Tomasz Drwięga 1cd93e4ceb New Transaction Queue implementation (#8074)
* Implementation of Verifier, Scoring and Ready.

* Queue in progress.

* TransactionPool.

* Prepare for txpool release.

* Miner refactor [WiP]

* WiP reworking miner.

* Make it compile.

* Add some docs.

* Split blockchain access to a separate file.

* Work on miner API.

* Fix ethcore tests.

* Refactor miner interface for sealing/work packages.

* Implement next nonce.

* RPC compiles.

* Implement couple of missing methdods for RPC.

* Add transaction queue listeners.

* Compiles!

* Clean-up and parallelize.

* Get rid of RefCell in header.

* Revert "Get rid of RefCell in header."

This reverts commit 0f2424c9b7319a786e1565ea2a8a6d801a21b4fb.

* Override Sync requirement.

* Fix status display.

* Unify logging.

* Extract some cheap checks.

* Measurements and optimizations.

* Fix scoring bug, heap size of bug and add cache

* Disable tx queueing and parallel verification.

* Make ethcore and ethcore-miner compile again.

* Make RPC compile again.

* Bunch of txpool tests.

* Migrate transaction queue tests.

* Nonce Cap

* Nonce cap cache and tests.

* Remove stale future transactions from the queue.

* Optimize scoring and write some tests.

* Simple penalization.

* Clean up and support for different scoring algorithms.

* Add CLI parameters for the new queue.

* Remove banning queue.

* Disable debug build.

* Change per_sender limit to be 1% instead of 5%

* Avoid cloning when propagating transactions.

* Remove old todo.

* Post-review fixes.

* Fix miner options default.

* Implement back ready transactions for light client.

* Get rid of from_pending_block

* Pass rejection reason.

* Add more details to drop.

* Rollback heap size of.

* Avoid cloning hashes when propagating and include more details on rejection.

* Fix tests.

* Introduce nonces cache.

* Remove uneccessary hashes allocation.

* Lower the mem limit.

* Re-enable parallel verification.

* Add miner log. Don't check the type if not below min_gas_price.

* Add more traces, fix disabling miner.

* Fix creating pending blocks twice on AuRa authorities.

* Fix tests.

* re-use pending blocks in AuRa

* Use reseal_min_period to prevent too frequent update_sealing.

* Fix log to contain hash not sender.

* Optimize local transactions.

* Fix aura tests.

* Update locks comments.

* Get rid of unsafe Sync impl.

* Review fixes.

* Remove excessive matches.

* Fix compilation errors.

* Use new pool in private transactions.

* Fix private-tx test.

* Fix secret store tests.

* Actually use gas_floor_target

* Fix config tests.

* Fix pool tests.

* Address grumbles.
2018-04-13 17:34:27 +02:00

147 lines
7.2 KiB

// Copyright 2015-2017 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// This file is part of Parity.
// Parity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Parity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Parity. If not, see <>.
//! Contract for private transactions tests.
extern crate rustc_hex;
extern crate ethcore;
extern crate ethkey;
extern crate keccak_hash as hash;
extern crate ethcore_io;
extern crate ethcore_logger;
extern crate ethcore_private_tx;
extern crate ethcore_transaction;
extern crate log;
use std::sync::Arc;
use rustc_hex::FromHex;
use ethcore::CreateContractAddress;
use ethcore::account_provider::AccountProvider;
use ethcore::client::BlockChainClient;
use ethcore::client::BlockId;
use ethcore::executive::{contract_address};
use ethcore::miner::Miner;
use ethcore::test_helpers::{generate_dummy_client, push_block_with_transactions};
use ethcore_transaction::{Transaction, Action};
use ethkey::{Secret, KeyPair, Signature};
use hash::keccak;
use ethcore_private_tx::{NoopEncryptor, Provider, ProviderConfig};
fn private_contract() {
// This uses a simple private contract: contract Test1 { bytes32 public x; function setX(bytes32 _x) { x = _x; } }
let client = generate_dummy_client(0);
let chain_id = client.signing_chain_id();
let key1 = KeyPair::from_secret(Secret::from("0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000011")).unwrap();
let _key2 = KeyPair::from_secret(Secret::from("0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000012")).unwrap();
let key3 = KeyPair::from_secret(Secret::from("0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000013")).unwrap();
let key4 = KeyPair::from_secret(Secret::from("0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000014")).unwrap();
let ap = Arc::new(AccountProvider::transient_provider());
ap.insert_account(key1.secret().clone(), "").unwrap();
ap.insert_account(key3.secret().clone(), "").unwrap();
ap.insert_account(key4.secret().clone(), "").unwrap();
let config = ProviderConfig{
validator_accounts: vec![key3.address(), key4.address()],
signer_account: None,
passwords: vec!["".into()],
let io = ethcore_io::IoChannel::disconnected();
let miner = Arc::new(Miner::new_for_tests(&::ethcore::spec::Spec::new_test(), None));
let pm = Arc::new(Provider::new(
let (address, _) = contract_address(CreateContractAddress::FromSenderAndNonce, &key1.address(), &0.into(), &[]);
trace!("Creating private contract");
let private_contract_test = "6060604052341561000f57600080fd5b60d88061001d6000396000f30060606040526000357c0100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000900463ffffffff1680630c55699c146046578063bc64b76d14607457600080fd5b3415605057600080fd5b60566098565b60405180826000191660001916815260200191505060405180910390f35b3415607e57600080fd5b6096600480803560001916906020019091905050609e565b005b60005481565b8060008160001916905550505600a165627a7a723058206acbdf4b15ca4c2d43e1b1879b830451a34f1e9d02ff1f2f394d8d857e79d2080029".from_hex().unwrap();
let mut private_create_tx = Transaction::default();
private_create_tx.action = Action::Create; = private_contract_test;
private_create_tx.gas = 200000.into();
let private_create_tx_signed = private_create_tx.sign(&key1.secret(), None);
let validators = vec![key3.address(), key4.address()];
let (public_tx, _) = pm.public_creation_transaction(BlockId::Latest, &private_create_tx_signed, &validators, 0.into()).unwrap();
let public_tx = public_tx.sign(&key1.secret(), chain_id);
trace!("Transaction created. Pushing block");
push_block_with_transactions(&client, &[public_tx]);
trace!("Modifying private state");
let mut private_tx = Transaction::default();
private_tx.action = Action::Call(address.clone()); = "bc64b76d2a00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000".from_hex().unwrap(); //setX(42)
private_tx.gas = 120000.into();
private_tx.nonce = 1.into();
let private_tx = private_tx.sign(&key1.secret(), None);
let private_contract_nonce = pm.get_contract_nonce(&address, BlockId::Latest).unwrap();
let private_state = pm.execute_private_transaction(BlockId::Latest, &private_tx).unwrap();
let nonced_state_hash = pm.calculate_state_hash(&private_state, private_contract_nonce);
let signatures: Vec<_> = [&key3, &key4].iter().map(|k|
Signature::from(::ethkey::sign(&k.secret(), &nonced_state_hash).unwrap().into_electrum())).collect();
let public_tx = pm.public_transaction(private_state, &private_tx, &signatures, 1.into(), 0.into()).unwrap();
let public_tx = public_tx.sign(&key1.secret(), chain_id);
push_block_with_transactions(&client, &[public_tx]);
trace!("Querying private state");
let mut query_tx = Transaction::default();
query_tx.action = Action::Call(address.clone()); = "0c55699c".from_hex().unwrap(); // getX
query_tx.gas = 50000.into();
query_tx.nonce = 2.into();
let query_tx = query_tx.sign(&key1.secret(), chain_id);
let result = pm.private_call(BlockId::Latest, &query_tx).unwrap();
assert_eq!(&result.output[..], &("2a00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000".from_hex().unwrap()[..]));
assert_eq!(pm.get_validators(BlockId::Latest, &address).unwrap(), validators);
// Now try modification with just one signature
trace!("Modifying private state");
let mut private_tx = Transaction::default();
private_tx.action = Action::Call(address.clone()); = "bc64b76d2b00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000".from_hex().unwrap(); //setX(43)
private_tx.gas = 120000.into();
private_tx.nonce = 2.into();
let private_tx = private_tx.sign(&key1.secret(), None);
let private_state = pm.execute_private_transaction(BlockId::Latest, &private_tx).unwrap();
let private_state_hash = keccak(&private_state);
let signatures: Vec<_> = [&key4].iter().map(|k|
Signature::from(::ethkey::sign(&k.secret(), &private_state_hash).unwrap().into_electrum())).collect();
let public_tx = pm.public_transaction(private_state, &private_tx, &signatures, 2.into(), 0.into()).unwrap();
let public_tx = public_tx.sign(&key1.secret(), chain_id);
push_block_with_transactions(&client, &[public_tx]);
trace!("Querying private state");
let mut query_tx = Transaction::default();
query_tx.action = Action::Call(address.clone()); = "0c55699c".from_hex().unwrap(); // getX
query_tx.gas = 50000.into();
query_tx.nonce = 3.into();
let query_tx = query_tx.sign(&key1.secret(), chain_id);
let result = pm.private_call(BlockId::Latest, &query_tx).unwrap();
assert_eq!(result.output, "2a00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000".from_hex().unwrap());