* Add Progress to Snapshot Secondary chunks creation * Use half of CPUs to multithread snapshot creation * Use env var to define number of threads * info to debug logs * Add Snapshot threads as CLI option * Randomize chunks per thread * Remove randomness, add debugging * Add warning * Add tracing * Use parity-common fix seek branch * Fix log * Fix tests * Fix tests * PR Grumbles * PR Grumble II * Update Cargo.lock * PR Grumbles * Default snapshot threads to half number of CPUs * Fix default snapshot threads // min 1
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// Copyright 2015-2018 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// This file is part of Parity.
// Parity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Parity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Parity. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
//! Secondary chunk creation and restoration, implementation for proof-of-authority
//! based engines.
//! The chunks here contain state proofs of transitions, along with validator proofs.
use super::{SnapshotComponents, Rebuilder, ChunkSink};
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering};
use std::sync::Arc;
use blockchain::{BlockChain, BlockChainDB, BlockProvider};
use engines::{EthEngine, EpochVerifier, EpochTransition};
use machine::EthereumMachine;
use ids::BlockId;
use header::Header;
use receipt::Receipt;
use snapshot::{Error, ManifestData, Progress};
use itertools::{Position, Itertools};
use rlp::{RlpStream, Rlp};
use ethereum_types::{H256, U256};
use kvdb::KeyValueDB;
use bytes::Bytes;
use encoded;
/// Snapshot creation and restoration for PoA chains.
/// Chunk format:
/// [FLAG, [header, epoch data], ...]
/// - Header data at which transition occurred,
/// - epoch data (usually list of validators and proof of change)
/// FLAG is a bool: true for last chunk, false otherwise.
/// The last item of the last chunk will be a list containing data for the warp target block:
/// [header, transactions, uncles, receipts, parent_td].
pub struct PoaSnapshot;
impl SnapshotComponents for PoaSnapshot {
fn chunk_all(
&mut self,
chain: &BlockChain,
block_at: H256,
sink: &mut ChunkSink,
_progress: &Progress,
preferred_size: usize,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
let number = chain.block_number(&block_at)
.ok_or_else(|| Error::InvalidStartingBlock(BlockId::Hash(block_at)))?;
let mut pending_size = 0;
let mut rlps = Vec::new();
for (_, transition) in chain.epoch_transitions()
.take_while(|&(_, ref t)| t.block_number <= number)
// this can happen when our starting block is non-canonical.
if transition.block_number == number && transition.block_hash != block_at {
let header = chain.block_header_data(&transition.block_hash)
let entry = {
let mut entry_stream = RlpStream::new_list(2);
.append_raw(&header.into_inner(), 1)
// cut of the chunk if too large.
let new_loaded_size = pending_size + entry.len();
pending_size = if new_loaded_size > preferred_size && !rlps.is_empty() {
write_chunk(false, &mut rlps, sink)?;
} else {
let (block, receipts) = chain.block(&block_at)
.and_then(|b| chain.block_receipts(&block_at).map(|r| (b, r)))
let block = block.decode()?;
let parent_td = chain.block_details(block.header.parent_hash())
.map(|d| d.total_difficulty)
let mut stream = RlpStream::new_list(5);
write_chunk(true, &mut rlps, sink)?;
fn rebuilder(
chain: BlockChain,
db: Arc<BlockChainDB>,
manifest: &ManifestData,
) -> Result<Box<Rebuilder>, ::error::Error> {
Ok(Box::new(ChunkRebuilder {
manifest: manifest.clone(),
warp_target: None,
chain: chain,
db: db.key_value().clone(),
had_genesis: false,
unverified_firsts: Vec::new(),
last_epochs: Vec::new(),
fn min_supported_version(&self) -> u64 { 3 }
fn current_version(&self) -> u64 { 3 }
// writes a chunk composed of the inner RLPs here.
// flag indicates whether the chunk is the last chunk.
fn write_chunk(last: bool, chunk_data: &mut Vec<Bytes>, sink: &mut ChunkSink) -> Result<(), Error> {
let mut stream = RlpStream::new_list(1 + chunk_data.len());
for item in chunk_data.drain(..) {
stream.append_raw(&item, 1);
// rebuilder checks state proofs for all transitions, and checks that each
// transition header is verifiable from the epoch data of the one prior.
struct ChunkRebuilder {
manifest: ManifestData,
warp_target: Option<Header>,
chain: BlockChain,
db: Arc<KeyValueDB>,
had_genesis: bool,
// sorted vectors of unverified first blocks in a chunk
// and epoch data from last blocks in chunks.
// verification for these will be done at the end.
unverified_firsts: Vec<(Header, Bytes, H256)>,
last_epochs: Vec<(Header, Box<EpochVerifier<EthereumMachine>>)>,
// verified data.
struct Verified {
epoch_transition: EpochTransition,
header: Header,
impl ChunkRebuilder {
fn verify_transition(
&mut self,
last_verifier: &mut Option<Box<EpochVerifier<EthereumMachine>>>,
transition_rlp: Rlp,
engine: &EthEngine,
) -> Result<Verified, ::error::Error> {
use engines::ConstructedVerifier;
// decode.
let header: Header = transition_rlp.val_at(0)?;
let epoch_data: Bytes = transition_rlp.val_at(1)?;
trace!(target: "snapshot", "verifying transition to epoch at block {}", header.number());
// check current transition against validators of last epoch.
let new_verifier = match engine.epoch_verifier(&header, &epoch_data) {
ConstructedVerifier::Trusted(v) => v,
ConstructedVerifier::Unconfirmed(v, finality_proof, hash) => {
match *last_verifier {
Some(ref last) =>
if last.check_finality_proof(finality_proof).map_or(true, |hashes| !hashes.contains(&hash))
return Err(Error::BadEpochProof(header.number()).into());
None if header.number() != 0 => {
// genesis never requires additional validation.
let idx = self.unverified_firsts
.binary_search_by_key(&header.number(), |&(ref h, _, _)| h.number())
.unwrap_or_else(|x| x);
let entry = (header.clone(), finality_proof.to_owned(), hash);
self.unverified_firsts.insert(idx, entry);
None => {}
ConstructedVerifier::Err(e) => return Err(e),
// create new epoch verifier.
*last_verifier = Some(new_verifier);
Ok(Verified {
epoch_transition: EpochTransition {
block_hash: header.hash(),
block_number: header.number(),
proof: epoch_data,
header: header,
impl Rebuilder for ChunkRebuilder {
fn feed(
&mut self,
chunk: &[u8],
engine: &EthEngine,
abort_flag: &AtomicBool,
) -> Result<(), ::error::Error> {
let rlp = Rlp::new(chunk);
let is_last_chunk: bool = rlp.val_at(0)?;
let num_items = rlp.item_count()?;
// number of transitions in the chunk.
let num_transitions = if is_last_chunk {
num_items - 2
} else {
num_items - 1
if num_transitions == 0 && !is_last_chunk {
return Err(Error::WrongChunkFormat("Found non-last chunk without any data.".into()).into());
let mut last_verifier = None;
let mut last_number = None;
for transition_rlp in rlp.iter().skip(1).take(num_transitions).with_position() {
if !abort_flag.load(Ordering::SeqCst) { return Err(Error::RestorationAborted.into()) }
let (is_first, is_last) = match transition_rlp {
Position::First(_) => (true, false),
Position::Middle(_) => (false, false),
Position::Last(_) => (false, true),
Position::Only(_) => (true, true),
let transition_rlp = transition_rlp.into_inner();
let verified = self.verify_transition(
&mut last_verifier,
if last_number.map_or(false, |num| verified.header.number() <= num) {
return Err(Error::WrongChunkFormat("Later epoch transition in earlier or same block.".into()).into());
last_number = Some(verified.header.number());
// book-keep borders for verification later.
if is_first {
// make sure the genesis transition was included,
// but it doesn't need verification later.
if verified.header.number() == 0 {
if verified.header.hash() != self.chain.genesis_hash() {
return Err(Error::WrongBlockHash(0, verified.header.hash(), self.chain.genesis_hash()).into());
self.had_genesis = true;
if is_last {
let idx = self.last_epochs
.binary_search_by_key(&verified.header.number(), |&(ref h, _)| h.number())
.unwrap_or_else(|x| x);
let entry = (
last_verifier.take().expect("last_verifier always set after verify_transition; qed"),
self.last_epochs.insert(idx, entry);
// write epoch transition into database.
let mut batch = self.db.transaction();
self.chain.insert_epoch_transition(&mut batch, verified.header.number(),
trace!(target: "snapshot", "Verified epoch transition for epoch at block {}", verified.header.number());
if is_last_chunk {
use block::Block;
let last_rlp = rlp.at(num_items - 1)?;
let block = Block {
header: last_rlp.val_at(0)?,
transactions: last_rlp.list_at(1)?,
uncles: last_rlp.list_at(2)?,
let block_data = block.rlp_bytes();
let receipts: Vec<Receipt> = last_rlp.list_at(3)?;
let hash = block.header.hash();
let best_hash = self.manifest.block_hash;
if hash != best_hash {
return Err(Error::WrongBlockHash(block.header.number(), best_hash, hash).into())
let parent_td: U256 = last_rlp.val_at(4)?;
let mut batch = self.db.transaction();
self.chain.insert_unordered_block(&mut batch, encoded::Block::new(block_data), receipts, Some(parent_td), true, false);
self.warp_target = Some(block.header);
fn finalize(&mut self, _engine: &EthEngine) -> Result<(), ::error::Error> {
if !self.had_genesis {
return Err(Error::WrongChunkFormat("No genesis transition included.".into()).into());
let target_header = match self.warp_target.take() {
Some(x) => x,
None => return Err(Error::WrongChunkFormat("Warp target block not included.".into()).into()),
// verify the first entries of chunks we couldn't before.
// we store all last verifiers, but not all firsts.
// match each unverified first epoch with a last epoch verifier.
let mut lasts_reversed = self.last_epochs.iter().rev();
for &(ref header, ref finality_proof, hash) in self.unverified_firsts.iter().rev() {
let mut found = false;
while let Some(&(ref last_header, ref last_verifier)) = lasts_reversed.next() {
if last_header.number() < header.number() {
if last_verifier.check_finality_proof(&finality_proof).map_or(true, |hashes| !hashes.contains(&hash)) {
return Err(Error::BadEpochProof(header.number()).into());
found = true;
if !found {
return Err(Error::WrongChunkFormat("Inconsistent chunk ordering.".into()).into());
// verify that the warp target verifies correctly the
// most recent epoch. if the warp target was a transition itself,
// it's already verified and doesn't need any more verification.
let &(ref header, ref last_epoch) = self.last_epochs.last()
.expect("last_epochs known to have at least one element by the check above; qed");
if header != &target_header {