455 lines
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455 lines
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// Copyright 2015-2020 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// This file is part of Open Ethereum.
// Open Ethereum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Open Ethereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Open Ethereum. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, AtomicBool, Ordering as AtomicOrdering};
use std::time::{Instant, Duration};
use ansi_term::Colour::{White, Yellow, Green, Cyan, Blue};
use ansi_term::{Colour, Style};
use atty;
use ethcore::client::Client;
use client_traits::{BlockInfo, ChainInfo, BlockChainClient, ChainNotify};
use types::{
verification::VerificationQueueInfo as BlockQueueInfo,
use snapshot::SnapshotService as SS;
use snapshot::service::Service as SnapshotService;
use sync::{LightSyncProvider, LightSync, SyncProvider, ManageNetwork};
use io::{TimerToken, IoContext, IoHandler};
use light::Cache as LightDataCache;
use light::client::{LightChainClient, LightChainNotify};
use number_prefix::{binary_prefix, Standalone, Prefixed};
use parity_rpc::is_major_importing_or_waiting;
use parity_rpc::informant::RpcStats;
use ethereum_types::H256;
use parking_lot::{RwLock, Mutex};
/// Format byte counts to standard denominations.
pub fn format_bytes(b: u64) -> String {
match binary_prefix(b as f64) {
Standalone(bytes) => format!("{} bytes", bytes),
Prefixed(prefix, n) => format!("{:.0} {}B", n, prefix),
struct CacheSizes {
sizes: ::std::collections::BTreeMap<&'static str, usize>,
impl CacheSizes {
fn insert(&mut self, key: &'static str, bytes: usize) {
self.sizes.insert(key, bytes);
fn display<F>(&self, style: Style, paint: F) -> String
where F: Fn(Style, String) -> String
use std::fmt::Write;
let mut buf = String::new();
for (name, size) in &self.sizes {
write!(buf, " {:>8} {}", paint(style, format_bytes(*size as u64)), name)
.expect("writing to string won't fail unless OOM; qed")
pub struct SyncInfo {
last_imported_block_number: BlockNumber,
last_imported_old_block_number: Option<BlockNumber>,
num_peers: usize,
max_peers: u32,
snapshot_sync: bool,
pub struct Report {
importing: bool,
chain_info: BlockChainInfo,
client_report: ClientReport,
queue_info: BlockQueueInfo,
cache_sizes: CacheSizes,
sync_info: Option<SyncInfo>,
/// Something which can provide data to the informant.
pub trait InformantData: Send + Sync {
/// Whether it executes transactions
fn executes_transactions(&self) -> bool;
/// Whether it is currently importing (also included in `Report`)
fn is_major_importing(&self) -> bool;
/// Generate a report of blockchain status, memory usage, and sync info.
fn report(&self) -> Report;
/// Informant data for a full node.
pub struct FullNodeInformantData {
pub client: Arc<Client>,
pub sync: Option<Arc<dyn SyncProvider>>,
pub net: Option<Arc<dyn ManageNetwork>>,
impl InformantData for FullNodeInformantData {
fn executes_transactions(&self) -> bool { true }
fn is_major_importing(&self) -> bool {
let state = self.sync.as_ref().map(|sync| sync.status().state);
is_major_importing_or_waiting(state, self.client.queue_info(), false)
fn report(&self) -> Report {
let (client_report, queue_info, blockchain_cache_info) =
(self.client.report(), self.client.queue_info(), self.client.blockchain_cache_info());
let chain_info = self.client.chain_info();
let mut cache_sizes = CacheSizes::default();
cache_sizes.insert("db", client_report.state_db_mem);
cache_sizes.insert("queue", queue_info.mem_used);
cache_sizes.insert("chain", blockchain_cache_info.total());
let importing = self.is_major_importing();
let sync_info = match (self.sync.as_ref(), self.net.as_ref()) {
(Some(sync), Some(net)) => {
let status = sync.status();
let num_peers_range = net.num_peers_range();
debug_assert!(num_peers_range.end() >= num_peers_range.start());
cache_sizes.insert("sync", status.mem_used);
Some(SyncInfo {
last_imported_block_number: status.last_imported_block_number.unwrap_or(chain_info.best_block_number),
last_imported_old_block_number: status.last_imported_old_block_number,
num_peers: status.num_peers,
max_peers: status.current_max_peers(*num_peers_range.start(), *num_peers_range.end()),
snapshot_sync: status.is_snapshot_syncing(),
_ => None
Report {
/// Informant data for a light node -- note that the network is required.
pub struct LightNodeInformantData {
pub client: Arc<dyn LightChainClient>,
pub sync: Arc<LightSync>,
pub cache: Arc<Mutex<LightDataCache>>,
impl InformantData for LightNodeInformantData {
fn executes_transactions(&self) -> bool { false }
fn is_major_importing(&self) -> bool {
fn report(&self) -> Report {
let (client_report, queue_info, chain_info) =
(self.client.report(), self.client.queue_info(), self.client.chain_info());
let mut cache_sizes = CacheSizes::default();
cache_sizes.insert("queue", queue_info.mem_used);
cache_sizes.insert("cache", self.cache.lock().mem_used());
let peer_numbers = self.sync.peer_numbers();
let sync_info = Some(SyncInfo {
last_imported_block_number: chain_info.best_block_number,
last_imported_old_block_number: None,
num_peers: peer_numbers.connected,
max_peers: peer_numbers.max as u32,
snapshot_sync: false,
Report {
importing: self.sync.is_major_importing(),
pub struct Informant<T> {
last_tick: RwLock<Instant>,
with_color: bool,
target: T,
snapshot: Option<Arc<SnapshotService<Client>>>,
rpc_stats: Option<Arc<RpcStats>>,
last_import: Mutex<Instant>,
skipped: AtomicUsize,
skipped_txs: AtomicUsize,
in_shutdown: AtomicBool,
last_report: Mutex<ClientReport>,
impl<T: InformantData> Informant<T> {
/// Make a new instance potentially `with_color` output.
pub fn new(
target: T,
snapshot: Option<Arc<SnapshotService<Client>>>,
rpc_stats: Option<Arc<RpcStats>>,
with_color: bool,
) -> Self {
Informant {
last_tick: RwLock::new(Instant::now()),
last_import: Mutex::new(Instant::now()),
skipped: AtomicUsize::new(0),
skipped_txs: AtomicUsize::new(0),
in_shutdown: AtomicBool::new(false),
last_report: Mutex::new(Default::default()),
/// Signal that we're shutting down; no more output necessary.
pub fn shutdown(&self) {
self.in_shutdown.store(true, ::std::sync::atomic::Ordering::SeqCst);
pub fn tick(&self) {
let now = Instant::now();
let elapsed = now.duration_since(*self.last_tick.read());
let (client_report, full_report) = {
let last_report = self.last_report.lock();
let full_report = self.target.report();
let diffed = full_report.client_report.clone() - &*last_report;
(diffed, full_report)
let Report {
} = full_report;
let rpc_stats = self.rpc_stats.as_ref();
let snapshot_sync = sync_info.as_ref().map_or(false, |s| s.snapshot_sync) && self.snapshot.as_ref().map_or(false, |s|
match s.status() {
RestorationStatus::Ongoing { .. } | RestorationStatus::Initializing { .. } => true,
_ => false,
if !importing && !snapshot_sync && elapsed < Duration::from_secs(30) {
*self.last_tick.write() = now;
*self.last_report.lock() = full_report.client_report.clone();
let paint = |c: Style, t: String| match self.with_color && atty::is(atty::Stream::Stdout) {
true => format!("{}", c.paint(t)),
false => t,
info!(target: "import", "{} {} {} {}",
match importing {
true => match snapshot_sync {
false => format!("Syncing {} {} {} {}+{} Qed",
paint(White.bold(), format!("{:>8}", format!("#{}", chain_info.best_block_number))),
paint(White.bold(), format!("{}", chain_info.best_block_hash)),
if self.target.executes_transactions() {
format!("{} blk/s {} tx/s {} Mgas/s",
paint(Yellow.bold(), format!("{:7.2}", (client_report.blocks_imported * 1000) as f64 / elapsed.as_millis() as f64)),
paint(Yellow.bold(), format!("{:6.1}", (client_report.transactions_applied * 1000) as f64 / elapsed.as_millis() as f64)),
paint(Yellow.bold(), format!("{:6.1}", (client_report.gas_processed / 1000).low_u64() as f64 / elapsed.as_millis() as f64))
} else {
format!("{} hdr/s",
paint(Yellow.bold(), format!("{:6.1}", (client_report.blocks_imported * 1000) as f64 / elapsed.as_millis() as f64))
paint(Green.bold(), format!("{:5}", queue_info.unverified_queue_size)),
paint(Green.bold(), format!("{:5}", queue_info.verified_queue_size))
true => {
self.snapshot.as_ref().map_or(String::new(), |s|
match s.status() {
RestorationStatus::Ongoing { state_chunks, block_chunks, state_chunks_done, block_chunks_done } => {
format!("Syncing snapshot {}/{}", state_chunks_done + block_chunks_done, state_chunks + block_chunks)
RestorationStatus::Initializing { chunks_done, state_chunks, block_chunks } => {
let total_chunks = state_chunks + block_chunks;
// Note that the percentage here can be slightly misleading when
// they have chunks already on disk: we'll import the local
// chunks first and then download the rest.
format!("Snapshot initializing ({}/{} chunks restored, {:.0}%)", chunks_done, total_chunks, (chunks_done as f32 / total_chunks as f32) * 100.0)
RestorationStatus::Finalizing => {
format!("Snapshot finalization under way")
_ => String::new(),
false => String::new(),
match sync_info.as_ref() {
Some(ref sync_info) => format!("{}{}/{} peers",
match importing {
true => format!("{}",
if self.target.executes_transactions() {
paint(Green.bold(), format!("{:>8} ", format!("#{}", sync_info.last_imported_block_number)))
} else {
false => match sync_info.last_imported_old_block_number {
Some(number) => format!("{} ", paint(Yellow.bold(), format!("{:>8}", format!("#{}", number)))),
None => String::new(),
paint(Cyan.bold(), format!("{:2}", sync_info.num_peers)),
paint(Cyan.bold(), format!("{:2}", sync_info.max_peers)),
_ => String::new(),
cache_sizes.display(Blue.bold(), &paint),
match rpc_stats {
Some(ref rpc_stats) => format!(
"RPC: {} conn, {} req/s, {} µs",
paint(Blue.bold(), format!("{:2}", rpc_stats.sessions())),
paint(Blue.bold(), format!("{:4}", rpc_stats.requests_rate())),
paint(Blue.bold(), format!("{:4}", rpc_stats.approximated_roundtrip())),
_ => String::new(),
impl ChainNotify for Informant<FullNodeInformantData> {
fn new_blocks(&self, new_blocks: NewBlocks) {
if new_blocks.has_more_blocks_to_import { return }
let mut last_import = self.last_import.lock();
let client = &self.target.client;
let importing = self.target.is_major_importing();
let ripe = Instant::now() > *last_import + Duration::from_secs(1) && !importing;
let txs_imported = new_blocks.imported.iter()
.take(new_blocks.imported.len().saturating_sub(if ripe { 1 } else { 0 }))
.filter_map(|h| client.block(BlockId::Hash(*h)))
.map(|b| b.transactions_count())
if ripe {
if let Some(block) = new_blocks.imported.last().and_then(|h| client.block(BlockId::Hash(*h))) {
let header_view = block.header_view();
let size = block.rlp().as_raw().len();
let (skipped, skipped_txs) = (self.skipped.load(AtomicOrdering::Relaxed) + new_blocks.imported.len() - 1, self.skipped_txs.load(AtomicOrdering::Relaxed) + txs_imported);
info!(target: "import", "Imported {} {} ({} txs, {} Mgas, {} ms, {} KiB){}",
Colour::White.bold().paint(format!("#{}", header_view.number())),
Colour::White.bold().paint(format!("{}", header_view.hash())),
Colour::Yellow.bold().paint(format!("{}", block.transactions_count())),
Colour::Yellow.bold().paint(format!("{:.2}", header_view.gas_used().low_u64() as f32 / 1000000f32)),
Colour::Purple.bold().paint(format!("{}", new_blocks.duration.as_millis())),
Colour::Blue.bold().paint(format!("{:.2}", size as f32 / 1024f32)),
if skipped > 0 {
format!(" + another {} block(s) containing {} tx(s)",
Colour::Red.bold().paint(format!("{}", skipped)),
Colour::Red.bold().paint(format!("{}", skipped_txs))
} else {
self.skipped.store(0, AtomicOrdering::Relaxed);
self.skipped_txs.store(0, AtomicOrdering::Relaxed);
*last_import = Instant::now();
} else {
self.skipped.fetch_add(new_blocks.imported.len(), AtomicOrdering::Relaxed);
self.skipped_txs.fetch_add(txs_imported, AtomicOrdering::Relaxed);
impl LightChainNotify for Informant<LightNodeInformantData> {
fn new_headers(&self, good: &[H256]) {
let mut last_import = self.last_import.lock();
let client = &self.target.client;
let importing = self.target.is_major_importing();
let ripe = Instant::now() > *last_import + Duration::from_secs(1) && !importing;
if ripe {
if let Some(header) = good.last().and_then(|h| client.block_header(BlockId::Hash(*h))) {
info!(target: "import", "Imported {} {} ({} Mgas){}",
Colour::White.bold().paint(format!("#{}", header.number())),
Colour::White.bold().paint(format!("{}", header.hash())),
Colour::Yellow.bold().paint(format!("{:.2}", header.gas_used().low_u64() as f32 / 1000000f32)),
if good.len() > 1 {
format!(" + another {} header(s)",
Colour::Red.bold().paint(format!("{}", good.len() - 1)))
} else {
*last_import = Instant::now();
const INFO_TIMER: TimerToken = 0;
impl<T, C> IoHandler<ClientIoMessage<C>> for Informant<T>
T: InformantData,
C: client_traits::Tick + 'static,
fn initialize(&self, io: &IoContext<ClientIoMessage<C>>) {
io.register_timer(INFO_TIMER, Duration::from_secs(5)).expect("Error registering timer");
fn timeout(&self, _io: &IoContext<ClientIoMessage<C>>, timer: TimerToken) {
if timer == INFO_TIMER && !self.in_shutdown.load(AtomicOrdering::SeqCst) {