* Start removing duplicated functionality (v1 inside v2) * Update compilation targets * Update locks * Fix js-old build * Update with removed extra references * Adapt dev.{parity,web3}.html for extra debug info * Update dependencies * Remove Tooltips * Update dependencies * Only inject window.ethereum once * Fix versions to 2.0.x for @parity libraries * Update to @parity/api 2.1.x * Update for @parity/api 2.1.x * Freeze signer plugin dependency hashes * Fix lint * Move local account handling from API * Update for 2.2.x @parity/{shared,ui} * Update API references for middleware * Install updated dependencies * Update for build * Always do local builds for development * Remove unused hasAccounts property * Fix Windows build for js-old * Adjust inclusing rules to be Windows friendly * Explicitly add --config option to webpack * Add process.env.EMBED flag for Windows compatability * Revert embed flag * Fix build * Merge changes from beta * Update packages after merge * Update Accounts from beta * Update with beta * Remove upgrade check * Fix CI build script execution * Make rm -rf commands cross-platform * Remove ability to deploy wallets (only watch) * Update path references for js-old (Windows) * Render local dapps first * Cleanup dependencies
214 lines
6.4 KiB
214 lines
6.4 KiB
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"author": "Parity Team <admin@parity.io>",
"maintainers": [
"Jaco Greeff",
"Nicolas Gotchac"
"contributors": [
"Jannis Redmann"
"license": "GPL-3.0",
"repository": {
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"url": "git+https://github.com/paritytech/parity.git"
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