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// Copyright 2015-2020 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// This file is part of OpenEthereum.
// OpenEthereum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// OpenEthereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with OpenEthereum. If not, see <>.
//! Traits implemented by client.
use std::{collections::BTreeMap, sync::Arc};
use blockchain::{BlockReceipts, TreeRoute};
use bytes::Bytes;
use call_contract::{CallContract, RegistryInfo};
use ethcore_miner::pool::VerifiedTransaction;
use ethereum_types::{Address, H256, U256};
use evm::Schedule;
use itertools::Itertools;
use kvdb::DBValue;
use types::{
trace_filter::Filter as TraceFilter,
transaction::{self, Action, LocalizedTransaction, SignedTransaction, TypedTxId},
use vm::LastHashes;
use block::{ClosedBlock, OpenBlock, SealedBlock};
use client::Mode;
use engines::EthEngine;
use error::{Error, EthcoreResult};
use executed::CallError;
use executive::Executed;
use state::StateInfo;
use trace::LocalizedTrace;
use verification::queue::{kind::blocks::Unverified, QueueInfo as BlockQueueInfo};
/// State information to be used during client query
pub enum StateOrBlock {
/// State to be used, may be pending
State(Box<dyn StateInfo>),
/// Id of an existing block from a chain to get state from
impl<S: StateInfo + 'static> From<S> for StateOrBlock {
fn from(info: S) -> StateOrBlock {
StateOrBlock::State(Box::new(info) as Box<_>)
impl From<Box<dyn StateInfo>> for StateOrBlock {
fn from(info: Box<dyn StateInfo>) -> StateOrBlock {
impl From<BlockId> for StateOrBlock {
fn from(id: BlockId) -> StateOrBlock {
/// Provides `nonce` and `latest_nonce` methods
pub trait Nonce {
/// Attempt to get address nonce at given block.
/// May not fail on BlockId::Latest.
fn nonce(&self, address: &Address, id: BlockId) -> Option<U256>;
/// Get address nonce at the latest block's state.
fn latest_nonce(&self, address: &Address) -> U256 {
self.nonce(address, BlockId::Latest).expect(
"nonce will return Some when given BlockId::Latest. nonce was given BlockId::Latest. \
Therefore nonce has returned Some; qed",
/// Provides `balance` and `latest_balance` methods
pub trait Balance {
/// Get address balance at the given block's state.
/// May not return None if given BlockId::Latest.
/// Returns None if and only if the block's root hash has been pruned from the DB.
fn balance(&self, address: &Address, state: StateOrBlock) -> Option<U256>;
/// Get address balance at the latest block's state.
fn latest_balance(&self, address: &Address) -> U256 {
self.balance(address, BlockId::Latest.into()).expect(
"balance will return Some if given BlockId::Latest. balance was given BlockId::Latest \
Therefore balance has returned Some; qed",
/// Provides methods to access account info
pub trait AccountData: Nonce + Balance {}
/// Provides `chain_info` method
pub trait ChainInfo {
/// Get blockchain information.
fn chain_info(&self) -> BlockChainInfo;
/// Provides various information on a block by it's ID
pub trait BlockInfo {
/// Get raw block header data by block id.
fn block_header(&self, id: BlockId) -> Option<encoded::Header>;
/// Get the best block header.
fn best_block_header(&self) -> Header;
/// Get raw block data by block header hash.
fn block(&self, id: BlockId) -> Option<encoded::Block>;
/// Get address code hash at given block's state.
fn code_hash(&self, address: &Address, id: BlockId) -> Option<H256>;
/// Provides various information on a transaction by it's ID
pub trait TransactionInfo {
/// Get the hash of block that contains the transaction, if any.
fn transaction_block(&self, id: TransactionId) -> Option<H256>;
/// Provides methods to access chain state
pub trait StateClient {
/// Type representing chain state
type State: StateInfo;
/// Get a copy of the best block's state and header.
fn latest_state_and_header(&self) -> (Self::State, Header);
/// Attempt to get a copy of a specific block's final state.
/// This will not fail if given BlockId::Latest.
/// Otherwise, this can fail (but may not) if the DB prunes state or the block
/// is unknown.
fn state_at(&self, id: BlockId) -> Option<Self::State>;
/// Provides various blockchain information, like block header, chain state etc.
pub trait BlockChain: ChainInfo + BlockInfo + TransactionInfo {}
// FIXME Why these methods belong to BlockChainClient and not MiningBlockChainClient?
/// Provides methods to import block into blockchain
pub trait ImportBlock {
/// Import a block into the blockchain.
fn import_block(&self, block: Unverified) -> EthcoreResult<H256>;
/// Provides `call` and `call_many` methods
pub trait Call {
/// Type representing chain state
type State: StateInfo;
/// Makes a non-persistent transaction call.
fn call(
tx: &SignedTransaction,
analytics: CallAnalytics,
state: &mut Self::State,
header: &Header,
) -> Result<Executed, CallError>;
/// Makes multiple non-persistent but dependent transaction calls.
/// Returns a vector of successes or a failure if any of the transaction fails.
fn call_many(
txs: &[(SignedTransaction, CallAnalytics)],
state: &mut Self::State,
header: &Header,
) -> Result<Vec<Executed>, CallError>;
/// Estimates how much gas will be necessary for a call.
fn estimate_gas(
t: &SignedTransaction,
state: &Self::State,
header: &Header,
) -> Result<U256, CallError>;
/// Provides `engine` method
pub trait EngineInfo {
/// Get underlying engine object
fn engine(&self) -> &dyn EthEngine;
/// IO operations that should off-load heavy work to another thread.
pub trait IoClient: Sync + Send {
/// Queue transactions for importing.
fn queue_transactions(&self, transactions: Vec<Bytes>, peer_id: usize);
/// Queue block import with transaction receipts. Does no sealing and transaction validation.
fn queue_ancient_block(
block_bytes: Unverified,
receipts_bytes: Bytes,
) -> EthcoreResult<H256>;
/// Return percentage of how full is queue that handles ancient blocks. 0 if empty, 1 if full.
fn ancient_block_queue_fullness(&self) -> f32;
/// Queue conensus engine message.
fn queue_consensus_message(&self, message: Bytes);
/// Provides recently seen bad blocks.
pub trait BadBlocks {
/// Returns a list of blocks that were recently not imported because they were invalid.
fn bad_blocks(&self) -> Vec<(Unverified, String)>;
/// Blockchain database client. Owns and manages a blockchain and a block queue.
pub trait BlockChainClient:
+ Send
+ AccountData
+ BlockChain
+ CallContract
+ RegistryInfo
+ ImportBlock
+ IoClient
+ BadBlocks
/// Look up the block number for the given block ID.
fn block_number(&self, id: BlockId) -> Option<BlockNumber>;
/// Get raw block body data by block id.
/// Block body is an RLP list of two items: uncles and transactions.
fn block_body(&self, id: BlockId) -> Option<encoded::Body>;
/// Get block status by block header hash.
fn block_status(&self, id: BlockId) -> BlockStatus;
/// Get block total difficulty.
fn block_total_difficulty(&self, id: BlockId) -> Option<U256>;
/// Attempt to get address storage root at given block.
/// May not fail on BlockId::Latest.
fn storage_root(&self, address: &Address, id: BlockId) -> Option<H256>;
/// Get block hash.
fn block_hash(&self, id: BlockId) -> Option<H256>;
/// Get address code at given block's state.
fn code(&self, address: &Address, state: StateOrBlock) -> Option<Option<Bytes>>;
/// Get address code at the latest block's state.
fn latest_code(&self, address: &Address) -> Option<Bytes> {
self.code(address, BlockId::Latest.into())
.expect("code will return Some if given BlockId::Latest; qed")
/// Returns true if the given block is known and in the canon chain.
fn is_canon(&self, hash: &H256) -> bool;
/// Get address code hash at given block's state.
/// Get value of the storage at given position at the given block's state.
/// May not return None if given BlockId::Latest.
/// Returns None if and only if the block's root hash has been pruned from the DB.
fn storage_at(&self, address: &Address, position: &H256, state: StateOrBlock) -> Option<H256>;
/// Get value of the storage at given position at the latest block's state.
fn latest_storage_at(&self, address: &Address, position: &H256) -> H256 {
self.storage_at(address, position, BlockId::Latest.into())
.expect("storage_at will return Some if given BlockId::Latest. storage_at was given BlockId::Latest. \
Therefore storage_at has returned Some; qed")
/// Get a list of all accounts in the block `id`, if fat DB is in operation, otherwise `None`.
/// If `after` is set the list starts with the following item.
fn list_accounts(
id: BlockId,
after: Option<&Address>,
count: u64,
) -> Option<Vec<Address>>;
/// Get a list of all storage keys in the block `id`, if fat DB is in operation, otherwise `None`.
/// If `after` is set the list starts with the following item.
fn list_storage(
id: BlockId,
account: &Address,
after: Option<&H256>,
count: u64,
) -> Option<Vec<H256>>;
/// Get transaction with given hash.
fn block_transaction(&self, id: TransactionId) -> Option<LocalizedTransaction>;
/// Get pool transaction with a given hash.
fn queued_transaction(&self, hash: H256) -> Option<Arc<VerifiedTransaction>>;
/// Get uncle with given id.
fn uncle(&self, id: UncleId) -> Option<encoded::Header>;
/// Get transaction receipt with given hash.
fn transaction_receipt(&self, id: TransactionId) -> Option<LocalizedReceipt>;
/// Get localized receipts for all transaction in given block.
fn localized_block_receipts(&self, id: BlockId) -> Option<Vec<LocalizedReceipt>>;
/// Get a tree route between `from` and `to`.
/// See `BlockChain::tree_route`.
fn tree_route(&self, from: &H256, to: &H256) -> Option<TreeRoute>;
/// Get all possible uncle hashes for a block.
fn find_uncles(&self, hash: &H256) -> Option<Vec<H256>>;
/// Get latest state node
fn state_data(&self, hash: &H256) -> Option<Bytes>;
/// Get block receipts data by block header hash.
fn block_receipts(&self, hash: &H256) -> Option<BlockReceipts>;
/// Get block queue information.
fn queue_info(&self) -> BlockQueueInfo;
/// Returns true if block queue is empty.
fn is_queue_empty(&self) -> bool {
/// Clear block queue and abort all import activity.
fn clear_queue(&self);
/// Get the registrar address, if it exists.
fn additional_params(&self) -> BTreeMap<String, String>;
/// Returns logs matching given filter. If one of the filtering block cannot be found, returns the block id that caused the error.
fn logs(&self, filter: Filter) -> Result<Vec<LocalizedLogEntry>, BlockId>;
/// Replays a given transaction for inspection.
fn replay(&self, t: TransactionId, analytics: CallAnalytics) -> Result<Executed, CallError>;
/// Replays all the transactions in a given block for inspection.
fn replay_block_transactions(
block: BlockId,
analytics: CallAnalytics,
) -> Result<Box<dyn Iterator<Item = (H256, Executed)>>, CallError>;
/// Returns traces matching given filter.
fn filter_traces(&self, filter: TraceFilter) -> Option<Vec<LocalizedTrace>>;
/// Returns trace with given id.
fn trace(&self, trace: TraceId) -> Option<LocalizedTrace>;
/// Returns traces created by transaction.
fn transaction_traces(&self, trace: TransactionId) -> Option<Vec<LocalizedTrace>>;
/// Returns traces created by transaction from block.
fn block_traces(&self, trace: BlockId) -> Option<Vec<LocalizedTrace>>;
/// Get last hashes starting from best block.
fn last_hashes(&self) -> LastHashes;
/// List all ready transactions that should be propagated to other peers.
fn transactions_to_propagate(&self) -> Vec<Arc<VerifiedTransaction>>;
/// Sorted list of transaction gas prices from at least last sample_size blocks.
fn gas_price_corpus(&self, sample_size: usize) -> ::stats::Corpus<U256> {
let mut h = self.chain_info().best_block_hash;
let mut corpus = Vec::new();
while corpus.is_empty() {
for _ in 0..sample_size {
let block = match self.block(BlockId::Hash(h)) {
Some(block) => block,
None => return corpus.into(),
if block.number() == 0 {
return corpus.into();
block.transaction_views().iter().foreach(|t| {
match t.transaction_type() {
TypedTxId::Legacy => None,
TypedTxId::AccessList => None,
TypedTxId::EIP1559Transaction => Some(block.header().base_fee()),
h = block.parent_hash().clone();
/// Sorted list of transaction priority gas prices from at least last sample_size blocks.
fn priority_gas_price_corpus(
sample_size: usize,
eip1559_transition: BlockNumber,
) -> ::stats::Corpus<U256> {
let mut h = self.chain_info().best_block_hash;
let mut corpus = Vec::new();
while corpus.is_empty() {
for _ in 0..sample_size {
let block = match self.block(BlockId::Hash(h)) {
Some(block) => block,
None => return corpus.into(),
if block.number() == 0 || block.number() < eip1559_transition {
return corpus.into();
|t| t.gas_price() > 0.into(), /* filter zero cost transactions */
.foreach(|t| {
// As block.number() >= eip_1559_transition, the base_fee should exist
h = block.parent_hash().clone();
/// Get the preferred chain ID to sign on
fn signing_chain_id(&self) -> Option<u64>;
/// Get the mode.
fn mode(&self) -> Mode;
/// Set the mode.
fn set_mode(&self, mode: Mode);
/// Get the chain spec name.
fn spec_name(&self) -> String;
/// Set the chain via a spec name.
fn set_spec_name(&self, spec_name: String) -> Result<(), ()>;
/// Disable the client from importing blocks. This cannot be undone in this session and indicates
/// that a subsystem has reason to believe this executable incapable of syncing the chain.
fn disable(&self);
/// Returns engine-related extra info for `BlockId`.
fn block_extra_info(&self, id: BlockId) -> Option<BTreeMap<String, String>>;
/// Returns engine-related extra info for `UncleId`.
fn uncle_extra_info(&self, id: UncleId) -> Option<BTreeMap<String, String>>;
/// Returns information about pruning/data availability.
fn pruning_info(&self) -> PruningInfo;
/// Returns a transaction signed with the key configured in the engine signer.
fn create_transaction(
tx_request: TransactionRequest,
) -> Result<SignedTransaction, transaction::Error>;
/// Schedule state-altering transaction to be executed on the next pending
/// block with the given gas and nonce parameters.
fn transact(&self, tx_request: TransactionRequest) -> Result<(), transaction::Error>;
/// Get the address of the registry itself.
fn registrar_address(&self) -> Option<Address>;
/// Returns true, if underlying import queue is processing possible fork at the moment
fn is_processing_fork(&self) -> bool;
/// The data required for a `Client` to create a transaction.
/// Gas limit, gas price, or nonce can be set explicitly, e.g. to create service
/// transactions with zero gas price, or sequences of transactions with consecutive nonces.
/// Added for AuRa needs.
pub struct TransactionRequest {
/// Transaction action
pub action: Action,
/// Transaction data
pub data: Bytes,
/// Transaction gas usage
pub gas: Option<U256>,
/// Transaction gas price
pub gas_price: Option<U256>,
/// Transaction nonce
pub nonce: Option<U256>,
impl TransactionRequest {
/// Creates a request to call a contract at `address` with the specified call data.
pub fn call(address: Address, data: Bytes) -> TransactionRequest {
TransactionRequest {
action: Action::Call(address),
gas: None,
gas_price: None,
nonce: None,
/// Sets a gas limit. If this is not specified, a sensible default is used.
pub fn gas(mut self, gas: U256) -> TransactionRequest {
self.gas = Some(gas);
/// Sets a gas price. If this is not specified or `None`, a sensible default is used.
pub fn gas_price<T: Into<Option<U256>>>(mut self, gas_price: T) -> TransactionRequest {
self.gas_price = gas_price.into();
/// Sets a nonce. If this is not specified, the appropriate latest nonce for the author is used.
pub fn nonce(mut self, nonce: U256) -> TransactionRequest {
self.nonce = Some(nonce);
/// Provides `reopen_block` method
pub trait ReopenBlock {
/// Reopens an OpenBlock and updates uncles.
fn reopen_block(&self, block: ClosedBlock) -> OpenBlock;
/// Provides `prepare_open_block` method
pub trait PrepareOpenBlock {
/// Returns OpenBlock prepared for closing.
fn prepare_open_block(
author: Address,
gas_range_target: (U256, U256),
extra_data: Bytes,
) -> Result<OpenBlock, Error>;
/// Provides methods used for sealing new state
pub trait BlockProducer: PrepareOpenBlock + ReopenBlock {}
/// Provides `latest_schedule` method
pub trait ScheduleInfo {
/// Returns latest schedule.
fn latest_schedule(&self) -> Schedule;
///Provides `import_sealed_block` method
pub trait ImportSealedBlock {
/// Import sealed block. Skips all verifications.
fn import_sealed_block(&self, block: SealedBlock) -> EthcoreResult<H256>;
/// Provides `broadcast_proposal_block` method
pub trait BroadcastProposalBlock {
/// Broadcast a block proposal.
fn broadcast_proposal_block(&self, block: SealedBlock);
/// Provides methods to import sealed block and broadcast a block proposal
pub trait SealedBlockImporter: ImportSealedBlock + BroadcastProposalBlock {}
/// Do we want to force update sealing?
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub enum ForceUpdateSealing {
/// Ideally you want to use `No` at all times as `Yes` skips `reseal_required` checks.
/// Don't skip `reseal_required` checks
/// Client facilities used by internally sealing Engines.
pub trait EngineClient: Sync + Send + ChainInfo {
/// Make a new block and seal it.
fn update_sealing(&self, force: ForceUpdateSealing);
/// Submit a seal for a block in the mining queue.
fn submit_seal(&self, block_hash: H256, seal: Vec<Bytes>);
/// Broadcast a consensus message to the network.
fn broadcast_consensus_message(&self, message: Bytes);
/// Get the transition to the epoch the given parent hash is part of
/// or transitions to.
/// This will give the epoch that any children of this parent belong to.
/// The block corresponding the the parent hash must be stored already.
fn epoch_transition_for(&self, parent_hash: H256) -> Option<::engines::EpochTransition>;
/// Attempt to cast the engine client to a full client.
fn as_full_client(&self) -> Option<&dyn BlockChainClient>;
/// Get a block number by ID.
fn block_number(&self, id: BlockId) -> Option<BlockNumber>;
/// Get raw block header data by block id.
fn block_header(&self, id: BlockId) -> Option<encoded::Header>;
/// Extended client interface for providing proofs of the state.
pub trait ProvingBlockChainClient: BlockChainClient {
/// Prove account storage at a specific block id.
/// Both provided keys assume a secure trie.
/// Returns a vector of raw trie nodes (in order from the root) proving the storage query.
fn prove_storage(&self, key1: H256, key2: H256, id: BlockId) -> Option<(Vec<Bytes>, H256)>;
/// Prove account existence at a specific block id.
/// The key is the keccak hash of the account's address.
/// Returns a vector of raw trie nodes (in order from the root) proving the query.
fn prove_account(&self, key1: H256, id: BlockId) -> Option<(Vec<Bytes>, BasicAccount)>;
/// Prove execution of a transaction at the given block.
/// Returns the output of the call and a vector of database items necessary
/// to reproduce it.
fn prove_transaction(
transaction: SignedTransaction,
id: BlockId,
) -> Option<(Bytes, Vec<DBValue>)>;
/// Get an epoch change signal by block hash.
fn epoch_signal(&self, hash: H256) -> Option<Vec<u8>>;
/// resets the blockchain
pub trait BlockChainReset {
/// reset to best_block - n
fn reset(&self, num: u32) -> Result<(), String>;
/// Provides a method for importing/exporting blocks
pub trait ImportExportBlocks {
/// Export blocks to destination, with the given from, to and format argument.
/// destination could be a file or stdout.
/// If the format is hex, each block is written on a new line.
/// For binary exports, all block data is written to the same line.
fn export_blocks<'a>(
destination: Box<dyn std::io::Write + 'a>,
from: BlockId,
to: BlockId,
format: Option<DataFormat>,
) -> Result<(), String>;
/// Import blocks from destination, with the given format argument
/// Source could be a file or stdout.
/// For hex format imports, it attempts to read the blocks on a line by line basis.
/// For binary format imports, reads the 8 byte RLP header in order to decode the block
/// length to be read.
fn import_blocks<'a>(
source: Box<dyn std::io::Read + 'a>,
format: Option<DataFormat>,
) -> Result<(), String>;