keorn d3b2bcdd79 Tendermint fixes (#5415)
* more resilience

* refactor commit

* fix proposal broadcast

* list encoding

* address grumbles

* to into
2017-04-10 20:03:18 +02:00

297 lines
7.9 KiB

// Copyright 2015-2017 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// This file is part of Parity.
// Parity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Parity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Parity. If not, see <>.
//! Tendermint message handling.
use util::*;
use super::{Height, View, BlockHash, Step};
use error::Error;
use header::Header;
use rlp::{Rlp, UntrustedRlp, RlpStream, Encodable, Decodable, DecoderError};
use ethkey::{recover, public_to_address};
use super::super::vote_collector::Message;
/// Message transmitted between consensus participants.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Hash, Default)]
pub struct ConsensusMessage {
pub vote_step: VoteStep,
pub block_hash: Option<BlockHash>,
pub signature: H520,
/// Complete step of the consensus process.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Hash)]
pub struct VoteStep {
pub height: Height,
pub view: View,
pub step: Step,
impl VoteStep {
pub fn new(height: Height, view: View, step: Step) -> Self {
VoteStep { height: height, view: view, step: step }
pub fn is_height(&self, height: Height) -> bool {
self.height == height
pub fn is_view(&self, height: Height, view: View) -> bool {
self.height == height && self.view == view
/// Header consensus view.
pub fn consensus_view(header: &Header) -> Result<View, ::rlp::DecoderError> {
let view_rlp = header.seal().get(0).expect("seal passed basic verification; seal has 3 fields; qed");
/// Proposal signature.
pub fn proposal_signature(header: &Header) -> Result<H520, ::rlp::DecoderError> {
UntrustedRlp::new(header.seal().get(1).expect("seal passed basic verification; seal has 3 fields; qed").as_slice()).as_val()
impl Message for ConsensusMessage {
type Round = VoteStep;
fn signature(&self) -> H520 { self.signature }
fn block_hash(&self) -> Option<H256> { self.block_hash }
fn round(&self) -> &VoteStep { &self.vote_step }
fn is_broadcastable(&self) -> bool { self.vote_step.step.is_pre() }
impl ConsensusMessage {
pub fn new(signature: H520, height: Height, view: View, step: Step, block_hash: Option<BlockHash>) -> Self {
ConsensusMessage {
signature: signature,
block_hash: block_hash,
vote_step: VoteStep::new(height, view, step),
pub fn new_proposal(header: &Header) -> Result<Self, ::rlp::DecoderError> {
Ok(ConsensusMessage {
signature: proposal_signature(header)?,
vote_step: VoteStep::new(header.number() as Height, consensus_view(header)?, Step::Propose),
block_hash: Some(header.bare_hash()),
pub fn verify(&self) -> Result<Address, Error> {
let full_rlp = ::rlp::encode(self);
let block_info = Rlp::new(&full_rlp).at(1);
let public_key = recover(&self.signature.into(), &block_info.as_raw().sha3())?;
impl Default for VoteStep {
fn default() -> Self {
VoteStep::new(0, 0, Step::Propose)
impl PartialOrd for VoteStep {
fn partial_cmp(&self, m: &VoteStep) -> Option<Ordering> {
impl Ord for VoteStep {
fn cmp(&self, m: &VoteStep) -> Ordering {
if self.height != m.height {
} else if self.view != m.view {
} else {
impl Step {
fn number(&self) -> u8 {
match *self {
Step::Propose => 0,
Step::Prevote => 1,
Step::Precommit => 2,
Step::Commit => 3,
impl Decodable for Step {
fn decode(rlp: &UntrustedRlp) -> Result<Self, DecoderError> {
match rlp.as_val()? {
0u8 => Ok(Step::Propose),
1 => Ok(Step::Prevote),
2 => Ok(Step::Precommit),
_ => Err(DecoderError::Custom("Invalid step.")),
impl Encodable for Step {
fn rlp_append(&self, s: &mut RlpStream) {
/// (signature, (height, view, step, block_hash))
impl Decodable for ConsensusMessage {
fn decode(rlp: &UntrustedRlp) -> Result<Self, DecoderError> {
let m =;
let block_message: H256 = m.val_at(3)?;
Ok(ConsensusMessage {
vote_step: VoteStep::new(m.val_at(0)?, m.val_at(1)?, m.val_at(2)?),
block_hash: match block_message.is_zero() {
true => None,
false => Some(block_message),
signature: rlp.val_at(0)?,
impl Encodable for ConsensusMessage {
fn rlp_append(&self, s: &mut RlpStream) {
let info = message_info_rlp(&self.vote_step, self.block_hash);
.append_raw(&info, 1);
pub fn message_info_rlp(vote_step: &VoteStep, block_hash: Option<BlockHash>) -> Bytes {
let mut s = RlpStream::new_list(4);
pub fn message_full_rlp(signature: &H520, vote_info: &Bytes) -> Bytes {
let mut s = RlpStream::new_list(2);
s.append(signature).append_raw(vote_info, 1);
pub fn message_hash(vote_step: VoteStep, block_hash: H256) -> H256 {
message_info_rlp(&vote_step, Some(block_hash)).sha3()
mod tests {
use util::*;
use rlp::*;
use ethkey::Secret;
use account_provider::AccountProvider;
use header::Header;
use super::super::Step;
use super::*;
fn encode_step() {
let step = Step::Precommit;
let mut s = RlpStream::new_list(2);
assert!(!s.is_finished(), "List shouldn't finished yet");
assert!(s.is_finished(), "List should be finished now");
fn encode_decode() {
let message = ConsensusMessage {
signature: H520::default(),
vote_step: VoteStep {
height: 10,
view: 123,
step: Step::Precommit,
block_hash: Some("1".sha3())
let raw_rlp = ::rlp::encode(&message).to_vec();
let rlp = Rlp::new(&raw_rlp);
assert_eq!(message, rlp.as_val());
let message = ConsensusMessage {
signature: H520::default(),
vote_step: VoteStep {
height: 1314,
view: 0,
step: Step::Prevote,
block_hash: None
let raw_rlp = ::rlp::encode(&message);
let rlp = Rlp::new(&raw_rlp);
assert_eq!(message, rlp.as_val());
fn generate_and_verify() {
let tap = Arc::new(AccountProvider::transient_provider());
let addr = tap.insert_account(Secret::from_slice(&"0".sha3()).unwrap(), "0").unwrap();
tap.unlock_account_permanently(addr, "0".into()).unwrap();
let mi = message_info_rlp(&VoteStep::new(123, 2, Step::Precommit), Some(H256::default()));
let raw_rlp = message_full_rlp(&tap.sign(addr, None, mi.sha3()).unwrap().into(), &mi);
let rlp = UntrustedRlp::new(&raw_rlp);
let message: ConsensusMessage = rlp.as_val().unwrap();
match message.verify() { Ok(a) if a == addr => {}, _ => panic!(), };
fn proposal_message() {
let mut header = Header::default();
let seal = vec![
let message = ConsensusMessage::new_proposal(&header).unwrap();
ConsensusMessage {
signature: Default::default(),
vote_step: VoteStep {
height: 0,
view: 0,
step: Step::Propose,
block_hash: Some(header.bare_hash())
fn step_ordering() {
assert!(VoteStep::new(10, 123, Step::Precommit) < VoteStep::new(11, 123, Step::Precommit));
assert!(VoteStep::new(10, 123, Step::Propose) < VoteStep::new(11, 123, Step::Precommit));
assert!(VoteStep::new(10, 122, Step::Propose) < VoteStep::new(11, 123, Step::Propose));