2016-12-11 19:30:54 +01:00

550 lines
18 KiB

// Copyright 2015, 2016 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// This file is part of Parity.
// Parity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Parity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Parity. If not, see <>.
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::collections::{HashMap, BTreeMap};
use std::io;
use util::Bytes;
use network::{NetworkProtocolHandler, NetworkService, NetworkContext, PeerId, ProtocolId,
NetworkConfiguration as BasicNetworkConfiguration, NonReservedPeerMode, NetworkError,
AllowIP as NetworkAllowIP};
use util::{U256, H256, H512};
use io::{TimerToken};
use ethcore::client::{BlockChainClient, ChainNotify};
use ethcore::snapshot::SnapshotService;
use ethcore::header::BlockNumber;
use sync_io::NetSyncIo;
use chain::{ChainSync, SyncStatus};
use std::net::{SocketAddr, AddrParseError};
use ipc::{BinaryConvertable, BinaryConvertError, IpcConfig};
use std::str::FromStr;
use parking_lot::RwLock;
use light::net::{LightProtocol, Params as LightParams, Capabilities, Handler as LightHandler, EventContext};
pub const WARP_SYNC_PROTOCOL_ID: ProtocolId = *b"par";
/// Sync configuration
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
pub struct SyncConfig {
/// Max blocks to download ahead
pub max_download_ahead_blocks: usize,
/// Enable ancient block download.
pub download_old_blocks: bool,
/// Network ID
pub network_id: u64,
/// Main "eth" subprotocol name.
pub subprotocol_name: [u8; 3],
/// Light "les" subprotocol name.
pub light_subprotocol_name: [u8; 3],
/// Fork block to check
pub fork_block: Option<(BlockNumber, H256)>,
/// Enable snapshot sync
pub warp_sync: bool,
/// Enable light client server.
pub serve_light: bool,
impl Default for SyncConfig {
fn default() -> SyncConfig {
SyncConfig {
max_download_ahead_blocks: 20000,
download_old_blocks: true,
network_id: 1,
subprotocol_name: *b"eth",
light_subprotocol_name: *b"les",
fork_block: None,
warp_sync: false,
serve_light: false,
/// Current sync status
pub trait SyncProvider: Send + Sync {
/// Get sync status
fn status(&self) -> SyncStatus;
/// Get peers information
fn peers(&self) -> Vec<PeerInfo>;
/// Get the enode if available.
fn enode(&self) -> Option<String>;
/// Returns propagation count for pending transactions.
fn transactions_stats(&self) -> BTreeMap<H256, TransactionStats>;
/// Transaction stats
#[cfg_attr(feature = "ipc", derive(Binary))]
pub struct TransactionStats {
/// Block number where this TX was first seen.
pub first_seen: u64,
/// Peers it was propagated to.
pub propagated_to: BTreeMap<H512, usize>,
/// Peer connection information
#[cfg_attr(feature = "ipc", derive(Binary))]
pub struct PeerInfo {
/// Public node id
pub id: Option<String>,
/// Node client ID
pub client_version: String,
/// Capabilities
pub capabilities: Vec<String>,
/// Remote endpoint address
pub remote_address: String,
/// Local endpoint address
pub local_address: String,
/// Ethereum protocol version
pub eth_version: u32,
/// SHA3 of peer best block hash
pub eth_head: H256,
/// Peer total difficulty if known
pub eth_difficulty: Option<U256>,
/// EthSync initialization parameters.
#[cfg_attr(feature = "ipc", derive(Binary))]
pub struct Params {
/// Configuration.
pub config: SyncConfig,
/// Blockchain client.
pub chain: Arc<BlockChainClient>,
/// Snapshot service.
pub snapshot_service: Arc<SnapshotService>,
/// Light data provider.
pub provider: Arc<::light::Provider>,
/// Network layer configuration.
pub network_config: NetworkConfiguration,
/// Ethereum network protocol handler
pub struct EthSync {
/// Network service
network: NetworkService,
/// Main (eth/par) protocol handler
sync_handler: Arc<SyncProtocolHandler>,
/// Light (les) protocol handler
light_proto: Option<Arc<LightProtocol>>,
/// The main subprotocol name
subprotocol_name: [u8; 3],
/// Light subprotocol name.
light_subprotocol_name: [u8; 3],
impl EthSync {
/// Creates and register protocol with the network service
pub fn new(params: Params) -> Result<Arc<EthSync>, NetworkError> {
let pruning_info = params.chain.pruning_info();
let light_proto = match params.config.serve_light {
false => None,
true => Some({
let light_params = LightParams {
network_id: params.config.network_id,
flow_params: Default::default(),
capabilities: Capabilities {
serve_headers: true,
serve_chain_since: Some(pruning_info.earliest_chain),
serve_state_since: Some(pruning_info.earliest_state),
tx_relay: true,
let mut light_proto = LightProtocol::new(params.provider, light_params);
let chain_sync = ChainSync::new(params.config, &*params.chain);
let service = try!(NetworkService::new(try!(params.network_config.clone().into_basic())));
let sync = Arc::new(EthSync {
network: service,
sync_handler: Arc::new(SyncProtocolHandler {
sync: RwLock::new(chain_sync),
chain: params.chain,
snapshot_service: params.snapshot_service,
overlay: RwLock::new(HashMap::new()),
light_proto: light_proto,
subprotocol_name: params.config.subprotocol_name,
light_subprotocol_name: params.config.light_subprotocol_name,
#[cfg_attr(feature = "ipc", ipc(client_ident="SyncClient"))]
impl SyncProvider for EthSync {
/// Get sync status
fn status(&self) -> SyncStatus {
/// Get sync peers
fn peers(&self) -> Vec<PeerInfo> {
// TODO: [rob] LES peers/peer info, |context| {
let sync_io = NetSyncIo::new(context, &*self.sync_handler.chain, &*self.sync_handler.snapshot_service, &self.sync_handler.overlay);
fn enode(&self) -> Option<String> {
fn transactions_stats(&self) -> BTreeMap<H256, TransactionStats> {
let sync =;
.map(|(hash, stats)| (*hash, stats.into()))
struct SyncProtocolHandler {
/// Shared blockchain client.
chain: Arc<BlockChainClient>,
/// Shared snapshot service.
snapshot_service: Arc<SnapshotService>,
/// Sync strategy
sync: RwLock<ChainSync>,
/// Chain overlay used to cache data such as fork block.
overlay: RwLock<HashMap<BlockNumber, Bytes>>,
impl NetworkProtocolHandler for SyncProtocolHandler {
fn initialize(&self, io: &NetworkContext) {
if io.subprotocol_name() != WARP_SYNC_PROTOCOL_ID {
io.register_timer(0, 1000).expect("Error registering sync timer");
fn read(&self, io: &NetworkContext, peer: &PeerId, packet_id: u8, data: &[u8]) {
ChainSync::dispatch_packet(&self.sync, &mut NetSyncIo::new(io, &*self.chain, &*self.snapshot_service, &self.overlay), *peer, packet_id, data);
fn connected(&self, io: &NetworkContext, peer: &PeerId) {
// If warp protocol is supported only allow warp handshake
let warp_protocol = io.protocol_version(WARP_SYNC_PROTOCOL_ID, *peer).unwrap_or(0) != 0;
let warp_context = io.subprotocol_name() == WARP_SYNC_PROTOCOL_ID;
if warp_protocol == warp_context {
self.sync.write().on_peer_connected(&mut NetSyncIo::new(io, &*self.chain, &*self.snapshot_service, &self.overlay), *peer);
fn disconnected(&self, io: &NetworkContext, peer: &PeerId) {
if io.subprotocol_name() != WARP_SYNC_PROTOCOL_ID {
self.sync.write().on_peer_aborting(&mut NetSyncIo::new(io, &*self.chain, &*self.snapshot_service, &self.overlay), *peer);
fn timeout(&self, io: &NetworkContext, _timer: TimerToken) {
self.sync.write().maintain_peers(&mut NetSyncIo::new(io, &*self.chain, &*self.snapshot_service, &self.overlay));
self.sync.write().maintain_sync(&mut NetSyncIo::new(io, &*self.chain, &*self.snapshot_service, &self.overlay));
self.sync.write().propagate_new_transactions(&mut NetSyncIo::new(io, &*self.chain, &*self.snapshot_service, &self.overlay));
impl ChainNotify for EthSync {
fn new_blocks(&self,
imported: Vec<H256>,
invalid: Vec<H256>,
enacted: Vec<H256>,
retracted: Vec<H256>,
sealed: Vec<H256>,
_duration: u64)
use light::net::Announcement;, |context| {
let mut sync_io = NetSyncIo::new(context, &*self.sync_handler.chain, &*self.sync_handler.snapshot_service, &self.sync_handler.overlay);
&mut sync_io,
});, |context| {
let light_proto = match self.light_proto.as_ref() {
Some(lp) => lp,
None => return,
let chain_info = self.sync_handler.chain.chain_info();
light_proto.make_announcement(context, Announcement {
head_hash: chain_info.best_block_hash,
head_num: chain_info.best_block_number,
head_td: chain_info.total_difficulty,
reorg_depth: 0, // recalculated on a per-peer basis.
serve_headers: false, // these fields consist of _changes_ in capability.
serve_state_since: None,
serve_chain_since: None,
tx_relay: false,
fn start(&self) {
match {
Err(NetworkError::StdIo(ref e)) if e.kind() == io::ErrorKind::AddrInUse => warn!("Network port {:?} is already in use, make sure that another instance of an Ethereum client is not running or change the port using the --port option.","Listen address is not set.")),
Err(err) => warn!("Error starting network: {}", err),
_ => {},
}, self.subprotocol_name, ETH_PACKET_COUNT, &[62u8, 63u8])
.unwrap_or_else(|e| warn!("Error registering ethereum protocol: {:?}", e));
// register the warp sync subprotocol, WARP_SYNC_PROTOCOL_ID, SNAPSHOT_SYNC_PACKET_COUNT, &[1u8])
.unwrap_or_else(|e| warn!("Error registering snapshot sync protocol: {:?}", e));
// register the light protocol.
if let Some(light_proto) = self.light_proto.as_ref().map(|x| x.clone()) {, self.light_subprotocol_name, ::light::net::PACKET_COUNT, ::light::net::PROTOCOL_VERSIONS)
.unwrap_or_else(|e| warn!("Error registering light client protocol: {:?}", e));
fn stop(&self) {
self.sync_handler.snapshot_service.abort_restore();|e| warn!("Error stopping network: {:?}", e));
/// LES event handler.
/// Simply queues transactions from light client peers.
struct TxRelay(Arc<BlockChainClient>);
impl LightHandler for TxRelay {
fn on_transactions(&self, ctx: &EventContext, relay: &[::ethcore::transaction::SignedTransaction]) {
trace!(target: "les", "Relaying {} transactions from peer {}", relay.len(), ctx.peer());
self.0.queue_transactions(relay.iter().map(|tx| ::rlp::encode(tx).to_vec()).collect())
impl IpcConfig for ManageNetwork { }
impl IpcConfig for SyncProvider { }
/// Trait for managing network
pub trait ManageNetwork : Send + Sync {
/// Set to allow unreserved peers to connect
fn accept_unreserved_peers(&self);
/// Set to deny unreserved peers to connect
fn deny_unreserved_peers(&self);
/// Remove reservation for the peer
fn remove_reserved_peer(&self, peer: String) -> Result<(), String>;
/// Add reserved peer
fn add_reserved_peer(&self, peer: String) -> Result<(), String>;
/// Start network
fn start_network(&self);
/// Stop network
fn stop_network(&self);
/// Query the current configuration of the network
fn network_config(&self) -> NetworkConfiguration;
#[cfg_attr(feature = "ipc", ipc(client_ident="NetworkManagerClient"))]
impl ManageNetwork for EthSync {
fn accept_unreserved_peers(&self) {;
fn deny_unreserved_peers(&self) {;
fn remove_reserved_peer(&self, peer: String) -> Result<(), String> {|e| format!("{:?}", e))
fn add_reserved_peer(&self, peer: String) -> Result<(), String> {|e| format!("{:?}", e))
fn start_network(&self) {
fn stop_network(&self) {, |context| {
let mut sync_io = NetSyncIo::new(context, &*self.sync_handler.chain, &*self.sync_handler.snapshot_service, &self.sync_handler.overlay);
self.sync_handler.sync.write().abort(&mut sync_io);
if let Some(light_proto) = self.light_proto.as_ref() {
fn network_config(&self) -> NetworkConfiguration {
/// IP fiter
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "ipc", derive(Binary))]
pub enum AllowIP {
/// Connect to any address
/// Connect to private network only
/// Connect to public network only
impl AllowIP {
/// Attempt to parse the peer mode from a string.
pub fn parse(s: &str) -> Option<Self> {
match s {
"all" => Some(AllowIP::All),
"private" => Some(AllowIP::Private),
"public" => Some(AllowIP::Public),
_ => None,
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "ipc", derive(Binary))]
/// Network service configuration
pub struct NetworkConfiguration {
/// Directory path to store general network configuration. None means nothing will be saved
pub config_path: Option<String>,
/// Directory path to store network-specific configuration. None means nothing will be saved
pub net_config_path: Option<String>,
/// IP address to listen for incoming connections. Listen to all connections by default
pub listen_address: Option<String>,
/// IP address to advertise. Detected automatically if none.
pub public_address: Option<String>,
/// Port for UDP connections, same as TCP by default
pub udp_port: Option<u16>,
/// Enable NAT configuration
pub nat_enabled: bool,
/// Enable discovery
pub discovery_enabled: bool,
/// List of initial node addresses
pub boot_nodes: Vec<String>,
/// Use provided node key instead of default
pub use_secret: Option<H256>,
/// Max number of connected peers to maintain
pub max_peers: u32,
/// Min number of connected peers to maintain
pub min_peers: u32,
/// Max pending peers.
pub max_pending_peers: u32,
/// Reserved snapshot sync peers.
pub snapshot_peers: u32,
/// List of reserved node addresses.
pub reserved_nodes: Vec<String>,
/// The non-reserved peer mode.
pub allow_non_reserved: bool,
/// IP Filtering
pub allow_ips: AllowIP,
impl NetworkConfiguration {
/// Create a new default config.
pub fn new() -> Self {
/// Create a new local config.
pub fn new_local() -> Self {
/// Attempt to convert this config into a BasicNetworkConfiguration.
pub fn into_basic(self) -> Result<BasicNetworkConfiguration, AddrParseError> {
Ok(BasicNetworkConfiguration {
config_path: self.config_path,
net_config_path: self.net_config_path,
listen_address: match self.listen_address { None => None, Some(addr) => Some(try!(SocketAddr::from_str(&addr))) },
public_address: match self.public_address { None => None, Some(addr) => Some(try!(SocketAddr::from_str(&addr))) },
udp_port: self.udp_port,
nat_enabled: self.nat_enabled,
discovery_enabled: self.discovery_enabled,
boot_nodes: self.boot_nodes,
use_secret: self.use_secret,
max_peers: self.max_peers,
min_peers: self.min_peers,
max_handshakes: self.max_pending_peers,
reserved_protocols: hash_map![WARP_SYNC_PROTOCOL_ID => self.snapshot_peers],
reserved_nodes: self.reserved_nodes,
allow_ips: match self.allow_ips {
AllowIP::All => NetworkAllowIP::All,
AllowIP::Private => NetworkAllowIP::Private,
AllowIP::Public => NetworkAllowIP::Public,
non_reserved_mode: if self.allow_non_reserved { NonReservedPeerMode::Accept } else { NonReservedPeerMode::Deny },
impl From<BasicNetworkConfiguration> for NetworkConfiguration {
fn from(other: BasicNetworkConfiguration) -> Self {
NetworkConfiguration {
config_path: other.config_path,
net_config_path: other.net_config_path,
listen_address: other.listen_address.and_then(|addr| Some(format!("{}", addr))),
public_address: other.public_address.and_then(|addr| Some(format!("{}", addr))),
udp_port: other.udp_port,
nat_enabled: other.nat_enabled,
discovery_enabled: other.discovery_enabled,
boot_nodes: other.boot_nodes,
use_secret: other.use_secret,
max_peers: other.max_peers,
min_peers: other.min_peers,
max_pending_peers: other.max_handshakes,
snapshot_peers: *other.reserved_protocols.get(&WARP_SYNC_PROTOCOL_ID).unwrap_or(&0),
reserved_nodes: other.reserved_nodes,
allow_ips: match other.allow_ips {
NetworkAllowIP::All => AllowIP::All,
NetworkAllowIP::Private => AllowIP::Private,
NetworkAllowIP::Public => AllowIP::Public,
allow_non_reserved: match other.non_reserved_mode { NonReservedPeerMode::Accept => true, _ => false } ,
/// Configuration for IPC service.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "ipc", derive(Binary))]
pub struct ServiceConfiguration {
/// Sync config.
pub sync: SyncConfig,
/// Network configuration.
pub net: NetworkConfiguration,
/// IPC path.
pub io_path: String,