809 lines
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809 lines
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// Copyright 2015-2020 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// This file is part of Parity Ethereum.
// Parity Ethereum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Parity Ethereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Parity Ethereum. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
//! Implementation of the Clique PoA Engine.
//! File structure:
//! - mod.rs -> Provides the engine API implementation, with additional block state tracking
//! - block_state.rs -> Records the Clique state for given block.
//! - params.rs -> Contains the parameters for the Clique engine.
//! - step_service.rs -> An event loop to trigger sealing.
//! - util.rs -> Various standalone utility functions.
//! - tests.rs -> Consensus tests as defined in EIP-225.
/// How syncing works:
/// 1. Client will call:
/// - `Clique::verify_block_basic()`
/// - `Clique::verify_block_unordered()`
/// - `Clique::verify_block_family()`
/// 2. Using `Clique::state()` we try and retrieve the parent state. If this isn't found
/// we need to back-fill it from the last known checkpoint.
/// 3. Once we have a good state, we can record it using `CliqueBlockState::apply()`.
/// How sealing works:
/// 1. Set a signer using `Engine::set_signer()`. If a miner account was set up through
/// a config file or CLI flag `MinerService::set_author()` will eventually set the signer
/// 2. We check that the engine is ready for sealing through `Clique::sealing_state()`
/// Note: This is always `SealingState::Ready` for Clique
/// 3. Calling `Clique::new()` will spawn a `StepService` thread. This thread will call `Engine::step()`
/// periodically. Internally, the Clique `step()` function calls `Client::update_sealing()`, which is
/// what makes and seals a block.
/// 4. `Clique::generate_seal()` will then be called by `miner`. This will return a `Seal` which
/// is either a `Seal::None` or `Seal:Regular`. The following shows how a `Seal` variant is chosen:
/// a. We return `Seal::None` if no signer is available or the signer is not authorized.
/// b. If period == 0 and block has transactions, we return `Seal::Regular`, otherwise return `Seal::None`.
/// c. If we're `INTURN`, wait for at least `period` since last block before trying to seal.
/// d. If we're not `INTURN`, we wait for a random amount of time using the algorithm specified
/// in EIP-225 before trying to seal again.
/// 5. Miner will create new block, in process it will call several engine methods to do following:
/// a. `Clique::open_block_header_timestamp()` must set timestamp correctly.
/// b. `Clique::populate_from_parent()` must set difficulty to correct value.
/// Note: `Clique::populate_from_parent()` is used in both the syncing and sealing code paths.
/// 6. We call `Clique::on_seal_block()` which will allow us to modify the block header during seal generation.
/// 7. Finally, `Clique::verify_local_seal()` is called. After this, the syncing code path will be followed
/// in order to import the new block.
use std::{
collections::{HashMap, VecDeque, BTreeMap},
sync::{Arc, Weak},
time::{self, Instant, Duration, SystemTime, UNIX_EPOCH},
use client_traits::{EngineClient, ForceUpdateSealing};
use engine::{
use ethereum_types::{Address, H64, H160, H256, U256};
use parity_crypto::publickey::Signature;
use keccak_hash::KECCAK_EMPTY_LIST_RLP;
use log::{trace, warn};
use lru_cache::LruCache;
use machine::{
use macros::map;
use parking_lot::RwLock;
use rand::Rng;
use unexpected::{Mismatch, OutOfBounds};
use time_utils::CheckedSystemTime;
use common_types::{
errors::{BlockError, EthcoreError as Error, EngineError},
use crate::{
util::{extract_signers, recover_creator},
mod params;
mod block_state;
mod util;
// TODO(niklasad1): extract tester types into a separate mod to be shared in the code base
mod tests;
// Protocol constants
/// Fixed number of extra-data prefix bytes reserved for signer vanity
pub const VANITY_LENGTH: usize = 32;
/// Fixed number of extra-data suffix bytes reserved for signer signature
pub const SIGNATURE_LENGTH: usize = 65;
/// Address length of signer
pub const ADDRESS_LENGTH: usize = 20;
/// Nonce value for DROP vote
pub const NONCE_DROP_VOTE: H64 = H64([0; 8]);
/// Nonce value for AUTH vote
pub const NONCE_AUTH_VOTE: H64 = H64([0xff; 8]);
/// Difficulty for INTURN block
pub const DIFF_INTURN: U256 = U256([2, 0, 0, 0]);
/// Difficulty for NOTURN block
pub const DIFF_NOTURN: U256 = U256([1, 0, 0, 0]);
/// Default empty author field value
pub const NULL_AUTHOR: Address = H160([0x00; 20]);
/// Default empty nonce value
/// Default value for mixhash
pub const NULL_MIXHASH: H256 = H256([0; 32]);
/// Default value for uncles hash
/// Default noturn block wiggle factor defined in spec.
pub const SIGNING_DELAY_NOTURN_MS: u64 = 500;
/// How many CliqueBlockState to cache in the memory.
pub const STATE_CACHE_NUM: usize = 128;
/// Vote to add or remove the beneficiary
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
pub enum VoteType {
impl VoteType {
/// Try to construct a `Vote` from a nonce
pub fn from_nonce(nonce: H64) -> Result<Self, Error> {
if nonce == NONCE_AUTH_VOTE {
} else if nonce == NONCE_DROP_VOTE {
} else {
/// Get the rlp encoding of the vote
pub fn as_rlp(&self) -> Vec<Vec<u8>> {
match self {
VoteType::Add => vec![rlp::encode(&NULL_MIXHASH), rlp::encode(&NONCE_AUTH_VOTE)],
VoteType::Remove => vec![rlp::encode(&NULL_MIXHASH), rlp::encode(&NONCE_DROP_VOTE)],
/// Clique Engine implementation
// block_state_by_hash -> block state indexed by header hash.
pub struct Clique {
epoch_length: u64,
period: u64,
machine: Machine,
client: RwLock<Option<Weak<dyn EngineClient>>>,
block_state_by_hash: RwLock<LruCache<H256, CliqueBlockState>>,
proposals: RwLock<HashMap<Address, VoteType>>,
signer: RwLock<Option<Box<dyn EngineSigner>>>,
/// Test version of `CliqueEngine` to make all fields public
pub struct Clique {
pub epoch_length: u64,
pub period: u64,
pub machine: Machine,
pub client: RwLock<Option<Weak<dyn EngineClient>>>,
pub block_state_by_hash: RwLock<LruCache<H256, CliqueBlockState>>,
pub proposals: RwLock<HashMap<Address, VoteType>>,
pub signer: RwLock<Option<Box<dyn EngineSigner>>>,
impl Clique {
/// Initialize Clique engine from empty state.
pub fn new(params: CliqueParams, machine: Machine) -> Result<Arc<Self>, Error> {
/// Step Clique at most every 2 seconds
const SEALING_FREQ: Duration = Duration::from_secs(2);
let engine = Clique {
epoch_length: params.epoch,
period: params.period,
client: Default::default(),
block_state_by_hash: RwLock::new(LruCache::new(STATE_CACHE_NUM)),
proposals: Default::default(),
signer: Default::default(),
let engine = Arc::new(engine);
let weak_eng = Arc::downgrade(&engine);
.spawn(move || {
loop {
let next_step_at = Instant::now() + SEALING_FREQ;
trace!(target: "miner", "StepService: triggering sealing");
if let Some(eng) = weak_eng.upgrade() {
} else {
warn!(target: "shutdown", "StepService: engine is dropped; exiting.");
let now = Instant::now();
if now < next_step_at {
thread::sleep(next_step_at - now);
/// Initialize test variant of `CliqueEngine`,
/// Note we need to `mock` the miner and it is introduced to test block verification to trigger new blocks
/// to mainly test consensus edge cases
pub fn with_test(epoch_length: u64, period: u64) -> Self {
Self {
client: Default::default(),
block_state_by_hash: RwLock::new(LruCache::new(STATE_CACHE_NUM)),
proposals: Default::default(),
signer: Default::default(),
machine: spec::new_test_machine(),
fn sign_header(&self, header: &Header) -> Result<(Signature, H256), Error> {
match self.signer.read().as_ref() {
None => {
Some(signer) => {
let digest = header.hash();
match signer.sign(digest) {
Ok(sig) => Ok((sig, digest)),
Err(e) => Err(EngineError::Custom(e.into()))?,
/// Construct an new state from given checkpoint header.
fn new_checkpoint_state(&self, header: &Header) -> Result<CliqueBlockState, Error> {
debug_assert_eq!(header.number() % self.epoch_length, 0);
let mut state = CliqueBlockState::new(extract_signers(header)?);
// TODO(niklasad1): refactor to perform this check in the `CliqueBlockState` constructor instead
state.calc_next_timestamp(header.timestamp(), self.period)?;
fn state_no_backfill(&self, hash: &H256) -> Option<CliqueBlockState> {
/// Get `CliqueBlockState` for given header, backfill from last checkpoint if needed.
fn state(&self, header: &Header) -> Result<CliqueBlockState, Error> {
let mut block_state_by_hash = self.block_state_by_hash.write();
if let Some(state) = block_state_by_hash.get_mut(&header.hash()) {
return Ok(state.clone());
// If we are looking for an checkpoint block state, we can directly reconstruct it.
if header.number() % self.epoch_length == 0 {
let state = self.new_checkpoint_state(header)?;
block_state_by_hash.insert(header.hash(), state.clone());
return Ok(state);
// BlockState is not found in memory, which means we need to reconstruct state from last checkpoint.
match self.client.read().as_ref().and_then(|w| w.upgrade()) {
None => {
return Err(EngineError::RequiresClient)?;
Some(c) => {
let last_checkpoint_number = header.number() - header.number() % self.epoch_length as u64;
debug_assert_ne!(last_checkpoint_number, header.number());
// Catching up state, note that we don't really store block state for intermediary blocks,
// for speed.
let backfill_start = time::Instant::now();
trace!(target: "engine",
"Back-filling block state. last_checkpoint_number: {}, target: {}({}).",
last_checkpoint_number, header.number(), header.hash());
let mut chain = VecDeque::with_capacity((header.number() - last_checkpoint_number + 1) as usize);
// Put ourselves in.
// populate chain to last checkpoint
loop {
let (last_parent_hash, last_num) = {
let l = chain.front().expect("chain has at least one element; qed");
(*l.parent_hash(), l.number())
if last_num == last_checkpoint_number + 1 {
match c.block_header(BlockId::Hash(last_parent_hash)) {
None => {
return Err(BlockError::UnknownParent(last_parent_hash))?;
Some(next) => {
// Get the state for last checkpoint.
let last_checkpoint_hash = *chain.front()
.expect("chain has at least one element; qed")
let last_checkpoint_header = match c.block_header(BlockId::Hash(last_checkpoint_hash)) {
None => return Err(EngineError::CliqueMissingCheckpoint(last_checkpoint_hash))?,
Some(header) => header.decode()?,
let last_checkpoint_state = match block_state_by_hash.get_mut(&last_checkpoint_hash) {
Some(state) => state.clone(),
None => self.new_checkpoint_state(&last_checkpoint_header)?,
block_state_by_hash.insert(last_checkpoint_header.hash(), last_checkpoint_state.clone());
// Backfill!
let mut new_state = last_checkpoint_state.clone();
for item in &chain {
new_state.apply(item, false)?;
new_state.calc_next_timestamp(header.timestamp(), self.period)?;
block_state_by_hash.insert(header.hash(), new_state.clone());
let elapsed = backfill_start.elapsed();
trace!(target: "engine", "Back-filling succeed, took {} ms.", elapsed.as_millis());
impl Engine for Clique {
fn name(&self) -> &str { "Clique" }
fn machine(&self) -> &Machine { &self.machine }
// Clique use same fields, nonce + mixHash
fn seal_fields(&self, _header: &Header) -> usize { 2 }
fn extra_info(&self, header: &Header) -> BTreeMap<String, String> {
// clique engine seal fields are the same as ethash seal fields
match EthashSeal::parse_seal(header.seal()) {
Ok(seal) => map![
"nonce".to_owned() => format!("{:#x}", seal.nonce),
"mixHash".to_owned() => format!("{:#x}", seal.mix_hash)
_ => BTreeMap::default()
fn maximum_uncle_count(&self, _block: BlockNumber) -> usize { 0 }
fn on_new_block(
_block: &mut ExecutedBlock,
_epoch_begin: bool,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
// Clique has no block reward.
fn on_close_block(
_block: &mut ExecutedBlock,
_parent_header: &Header
) -> Result<(), Error> {
fn on_seal_block(&self, block: &mut ExecutedBlock) -> Result<(), Error> {
trace!(target: "engine", "on_seal_block");
let header = &mut block.header;
let state = self.state_no_backfill(header.parent_hash())
.ok_or_else(|| BlockError::UnknownParent(*header.parent_hash()))?;
let is_checkpoint = header.number() % self.epoch_length == 0;
// Cast a random Vote if not checkpoint
if !is_checkpoint {
// TODO(niklasad1): this will always be false because `proposals` is never written to
let votes = self.proposals.read().iter()
.filter(|(address, vote_type)| state.is_valid_vote(*address, **vote_type))
.map(|(address, vote_type)| (*address, *vote_type))
if !votes.is_empty() {
// Pick a random vote.
let random_vote = rand::thread_rng().gen_range(0 as usize, votes.len());
let (beneficiary, vote_type) = votes[random_vote];
trace!(target: "engine", "Casting vote: beneficiary {}, type {:?} ", beneficiary, vote_type);
// Work on clique seal.
let mut seal: Vec<u8> = Vec::with_capacity(VANITY_LENGTH + SIGNATURE_LENGTH);
// At this point, extra_data should only contain miner vanity.
if header.extra_data().len() != VANITY_LENGTH {
Err(BlockError::ExtraDataOutOfBounds(OutOfBounds {
found: header.extra_data().len()
// vanity
// If we are building an checkpoint block, add all signers now.
if is_checkpoint {
seal.reserve(state.signers().len() * 20);
for signer in state.signers() {
// append signature onto extra_data
let (sig, _msg) = self.sign_header(&header)?;
// locally sealed block don't go through valid_block_family(), so we have to record state here.
let mut new_state = state.clone();
new_state.apply(&header, is_checkpoint)?;
new_state.calc_next_timestamp(header.timestamp(), self.period)?;
self.block_state_by_hash.write().insert(header.hash(), new_state);
trace!(target: "engine", "on_seal_block: finished, final header: {:?}", header);
/// Clique doesn't require external work to seal, so we always return true here.
fn sealing_state(&self) -> SealingState {
/// Returns if we are ready to seal, the real sealing (signing extra_data) is actually done in `on_seal_block()`.
fn generate_seal(&self, block: &ExecutedBlock, parent: &Header) -> Seal {
trace!(target: "engine", "tried to generate_seal");
let null_seal = util::null_seal();
if block.header.number() == 0 {
trace!(target: "engine", "attempted to seal genesis block");
return Seal::None;
// if sealing period is 0, and not an checkpoint block, refuse to seal
if self.period == 0 {
if block.transactions.is_empty() && block.header.number() % self.epoch_length != 0 {
return Seal::None;
return Seal::Regular(null_seal);
// Check we actually have authority to seal.
if let Some(author) = self.signer.read().as_ref().map(|x| x.address()) {
// ensure the voting state exists
match self.state(&parent) {
Err(e) => {
warn!(target: "engine", "generate_seal: can't get parent state(number: {}, hash: {}): {} ",
parent.number(), parent.hash(), e);
return Seal::None;
Ok(state) => {
// Are we authorized to seal?
if !state.is_authorized(&author) {
trace!(target: "engine", "generate_seal: Not authorized to sign right now.");
// wait for one third of period to try again.
thread::sleep(Duration::from_secs(self.period / 3 + 1));
return Seal::None;
let inturn = state.is_inturn(block.header.number(), &author);
let now = SystemTime::now();
let limit = match inturn {
true => state.next_timestamp_inturn.unwrap_or(now),
false => state.next_timestamp_noturn.unwrap_or(now),
// Wait for the right moment.
if now < limit {
trace!(target: "engine", "generate_seal: sleeping to sign: inturn: {}, now: {:?}, to: {:?}.",
inturn, now, limit);
match limit.duration_since(SystemTime::now()) {
Ok(duration) => {
Err(e) => {
warn!(target:"engine", "generate_seal: unable to sleep, err: {}", e);
return Seal::None;
trace!(target: "engine", "generate_seal: seal ready for block {}, txs: {}.",
block.header.number(), block.transactions.len());
return Seal::Regular(null_seal);
fn verify_local_seal(&self, _header: &Header) -> Result<(), Error> { Ok(()) }
fn verify_block_basic(&self, header: &Header) -> Result<(), Error> {
// Largely same as https://github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/blob/master/consensus/clique/clique.go#L275
// Ignore genesis block.
if header.number() == 0 {
return Ok(());
// Don't waste time checking blocks from the future
let limit = CheckedSystemTime::checked_add(SystemTime::now(), Duration::from_secs(self.period))
// This should succeed under the constraints that the system clock works
let limit_as_dur = limit.duration_since(UNIX_EPOCH).map_err(|e| {
Box::new(format!("Converting SystemTime to Duration failed: {}", e))
let hdr = Duration::from_secs(header.timestamp());
if hdr > limit_as_dur {
let found = CheckedSystemTime::checked_add(UNIX_EPOCH, hdr).ok_or(BlockError::TimestampOverflow)?;
Err(BlockError::TemporarilyInvalid(OutOfBounds {
min: None,
max: Some(limit),
let is_checkpoint = header.number() % self.epoch_length == 0;
if is_checkpoint && *header.author() != NULL_AUTHOR {
return Err(EngineError::CliqueWrongAuthorCheckpoint(Mismatch {
expected: H160::zero(),
found: *header.author(),
let seal_fields = header.decode_seal::<Vec<_>>()?;
if seal_fields.len() != 2 {
Err(BlockError::InvalidSealArity(Mismatch {
expected: 2,
found: seal_fields.len(),
let mixhash = H256::from_slice(seal_fields[0]);
let nonce = H64::from_slice(seal_fields[1]);
// Nonce must be 0x00..0 or 0xff..f
if nonce != NONCE_DROP_VOTE && nonce != NONCE_AUTH_VOTE {
if is_checkpoint && nonce != NULL_NONCE {
// Ensure that the mix digest is zero as Clique don't have fork protection currently
if mixhash != NULL_MIXHASH {
Err(BlockError::MismatchedH256SealElement(Mismatch {
expected: NULL_MIXHASH,
found: mixhash,
let extra_data_len = header.extra_data().len();
if extra_data_len < VANITY_LENGTH {
if extra_data_len < VANITY_LENGTH + SIGNATURE_LENGTH {
let signers = extra_data_len - (VANITY_LENGTH + SIGNATURE_LENGTH);
// Checkpoint blocks must at least contain one signer
if is_checkpoint && signers == 0 {
// Addresses must be be divisable by 20
if is_checkpoint && signers % ADDRESS_LENGTH != 0 {
// Ensure that the block doesn't contain any uncles which are meaningless in PoA
if *header.uncles_hash() != NULL_UNCLES_HASH {
Err(BlockError::InvalidUnclesHash(Mismatch {
found: *header.uncles_hash(),
// Ensure that the block's difficulty is meaningful (may not be correct at this point)
if *header.difficulty() != DIFF_INTURN && *header.difficulty() != DIFF_NOTURN {
Err(BlockError::DifficultyOutOfBounds(OutOfBounds {
min: Some(DIFF_NOTURN),
max: Some(DIFF_INTURN),
found: *header.difficulty(),
// All basic checks passed, continue to next phase
fn verify_block_unordered(&self, _header: &Header) -> Result<(), Error> {
// Nothing to check here.
/// Verify block family by looking up parent state (backfill if needed), then try to apply current header.
/// see https://github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/blob/master/consensus/clique/clique.go#L338
fn verify_block_family(&self, header: &Header, parent: &Header) -> Result<(), Error> {
// Ignore genesis block.
if header.number() == 0 {
return Ok(());
// parent sanity check
if parent.hash() != *header.parent_hash() || header.number() != parent.number() + 1 {
// Ensure that the block's timestamp isn't too close to it's parent
let limit = parent.timestamp().saturating_add(self.period);
if limit > header.timestamp() {
let max = CheckedSystemTime::checked_add(UNIX_EPOCH, Duration::from_secs(header.timestamp()));
let found = CheckedSystemTime::checked_add(UNIX_EPOCH, Duration::from_secs(limit))
Err(BlockError::InvalidTimestamp(OutOfBounds {
min: None,
// Retrieve the parent state
let parent_state = self.state(&parent)?;
// Try to apply current state, apply() will further check signer and recent signer.
let mut new_state = parent_state.clone();
new_state.apply(header, header.number() % self.epoch_length == 0)?;
new_state.calc_next_timestamp(header.timestamp(), self.period)?;
self.block_state_by_hash.write().insert(header.hash(), new_state);
fn genesis_epoch_data(&self, header: &Header, _call: &Call) -> Result<Vec<u8>, String> {
let mut state = self.new_checkpoint_state(header).expect("Unable to parse genesis data.");
state.calc_next_timestamp(header.timestamp(), self.period).map_err(|e| format!("{}", e))?;
self.block_state_by_hash.write().insert(header.hash(), state);
// no proof.
// Our task here is to set difficulty
fn populate_from_parent(&self, header: &mut Header, parent: &Header) {
// TODO(https://github.com/paritytech/parity-ethereum/issues/10410): this is a horrible hack,
// it is due to the fact that enact and miner both use OpenBlock::new() which will both call
// this function. more refactoring is definitely needed.
if header.extra_data().len() < VANITY_LENGTH + SIGNATURE_LENGTH {
trace!(target: "engine", "populate_from_parent in sealing");
// It's unclear how to prevent creating new blocks unless we are authorized, the best way (and geth does this too)
// it's just to ignore setting a correct difficulty here, we will check authorization in next step in generate_seal anyway.
if let Some(signer) = self.signer.read().as_ref() {
let state = match self.state(&parent) {
Err(e) => {
trace!(target: "engine", "populate_from_parent: Unable to find parent state: {}, ignored.", e);
Ok(state) => state,
if state.is_authorized(&signer.address()) {
if state.is_inturn(header.number(), &signer.address()) {
} else {
let zero_padding_len = VANITY_LENGTH.saturating_sub(header.extra_data().len());
if zero_padding_len > 0 {
let mut resized_extra_data = header.extra_data().clone();
resized_extra_data.resize(VANITY_LENGTH, 0);
} else {
trace!(target: "engine", "populate_from_parent: no signer registered");
fn set_signer(&self, signer: Option<Box<dyn EngineSigner>>) {
let mut current_signer = self.signer.write();
if let Some(signer) = signer.as_ref() {
trace!(target: "engine", "set_signer: {:?}", signer.address());
} else if let Some(signer) = &*current_signer {
trace!(target: "engine", "set_signer: cleared; previous signer: {:?})", signer.address());
*current_signer = signer;
fn register_client(&self, client: Weak<dyn EngineClient>) {
*self.client.write() = Some(client.clone());
fn step(&self) {
if self.signer.read().is_some() {
if let Some(ref weak) = *self.client.read() {
if let Some(c) = weak.upgrade() {
/// Clique timestamp is set to parent + period , or current time which ever is higher.
fn open_block_header_timestamp(&self, parent_timestamp: u64) -> u64 {
let now = time::SystemTime::now().duration_since(time::UNIX_EPOCH).unwrap_or_default();
cmp::max(now.as_secs() as u64, parent_timestamp.saturating_add(self.period))
fn is_timestamp_valid(&self, header_timestamp: u64, parent_timestamp: u64) -> bool {
header_timestamp >= parent_timestamp.saturating_add(self.period)
// Clique uses the author field for voting, the real author is hidden in the `extra_data` field.
// So when executing tx's (like in `enact()`) we want to use the executive author
fn executive_author(&self, header: &Header) -> Result<Address, Error> {
fn params(&self) -> &CommonParams {