David 73f4564b66
Extract Machine from ethcore (#10949)
* Add client-traits crate
Move the BlockInfo trait to new crate

* New crate `machine`
Contains code extracted from ethcore that defines `Machine`, `Externalities` and other execution related code.

* Use new machine and client-traits crates in ethcore

* Use new crates machine and client-traits instead of ethcore where appropriate

* Fix tests

* Don't re-export so many types from ethcore::client

* Fixing more fallout from removing re-export

* fix test

* More fallout from not re-exporting types

* Add some docs

* cleanup

* import the macro edition style

* Tweak docs

* Add missing import

* remove unused ethabi_derive imports

* Use latest ethabi-contract
2019-08-13 12:33:34 +02:00

104 lines
4.5 KiB

// Copyright 2015-2019 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// This file is part of Parity Ethereum.
// Parity Ethereum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Parity Ethereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Parity Ethereum. If not, see <>.
//! Tests of EVM integration with transaction execution.
use std::sync::Arc;
use hash::keccak;
use vm::{EnvInfo, ActionParams, ActionValue, CallType, ParamsType};
use evm::{Factory, VMType};
use machine::{
use test_helpers::get_temp_state_with_factory;
use trace::{NoopVMTracer, NoopTracer};
use types::transaction::SYSTEM_ADDRESS;
use rustc_hex::FromHex;
use ethereum_types::{H256, Address};
evm_test!{test_blockhash_eip210: test_blockhash_eip210_int}
fn test_blockhash_eip210(factory: Factory) {
let get_prev_hash_code = Arc::new("600143034060205260206020f3".from_hex().unwrap()); // this returns previous block hash
let get_prev_hash_code_hash = keccak(get_prev_hash_code.as_ref());
// This is same as DEFAULT_BLOCKHASH_CONTRACT except for metropolis transition block check removed.
let test_blockhash_contract = "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";
let blockhash_contract_code = Arc::new(test_blockhash_contract.from_hex().unwrap());
let blockhash_contract_code_hash = keccak(blockhash_contract_code.as_ref());
let machine = new_eip210_test_machine();
let mut env_info = EnvInfo::default();
// populate state with 256 last hashes
let mut state = get_temp_state_with_factory(factory);
let contract_address = Address::from_low_u64_be(0xf0);
state.init_code(&contract_address, (*blockhash_contract_code).clone()).unwrap();
for i in 1 .. 257 {
env_info.number = i.into();
let params = ActionParams {
code_address: contract_address.clone(),
address: contract_address,
sender: SYSTEM_ADDRESS.clone(),
origin: SYSTEM_ADDRESS.clone(),
gas: 100000.into(),
gas_price: 0.into(),
value: ActionValue::Transfer(0.into()),
code: Some(blockhash_contract_code.clone()),
code_hash: Some(blockhash_contract_code_hash),
code_version: 0.into(),
data: Some(H256::from_low_u64_be(i - 1).as_bytes().to_vec()),
call_type: CallType::Call,
params_type: ParamsType::Separate,
let schedule = machine.schedule(env_info.number);
let mut ex = Executive::new(&mut state, &env_info, &machine, &schedule);
let mut substate = Substate::new();
if let Err(e) =, &mut substate, &mut NoopTracer, &mut NoopVMTracer) {
panic!("Encountered error on updating last hashes: {}", e);
env_info.number = 256;
let params = ActionParams {
code_address: Address::zero(),
address: Address::zero(),
sender: Address::zero(),
origin: Address::zero(),
gas: 100000.into(),
gas_price: 0.into(),
value: ActionValue::Transfer(0.into()),
code: Some(get_prev_hash_code),
code_hash: Some(get_prev_hash_code_hash),
code_version: 0.into(),
data: None,
call_type: CallType::Call,
params_type: ParamsType::Separate,
let schedule = machine.schedule(env_info.number);
let mut ex = Executive::new(&mut state, &env_info, &machine, &schedule);
let mut substate = Substate::new();
let res =, &mut substate, &mut NoopTracer, &mut NoopVMTracer);
let output = match res {
Ok(res) => H256::from_slice(&res.return_data[..32]),
Err(e) => {
panic!("Encountered error on getting last hash: {}", e);
assert_eq!(output, H256::from_low_u64_be(255));