* Verify private transaction before propagating * Private transactions queue reworked with tx pool queue direct usage * Styling fixed * Prevent resending private packets to the sender * Process signed private transaction packets via io queue * Test fixed * Build and test fixed after merge * Comments after review fixed * Signed transaction taken from verified * Fix after merge * Pool scoring generalized in order to use externally * Lib refactored according to the review comments * Ready state refactored * Redundant bound and copying removed * Fixed build after the merge * Forgotten case reworked * Review comments fixed * Logging reworked, target added * Fix after merge
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210 lines
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// Copyright 2015-2018 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// This file is part of Parity.
// Parity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Parity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Parity. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
use ethereum_types::Address;
use rlp::DecoderError;
use ethtrie::TrieError;
use ethcore::account_provider::SignError;
use ethcore::error::{Error as EthcoreError, ExecutionError};
use transaction::Error as TransactionError;
use ethkey::Error as KeyError;
use txpool::Error as TxPoolError;
error_chain! {
foreign_links {
Io(::std::io::Error) #[doc = "Error concerning the Rust standard library's IO subsystem."];
Decoder(DecoderError) #[doc = "RLP decoding error."];
Trie(TrieError) #[doc = "Error concerning TrieDBs."];
Txpool(TxPoolError) #[doc = "Tx pool error."];
errors {
#[doc = "Encryption error."]
Encrypt(err: String) {
description("Encryption error"),
display("Encryption error. ({})", err),
#[doc = "Decryption error."]
Decrypt(err: String) {
description("Decryption error"),
display("Decryption error. ({})", err),
#[doc = "Address not authorized."]
NotAuthorised(address: Address) {
description("Address not authorized"),
display("Private transaction execution is not authorised for {}", address),
#[doc = "Transaction creates more than one contract."]
TooManyContracts {
description("Transaction creates more than one contract."),
display("Private transaction created too many contracts"),
#[doc = "Contract call error."]
Call(err: String) {
description("Contract call error."),
display("Contract call error. ({})", err),
#[doc = "State is not available."]
StatePruned {
description("State is not available."),
display("State is not available"),
#[doc = "State is incorrect."]
StateIncorrect {
description("State is incorrect."),
display("State is incorrect"),
#[doc = "Wrong private transaction type."]
BadTransactonType {
description("Wrong private transaction type."),
display("Wrong private transaction type"),
#[doc = "Contract does not exist or was not created."]
ContractDoesNotExist {
description("Contract does not exist or was not created."),
display("Contract does not exist or was not created"),
#[doc = "Reference to the client is corrupted."]
ClientIsMalformed {
description("Reference to the client is corrupted."),
display("Reference to the client is corrupted"),
#[doc = "Queue of private transactions for verification is full."]
QueueIsFull {
description("Queue of private transactions for verification is full."),
display("Queue of private transactions for verification is full"),
#[doc = "The transaction already exists in queue of private transactions."]
PrivateTransactionAlreadyImported {
description("The transaction already exists in queue of private transactions."),
display("The transaction already exists in queue of private transactions."),
#[doc = "The information about private transaction is not found in the store."]
PrivateTransactionNotFound {
description("The information about private transaction is not found in the store."),
display("The information about private transaction is not found in the store."),
#[doc = "Account for signing public transactions not set."]
SignerAccountNotSet {
description("Account for signing public transactions not set."),
display("Account for signing public transactions not set."),
#[doc = "Account for validating private transactions not set."]
ValidatorAccountNotSet {
description("Account for validating private transactions not set."),
display("Account for validating private transactions not set."),
#[doc = "Account for signing requests to key server not set."]
KeyServerAccountNotSet {
description("Account for signing requests to key server not set."),
display("Account for signing requests to key server not set."),
#[doc = "Encryption key is not found on key server."]
EncryptionKeyNotFound(address: Address) {
description("Encryption key is not found on key server"),
display("Encryption key is not found on key server for {}", address),
#[doc = "Key server URL is not set."]
KeyServerNotSet {
description("Key server URL is not set."),
display("Key server URL is not set."),
#[doc = "VM execution error."]
Execution(err: ExecutionError) {
description("VM execution error."),
display("VM execution error {}", err),
#[doc = "General signing error."]
Key(err: KeyError) {
description("General signing error."),
display("General signing error {}", err),
#[doc = "Account provider signing error."]
Sign(err: SignError) {
description("Account provider signing error."),
display("Account provider signing error {}", err),
#[doc = "Error of transactions processing."]
Transaction(err: TransactionError) {
description("Error of transactions processing."),
display("Error of transactions processing {}", err),
#[doc = "General ethcore error."]
Ethcore(err: EthcoreError) {
description("General ethcore error."),
display("General ethcore error {}", err),
impl From<SignError> for Error {
fn from(err: SignError) -> Self {
impl From<KeyError> for Error {
fn from(err: KeyError) -> Self {
impl From<ExecutionError> for Error {
fn from(err: ExecutionError) -> Self {
impl From<TransactionError> for Error {
fn from(err: TransactionError) -> Self {
impl From<EthcoreError> for Error {
fn from(err: EthcoreError) -> Self {
impl<E> From<Box<E>> for Error where Error: From<E> {
fn from(err: Box<E>) -> Error {