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// Copyright 2015-2017 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// This file is part of Parity.
// Parity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Parity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Parity. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import BigNumber from 'bignumber.js';
import { intersection, range, uniq } from 'lodash';
import store from 'store';
import Abi from '~/abi';
import Contract from '~/api/contract';
import { bytesToHex, toHex } from '~/api/util/format';
import { validateAddress } from '~/util/validation';
import WalletAbi from '~/contracts/abi/wallet.json';
import OldWalletAbi from '~/contracts/abi/old-wallet.json';
const LS_PENDING_CONTRACTS_KEY = '_parity::wallets::pendingContracts';
const _cachedWalletLookup = {};
let _cachedAccounts = {};
const walletAbi = new Abi(WalletAbi);
const oldWalletAbi = new Abi(OldWalletAbi);
const walletEvents = walletAbi.events.reduce((events, event) => {
events[event.name] = event;
return events;
}, {});
const oldWalletEvents = oldWalletAbi.events.reduce((events, event) => {
events[event.name] = event;
return events;
}, {});
const WalletSignatures = {
OwnerChanged: toHex(walletEvents.OwnerChanged.signature),
OwnerAdded: toHex(walletEvents.OwnerAdded.signature),
OwnerRemoved: toHex(walletEvents.OwnerRemoved.signature),
RequirementChanged: toHex(walletEvents.RequirementChanged.signature),
Confirmation: toHex(walletEvents.Confirmation.signature),
Revoke: toHex(walletEvents.Revoke.signature),
Deposit: toHex(walletEvents.Deposit.signature),
SingleTransact: toHex(walletEvents.SingleTransact.signature),
MultiTransact: toHex(walletEvents.MultiTransact.signature),
ConfirmationNeeded: toHex(walletEvents.ConfirmationNeeded.signature),
Old: {
SingleTransact: toHex(oldWalletEvents.SingleTransact.signature),
MultiTransact: toHex(oldWalletEvents.MultiTransact.signature)
export default class WalletsUtils {
static getWalletSignatures () {
return WalletSignatures;
static getPendingContracts () {
return store.get(LS_PENDING_CONTRACTS_KEY) || {};
static setPendingContracts (contracts = {}) {
return store.set(LS_PENDING_CONTRACTS_KEY, contracts);
static removePendingContract (operationHash) {
const nextContracts = WalletsUtils.getPendingContracts();
delete nextContracts[operationHash];
static addPendingContract (address, operationHash, metadata) {
const nextContracts = {
[ operationHash ]: {
static cacheAccounts (accounts) {
_cachedAccounts = accounts;
static getCallArgs (api, options, values = []) {
const walletContract = new Contract(api, WalletAbi);
const walletAddress = options.from;
return WalletsUtils
.then((owners) => {
const addresses = Object.keys(_cachedAccounts);
const ownerAddress = intersection(addresses, owners).pop();
if (!ownerAddress) {
return false;
const account = _cachedAccounts[ownerAddress];
const _options = { ...options };
const { to, value = new BigNumber(0), data } = _options;
delete _options.data;
const nextValues = [ to, value, data ];
const nextOptions = {
from: ownerAddress,
to: walletAddress,
value: new BigNumber(0)
const execFunc = walletContract.instance.execute;
const callArgs = { func: execFunc, options: nextOptions, values: nextValues };
if (!account.wallet) {
return callArgs;
const nextData = walletContract.getCallData(execFunc, nextOptions, nextValues);
return WalletsUtils.getCallArgs(api, { ...nextOptions, data: nextData }, nextValues);
static getDeployArgs (contract, options, values) {
const { api } = contract;
const func = contract.constructors[0];
options.data = contract.getCallData(func, options, values);
options.to = '0x';
return WalletsUtils
.getCallArgs(api, options, values)
.then((callArgs) => {
if (!callArgs) {
console.error('no call args', callArgs);
throw new Error('you do not own this wallet');
return callArgs;
static parseLogs (api, logs = []) {
const walletContract = new Contract(api, WalletAbi);
return walletContract.parseEventLogs(logs);
* Check whether the given address could be
* a Wallet. The result is cached in order not
* to make unnecessary calls on non-wallet accounts
static isWallet (api, address) {
if (!address) {
return Promise.resolve(false);
if (!_cachedWalletLookup[address]) {
const walletContract = new Contract(api, WalletAbi);
_cachedWalletLookup[address] = walletContract
.then((result) => {
if (!result || result.equals(0)) {
return false;
return true;
.then((bool) => {
_cachedWalletLookup[address] = Promise.resolve(bool);
return bool;
return _cachedWalletLookup[address];
static fetchRequire (walletContract) {
return walletContract.instance.m_required.call();
static fetchOwners (walletContract) {
const walletInstance = walletContract.instance;
return walletInstance
.then((mNumOwners) => {
const promises = range(mNumOwners.toNumber())
.map((idx) => walletInstance.getOwner.call({}, [ idx ]));
return Promise
.then((owners) => {
const uniqOwners = uniq(owners);
// If all owners are the zero account : must be Mist wallet contract
if (uniqOwners.length === 1 && /^(0x)?0*$/.test(owners[0])) {
return WalletsUtils.fetchMistOwners(walletContract, mNumOwners.toNumber());
return owners;
.then((owners) => uniq(owners));
static fetchMistOwners (walletContract, mNumOwners) {
const walletAddress = walletContract.address;
return WalletsUtils
.then((result) => {
if (!result || result.offset === -1) {
return [];
const owners = [ result.address ];
if (mNumOwners === 1) {
return owners;
const initOffset = result.offset + 1;
let promise = Promise.resolve();
range(initOffset, initOffset + mNumOwners - 1).forEach((offset) => {
promise = promise
.then(() => {
return walletContract.api.eth.getStorageAt(walletAddress, offset);
.then((result) => {
const resultAddress = '0x' + (result || '').slice(-40);
const { address } = validateAddress(resultAddress);
return promise.then(() => owners);
static getMistOwnersOffset (walletContract, offset = 3) {
return walletContract.api.eth
.getStorageAt(walletContract.address, offset)
.then((result) => {
if (result && !/^(0x)?0*$/.test(result)) {
const resultAddress = '0x' + result.slice(-40);
const { address, addressError } = validateAddress(resultAddress);
if (!addressError) {
return { offset, address };
if (offset >= 100) {
return { offset: -1 };
return WalletsUtils.getMistOwnersOffset(walletContract, offset + 1);
static fetchDailylimit (walletContract) {
const walletInstance = walletContract.instance;
return Promise
.then(([ limit, spent, last ]) => ({
limit, spent, last
static fetchTransactions (walletContract) {
const { api } = walletContract;
const pendingContracts = WalletsUtils.getPendingContracts();
return walletContract
topics: [ [
] ]
.then((logs) => {
return logs.sort((logA, logB) => {
const comp = logB.blockNumber.comparedTo(logA.blockNumber);
if (comp !== 0) {
return comp;
return logB.transactionIndex.comparedTo(logA.transactionIndex);
.then((logs) => {
const transactions = logs.map((log) => {
const signature = toHex(log.topics[0]);
const value = log.params.value.value;
const from = signature === WalletSignatures.Deposit
? log.params['_from'].value
: walletContract.address;
const to = signature === WalletSignatures.Deposit
? walletContract.address
: log.params.to.value;
const transaction = {
transactionHash: log.transactionHash,
blockNumber: log.blockNumber,
from, to, value
if (log.params.created && log.params.created.value && !/^(0x)?0*$/.test(log.params.created.value)) {
transaction.creates = log.params.created.value;
delete transaction.to;
if (log.params.operation) {
const operation = bytesToHex(log.params.operation.value);
// Add the pending contract to the contracts
if (pendingContracts[operation]) {
const { metadata } = pendingContracts[operation];
const contractName = metadata.name;
metadata.blockNumber = log.blockNumber;
// The contract creation might not be in the same log,
// but must be in the same transaction (eg. Contract creation
// from Wallet within a Wallet)
.then((transactionReceipt) => {
const transactionLogs = WalletsUtils.parseLogs(api, transactionReceipt.logs);
const creationLog = transactionLogs.find((log) => {
return log.params.created && !/^(0x)?0*$/.test(log.params.created.value);
if (!creationLog) {
return false;
const contractAddress = creationLog.params.created.value;
return Promise
api.parity.setAccountName(contractAddress, contractName),
api.parity.setAccountMeta(contractAddress, metadata)
.then(() => {
.catch((error) => {
console.error('adding wallet contract', error);
transaction.operation = operation;
if (log.params.data) {
transaction.data = log.params.data.value;
return transaction;
return transactions;