r| r.as_raw()));
if tx_root != header.transactions_root() {
return Err(Error::WrongTrieRoot(header.transactions_root(), tx_root));
let uncles_hash = keccak(body.uncles_rlp().as_raw());
if uncles_hash != header.uncles_hash() {
return Err(Error::WrongHash(header.uncles_hash(), uncles_hash));
// concatenate the header and the body.
let block = encoded::Block::new_from_header_and_body(&header.view(), &body.view());
cache.lock().insert_block_body(header.hash(), body.clone());
/// Request for a block's receipts with header for verification.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct BlockReceipts(pub HeaderRef);
impl BlockReceipts {
/// Check a response with receipts against the stored header.
pub fn check_response(&self, cache: &Mutex<::cache::Cache>, receipts: &[Receipt]) -> Result<Vec<Receipt>, Error> {
let receipts_root = self.0.as_ref()?.receipts_root();
let found_root = ::triehash::ordered_trie_root(receipts.iter().map(|r| ::rlp::encode(r)));
match receipts_root == found_root {
true => {
cache.lock().insert_block_receipts(receipts_root, receipts.to_vec());
false => Err(Error::WrongTrieRoot(receipts_root, found_root)),
/// Request for an account structure.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct Account {
/// Header for verification.
pub header: HeaderRef,
/// Address requested.
pub address: Address,
impl Account {
/// Check a response with an account against the stored header.
pub fn check_response(&self, _: &Mutex<::cache::Cache>, proof: &[Bytes]) -> Result<Option<BasicAccount>, Error> {
let header = self.header.as_ref()?;
let state_root = header.state_root();
let mut db = MemoryDB::new();
for node in proof { db.insert(&node[..]); }
match TrieDB::new(&db, &state_root).and_then(|t| t.get(&keccak(&self.address)))? {
Some(val) => {
let rlp = Rlp::new(&val);
Ok(Some(BasicAccount {
nonce: rlp.val_at(0)?,
balance: rlp.val_at(1)?,
storage_root: rlp.val_at(2)?,
code_hash: rlp.val_at(3)?,
None => Ok(None),
/// Request for account code.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct Code {
/// Header reference.
pub header: HeaderRef,
/// Account's code hash.
pub code_hash: Field<H256>,
impl Code {
/// Check a response with code against the code hash.
pub fn check_response(
_: &Mutex<::cache::Cache>,
code_hash: &H256,
code: &[u8]
) -> Result<Vec<u8>, Error> {
let found_hash = keccak(code);
if &found_hash == code_hash {
} else {
Err(Error::WrongHash(*code_hash, found_hash))
/// Request for transaction execution, along with the parts necessary to verify the proof.
pub struct TransactionProof {
/// The transaction to request proof of.
pub tx: SignedTransaction,
/// Block header.
pub header: HeaderRef,
/// Transaction environment info.
// TODO: it's not really possible to provide this if the header is unknown.
pub env_info: EnvInfo,
/// Consensus engine.
pub engine: Arc<EthEngine>,
impl TransactionProof {
/// Check the proof, returning the proved execution or indicate that the proof was bad.
pub fn check_response(&self, _: &Mutex<::cache::Cache>, state_items: &[DBValue]) -> Result<super::ExecutionResult, Error> {
let root = self.header.as_ref()?.state_root();
let mut env_info = self.env_info.clone();
env_info.gas_limit = self.tx.gas.clone();
let proved_execution = state::check_proof(
match proved_execution {
ProvedExecution::BadProof => Err(Error::BadProof),
ProvedExecution::Failed(e) => Ok(Err(e)),
ProvedExecution::Complete(e) => Ok(Ok(e)),
/// Request for epoch signal.
/// Provide engine and state-dependent proof checker.
pub struct Signal {
/// Block hash and number to fetch proof for.
pub hash: H256,
/// Consensus engine, used to check the proof.
pub engine: Arc<EthEngine>,
/// Special checker for the proof.
pub proof_check: Arc<StateDependentProof<EthereumMachine>>,
impl Signal {
/// Check the signal, returning the signal or indicate that it's bad.
pub fn check_response(&self, _: &Mutex<::cache::Cache>, signal: &[u8]) -> Result<Vec<u8>, Error> {
self.proof_check.check_proof(self.engine.machine(), signal)
.map(|_| signal.to_owned())
.map_err(|_| Error::BadProof)
mod tests {
use super::*;
use std::time::Duration;
use ethereum_types::{H256, Address};
use memorydb::MemoryDB;
use parking_lot::Mutex;
use trie::{Trie, TrieMut, SecTrieDB, SecTrieDBMut};
use trie::recorder::Recorder;
use hash::keccak;
use ethcore::client::{BlockChainClient, BlockInfo, TestBlockChainClient, EachBlockWith};
use ethcore::header::Header;
use ethcore::encoded;
use ethcore::receipt::{Receipt, TransactionOutcome};
fn make_cache() -> ::cache::Cache {
::cache::Cache::new(Default::default(), Duration::from_secs(1))
fn no_invalid_header_by_number() {
assert!(HeaderProof::new(0, Default::default()).is_none())
fn check_header_proof() {
use ::cht;
let test_client = TestBlockChainClient::new();
test_client.add_blocks(10500, EachBlockWith::Nothing);
let cht = {
let fetcher = |id| {
let hdr = test_client.block_header(id).unwrap();
let td = test_client.block_total_difficulty(id).unwrap();
Some(cht::BlockInfo {
hash: hdr.hash(),
parent_hash: hdr.parent_hash(),
total_difficulty: td,
cht::build(cht::block_to_cht_number(10_000).unwrap(), fetcher).unwrap()
let proof = cht.prove(10_000, 0).unwrap().unwrap();
let req = HeaderProof::new(10_000, cht.root()).unwrap();
let cache = Mutex::new(make_cache());
assert!(req.check_response(&cache, &proof[..]).is_ok());
fn check_header_by_hash() {
let mut header = Header::new();
let hash = header.hash();
let raw_header = encoded::Header::new(::rlp::encode(&header).into_vec());
let cache = Mutex::new(make_cache());
assert!(HeaderByHash(hash.into()).check_response(&cache, &hash.into(), &[raw_header]).is_ok())
fn check_body() {
use rlp::RlpStream;
let header = Header::new();
let mut body_stream = RlpStream::new_list(2);
let req = Body(encoded::Header::new(::rlp::encode(&header).into_vec()).into());
let cache = Mutex::new(make_cache());
let response = encoded::Body::new(body_stream.drain().into_vec());
assert!(req.check_response(&cache, &response).is_ok())
fn check_receipts() {
let receipts = (0..5).map(|_| Receipt {
outcome: TransactionOutcome::StateRoot(H256::random()),
gas_used: 21_000u64.into(),
log_bloom: Default::default(),
logs: Vec::new(),
let mut header = Header::new();
let receipts_root = ::triehash::ordered_trie_root(
receipts.iter().map(|x| ::rlp::encode(x))
let req = BlockReceipts(encoded::Header::new(::rlp::encode(&header).into_vec()).into());
let cache = Mutex::new(make_cache());
assert!(req.check_response(&cache, &receipts).is_ok())
fn check_state_proof() {
use rlp::RlpStream;
let mut root = H256::default();
let mut db = MemoryDB::new();
let mut header = Header::new();
let addr = Address::random();
let rand_acc = || {
let mut stream = RlpStream::new_list(4);
let mut trie = SecTrieDBMut::new(&mut db, &mut root);
for _ in 0..100 {
let address = Address::random();
trie.insert(&*address, &rand_acc()).unwrap();
trie.insert(&*addr, &rand_acc()).unwrap();
let proof = {
let trie = SecTrieDB::new(&db, &root).unwrap();
let mut recorder = Recorder::new();
trie.get_with(&*addr, &mut recorder).unwrap().unwrap();
let req = Account {
header: encoded::Header::new(::rlp::encode(&header).into_vec()).into(),
address: addr,
let cache = Mutex::new(make_cache());
assert!(req.check_response(&cache, &proof[..]).is_ok());
fn check_code() {
let code = vec![1u8; 256];
let code_hash = keccak(&code);
let header = Header::new();
let req = Code {
header: encoded::Header::new(::rlp::encode(&header).into_vec()).into(),
code_hash: code_hash.into(),
let cache = Mutex::new(make_cache());
assert!(req.check_response(&cache, &code_hash, &code).is_ok());
assert!(req.check_response(&cache, &code_hash, &[]).is_err());