* bigint upgraded to version 3.0 * fixed missing FromHex import in ethcore tests * fixed missing FromHex import in rpc tests
363 lines
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363 lines
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// Copyright 2015-2017 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// This file is part of Parity.
// Parity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Parity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Parity. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
//! URLHint Contract
use std::sync::Arc;
use rustc_hex::ToHex;
use mime::Mime;
use mime_guess;
use futures::{future, BoxFuture, Future};
use native_contracts::{Registry, Urlhint};
use util::{Address, Bytes, Hashable};
const COMMIT_LEN: usize = 20;
/// RAW Contract interface.
/// Should execute transaction using current blockchain state.
pub trait ContractClient: Send + Sync {
/// Get registrar address
fn registrar(&self) -> Result<Address, String>;
/// Call Contract
fn call(&self, address: Address, data: Bytes) -> BoxFuture<Bytes, String>;
/// Github-hosted dapp.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct GithubApp {
/// Github Account
pub account: String,
/// Github Repository
pub repo: String,
/// Commit on Github
pub commit: [u8; COMMIT_LEN],
/// Dapp owner address
pub owner: Address,
impl GithubApp {
/// Returns URL of this Github-hosted dapp package.
pub fn url(&self) -> String {
// Since https fetcher doesn't support redirections we use direct link
// format!("https://github.com/{}/{}/archive/{}.zip", self.account, self.repo, self.commit.to_hex())
format!("https://codeload.github.com/{}/{}/zip/{}", self.account, self.repo, self.commit.to_hex())
fn commit(bytes: &[u8]) -> Option<[u8;COMMIT_LEN]> {
if bytes.len() < COMMIT_LEN {
return None;
let mut commit = [0; COMMIT_LEN];
for i in 0..COMMIT_LEN {
commit[i] = bytes[i];
/// Hash-Addressed Content
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct Content {
/// URL of the content
pub url: String,
/// MIME type of the content
pub mime: Mime,
/// Content owner address
pub owner: Address,
/// Result of resolving id to URL
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
pub enum URLHintResult {
/// Dapp
/// Content
/// URLHint Contract interface
pub trait URLHint: Send + Sync {
/// Resolves given id to registrar entry.
fn resolve(&self, id: Bytes) -> BoxFuture<Option<URLHintResult>, String>;
/// `URLHintContract` API
pub struct URLHintContract {
urlhint: Arc<Urlhint>,
registrar: Registry,
client: Arc<ContractClient>,
impl URLHintContract {
/// Creates new `URLHintContract`
pub fn new(client: Arc<ContractClient>) -> Self {
URLHintContract {
urlhint: Arc::new(Urlhint::new(Default::default())),
registrar: Registry::new(Default::default()),
client: client,
fn decode_urlhint_output(output: (String, ::util::H160, Address)) -> Option<URLHintResult> {
let (account_slash_repo, commit, owner) = output;
if owner == Address::default() {
return None;
let commit = GithubApp::commit(&commit);
if commit == Some(Default::default()) {
let mime = guess_mime_type(&account_slash_repo).unwrap_or(mime!(Application/_));
return Some(URLHintResult::Content(Content {
url: account_slash_repo,
mime: mime,
owner: owner,
let (account, repo) = {
let mut it = account_slash_repo.split('/');
match (it.next(), it.next()) {
(Some(account), Some(repo)) => (account.into(), repo.into()),
_ => return None,
commit.map(|commit| URLHintResult::Dapp(GithubApp {
account: account,
repo: repo,
commit: commit,
owner: owner,
impl URLHint for URLHintContract {
fn resolve(&self, id: Bytes) -> BoxFuture<Option<URLHintResult>, String> {
use futures::future::Either;
let do_call = |_, data| {
let addr = match self.client.registrar() {
Ok(addr) => addr,
Err(e) => return future::err(e).boxed(),
self.client.call(addr, data)
let urlhint = self.urlhint.clone();
let client = self.client.clone();
self.registrar.get_address(do_call, "githubhint".sha3(), "A".into())
.map(|addr| if addr == Address::default() { None } else { Some(addr) })
.and_then(move |address| {
let mut fixed_id = [0; 32];
let len = ::std::cmp::min(32, id.len());
match address {
None => Either::A(future::ok(None)),
Some(address) => {
let do_call = move |_, data| client.call(address, data);
Either::B(urlhint.entries(do_call, ::util::H256(fixed_id)).map(decode_urlhint_output))
fn guess_mime_type(url: &str) -> Option<Mime> {
const CONTENT_TYPE: &'static str = "content-type=";
let mut it = url.split('#');
// skip url
let url = it.next();
// get meta headers
let metas = it.next();
if let Some(metas) = metas {
for meta in metas.split('&') {
let meta = meta.to_lowercase();
if meta.starts_with(CONTENT_TYPE) {
return meta[CONTENT_TYPE.len()..].parse().ok();
url.and_then(|url| {
}).and_then(|extension| {
pub mod tests {
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::str::FromStr;
use rustc_hex::FromHex;
use futures::{BoxFuture, Future, IntoFuture};
use super::*;
use super::guess_mime_type;
use util::{Bytes, Address, Mutex, ToPretty};
pub struct FakeRegistrar {
pub calls: Arc<Mutex<Vec<(String, String)>>>,
pub responses: Mutex<Vec<Result<Bytes, String>>>,
pub const REGISTRAR: &'static str = "8e4e9b13d4b45cb0befc93c3061b1408f67316b2";
pub const URLHINT: &'static str = "deadbeefcafe0000000000000000000000000000";
impl FakeRegistrar {
pub fn new() -> Self {
FakeRegistrar {
calls: Arc::new(Mutex::new(Vec::new())),
responses: Mutex::new(
Ok(format!("000000000000000000000000{}", URLHINT).from_hex().unwrap()),
impl ContractClient for FakeRegistrar {
fn registrar(&self) -> Result<Address, String> {
fn call(&self, address: Address, data: Bytes) -> BoxFuture<Bytes, String> {
self.calls.lock().push((address.to_hex(), data.to_hex()));
let res = self.responses.lock().remove(0);
fn should_call_registrar_and_urlhint_contracts() {
// given
let registrar = FakeRegistrar::new();
let resolve_result = {
use ethabi::{Encoder, Token};
Encoder::encode(vec![Token::String(String::new()), Token::FixedBytes(vec![0; 20]), Token::Address([0; 20])])
registrar.responses.lock()[1] = Ok(resolve_result);
let calls = registrar.calls.clone();
let urlhint = URLHintContract::new(Arc::new(registrar));
// when
let res = urlhint.resolve("test".bytes().collect()).wait().unwrap();
let calls = calls.lock();
let call0 = calls.get(0).expect("Registrar resolve called");
let call1 = calls.get(1).expect("URLHint Resolve called");
// then
assert_eq!(call0.0, REGISTRAR);
assert_eq!(call1.0, URLHINT);
fn should_decode_urlhint_output() {
// given
let mut registrar = FakeRegistrar::new();
registrar.responses = Mutex::new(vec![
Ok(format!("000000000000000000000000{}", URLHINT).from_hex().unwrap()),
let urlhint = URLHintContract::new(Arc::new(registrar));
// when
let res = urlhint.resolve("test".bytes().collect()).wait().unwrap();
// then
assert_eq!(res, Some(URLHintResult::Dapp(GithubApp {
account: "ethcore".into(),
repo: "dao.claim".into(),
commit: GithubApp::commit(&"ec4c1fe06c808fe3739858c347109b1f5f1ed4b5".from_hex().unwrap()).unwrap(),
owner: Address::from_str("deadcafebeefbeefcafedeaddeedfeedffffffff").unwrap(),
fn should_decode_urlhint_content_output() {
// given
let mut registrar = FakeRegistrar::new();
registrar.responses = Mutex::new(vec![
Ok(format!("000000000000000000000000{}", URLHINT).from_hex().unwrap()),
let urlhint = URLHintContract::new(Arc::new(registrar));
// when
let res = urlhint.resolve("test".bytes().collect()).wait().unwrap();
// then
assert_eq!(res, Some(URLHintResult::Content(Content {
url: "https://parity.io/assets/images/ethcore-black-horizontal.png".into(),
mime: mime!(Image/Png),
owner: Address::from_str("deadcafebeefbeefcafedeaddeedfeedffffffff").unwrap(),
fn should_return_valid_url() {
// given
let app = GithubApp {
account: "test".into(),
repo: "xyz".into(),
commit: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19],
owner: Address::default(),
// when
let url = app.url();
// then
assert_eq!(url, "https://codeload.github.com/test/xyz/zip/000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f10111213".to_owned());
fn should_guess_mime_type_from_url() {
let url1 = "https://parity.io/parity";
let url2 = "https://parity.io/parity#content-type=image/png";
let url3 = "https://parity.io/parity#something&content-type=image/png";
let url4 = "https://parity.io/parity.png#content-type=image/jpeg";
let url5 = "https://parity.io/parity.png";
assert_eq!(guess_mime_type(url1), None);
assert_eq!(guess_mime_type(url2), Some(mime!(Image/Png)));
assert_eq!(guess_mime_type(url3), Some(mime!(Image/Png)));
assert_eq!(guess_mime_type(url4), Some(mime!(Image/Jpeg)));
assert_eq!(guess_mime_type(url5), Some(mime!(Image/Png)));