André Silva cc44ae9cb5 [beta] Backports (#8916)
* `duration_ns: u64 -> duration: Duration` (#8457)

* duration_ns: u64 -> duration: Duration

* format on millis {:.2} -> {}

* Keep all enacted blocks notify in order (#8524)

* Keep all enacted blocks notify in order

* Collect is unnecessary

* Update ChainNotify to use ChainRouteType

* Fix all ethcore fn defs

* Wrap the type within ChainRoute

* Fix private-tx and sync api

* Fix secret_store API

* Fix updater API

* Fix rpc api

* Fix informant api

* Eagerly cache enacted/retracted and remove contain_enacted/retracted

* Fix indent

* tests: should use full expr form for struct constructor

* Use into_enacted_retracted to further avoid copy

* typo: not a function

* rpc/tests: ChainRoute -> ChainRoute::new

* Handle removed logs in filter changes and add geth compatibility field (#8796)

* Add removed geth compatibility field in log

* Fix mocked tests

* Add field block hash in PollFilter

* Store last block hash info for log filters

* Implement canon route

* Use canon logs for fetching reorg logs

Light client removed logs fetching is disabled. It looks expensive.

* Make sure removed flag is set

* Address grumbles

* Fixed AuthorityRound deadlock on shutdown, closes #8088 (#8803)

* CI: Fix docker tags (#8822)

* scripts: enable docker builds for beta and stable

* scripts: docker latest should be beta not master

* scripts: docker latest is master

* ethcore: fix ancient block error msg handling (#8832)

* Disable parallel verification and skip verifiying already imported txs. (#8834)

* Reject transactions that are already in pool without verifying them.

* Avoid verifying already imported transactions.

* Fix concurrent access to signer queue (#8854)

* Fix concurrent access to signer queue

* Put request back to the queue if confirmation failed

* typo: fix docs and rename functions to be more specific

`request_notify` does not need to be public, and it's renamed to `notify_result`.
`notify` is renamed to `notify_message`.

* Change trace info "Transaction" -> "Request"

* Don't allocate in expect_valid_rlp unless necessary (#8867)

* don't allocate via format! in case there's no error

* fix test?

* fixed ipc leak, closes #8774 (#8876)

* Add new ovh bootnodes and fix port for foundation bootnode 3.2 (#8886)

* Add new ovh bootnodes and fix port for foundation bootnode 3.2

* Remove old bootnodes.

* Remove duplicate 1118980bf48b0a3640bdba04e0fe78b1add18e1cd99bf22d53daac1fd9972ad650df52176e7c7d89d1114cfef2bc23a2959aa54998a46afcf7d91809f0855082

* Block 0 is valid in queries (#8891)

Early exit for block nr 0 leads to spurious error about pruning: `…your node is running with state pruning…`.

Fixes #7547, #8762

* Add ETC Cooperative-run load balanced parity node (#8892)

* Minor fix in chain supplier and light provider (#8906)

* fix chain supplier increment

* fix light provider block_headers

* Check whether we need resealing in miner and unwrap has_account in account_provider (#8853)

* Remove unused Result wrap in has_account

* Check whether we need to reseal for external transactions

* Fix reference to has_account interface

* typo: missing )

* Refactor duplicates to prepare_and_update_sealing

* Fix build

* Allow disabling local-by-default for transactions with new config entry (#8882)

* Add tx_queue_allow_unknown_local config option

- Previous commit messages:

dispatcher checks if we have the sender account

Add `tx_queue_allow_unknown_local` to MinerOptions

Add `tx_queue_allow_unknown_local` to config

fix order in MinerOptions to match Configuration

add cli flag for tx_queue_allow_unknown_local

Update refs to `tx_queue_allow_unknown_local`

Add tx_queue_allow_unknown_local to config test

revert changes to dispatcher

Move tx_queue_allow_unknown_local to `import_own_transaction`

Fix var name

if statement should return the values

derp de derp derp derp semicolons

Reset dispatch file to how it was before

fix compile issues + change from FLAG to ARG

add test and use `into`

import MinerOptions, clone the secret

Fix tests?

Compiler/linter issues fixed

Fix linter msg - case of constants


refactor to omit yucky explict return

update comments

Fix based on diff AccountProvider.has_account method

* Refactor flag name + don't change import_own_tx behaviour

fix arg name

Note: force commit to try and get gitlab tests working again 😠

* Add fn to TestMinerService

* Avoid race condition from trusted sources

- refactor the miner tests a bit to cut down on code reuse
- add `trusted` param to dispatch_transaction and import_claimed_local_transaction

Add param to `import_claimed_local_transaction`

Fix fn sig in tests
2018-06-19 10:41:14 +02:00

315 lines
9.3 KiB

// Copyright 2015-2017 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// This file is part of Parity.
// Parity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Parity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Parity. If not, see <>.
//! Eth PUB-SUB rpc implementation.
use std::sync::{Arc, Weak};
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use std::time::Duration;
use jsonrpc_core::{BoxFuture, Result, Error};
use jsonrpc_core::futures::{self, Future, IntoFuture};
use jsonrpc_macros::Trailing;
use jsonrpc_macros::pubsub::{Sink, Subscriber};
use jsonrpc_pubsub::SubscriptionId;
use v1::helpers::{errors, limit_logs, Subscribers};
use v1::helpers::light_fetch::LightFetch;
use v1::metadata::Metadata;
use v1::traits::EthPubSub;
use v1::types::{pubsub, RichHeader, Log};
use ethcore::encoded;
use ethcore::filter::Filter as EthFilter;
use ethcore::client::{BlockChainClient, ChainNotify, ChainRoute, ChainRouteType, BlockId};
use sync::LightSync;
use light::cache::Cache;
use light::on_demand::OnDemand;
use light::client::{LightChainClient, LightChainNotify};
use parity_reactor::Remote;
use ethereum_types::H256;
use bytes::Bytes;
use parking_lot::{RwLock, Mutex};
type Client = Sink<pubsub::Result>;
/// Eth PubSub implementation.
pub struct EthPubSubClient<C> {
handler: Arc<ChainNotificationHandler<C>>,
heads_subscribers: Arc<RwLock<Subscribers<Client>>>,
logs_subscribers: Arc<RwLock<Subscribers<(Client, EthFilter)>>>,
transactions_subscribers: Arc<RwLock<Subscribers<Client>>>,
impl<C> EthPubSubClient<C> {
/// Creates new `EthPubSubClient`.
pub fn new(client: Arc<C>, remote: Remote) -> Self {
let heads_subscribers = Arc::new(RwLock::new(Subscribers::default()));
let logs_subscribers = Arc::new(RwLock::new(Subscribers::default()));
let transactions_subscribers = Arc::new(RwLock::new(Subscribers::default()));
EthPubSubClient {
handler: Arc::new(ChainNotificationHandler {
heads_subscribers: heads_subscribers.clone(),
logs_subscribers: logs_subscribers.clone(),
transactions_subscribers: transactions_subscribers.clone(),
/// Creates new `EthPubSubCient` with deterministic subscription ids.
pub fn new_test(client: Arc<C>, remote: Remote) -> Self {
let client = Self::new(client, remote);
*client.heads_subscribers.write() = Subscribers::new_test();
*client.logs_subscribers.write() = Subscribers::new_test();
*client.transactions_subscribers.write() = Subscribers::new_test();
/// Returns a chain notification handler.
pub fn handler(&self) -> Weak<ChainNotificationHandler<C>> {
impl EthPubSubClient<LightFetch> {
/// Creates a new `EthPubSubClient` for `LightClient`.
pub fn light(
client: Arc<LightChainClient>,
on_demand: Arc<OnDemand>,
sync: Arc<LightSync>,
cache: Arc<Mutex<Cache>>,
remote: Remote,
gas_price_percentile: usize,
) -> Self {
let fetch = LightFetch {
EthPubSubClient::new(Arc::new(fetch), remote)
/// PubSub Notification handler.
pub struct ChainNotificationHandler<C> {
client: Arc<C>,
remote: Remote,
heads_subscribers: Arc<RwLock<Subscribers<Client>>>,
logs_subscribers: Arc<RwLock<Subscribers<(Client, EthFilter)>>>,
transactions_subscribers: Arc<RwLock<Subscribers<Client>>>,
impl<C> ChainNotificationHandler<C> {
fn notify(remote: &Remote, subscriber: &Client, result: pubsub::Result) {
.map(|_| ())
.map_err(|e| warn!(target: "rpc", "Unable to send notification: {}", e))
fn notify_heads(&self, headers: &[(encoded::Header, BTreeMap<String, String>)]) {
for subscriber in {
for &(ref header, ref extra_info) in headers {
Self::notify(&self.remote, subscriber, pubsub::Result::Header(RichHeader {
inner: header.into(),
extra_info: extra_info.clone(),
fn notify_logs<F, T, Ex>(&self, enacted: &[(H256, Ex)], logs: F) where
F: Fn(EthFilter, &Ex) -> T,
Ex: Send,
T: IntoFuture<Item = Vec<Log>, Error = Error>,
T::Future: Send + 'static,
for &(ref subscriber, ref filter) in {
let logs = futures::future::join_all(enacted
.map(|&(hash, ref ex)| {
let mut filter = filter.clone();
filter.from_block = BlockId::Hash(hash);
filter.to_block = filter.from_block.clone();
logs(filter, ex).into_future()
let limit = filter.limit;
let remote = self.remote.clone();
let subscriber = subscriber.clone();
.map(move |logs| {
let logs = logs.into_iter().flat_map(|log| log).collect();
for log in limit_logs(logs, limit) {
Self::notify(&remote, &subscriber, pubsub::Result::Log(log))
.map_err(|e| warn!("Unable to fetch latest logs: {:?}", e))
/// Notify all subscribers about new transaction hashes.
pub fn new_transactions(&self, hashes: &[H256]) {
for subscriber in {
for hash in hashes {
Self::notify(&self.remote, subscriber, pubsub::Result::TransactionHash((*hash).into()));
/// A light client wrapper struct.
pub trait LightClient: Send + Sync {
/// Get a recent block header.
fn block_header(&self, id: BlockId) -> Option<encoded::Header>;
/// Fetch logs.
fn logs(&self, filter: EthFilter) -> BoxFuture<Vec<Log>>;
impl LightClient for LightFetch {
fn block_header(&self, id: BlockId) -> Option<encoded::Header> {
fn logs(&self, filter: EthFilter) -> BoxFuture<Vec<Log>> {
LightFetch::logs(self, filter)
impl<C: LightClient> LightChainNotify for ChainNotificationHandler<C> {
fn new_headers(
enacted: &[H256],
) {
let headers = enacted
.filter_map(|hash| self.client.block_header(BlockId::Hash(*hash)))
.map(|header| (header, Default::default()))
self.notify_logs(&enacted.iter().map(|h| (*h, ())).collect::<Vec<_>>(), |filter, _| self.client.logs(filter))
impl<C: BlockChainClient> ChainNotify for ChainNotificationHandler<C> {
fn new_blocks(
_imported: Vec<H256>,
_invalid: Vec<H256>,
route: ChainRoute,
_sealed: Vec<H256>,
// Block bytes.
_proposed: Vec<Bytes>,
_duration: Duration,
) {
const EXTRA_INFO_PROOF: &'static str = "Object exists in in blockchain (fetched earlier), extra_info is always available if object exists; qed";
let headers = route.route()
.filter_map(|&(hash, ref typ)| {
match typ {
&ChainRouteType::Retracted => None,
&ChainRouteType::Enacted => self.client.block_header(BlockId::Hash(hash))
.map(|header| {
let hash = header.hash();
(header, self.client.block_extra_info(BlockId::Hash(hash)).expect(EXTRA_INFO_PROOF))
// Headers
// We notify logs enacting and retracting as the order in route.
self.notify_logs(route.route(), |filter, ex| {
match ex {
&ChainRouteType::Enacted =>
&ChainRouteType::Retracted =>
Ok(self.client.logs(filter).into_iter().map(Into::into).map(|mut log: Log| {
log.log_type = "removed".into();
log.removed = true;
impl<C: Send + Sync + 'static> EthPubSub for EthPubSubClient<C> {
type Metadata = Metadata;
fn subscribe(
_meta: Metadata,
subscriber: Subscriber<pubsub::Result>,
kind: pubsub::Kind,
params: Trailing<pubsub::Params>,
) {
let error = match (kind, params.into()) {
(pubsub::Kind::NewHeads, None) => {
(pubsub::Kind::NewHeads, _) => {
errors::invalid_params("newHeads", "Expected no parameters.")
(pubsub::Kind::Logs, Some(pubsub::Params::Logs(filter))) => {
self.logs_subscribers.write().push(subscriber, filter.into());
(pubsub::Kind::Logs, _) => {
errors::invalid_params("logs", "Expected a filter object.")
(pubsub::Kind::NewPendingTransactions, None) => {
(pubsub::Kind::NewPendingTransactions, _) => {
errors::invalid_params("newPendingTransactions", "Expected no parameters.")
_ => {
let _ = subscriber.reject(error);
fn unsubscribe(&self, id: SubscriptionId) -> Result<bool> {
let res = self.heads_subscribers.write().remove(&id).is_some();
let res2 = self.logs_subscribers.write().remove(&id).is_some();
let res3 = self.transactions_subscribers.write().remove(&id).is_some();
Ok(res || res2 || res3)