Tomasz Drwięga bad735a8e6 Separating
2016-04-21 15:41:25 +02:00

224 lines
10 KiB

// Copyright 2015, 2016 Ethcore (UK) Ltd.
// This file is part of Parity.
// Parity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Parity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Parity. If not, see <>.
use util::version;
pub const USAGE: &'static str = r#"
Parity. Ethereum Client.
By Wood/Paronyan/Kotewicz/Drwięga/Volf.
Copyright 2015, 2016 Ethcore (UK) Limited
parity daemon <pid-file> [options]
parity account (new | list) [options]
parity [options]
Protocol Options:
--chain CHAIN Specify the blockchain type. CHAIN may be either a
JSON chain specification file or olympic, frontier,
homestead, mainnet, morden, or testnet
[default: homestead].
-d --db-path PATH Specify the database & configuration directory path
[default: $HOME/.parity].
--keys-path PATH Specify the path for JSON key files to be found
[default: $HOME/.parity/keys].
--identity NAME Specify your node's name.
Account Options:
--unlock ACCOUNTS Unlock ACCOUNTS for the duration of the execution.
ACCOUNTS is a comma-delimited list of addresses.
--password FILE Provide a file containing a password for unlocking
an account.
Networking Options:
--port PORT Override the port on which the node should listen
[default: 30303].
--peers NUM Try to maintain that many peers [default: 25].
--nat METHOD Specify method to use for determining public
address. Must be one of: any, none, upnp,
extip:<IP> [default: any].
--network-id INDEX Override the network identifier from the chain we
are on.
--bootnodes NODES Override the bootnodes from our chain. NODES should
be comma-delimited enodes.
--no-discovery Disable new peer discovery.
--node-key KEY Specify node secret key, either as 64-character hex
string or input to SHA3 operation.
API and Console Options:
-j --jsonrpc Enable the JSON-RPC API server.
--jsonrpc-port PORT Specify the port portion of the JSONRPC API server
[default: 8545].
--jsonrpc-interface IP Specify the hostname portion of the JSONRPC API
server, IP should be an interface's IP address, or
all (all interfaces) or local [default: local].
--jsonrpc-cors URL Specify CORS header for JSON-RPC API responses.
--jsonrpc-apis APIS Specify the APIs available through the JSONRPC
interface. APIS is a comma-delimited list of API
name. Possible name are web3, eth and net.
[default: web3,eth,net,personal,ethcore].
-w --webapp Enable the web applications server (e.g.
status page).
--webapp-port PORT Specify the port portion of the WebApps server
[default: 8080].
--webapp-interface IP Specify the hostname portion of the WebApps
server, IP should be an interface's IP address, or
all (all interfaces) or local [default: local].
--webapp-user USERNAME Specify username for WebApps server. It will be
used in HTTP Basic Authentication Scheme.
If --webapp-pass is not specified you will be
asked for password on startup.
--webapp-pass PASSWORD Specify password for WebApps server. Use only in
conjunction with --webapp-user.
Sealing/Mining Options:
--force-sealing Force the node to author new blocks as if it were
always sealing/mining.
--usd-per-tx USD Amount of USD to be paid for a basic transaction
[default: 0.005]. The minimum gas price is set
--usd-per-eth SOURCE USD value of a single ETH. SOURCE may be either an
amount in USD or a web service [default: etherscan].
--gas-floor-target GAS Amount of gas per block to target when sealing a new
block [default: 4712388].
--author ADDRESS Specify the block author (aka "coinbase") address
for sending block rewards from sealed blocks
[default: 0037a6b811ffeb6e072da21179d11b1406371c63].
--extra-data STRING Specify a custom extra-data for authored blocks, no
more than 32 characters.
--tx-limit LIMIT Limit of transactions kept in the queue (waiting to
be included in next block) [default: 1024].
Footprint Options:
--pruning METHOD Configure pruning of the state/storage trie. METHOD
may be one of auto, archive, basic, fast, light:
archive - keep all state trie data. No pruning.
basic - reference count in disk DB. Slow but light.
fast - maintain journal overlay. Fast but 50MB used.
light - early merges with partial tracking. Fast
and light. Experimental!
auto - use the method most recently synced or
default to archive if none synced [default: auto].
--cache-pref-size BYTES Specify the prefered size of the blockchain cache in
bytes [default: 16384].
--cache-max-size BYTES Specify the maximum size of the blockchain cache in
bytes [default: 262144].
--queue-max-size BYTES Specify the maximum size of memory to use for block
queue [default: 52428800].
--cache MEGABYTES Set total amount of discretionary memory to use for
the entire system, overrides other cache and queue
Geth-compatibility Options:
--datadir PATH Equivalent to --db-path PATH.
--testnet Equivalent to --chain testnet.
--networkid INDEX Equivalent to --network-id INDEX.
--maxpeers COUNT Equivalent to --peers COUNT.
--nodekey KEY Equivalent to --node-key KEY.
--nodiscover Equivalent to --no-discovery.
--rpc Equivalent to --jsonrpc.
--rpcaddr IP Equivalent to --jsonrpc-interface IP.
--rpcport PORT Equivalent to --jsonrpc-port PORT.
--rpcapi APIS Equivalent to --jsonrpc-apis APIS.
--rpccorsdomain URL Equivalent to --jsonrpc-cors URL.
--gasprice WEI Minimum amount of Wei per GAS to be paid for a
transaction to be accepted for mining. Overrides
--etherbase ADDRESS Equivalent to --author ADDRESS.
--extradata STRING Equivalent to --extra-data STRING.
Miscellaneous Options:
-l --logging LOGGING Specify the logging level. Must conform to the same
format as RUST_LOG.
-v --version Show information about version.
-h --help Show this screen.
#[derive(Debug, RustcDecodable)]
pub struct Args {
pub cmd_daemon: bool,
pub cmd_account: bool,
pub cmd_new: bool,
pub cmd_list: bool,
pub arg_pid_file: String,
pub flag_chain: String,
pub flag_db_path: String,
pub flag_identity: String,
pub flag_unlock: Option<String>,
pub flag_password: Vec<String>,
pub flag_cache: Option<usize>,
pub flag_keys_path: String,
pub flag_bootnodes: Option<String>,
pub flag_network_id: Option<String>,
pub flag_pruning: String,
pub flag_port: u16,
pub flag_peers: usize,
pub flag_no_discovery: bool,
pub flag_nat: String,
pub flag_node_key: Option<String>,
pub flag_cache_pref_size: usize,
pub flag_cache_max_size: usize,
pub flag_queue_max_size: usize,
pub flag_jsonrpc: bool,
pub flag_jsonrpc_interface: String,
pub flag_jsonrpc_port: u16,
pub flag_jsonrpc_cors: Option<String>,
pub flag_jsonrpc_apis: String,
pub flag_webapp: bool,
pub flag_webapp_port: u16,
pub flag_webapp_interface: String,
pub flag_webapp_user: Option<String>,
pub flag_webapp_pass: Option<String>,
pub flag_force_sealing: bool,
pub flag_author: String,
pub flag_usd_per_tx: String,
pub flag_usd_per_eth: String,
pub flag_gas_floor_target: String,
pub flag_extra_data: Option<String>,
pub flag_tx_limit: usize,
pub flag_logging: Option<String>,
pub flag_version: bool,
// geth-compatibility...
pub flag_nodekey: Option<String>,
pub flag_nodiscover: bool,
pub flag_maxpeers: Option<usize>,
pub flag_datadir: Option<String>,
pub flag_extradata: Option<String>,
pub flag_etherbase: Option<String>,
pub flag_gasprice: Option<String>,
pub flag_rpc: bool,
pub flag_rpcaddr: Option<String>,
pub flag_rpcport: Option<u16>,
pub flag_rpccorsdomain: Option<String>,
pub flag_rpcapi: Option<String>,
pub flag_testnet: bool,
pub flag_networkid: Option<String>,
pub fn print_version() {
version {}
Copyright 2015, 2016 Ethcore (UK) Limited
License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <>.
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
By Wood/Paronyan/Kotewicz/Drwięga/Volf.\
", version());