* rlp_derive: update syn & co
* rlp_derive: remove dummy_const
* rlp_derive: remove unused attirubutes
* rlp-derive: change authors
* rlp_derive: add rlp(default) attribute
* Revert "Revert "[Trace] Distinguish between `create` and `create2` (#11311)" (#11427)"
This reverts commit 5d4993b0f8
* trace: backwards compatible call_type and creation_method
* trace: add rlp backward compatibility tests
* cleanup
* i know, i hate backwards compatibility too
* address review grumbles
675 lines
21 KiB
675 lines
21 KiB
// Copyright 2015-2020 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// This file is part of Parity Ethereum.
// Parity Ethereum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Parity Ethereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Parity Ethereum. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
//! Parity EVM Interpreter Binary.
//! ## Overview
//! The Parity EVM interpreter binary is a tool in the Parity
//! Ethereum toolchain. It is an EVM implementation for Parity Ethereum that
//! is used to run a standalone version of the EVM interpreter.
//! ## Usage
//! The evmbin tool is not distributed with regular Parity Ethereum releases
//! so you need to build it from source and run it like so:
//! ```bash
//! cargo build -p evmbin --release
//! ./target/release/parity-evm --help
//! ```
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::{fmt, fs};
use std::path::PathBuf;
use parity_bytes::Bytes;
use docopt::Docopt;
use rustc_hex::FromHex;
use ethereum_types::{U256, Address};
use ethcore::{json_tests, test_helpers::TrieSpec};
use spec;
use serde::Deserialize;
use vm::{ActionParams, ActionType};
mod info;
mod display;
use crate::info::{Informant, TxInput};
const USAGE: &'static str = r#"
EVM implementation for Parity.
Copyright 2015-2020 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
parity-evm state-test <file> [--chain CHAIN --only NAME --json --std-json --std-dump-json --std-out-only --std-err-only]
parity-evm stats [options]
parity-evm stats-jsontests-vm <file>
parity-evm [options]
parity-evm [-h | --help]
state-test Run a state test on a provided state test JSON file.
stats Execute EVM runtime code and return the statistics.
stats-jsontests-vm Execute standard json-tests on a provided state test JSON
file path, format VMTests, and return timing statistics
in tsv format.
Transaction options:
--code CODE Contract code as hex (without 0x).
--to ADDRESS Recipient address (without 0x).
--from ADDRESS Sender address (without 0x).
--input DATA Input data as hex (without 0x).
--gas GAS Supplied gas as hex (without 0x).
--gas-price WEI Supplied gas price as hex (without 0x).
State test options:
--chain CHAIN Run only from specific chain name (i.e. one of EIP150, EIP158,
Frontier, Homestead, Byzantium, Constantinople,
ConstantinopleFix, Istanbul, EIP158ToByzantiumAt5, FrontierToHomesteadAt5,
HomesteadToDaoAt5, HomesteadToEIP150At5).
--only NAME Runs only a single test matching the name.
General options:
--chain PATH Path to chain spec file.
--json Display verbose results in JSON.
--std-json Display results in standardized JSON format.
--std-dump-json Display results in standardized JSON format
with additional state dump.
--std-err-only With --std-json redirect to err output only.
--std-out-only With --std-json redirect to out output only.
-h, --help Display this message and exit.
fn main() {
let args: Args = Docopt::new(USAGE).and_then(|d| d.deserialize()).unwrap_or_else(|e| e.exit());
if args.cmd_state_test {
} else if args.cmd_stats_jsontests_vm {
} else if args.flag_json {
run_call(args, display::json::Informant::default())
} else if args.flag_std_dump_json || args.flag_std_json {
if args.flag_std_err_only {
run_call(args, display::std_json::Informant::err_only())
} else if args.flag_std_out_only {
run_call(args, display::std_json::Informant::out_only())
} else {
run_call(args, display::std_json::Informant::default())
} else {
run_call(args, display::simple::Informant::default())
fn run_state_test(args: Args) {
use ethjson::test_helpers::state::Test;
// Parse the specified state test JSON file provided to the command `state-test <file>`.
let file = args.arg_file.expect("PATH to a state test JSON file is required");
let mut file = match fs::File::open(&file) {
Err(err) => die(format!("Unable to open path: {:?}: {}", file, err)),
Ok(file) => file,
let state_test = match Test::load(&mut file) {
Err(err) => die(format!("Unable to load the test file: {}", err)),
Ok(test) => test,
// Parse the name CLI option `--only NAME`.
let only_test = args.flag_only.map(|s| s.to_lowercase());
// Parse the chain `--chain CHAIN`
let only_chain = args.flag_chain.map(|s| s.to_lowercase());
// Iterate over 1st level (outer) key-value pair of the state test JSON file.
// Skip to next iteration if CLI option `--only NAME` was parsed into `only_test` and does not match
// the current key `state_test_name` (i.e. add11, create2callPrecompiles).
for (state_test_name, test) in state_test {
if let Some(false) = only_test.as_ref().map(|only_test| {
&state_test_name.to_lowercase() == only_test
}) {
// Assign from 2nd level key-value pairs of the state test JSON file (i.e. env, post, pre, transaction).
let multitransaction = test.transaction;
let env_info = test.env.into();
let pre = test.pre_state.into();
// Iterate over remaining "post" key of the 2nd level key-value pairs in the state test JSON file.
// Skip to next iteration if CLI option `--chain CHAIN` was parsed into `only_chain` and does not match
// the current key `fork_spec_name` (i.e. Constantinople, EIP150, EIP158).
for (fork_spec_name, states) in test.post_states {
if let Some(false) = only_chain.as_ref().map(|only_chain| {
&format!("{:?}", fork_spec_name).to_lowercase() == only_chain
}) {
// Iterate over the 3rd level key-value pairs of the state test JSON file
// (i.e. list of transactions and associated state roots hashes corresponding each chain).
for (tx_index, state) in states.into_iter().enumerate() {
let post_root = state.hash.into();
let transaction = multitransaction.select(&state.indexes).into();
// Determine the type of trie with state root to create in the database.
// The database is a key-value datastore implemented as a database-backend
// modified Merkle tree.
// Use a secure trie database specification when CLI option `--std-dump-json`
// is specified, otherwise use secure trie with fat trie database.
let trie_spec = if args.flag_std_dump_json {
} else {
// Execute the given transaction and verify resulting state root
// for CLI option `--std-dump-json` or `--std-json`.
if args.flag_std_dump_json || args.flag_std_json {
if args.flag_std_err_only {
let tx_input = TxInput {
state_test_name: &state_test_name,
fork_spec_name: &fork_spec_name,
pre_state: &pre,
env_info: &env_info,
informant: display::std_json::Informant::err_only(),
// Use Standard JSON informant with err only
} else if args.flag_std_out_only {
let tx_input = TxInput {
state_test_name: &state_test_name,
fork_spec_name: &fork_spec_name,
pre_state: &pre,
env_info: &env_info,
informant: display::std_json::Informant::out_only(),
// Use Standard JSON informant with out only
} else {
let tx_input = TxInput {
state_test_name: &state_test_name,
fork_spec_name: &fork_spec_name,
pre_state: &pre,
env_info: &env_info,
informant: display::std_json::Informant::default(),
// Use Standard JSON informant default
} else {
// Execute the given transaction and verify resulting state root
// for CLI option `--json`.
if args.flag_json {
let tx_input = TxInput {
state_test_name: &state_test_name,
fork_spec_name: &fork_spec_name,
pre_state: &pre,
env_info: &env_info,
informant: display::json::Informant::default(),
// Use JSON informant
} else {
let tx_input = TxInput {
state_test_name: &state_test_name,
fork_spec_name: &fork_spec_name,
pre_state: &pre,
env_info: &env_info,
informant: display::simple::Informant::default(),
// Use Simple informant
fn run_stats_jsontests_vm(args: Args) {
use crate::json_tests::HookType;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::time::{Instant, Duration};
let file = args.arg_file.expect("PATH to a state test JSON file is required");
let mut timings: HashMap<String, (Instant, Option<Duration>)> = HashMap::new();
let mut record_time = |name: &str, typ: HookType| {
match typ {
HookType::OnStart => {
timings.insert(name.to_string(), (Instant::now(), None));
HookType::OnStop => {
timings.entry(name.to_string()).and_modify(|v| {
v.1 = Some(v.0.elapsed());
if !file.is_file() {
json_tests::run_executive_test_path(&file, &[], &mut record_time);
} else {
json_tests::run_executive_test_file(&file, &mut record_time);
for (name, v) in timings {
println!("{}\t{}", name, display::as_micros(&v.1.expect("All hooks are called with OnStop; qed")));
// CLI command `stats`
fn run_call<T: Informant>(args: Args, informant: T) {
let code = arg(args.code(), "--code");
let to = arg(args.to(), "--to");
let from = arg(args.from(), "--from");
let data = arg(args.data(), "--input");
let gas = arg(args.gas(), "--gas");
let gas_price = arg(args.gas_price(), "--gas-price");
let spec = arg(args.spec(), "--chain");
if code.is_none() && to == Address::zero() {
die("Either --code or --to is required.");
let mut params = ActionParams::default();
params.action_type = if code.is_none() { ActionType::Call } else { ActionType::Create };
params.code = code.map(Arc::new);
params.code_address = to;
params.address = to;
params.sender = from;
params.origin = from;
params.data = data;
params.gas = gas;
params.gas_price = gas_price;
let mut sink = informant.clone_sink();
let result = if args.flag_std_dump_json {
info::run_action(&spec, params, informant, TrieSpec::Fat)
} else {
info::run_action(&spec, params, informant, TrieSpec::Secure)
T::finish(result, &mut sink);
#[derive(Debug, Deserialize)]
struct Args {
cmd_stats: bool,
cmd_state_test: bool,
cmd_stats_jsontests_vm: bool,
arg_file: Option<PathBuf>,
flag_code: Option<String>,
flag_to: Option<String>,
flag_from: Option<String>,
flag_input: Option<String>,
flag_gas: Option<String>,
flag_gas_price: Option<String>,
flag_only: Option<String>,
flag_chain: Option<String>,
flag_json: bool,
flag_std_json: bool,
flag_std_dump_json: bool,
flag_std_err_only: bool,
flag_std_out_only: bool,
impl Args {
// CLI option `--code CODE`
/// Set the contract code in hex. Only send to either a contract code or a recipient address.
pub fn code(&self) -> Result<Option<Bytes>, String> {
match self.flag_code {
Some(ref code) => code.from_hex().map(Some).map_err(to_string),
None => Ok(None),
// CLI option `--to ADDRESS`
/// Set the recipient address in hex. Only send to either a contract code or a recipient address.
pub fn to(&self) -> Result<Address, String> {
match self.flag_to {
Some(ref to) => to.parse().map_err(to_string),
None => Ok(Address::zero()),
// CLI option `--from ADDRESS`
/// Set the sender address.
pub fn from(&self) -> Result<Address, String> {
match self.flag_from {
Some(ref from) => from.parse().map_err(to_string),
None => Ok(Address::zero()),
// CLI option `--input DATA`
/// Set the input data in hex.
pub fn data(&self) -> Result<Option<Bytes>, String> {
match self.flag_input {
Some(ref input) => input.from_hex().map_err(to_string).map(Some),
None => Ok(None),
// CLI option `--gas GAS`
/// Set the gas limit in units of gas. Defaults to max value to allow code to run for whatever time is required.
pub fn gas(&self) -> Result<U256, String> {
match self.flag_gas {
Some(ref gas) => gas.parse().map_err(to_string),
None => Ok(U256::from(u64::max_value())),
// CLI option `--gas-price WEI`
/// Set the gas price. Defaults to zero to allow the code to run even if an account with no balance
/// is used, otherwise such accounts would not have sufficient funds to pay the transaction fee.
/// Defaulting to zero also makes testing easier since it is not necessary to specify a special configuration file.
pub fn gas_price(&self) -> Result<U256, String> {
match self.flag_gas_price {
Some(ref gas_price) => gas_price.parse().map_err(to_string),
None => Ok(U256::zero()),
// CLI option `--chain PATH`
/// Set the path of the chain specification JSON file.
pub fn spec(&self) -> Result<spec::Spec, String> {
Ok(match self.flag_chain {
Some(ref filename) => {
let file = fs::File::open(filename).map_err(|e| e.to_string())?;
spec::Spec::load(&::std::env::temp_dir(), file).map_err(|e| e.to_string())?
None => {
fn arg<T>(v: Result<T, String>, param: &str) -> T {
v.unwrap_or_else(|e| die(format!("Invalid {}: {}", param, e)))
fn to_string<T: fmt::Display>(msg: T) -> String {
format!("{}", msg)
fn die<T: fmt::Display>(msg: T) -> ! {
println!("{}", msg);
mod tests {
use common_types::transaction;
use docopt::Docopt;
use ethcore::test_helpers::TrieSpec;
use ethjson::test_helpers::state::State;
use serde::Deserialize;
use super::{Args, USAGE, Address, run_call};
use crate::{
info::{self, TxInput}
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Deserialize)]
pub struct SampleStateTests {
pub add11: State,
pub add12: State,
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Deserialize)]
#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
pub struct ConstantinopleStateTests {
pub create2call_precompiles: State,
fn run<T: AsRef<str>>(args: &[T]) -> Args {
Docopt::new(USAGE).and_then(|d| d.argv(args.into_iter()).deserialize()).unwrap()
fn should_parse_all_the_options() {
let args = run(&[
"--code", "05",
"--to", "0000000000000000000000000000000000000004",
"--from", "0000000000000000000000000000000000000003",
"--input", "06",
"--gas", "1",
"--gas-price", "2",
"--chain", "./testfile.json",
assert_eq!(args.code(), Ok(Some(vec![05])));
assert_eq!(args.to(), Ok(Address::from_low_u64_be(4)));
assert_eq!(args.from(), Ok(Address::from_low_u64_be(3)));
assert_eq!(args.data(), Ok(Some(vec![06]))); // input data
assert_eq!(args.gas(), Ok(1.into()));
assert_eq!(args.gas_price(), Ok(2.into()));
assert_eq!(args.flag_chain, Some("./testfile.json".to_owned()));
assert_eq!(args.flag_json, true);
assert_eq!(args.flag_std_json, true);
assert_eq!(args.flag_std_dump_json, true);
assert_eq!(args.flag_std_err_only, true);
assert_eq!(args.flag_std_out_only, true);
fn should_parse_state_test_command() {
let args = run(&[
"--chain", "homestead",
assert_eq!(args.cmd_state_test, true);
assert_eq!(args.flag_chain, Some("homestead".to_owned()));
assert_eq!(args.flag_only, Some("add11".to_owned()));
assert_eq!(args.flag_json, true);
assert_eq!(args.flag_std_json, true);
assert_eq!(args.flag_std_dump_json, true);
assert_eq!(args.flag_std_out_only, true);
assert_eq!(args.flag_std_err_only, true);
fn should_not_parse_only_flag_without_state_test() {
let _ = run(&[
"--chain", "homestead",
fn should_not_parse_only_flag_with_stats() {
let _ = run(&[
"--chain", "homestead",
fn should_not_verify_state_root_using_sample_state_test_json_file() {
let state_tests = include_str!("../res/teststate.json");
// Parse the specified state test JSON file to simulate the CLI command `state-test <file>`.
let deserialized_state_tests: SampleStateTests = serde_json::from_str(state_tests)
.expect("Serialization cannot fail; qed");
// Simulate the name CLI option `--only NAME`
let state_test_name = "add11";
let pre = deserialized_state_tests.add11.pre_state.into();
let env_info = deserialized_state_tests.add11.env.into();
let multitransaction = deserialized_state_tests.add11.transaction;
for (fork_spec_name, tx_states) in deserialized_state_tests.add11.post_states.iter() {
for (tx_index, tx_state) in tx_states.into_iter().enumerate() {
let (informant, _, res) = informant();
let trie_spec = TrieSpec::Secure;
let transaction: transaction::SignedTransaction = multitransaction.select(&tx_state.indexes).into();
let tx_input = TxInput {
state_test_name: &state_test_name,
fork_spec_name: &fork_spec_name,
pre_state: &pre,
post_root: tx_states[tx_index].hash.0,
env_info: &env_info,
&String::from_utf8_lossy(&**res.0.lock().unwrap()).contains("State root mismatch")
fn should_verify_state_root_using_constantinople_state_test_json_file() {
let state_tests = include_str!("../res/create2callPrecompiles.json");
// Parse the specified state test JSON file to simulate the CLI command `state-test <file>`.
let deserialized_state_tests: ConstantinopleStateTests = serde_json::from_str(state_tests)
.expect("Serialization cannot fail; qed");
// Simulate the name CLI option `--only NAME`
let state_test_name = "create2callPrecompiles";
let pre = deserialized_state_tests.create2call_precompiles.pre_state.into();
let env_info = deserialized_state_tests.create2call_precompiles.env.into();
let multitransaction = deserialized_state_tests.create2call_precompiles.transaction;
for (fork_spec_name, tx_states) in deserialized_state_tests.create2call_precompiles.post_states.iter() {
for (tx_index, tx_state) in tx_states.into_iter().enumerate() {
let (informant, _, _) = informant();
let trie_spec = TrieSpec::Secure; // TrieSpec::Fat for --std_dump_json
let transaction: transaction::SignedTransaction = multitransaction.select(&tx_state.indexes).into();
let tx_input = TxInput {
state_test_name: &state_test_name,
fork_spec_name: &fork_spec_name,
pre_state: &pre,
post_root: tx_states[tx_index].hash.0,
env_info: &env_info,
fn should_error_out_of_gas() {
let args = run(&[
"--to", "0000000000000000000000000000000000000004",
"--from", "0000000000000000000000000000000000000003",
"--code", "05",
"--input", "06",
"--gas", "1",
"--gas-price", "2",
let (inf, _, res) = informant();
run_call(args, inf);
.starts_with(r#"{"error":"EVM: Out of gas","gasUsed":"0x1","#),
fn should_not_error_out_of_gas() {
let args = run(&[
"--to", "0000000000000000000000000000000000000004",
"--from", "0000000000000000000000000000000000000003",
"--code", "05",
"--input", "06",
"--gas", "21",
"--gas-price", "2",
let (inf, _, res) = informant();
run_call(args, inf);