* flush work * flush work * flush work * flush work * generalized notifiers * general setup with modules * general setup with modules * all binded * catch up with master * all dependencies injected * stratum another up * tcp update * submitwork routine * finalize & fix warnings * merge bugs, review fixes * merge bugs, review fixes * new cli mess cleanup * usage.txt swap * flush work * cli adopt * compilation with new cli sorted * subid space in json * serialization issues * grumbles addressed * more grumbles * remove last_work note for now * fix compilation * fix tests * merge bugs * no obliged ipc * moving notifiers * no optional feature now * refactored again * working on tests * refactor to new tcp/ip * stratum lib ok * ethcore crate ok * wip on tests * final test working * fix warnings, \n-terminated response * new compatibility * re-pushing work once anybody submitted * various review and general fixes * reviewe fixes * remove redundant notifier * one symbol -> huge bug * ensure write lock isn't held when calling handlers * extern declarations moved * options to stratum mod, SocketAddr strongly-typed instantiation * Minor style fix. * Whitespace and phrasing * Whitespace
1327 lines
40 KiB
1327 lines
40 KiB
// Copyright 2015, 2016 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// This file is part of Parity.
// Parity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Parity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Parity. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
use std::time::Duration;
use std::io::Read;
use std::net::SocketAddr;
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use std::cmp::max;
use cli::{Args, ArgsError};
use util::{Hashable, H256, U256, Uint, Bytes, version_data, Address};
use util::log::Colour;
use ethsync::{NetworkConfiguration, is_valid_node_url, AllowIP};
use ethcore::ethstore::ethkey::Secret;
use ethcore::client::{VMType};
use ethcore::miner::{MinerOptions, Banning, StratumOptions};
use ethcore::verification::queue::VerifierSettings;
use rpc::{IpcConfiguration, HttpConfiguration};
use ethcore_rpc::NetworkSettings;
use cache::CacheConfig;
use helpers::{to_duration, to_mode, to_block_id, to_u256, to_pending_set, to_price, replace_home, replace_home_for_db,
geth_ipc_path, parity_ipc_path, to_bootnodes, to_addresses, to_address, to_gas_limit, to_queue_strategy};
use params::{ResealPolicy, AccountsConfig, GasPricerConfig, MinerExtras};
use ethcore_logger::Config as LogConfig;
use dir::{self, Directories, default_hypervisor_path, default_local_path, default_data_path};
use dapps::Configuration as DappsConfiguration;
use signer::{Configuration as SignerConfiguration};
use updater::{UpdatePolicy, UpdateFilter, ReleaseTrack};
use run::RunCmd;
use blockchain::{BlockchainCmd, ImportBlockchain, ExportBlockchain, KillBlockchain, ExportState, DataFormat};
use presale::ImportWallet;
use account::{AccountCmd, NewAccount, ListAccounts, ImportAccounts, ImportFromGethAccounts};
use snapshot::{self, SnapshotCommand};
const AUTHCODE_FILENAME: &'static str = "authcodes";
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
pub enum Cmd {
SignerSign {
id: Option<usize>,
pwfile: Option<PathBuf>,
port: u16,
authfile: PathBuf,
SignerList {
port: u16,
authfile: PathBuf
SignerReject {
id: Option<usize>,
port: u16,
authfile: PathBuf
pub struct Execute {
pub logger: LogConfig,
pub cmd: Cmd,
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct Configuration {
pub args: Args,
impl Configuration {
pub fn parse<S: AsRef<str>>(command: &[S]) -> Result<Self, ArgsError> {
let args = Args::parse(command)?;
let config = Configuration {
args: args,
pub fn into_command(self) -> Result<Execute, String> {
let dirs = self.directories();
let pruning = self.args.flag_pruning.parse()?;
let pruning_history = self.args.flag_pruning_history;
let vm_type = self.vm_type()?;
let mode = match self.args.flag_mode.as_ref() { "last" => None, mode => Some(to_mode(&mode, self.args.flag_mode_timeout, self.args.flag_mode_alarm)?), };
let update_policy = self.update_policy()?;
let miner_options = self.miner_options()?;
let logger_config = self.logger_config();
let http_conf = self.http_config()?;
let ipc_conf = self.ipc_config()?;
let net_conf = self.net_config()?;
let network_id = self.network_id();
let cache_config = self.cache_config();
let spec = self.chain().parse()?;
let tracing = self.args.flag_tracing.parse()?;
let fat_db = self.args.flag_fat_db.parse()?;
let compaction = self.args.flag_db_compaction.parse()?;
let wal = !self.args.flag_fast_and_loose;
let warp_sync = self.args.flag_warp;
let geth_compatibility = self.args.flag_geth;
let ui_address = self.ui_port().map(|port| (self.ui_interface(), port));
let dapps_conf = self.dapps_config();
let signer_conf = self.signer_config();
let format = self.format()?;
let cmd = if self.args.flag_version {
} else if self.args.cmd_signer {
let mut authfile = PathBuf::from(signer_conf.signer_path.clone());
if self.args.cmd_new_token {
} else if self.args.cmd_sign {
let pwfile = self.args.flag_password.get(0).map(|pwfile| {
Cmd::SignerSign {
id: self.args.arg_id,
pwfile: pwfile,
port: signer_conf.port,
authfile: authfile,
} else if self.args.cmd_reject {
Cmd::SignerReject {
id: self.args.arg_id,
port: signer_conf.port,
authfile: authfile,
} else if self.args.cmd_list {
Cmd::SignerList {
port: signer_conf.port,
authfile: authfile,
} else {
} else if self.args.cmd_tools && self.args.cmd_hash {
} else if self.args.cmd_db && self.args.cmd_kill {
Cmd::Blockchain(BlockchainCmd::Kill(KillBlockchain {
spec: spec,
dirs: dirs,
pruning: pruning,
} else if self.args.cmd_account {
let account_cmd = if self.args.cmd_new {
let new_acc = NewAccount {
iterations: self.args.flag_keys_iterations,
path: dirs.keys,
spec: spec,
password_file: self.args.flag_password.first().cloned(),
} else if self.args.cmd_list {
let list_acc = ListAccounts {
path: dirs.keys,
spec: spec,
} else if self.args.cmd_import {
let import_acc = ImportAccounts {
from: self.args.arg_path.clone(),
to: dirs.keys,
spec: spec,
} else {
} else if self.args.flag_import_geth_keys {
let account_cmd = AccountCmd::ImportFromGeth(
ImportFromGethAccounts {
spec: spec,
to: dirs.keys,
testnet: self.args.flag_testnet
} else if self.args.cmd_wallet {
let presale_cmd = ImportWallet {
iterations: self.args.flag_keys_iterations,
path: dirs.keys,
spec: spec,
wallet_path: self.args.arg_path.first().unwrap().clone(),
password_file: self.args.flag_password.first().cloned(),
} else if self.args.cmd_import {
let import_cmd = ImportBlockchain {
spec: spec,
cache_config: cache_config,
dirs: dirs,
file_path: self.args.arg_file.clone(),
format: format,
pruning: pruning,
pruning_history: pruning_history,
pruning_memory: self.args.flag_pruning_memory,
compaction: compaction,
wal: wal,
tracing: tracing,
fat_db: fat_db,
vm_type: vm_type,
check_seal: !self.args.flag_no_seal_check,
with_color: logger_config.color,
verifier_settings: self.verifier_settings(),
} else if self.args.cmd_export {
if self.args.cmd_blocks {
let export_cmd = ExportBlockchain {
spec: spec,
cache_config: cache_config,
dirs: dirs,
file_path: self.args.arg_file.clone(),
format: format,
pruning: pruning,
pruning_history: pruning_history,
pruning_memory: self.args.flag_pruning_memory,
compaction: compaction,
wal: wal,
tracing: tracing,
fat_db: fat_db,
from_block: to_block_id(&self.args.flag_from)?,
to_block: to_block_id(&self.args.flag_to)?,
check_seal: !self.args.flag_no_seal_check,
} else if self.args.cmd_state {
let export_cmd = ExportState {
spec: spec,
cache_config: cache_config,
dirs: dirs,
file_path: self.args.arg_file.clone(),
format: format,
pruning: pruning,
pruning_history: pruning_history,
pruning_memory: self.args.flag_pruning_memory,
compaction: compaction,
wal: wal,
tracing: tracing,
fat_db: fat_db,
at: to_block_id(&self.args.flag_at)?,
storage: !self.args.flag_no_storage,
code: !self.args.flag_no_code,
min_balance: self.args.flag_min_balance.and_then(|s| to_u256(&s).ok()),
max_balance: self.args.flag_max_balance.and_then(|s| to_u256(&s).ok()),
} else {
} else if self.args.cmd_snapshot {
let snapshot_cmd = SnapshotCommand {
cache_config: cache_config,
dirs: dirs,
spec: spec,
pruning: pruning,
pruning_history: pruning_history,
pruning_memory: self.args.flag_pruning_memory,
tracing: tracing,
fat_db: fat_db,
compaction: compaction,
file_path: self.args.arg_file.clone(),
wal: wal,
kind: snapshot::Kind::Take,
block_at: to_block_id(&self.args.flag_at)?,
} else if self.args.cmd_restore {
let restore_cmd = SnapshotCommand {
cache_config: cache_config,
dirs: dirs,
spec: spec,
pruning: pruning,
pruning_history: pruning_history,
pruning_memory: self.args.flag_pruning_memory,
tracing: tracing,
fat_db: fat_db,
compaction: compaction,
file_path: self.args.arg_file.clone(),
wal: wal,
kind: snapshot::Kind::Restore,
block_at: to_block_id("latest")?, // unimportant.
} else {
let daemon = if self.args.cmd_daemon {
} else {
let verifier_settings = self.verifier_settings();
let run_cmd = RunCmd {
cache_config: cache_config,
dirs: dirs,
spec: spec,
pruning: pruning,
pruning_history: pruning_history,
pruning_memory: self.args.flag_pruning_memory,
daemon: daemon,
logger_config: logger_config.clone(),
miner_options: miner_options,
http_conf: http_conf,
ipc_conf: ipc_conf,
net_conf: net_conf,
network_id: network_id,
acc_conf: self.accounts_config()?,
gas_pricer: self.gas_pricer_config()?,
miner_extras: self.miner_extras()?,
stratum: self.stratum_options()?,
update_policy: update_policy,
mode: mode,
tracing: tracing,
fat_db: fat_db,
compaction: compaction,
wal: wal,
vm_type: vm_type,
warp_sync: warp_sync,
geth_compatibility: geth_compatibility,
ui_address: ui_address,
net_settings: self.network_settings(),
dapps_conf: dapps_conf,
signer_conf: signer_conf,
dapp: self.dapp_to_open()?,
ui: self.args.cmd_ui,
name: self.args.flag_identity,
custom_bootnodes: self.args.flag_bootnodes.is_some(),
no_periodic_snapshot: self.args.flag_no_periodic_snapshot,
check_seal: !self.args.flag_no_seal_check,
download_old_blocks: !self.args.flag_no_ancient_blocks,
verifier_settings: verifier_settings,
Ok(Execute {
logger: logger_config,
cmd: cmd,
fn vm_type(&self) -> Result<VMType, String> {
if self.args.flag_jitvm {
VMType::jit().ok_or("Parity is built without the JIT EVM.".into())
} else {
fn miner_extras(&self) -> Result<MinerExtras, String> {
let extras = MinerExtras {
author: self.author()?,
extra_data: self.extra_data()?,
gas_floor_target: to_u256(&self.args.flag_gas_floor_target)?,
gas_ceil_target: to_u256(&self.args.flag_gas_cap)?,
transactions_limit: self.args.flag_tx_queue_size,
engine_signer: self.engine_signer()?,
fn author(&self) -> Result<Address, String> {
fn engine_signer(&self) -> Result<Address, String> {
fn format(&self) -> Result<Option<DataFormat>, String> {
match self.args.flag_format {
Some(ref f) => Ok(Some(f.parse()?)),
None => Ok(None),
fn cache_config(&self) -> CacheConfig {
match self.args.flag_cache_size.or(self.args.flag_cache) {
Some(size) => CacheConfig::new_with_total_cache_size(size),
None => CacheConfig::new(
fn logger_config(&self) -> LogConfig {
LogConfig {
mode: self.args.flag_logging.clone(),
color: !self.args.flag_no_color && !cfg!(windows),
file: self.args.flag_log_file.clone(),
fn chain(&self) -> String {
if self.args.flag_testnet {
} else {
fn max_peers(&self) -> u32 {
let peers = self.args.flag_max_peers as u32;
max(self.min_peers(), peers)
fn allow_ips(&self) -> Result<AllowIP, String> {
match self.args.flag_allow_ips.as_str() {
"all" => Ok(AllowIP::All),
"public" => Ok(AllowIP::Public),
"private" => Ok(AllowIP::Private),
_ => Err("Invalid IP filter value".to_owned()),
fn min_peers(&self) -> u32 {
self.args.flag_peers.unwrap_or(self.args.flag_min_peers) as u32
fn max_pending_peers(&self) -> u32 {
self.args.flag_max_pending_peers as u32
fn snapshot_peers(&self) -> u32 {
self.args.flag_snapshot_peers as u32
fn work_notify(&self) -> Vec<String> {
self.args.flag_notify_work.as_ref().map_or_else(Vec::new, |s| s.split(',').map(|s| s.to_owned()).collect())
fn accounts_config(&self) -> Result<AccountsConfig, String> {
let cfg = AccountsConfig {
iterations: self.args.flag_keys_iterations,
testnet: self.args.flag_testnet,
password_files: self.args.flag_password.clone(),
unlocked_accounts: to_addresses(&self.args.flag_unlock)?,
fn stratum_options(&self) -> Result<Option<StratumOptions>, String> {
if self.args.flag_stratum {
Ok(Some(StratumOptions {
io_path: self.directories().db,
listen_addr: self.stratum_interface(),
port: self.args.flag_stratum_port,
secret: self.args.flag_stratum_secret.as_ref().map(|s| s.parse::<H256>().unwrap_or_else(|_| s.sha3())),
} else { Ok(None) }
fn miner_options(&self) -> Result<MinerOptions, String> {
let reseal = self.args.flag_reseal_on_txs.parse::<ResealPolicy>()?;
let options = MinerOptions {
new_work_notify: self.work_notify(),
force_sealing: self.args.flag_force_sealing,
reseal_on_external_tx: reseal.external,
reseal_on_own_tx: reseal.own,
tx_gas_limit: match self.args.flag_tx_gas_limit {
Some(ref d) => to_u256(d)?,
None => U256::max_value(),
tx_queue_size: self.args.flag_tx_queue_size,
tx_queue_gas_limit: to_gas_limit(&self.args.flag_tx_queue_gas)?,
tx_queue_strategy: to_queue_strategy(&self.args.flag_tx_queue_strategy)?,
pending_set: to_pending_set(&self.args.flag_relay_set)?,
reseal_min_period: Duration::from_millis(self.args.flag_reseal_min_period),
work_queue_size: self.args.flag_work_queue_size,
enable_resubmission: !self.args.flag_remove_solved,
tx_queue_banning: match self.args.flag_tx_time_limit {
Some(limit) => Banning::Enabled {
min_offends: self.args.flag_tx_queue_ban_count,
offend_threshold: Duration::from_millis(limit),
ban_duration: Duration::from_secs(self.args.flag_tx_queue_ban_time as u64),
None => Banning::Disabled,
refuse_service_transactions: self.args.flag_refuse_service_transactions,
fn signer_config(&self) -> SignerConfiguration {
SignerConfiguration {
enabled: self.ui_enabled(),
port: self.args.flag_ui_port,
interface: self.ui_interface(),
signer_path: self.directories().signer,
skip_origin_validation: self.args.flag_ui_no_validation,
fn dapps_config(&self) -> DappsConfiguration {
DappsConfiguration {
enabled: self.dapps_enabled(),
interface: self.dapps_interface(),
port: self.args.flag_dapps_port,
hosts: self.dapps_hosts(),
user: self.args.flag_dapps_user.clone(),
pass: self.args.flag_dapps_pass.clone(),
dapps_path: PathBuf::from(self.directories().dapps),
extra_dapps: if self.args.cmd_dapp {
self.args.arg_path.iter().map(|path| PathBuf::from(path)).collect()
} else {
fn dapp_to_open(&self) -> Result<Option<String>, String> {
if !self.args.cmd_dapp {
return Ok(None);
let path = self.args.arg_path.get(0).map(String::as_str).unwrap_or(".");
let path = Path::new(path).canonicalize()
.map_err(|e| format!("Invalid path: {}. Error: {:?}", path, e))?;
let name = path.file_name()
.and_then(|name| name.to_str())
.ok_or_else(|| "Root path is not supported.".to_owned())?;
fn gas_pricer_config(&self) -> Result<GasPricerConfig, String> {
fn wei_per_gas(usd_per_tx: f32, usd_per_eth: f32) -> U256 {
let wei_per_usd: f32 = 1.0e18 / usd_per_eth;
let gas_per_tx: f32 = 21000.0;
let wei_per_gas: f32 = wei_per_usd * usd_per_tx / gas_per_tx;
U256::from_dec_str(&format!("{:.0}", wei_per_gas)).unwrap()
if let Some(d) = self.args.flag_gasprice.as_ref() {
return Ok(GasPricerConfig::Fixed(to_u256(d)?));
let usd_per_tx = to_price(&self.args.flag_usd_per_tx)?;
if "auto" == self.args.flag_usd_per_eth.as_str() {
// Just a very rough estimate to avoid accepting
// ZGP transactions before the price is fetched
// if user does not want it.
let last_known_usd_per_eth = 10.0;
return Ok(GasPricerConfig::Calibrated {
initial_minimum: wei_per_gas(usd_per_tx, last_known_usd_per_eth),
usd_per_tx: usd_per_tx,
recalibration_period: to_duration(self.args.flag_price_update_period.as_str())?,
let usd_per_eth = to_price(&self.args.flag_usd_per_eth)?;
let wei_per_gas = wei_per_gas(usd_per_tx, usd_per_eth);
"Using a fixed conversion rate of Ξ1 = {} ({} wei/gas)",
Colour::White.bold().paint(format!("US${}", usd_per_eth)),
Colour::Yellow.bold().paint(format!("{}", wei_per_gas))
fn extra_data(&self) -> Result<Bytes, String> {
match self.args.flag_extradata.as_ref().or(self.args.flag_extra_data.as_ref()) {
Some(x) if x.len() <= 32 => Ok(x.as_bytes().to_owned()),
None => Ok(version_data()),
Some(_) => Err("Extra data must be at most 32 characters".into()),
fn init_reserved_nodes(&self) -> Result<Vec<String>, String> {
use std::fs::File;
match self.args.flag_reserved_peers {
Some(ref path) => {
let mut buffer = String::new();
let mut node_file = File::open(path).map_err(|e| format!("Error opening reserved nodes file: {}", e))?;
node_file.read_to_string(&mut buffer).map_err(|_| "Error reading reserved node file")?;
let lines = buffer.lines().map(|s| s.trim().to_owned()).filter(|s| !s.is_empty()).collect::<Vec<_>>();
if let Some(invalid) = lines.iter().find(|s| !is_valid_node_url(s)) {
return Err(format!("Invalid node address format given for a boot node: {}", invalid));
None => Ok(Vec::new())
fn net_addresses(&self) -> Result<(Option<SocketAddr>, Option<SocketAddr>), String> {
let port = self.args.flag_port;
let listen_address = Some(SocketAddr::new("".parse().unwrap(), port));
let public_address = if self.args.flag_nat.starts_with("extip:") {
let host = &self.args.flag_nat[6..];
let host = host.parse().map_err(|_| format!("Invalid host given with `--nat extip:{}`", host))?;
Some(SocketAddr::new(host, port))
} else {
Ok((listen_address, public_address))
fn net_config(&self) -> Result<NetworkConfiguration, String> {
let mut ret = NetworkConfiguration::new();
ret.nat_enabled = self.args.flag_nat == "any" || self.args.flag_nat == "upnp";
ret.boot_nodes = to_bootnodes(&self.args.flag_bootnodes)?;
let (listen, public) = self.net_addresses()?;
ret.listen_address = listen.map(|l| format!("{}", l));
ret.public_address = public.map(|p| format!("{}", p));
ret.use_secret = match self.args.flag_node_key.as_ref()
.map(|s| s.parse::<Secret>().or_else(|_| Secret::from_slice(&s.sha3())).map_err(|e| format!("Invalid key: {:?}", e))
) {
None => None,
Some(Ok(key)) => Some(key),
Some(Err(err)) => return Err(err),
ret.discovery_enabled = !self.args.flag_no_discovery && !self.args.flag_nodiscover;
ret.max_peers = self.max_peers();
ret.min_peers = self.min_peers();
ret.snapshot_peers = self.snapshot_peers();
ret.allow_ips = self.allow_ips()?;
ret.max_pending_peers = self.max_pending_peers();
let mut net_path = PathBuf::from(self.directories().base);
ret.config_path = Some(net_path.to_str().unwrap().to_owned());
ret.reserved_nodes = self.init_reserved_nodes()?;
ret.allow_non_reserved = !self.args.flag_reserved_only;
fn network_id(&self) -> Option<u64> {
fn rpc_apis(&self) -> String {
let mut apis = self.args.flag_rpcapi.clone().unwrap_or(self.args.flag_jsonrpc_apis.clone());
if self.args.flag_geth {
if !apis.is_empty() {
fn rpc_cors(&self) -> Option<Vec<String>> {
let cors = self.args.flag_jsonrpc_cors.clone().or(self.args.flag_rpccorsdomain.clone());
cors.map(|c| c.split(',').map(|s| s.to_owned()).collect())
fn rpc_hosts(&self) -> Option<Vec<String>> {
match self.args.flag_jsonrpc_hosts.as_ref() {
"none" => return Some(Vec::new()),
"all" => return None,
_ => {}
let hosts = self.args.flag_jsonrpc_hosts.split(',').map(|h| h.into()).collect();
fn dapps_hosts(&self) -> Option<Vec<String>> {
match self.args.flag_dapps_hosts.as_ref() {
"none" => return Some(Vec::new()),
"all" => return None,
_ => {}
let hosts = self.args.flag_dapps_hosts.split(',').map(|h| h.into()).collect();
fn ipc_config(&self) -> Result<IpcConfiguration, String> {
let conf = IpcConfiguration {
enabled: !(self.args.flag_ipcdisable || self.args.flag_ipc_off || self.args.flag_no_ipc),
socket_addr: self.ipc_path(),
apis: {
let mut apis = self.args.flag_ipcapi.clone().unwrap_or(self.args.flag_ipc_apis.clone());
if self.args.flag_geth {
if !apis.is_empty() {
fn http_config(&self) -> Result<HttpConfiguration, String> {
let conf = HttpConfiguration {
enabled: !self.args.flag_jsonrpc_off && !self.args.flag_no_jsonrpc,
interface: self.rpc_interface(),
port: self.args.flag_rpcport.unwrap_or(self.args.flag_jsonrpc_port),
apis: self.rpc_apis().parse()?,
hosts: self.rpc_hosts(),
cors: self.rpc_cors(),
fn network_settings(&self) -> NetworkSettings {
NetworkSettings {
name: self.args.flag_identity.clone(),
chain: self.chain(),
network_port: self.args.flag_port,
rpc_enabled: !self.args.flag_jsonrpc_off && !self.args.flag_no_jsonrpc,
rpc_interface: self.args.flag_rpcaddr.clone().unwrap_or(self.args.flag_jsonrpc_interface.clone()),
rpc_port: self.args.flag_rpcport.unwrap_or(self.args.flag_jsonrpc_port),
fn update_policy(&self) -> Result<UpdatePolicy, String> {
Ok(UpdatePolicy {
enable_downloading: !self.args.flag_no_download,
require_consensus: !self.args.flag_no_consensus,
filter: match self.args.flag_auto_update.as_ref() {
"none" => UpdateFilter::None,
"critical" => UpdateFilter::Critical,
"all" => UpdateFilter::All,
_ => return Err("Invalid value for `--auto-update`. See `--help` for more information.".into()),
track: match self.args.flag_release_track.as_ref() {
"stable" => ReleaseTrack::Stable,
"beta" => ReleaseTrack::Beta,
"nightly" => ReleaseTrack::Nightly,
"testing" => ReleaseTrack::Testing,
"current" => ReleaseTrack::Unknown,
_ => return Err("Invalid value for `--releases-track`. See `--help` for more information.".into()),
path: default_hypervisor_path(),
fn directories(&self) -> Directories {
use util::path;
let local_path = default_local_path();
let base_path = self.args.flag_base_path.as_ref().map_or_else(|| default_data_path(), |s| s.clone());
let data_path = replace_home("", self.args.flag_datadir.as_ref().unwrap_or(&base_path));
let base_db_path = if self.args.flag_base_path.is_some() && self.args.flag_db_path.is_none() {
// If base_path is set and db_path is not we default to base path subdir instead of LOCAL.
} else {
self.args.flag_db_path.as_ref().map_or(dir::CHAINS_PATH, |s| &s)
let db_path = replace_home_for_db(&data_path, &local_path, &base_db_path);
let keys_path = replace_home(&data_path, &self.args.flag_keys_path);
let dapps_path = replace_home(&data_path, &self.args.flag_dapps_path);
let ui_path = replace_home(&data_path, &self.args.flag_ui_path);
if self.args.flag_geth && !cfg!(windows) {
let geth_root = if self.args.flag_testnet { path::ethereum::test() } else { path::ethereum::default() };
|e| warn!("Failed to create '{}' for geth mode: {}", &geth_root.to_str().unwrap(), e));
if cfg!(feature = "ipc") && !cfg!(feature = "windows") {
let mut path_buf = PathBuf::from(data_path.clone());
let ipc_path = path_buf.to_str().unwrap();
|e| warn!("Failed to directory '{}' for ipc sockets: {}", ipc_path, e)
Directories {
keys: keys_path,
base: data_path,
db: db_path,
dapps: dapps_path,
signer: ui_path,
fn ipc_path(&self) -> String {
if self.args.flag_geth {
} else {
parity_ipc_path(&self.directories().base, &self.args.flag_ipcpath.clone().unwrap_or(self.args.flag_ipc_path.clone()))
fn ui_port(&self) -> Option<u16> {
if !self.ui_enabled() {
} else {
fn ui_interface(&self) -> String {
match self.args.flag_ui_interface.as_str() {
"local" => "",
x => x,
fn rpc_interface(&self) -> String {
match self.network_settings().rpc_interface.as_str() {
"all" => "",
"local" => "",
x => x,
fn dapps_interface(&self) -> String {
match self.args.flag_dapps_interface.as_str() {
"local" => "",
x => x,
fn stratum_interface(&self) -> String {
match self.args.flag_stratum_interface.as_str() {
"local" => "",
"all" => "",
x => x,
fn dapps_enabled(&self) -> bool {
!self.args.flag_dapps_off && !self.args.flag_no_dapps && cfg!(feature = "dapps")
fn ui_enabled(&self) -> bool {
if self.args.flag_force_ui {
return true;
let ui_disabled = self.args.flag_unlock.is_some() ||
self.args.flag_geth ||
fn verifier_settings(&self) -> VerifierSettings {
let mut settings = VerifierSettings::default();
settings.scale_verifiers = self.args.flag_scale_verifiers;
if let Some(num_verifiers) = self.args.flag_num_verifiers {
settings.num_verifiers = num_verifiers;
mod tests {
use super::*;
use cli::Args;
use ethcore_rpc::NetworkSettings;
use ethcore::client::{VMType, BlockId};
use ethcore::miner::{MinerOptions, PrioritizationStrategy};
use helpers::{default_network_config};
use run::RunCmd;
use dir::{Directories, default_hypervisor_path};
use signer::{Configuration as SignerConfiguration};
use blockchain::{BlockchainCmd, ImportBlockchain, ExportBlockchain, DataFormat, ExportState};
use presale::ImportWallet;
use params::SpecType;
use account::{AccountCmd, NewAccount, ImportAccounts, ListAccounts};
use devtools::{RandomTempPath};
use updater::{UpdatePolicy, UpdateFilter, ReleaseTrack};
use std::io::Write;
use std::fs::{File, create_dir};
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
struct TestPasswordReader(&'static str);
fn parse(args: &[&str]) -> Configuration {
Configuration {
args: Args::parse_without_config(args).unwrap(),
fn test_command_version() {
let args = vec!["parity", "--version"];
let conf = parse(&args);
assert_eq!(conf.into_command().unwrap().cmd, Cmd::Version);
fn test_command_account_new() {
let args = vec!["parity", "account", "new"];
let conf = parse(&args);
assert_eq!(conf.into_command().unwrap().cmd, Cmd::Account(AccountCmd::New(NewAccount {
iterations: 10240,
path: Directories::default().keys,
password_file: None,
spec: SpecType::default(),
fn test_command_account_list() {
let args = vec!["parity", "account", "list"];
let conf = parse(&args);
assert_eq!(conf.into_command().unwrap().cmd, Cmd::Account(
AccountCmd::List(ListAccounts {
path: Directories::default().keys,
spec: SpecType::default(),
fn test_command_account_import() {
let args = vec!["parity", "account", "import", "my_dir", "another_dir"];
let conf = parse(&args);
assert_eq!(conf.into_command().unwrap().cmd, Cmd::Account(AccountCmd::Import(ImportAccounts {
from: vec!["my_dir".into(), "another_dir".into()],
to: Directories::default().keys,
spec: SpecType::default(),
fn test_command_wallet_import() {
let args = vec!["parity", "wallet", "import", "my_wallet.json", "--password", "pwd"];
let conf = parse(&args);
assert_eq!(conf.into_command().unwrap().cmd, Cmd::ImportPresaleWallet(ImportWallet {
iterations: 10240,
path: Directories::default().keys,
wallet_path: "my_wallet.json".into(),
password_file: Some("pwd".into()),
spec: SpecType::default(),
fn test_command_blockchain_import() {
let args = vec!["parity", "import", "blockchain.json"];
let conf = parse(&args);
assert_eq!(conf.into_command().unwrap().cmd, Cmd::Blockchain(BlockchainCmd::Import(ImportBlockchain {
spec: Default::default(),
cache_config: Default::default(),
dirs: Default::default(),
file_path: Some("blockchain.json".into()),
format: Default::default(),
pruning: Default::default(),
pruning_history: 1200,
pruning_memory: 150,
compaction: Default::default(),
wal: true,
tracing: Default::default(),
fat_db: Default::default(),
vm_type: VMType::Interpreter,
check_seal: true,
with_color: !cfg!(windows),
verifier_settings: Default::default(),
fn test_command_blockchain_export() {
let args = vec!["parity", "export", "blocks", "blockchain.json"];
let conf = parse(&args);
assert_eq!(conf.into_command().unwrap().cmd, Cmd::Blockchain(BlockchainCmd::Export(ExportBlockchain {
spec: Default::default(),
cache_config: Default::default(),
dirs: Default::default(),
file_path: Some("blockchain.json".into()),
pruning: Default::default(),
pruning_history: 1200,
pruning_memory: 150,
format: Default::default(),
compaction: Default::default(),
wal: true,
tracing: Default::default(),
fat_db: Default::default(),
from_block: BlockId::Number(1),
to_block: BlockId::Latest,
check_seal: true,
fn test_command_state_export() {
let args = vec!["parity", "export", "state", "state.json"];
let conf = parse(&args);
assert_eq!(conf.into_command().unwrap().cmd, Cmd::Blockchain(BlockchainCmd::ExportState(ExportState {
spec: Default::default(),
cache_config: Default::default(),
dirs: Default::default(),
file_path: Some("state.json".into()),
pruning: Default::default(),
pruning_history: 1200,
pruning_memory: 150,
format: Default::default(),
compaction: Default::default(),
wal: true,
tracing: Default::default(),
fat_db: Default::default(),
at: BlockId::Latest,
storage: true,
code: true,
min_balance: None,
max_balance: None,
fn test_command_blockchain_export_with_custom_format() {
let args = vec!["parity", "export", "blocks", "--format", "hex", "blockchain.json"];
let conf = parse(&args);
assert_eq!(conf.into_command().unwrap().cmd, Cmd::Blockchain(BlockchainCmd::Export(ExportBlockchain {
spec: Default::default(),
cache_config: Default::default(),
dirs: Default::default(),
file_path: Some("blockchain.json".into()),
pruning: Default::default(),
pruning_history: 1200,
pruning_memory: 150,
format: Some(DataFormat::Hex),
compaction: Default::default(),
wal: true,
tracing: Default::default(),
fat_db: Default::default(),
from_block: BlockId::Number(1),
to_block: BlockId::Latest,
check_seal: true,
fn test_command_signer_new_token() {
let args = vec!["parity", "signer", "new-token"];
let conf = parse(&args);
let expected = Directories::default().signer;
assert_eq!(conf.into_command().unwrap().cmd, Cmd::SignerToken(SignerConfiguration {
enabled: true,
signer_path: expected,
interface: "".into(),
port: 8180,
skip_origin_validation: false,
fn test_run_cmd() {
let args = vec!["parity"];
let conf = parse(&args);
assert_eq!(conf.into_command().unwrap().cmd, Cmd::Run(RunCmd {
cache_config: Default::default(),
dirs: Default::default(),
spec: Default::default(),
pruning: Default::default(),
pruning_history: 1200,
pruning_memory: 150,
daemon: None,
logger_config: Default::default(),
miner_options: Default::default(),
http_conf: Default::default(),
ipc_conf: Default::default(),
net_conf: default_network_config(),
network_id: None,
warp_sync: false,
acc_conf: Default::default(),
gas_pricer: Default::default(),
miner_extras: Default::default(),
update_policy: UpdatePolicy { enable_downloading: true, require_consensus: true, filter: UpdateFilter::Critical, track: ReleaseTrack::Unknown, path: default_hypervisor_path() },
mode: Default::default(),
tracing: Default::default(),
compaction: Default::default(),
wal: true,
vm_type: Default::default(),
geth_compatibility: false,
ui_address: Some(("".into(), 8180)),
net_settings: Default::default(),
dapps_conf: Default::default(),
signer_conf: Default::default(),
ui: false,
dapp: None,
name: "".into(),
custom_bootnodes: false,
fat_db: Default::default(),
no_periodic_snapshot: false,
stratum: None,
check_seal: true,
download_old_blocks: true,
verifier_settings: Default::default(),
fn should_parse_mining_options() {
// given
let mut mining_options = MinerOptions::default();
// when
let conf0 = parse(&["parity"]);
let conf1 = parse(&["parity", "--tx-queue-strategy", "gas_factor"]);
let conf2 = parse(&["parity", "--tx-queue-strategy", "gas_price"]);
let conf3 = parse(&["parity", "--tx-queue-strategy", "gas"]);
// then
assert_eq!(conf0.miner_options().unwrap(), mining_options);
mining_options.tx_queue_strategy = PrioritizationStrategy::GasFactorAndGasPrice;
assert_eq!(conf1.miner_options().unwrap(), mining_options);
mining_options.tx_queue_strategy = PrioritizationStrategy::GasPriceOnly;
assert_eq!(conf2.miner_options().unwrap(), mining_options);
mining_options.tx_queue_strategy = PrioritizationStrategy::GasAndGasPrice;
assert_eq!(conf3.miner_options().unwrap(), mining_options);
fn should_parse_updater_options() {
// when
let conf0 = parse(&["parity", "--release-track=testing"]);
let conf1 = parse(&["parity", "--auto-update", "all", "--no-consensus"]);
let conf2 = parse(&["parity", "--no-download", "--auto-update=all", "--release-track=beta"]);
let conf3 = parse(&["parity", "--auto-update=xxx"]);
// then
assert_eq!(conf0.update_policy().unwrap(), UpdatePolicy{enable_downloading: true, require_consensus: true, filter: UpdateFilter::Critical, track: ReleaseTrack::Testing, path: default_hypervisor_path()});
assert_eq!(conf1.update_policy().unwrap(), UpdatePolicy{enable_downloading: true, require_consensus: false, filter: UpdateFilter::All, track: ReleaseTrack::Unknown, path: default_hypervisor_path()});
assert_eq!(conf2.update_policy().unwrap(), UpdatePolicy{enable_downloading: false, require_consensus: true, filter: UpdateFilter::All, track: ReleaseTrack::Beta, path: default_hypervisor_path()});
fn should_parse_network_settings() {
// given
// when
let conf = parse(&["parity", "--testnet", "--identity", "testname"]);
// then
assert_eq!(conf.network_settings(), NetworkSettings {
name: "testname".to_owned(),
chain: "ropsten".to_owned(),
network_port: 30303,
rpc_enabled: true,
rpc_interface: "local".to_owned(),
rpc_port: 8545,
fn should_parse_rpc_settings_with_geth_compatiblity() {
// given
fn assert(conf: Configuration) {
let net = conf.network_settings();
assert_eq!(net.rpc_enabled, true);
assert_eq!(net.rpc_interface, "all".to_owned());
assert_eq!(net.rpc_port, 8000);
assert_eq!(conf.rpc_cors(), Some(vec!["*".to_owned()]));
assert_eq!(conf.rpc_apis(), "web3,eth".to_owned());
// when
let conf1 = parse(&["parity", "-j",
"--jsonrpc-port", "8000",
"--jsonrpc-interface", "all",
"--jsonrpc-cors", "*",
"--jsonrpc-apis", "web3,eth"
let conf2 = parse(&["parity", "--rpc",
"--rpcport", "8000",
"--rpcaddr", "all",
"--rpccorsdomain", "*",
"--rpcapi", "web3,eth"
// then
fn should_parse_rpc_hosts() {
// given
// when
let conf0 = parse(&["parity"]);
let conf1 = parse(&["parity", "--jsonrpc-hosts", "none"]);
let conf2 = parse(&["parity", "--jsonrpc-hosts", "all"]);
let conf3 = parse(&["parity", "--jsonrpc-hosts", "ethcore.io,something.io"]);
// then
assert_eq!(conf0.rpc_hosts(), Some(Vec::new()));
assert_eq!(conf1.rpc_hosts(), Some(Vec::new()));
assert_eq!(conf2.rpc_hosts(), None);
assert_eq!(conf3.rpc_hosts(), Some(vec!["ethcore.io".into(), "something.io".into()]));
fn should_parse_dapps_hosts() {
// given
// when
let conf0 = parse(&["parity"]);
let conf1 = parse(&["parity", "--dapps-hosts", "none"]);
let conf2 = parse(&["parity", "--dapps-hosts", "all"]);
let conf3 = parse(&["parity", "--dapps-hosts", "ethcore.io,something.io"]);
// then
assert_eq!(conf0.dapps_hosts(), Some(Vec::new()));
assert_eq!(conf1.dapps_hosts(), Some(Vec::new()));
assert_eq!(conf2.dapps_hosts(), None);
assert_eq!(conf3.dapps_hosts(), Some(vec!["ethcore.io".into(), "something.io".into()]));
fn should_disable_signer_in_geth_compat() {
// given
// when
let conf0 = parse(&["parity", "--geth"]);
let conf1 = parse(&["parity", "--geth", "--force-ui"]);
// then
assert_eq!(conf0.ui_enabled(), false);
assert_eq!(conf1.ui_enabled(), true);
fn should_disable_signer_when_account_is_unlocked() {
// given
// when
let conf0 = parse(&["parity", "--unlock", "0x0"]);
// then
assert_eq!(conf0.ui_enabled(), false);
fn should_parse_signer_configration() {
// given
// when
let conf0 = parse(&["parity", "--ui-path", "signer"]);
let conf1 = parse(&["parity", "--ui-path", "signer", "--ui-no-validation"]);
let conf2 = parse(&["parity", "--ui-path", "signer", "--ui-port", "3123"]);
let conf3 = parse(&["parity", "--ui-path", "signer", "--ui-interface", "test"]);
// then
assert_eq!(conf0.signer_config(), SignerConfiguration {
enabled: true,
port: 8180,
interface: "".into(),
signer_path: "signer".into(),
skip_origin_validation: false,
assert_eq!(conf1.signer_config(), SignerConfiguration {
enabled: true,
port: 8180,
interface: "".into(),
signer_path: "signer".into(),
skip_origin_validation: true,
assert_eq!(conf2.signer_config(), SignerConfiguration {
enabled: true,
port: 3123,
interface: "".into(),
signer_path: "signer".into(),
skip_origin_validation: false,
assert_eq!(conf3.signer_config(), SignerConfiguration {
enabled: true,
port: 8180,
interface: "test".into(),
signer_path: "signer".into(),
skip_origin_validation: false,
fn should_parse_dapp_opening() {
// given
let temp = RandomTempPath::new();
let name = temp.file_name().unwrap().to_str().unwrap();
// when
let conf0 = parse(&["parity", "dapp", temp.to_str().unwrap()]);
// then
assert_eq!(conf0.dapp_to_open(), Ok(Some(name.into())));
let extra_dapps = conf0.dapps_config().extra_dapps;
assert_eq!(extra_dapps, vec![temp.to_owned()]);
fn should_not_bail_on_empty_line_in_reserved_peers() {
let temp = RandomTempPath::new();
let filename = temp.as_str().to_owned() + "/peers";
File::create(filename.clone()).unwrap().write_all(b" \n\t\n").unwrap();
let args = vec!["parity", "--reserved-peers", &filename];
let conf = Configuration::parse(&args).unwrap();