654 lines
20 KiB
654 lines
20 KiB
use std::mem;
use std::net::{SocketAddr};
use std::collections::{HashMap};
use std::hash::{Hasher};
use std::str::{FromStr};
use mio::*;
use mio::tcp::*;
use mio::udp::*;
use hash::*;
use crypto::*;
use sha3::Hashable;
use rlp::*;
use network::handshake::Handshake;
use network::session::{Session, SessionData};
use error::*;
use io::*;
use network::NetworkProtocolHandler;
use network::node::*;
type Slab<T> = ::slab::Slab<T, usize>;
const _DEFAULT_PORT: u16 = 30304;
const MAX_CONNECTIONS: usize = 1024;
const IDEAL_PEERS: u32 = 10;
const MAINTENANCE_TIMEOUT: u64 = 1000;
struct NetworkConfiguration {
listen_address: SocketAddr,
public_address: SocketAddr,
nat_enabled: bool,
discovery_enabled: bool,
pin: bool,
impl NetworkConfiguration {
fn new() -> NetworkConfiguration {
NetworkConfiguration {
listen_address: SocketAddr::from_str("").unwrap(),
public_address: SocketAddr::from_str("").unwrap(),
nat_enabled: true,
discovery_enabled: true,
pin: false,
// Tokens
//const TOKEN_BEGIN: usize = USER_TOKEN_START; // TODO: ICE in rustc 1.7.0-nightly (49c382779 2016-01-12)
const TOKEN_BEGIN: usize = 32;
const TCP_ACCEPT: usize = TOKEN_BEGIN + 1;
const IDLE: usize = TOKEN_BEGIN + 2;
/// Protocol handler level packet id
pub type PacketId = u8;
/// Protocol / handler id
pub type ProtocolId = &'static str;
/// Messages used to communitate with the event loop from other threads.
pub enum NetworkIoMessage<Message> where Message: Send {
/// Register a new protocol handler.
AddHandler {
handler: Option<Box<NetworkProtocolHandler<Message>+Send>>,
protocol: ProtocolId,
versions: Vec<u8>,
/// Send data over the network.
Send {
peer: PeerId,
packet_id: PacketId,
protocol: ProtocolId,
data: Vec<u8>,
/// User message
/// Local (temporary) peer session ID.
pub type PeerId = usize;
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
/// Protocol info
pub struct CapabilityInfo {
pub protocol: ProtocolId,
pub version: u8,
/// Total number of packet IDs this protocol support.
pub packet_count: u8,
impl Encodable for CapabilityInfo {
fn encode<E>(&self, encoder: &mut E) -> () where E: Encoder {
encoder.emit_list(|e| {
(self.version as u32).encode(e);
/// IO access point. This is passed to all IO handlers and provides an interface to the IO subsystem.
pub struct NetworkContext<'s, 'io, Message> where Message: Send + 'static, 'io: 's {
io: &'s mut IoContext<'io, NetworkIoMessage<Message>>,
protocol: ProtocolId,
connections: &'s mut Slab<ConnectionEntry>,
timers: &'s mut HashMap<TimerToken, ProtocolId>,
session: Option<StreamToken>,
impl<'s, 'io, Message> NetworkContext<'s, 'io, Message> where Message: Send + 'static, {
/// Create a new network IO access point. Takes references to all the data that can be updated within the IO handler.
fn new(io: &'s mut IoContext<'io, NetworkIoMessage<Message>>,
protocol: ProtocolId,
session: Option<StreamToken>, connections: &'s mut Slab<ConnectionEntry>,
timers: &'s mut HashMap<TimerToken, ProtocolId>) -> NetworkContext<'s, 'io, Message> {
NetworkContext {
io: io,
protocol: protocol,
session: session,
connections: connections,
timers: timers,
/// Send a packet over the network to another peer.
pub fn send(&mut self, peer: PeerId, packet_id: PacketId, data: Vec<u8>) -> Result<(), UtilError> {
match self.connections.get_mut(peer) {
Some(&mut ConnectionEntry::Session(ref mut s)) => {
s.send_packet(self.protocol, packet_id as u8, &data).unwrap_or_else(|e| {
warn!(target: "net", "Send error: {:?}", e);
}); //TODO: don't copy vector data
_ => {
warn!(target: "net", "Send: Peer does not exist");
/// Respond to a current network message. Panics if no there is no packet in the context.
pub fn respond(&mut self, packet_id: PacketId, data: Vec<u8>) -> Result<(), UtilError> {
match self.session {
Some(session) => self.send(session, packet_id, data),
None => {
panic!("Respond: Session does not exist")
/// Disable current protocol capability for given peer. If no capabilities left peer gets disconnected.
pub fn disable_peer(&mut self, _peer: PeerId) {
//TODO: remove capability, disconnect if no capabilities left
/// Register a new IO timer. Returns a new timer token. 'NetworkProtocolHandler::timeout' will be called with the token.
pub fn register_timer(&mut self, ms: u64) -> Result<TimerToken, UtilError>{
match self.io.register_timer(ms) {
Ok(token) => {
self.timers.insert(token, self.protocol);
e => e,
/// Returns peer identification string
pub fn peer_info(&self, peer: PeerId) -> String {
match self.connections.get(peer) {
Some(&ConnectionEntry::Session(ref s)) => {
_ => {
/// Shared host information
pub struct HostInfo {
/// Our private and public keys.
keys: KeyPair,
/// Current network configuration
config: NetworkConfiguration,
/// Connection nonce.
nonce: H256,
/// RLPx protocol version
pub protocol_version: u32,
/// Client identifier
pub client_version: String,
/// TCP connection port.
pub listen_port: u16,
/// Registered capabilities (handlers)
pub capabilities: Vec<CapabilityInfo>
impl HostInfo {
/// Returns public key
pub fn id(&self) -> &NodeId {
/// Returns secret key
pub fn secret(&self) -> &Secret {
/// Increments and returns connection nonce.
pub fn next_nonce(&mut self) -> H256 {
self.nonce = self.nonce.sha3();
return self.nonce.clone();
enum ConnectionEntry {
/// Root IO handler. Manages protocol handlers, IO timers and network connections.
pub struct Host<Message> where Message: Send {
pub info: HostInfo,
udp_socket: UdpSocket,
listener: TcpListener,
connections: Slab<ConnectionEntry>,
timers: HashMap<TimerToken, ProtocolId>,
nodes: HashMap<NodeId, Node>,
handlers: HashMap<ProtocolId, Box<NetworkProtocolHandler<Message>>>,
impl<Message> Host<Message> where Message: Send {
pub fn new() -> Host<Message> {
let config = NetworkConfiguration::new();
let addr = config.listen_address;
// Setup the server socket
let listener = TcpListener::bind(&addr).unwrap();
let udp_socket = UdpSocket::bound(&addr).unwrap();
Host::<Message> {
info: HostInfo {
keys: KeyPair::create().unwrap(),
config: config,
nonce: H256::random(),
protocol_version: 4,
client_version: "parity".to_string(),
listen_port: 0,
capabilities: Vec::new(),
udp_socket: udp_socket,
listener: listener,
connections: Slab::new_starting_at(FIRST_CONNECTION, MAX_CONNECTIONS),
timers: HashMap::new(),
nodes: HashMap::new(),
handlers: HashMap::new(),
fn add_node(&mut self, id: &str) {
match Node::from_str(id) {
Err(e) => { warn!("Could not add node: {:?}", e); },
Ok(n) => {
self.nodes.insert(n.id.clone(), n);
fn maintain_network(&mut self, io: &mut IoContext<NetworkIoMessage<Message>>) {
io.event_loop.timeout_ms(Token(IDLE), MAINTENANCE_TIMEOUT).unwrap();
fn have_session(&self, id: &NodeId) -> bool {
self.connections.iter().any(|e| match e { &ConnectionEntry::Session(ref s) => s.info.id.eq(&id), _ => false })
fn connecting_to(&self, id: &NodeId) -> bool {
self.connections.iter().any(|e| match e { &ConnectionEntry::Handshake(ref h) => h.id.eq(&id), _ => false })
fn connect_peers(&mut self, io: &mut IoContext<NetworkIoMessage<Message>>) {
struct NodeInfo {
id: NodeId,
peer_type: PeerType
let mut to_connect: Vec<NodeInfo> = Vec::new();
let mut req_conn = 0;
//TODO: use nodes from discovery here
//for n in self.node_buckets.iter().flat_map(|n| &n.nodes).map(|id| NodeInfo { id: id.clone(), peer_type: self.nodes.get(id).unwrap().peer_type}) {
for n in self.nodes.values().map(|n| NodeInfo { id: n.id.clone(), peer_type: n.peer_type }) {
let connected = self.have_session(&n.id) || self.connecting_to(&n.id);
let required = n.peer_type == PeerType::Required;
if connected && required {
req_conn += 1;
else if !connected && (!self.info.config.pin || required) {
for n in to_connect.iter() {
if n.peer_type == PeerType::Required {
if req_conn < IDEAL_PEERS {
self.connect_peer(&n.id, io);
req_conn += 1;
if !self.info.config.pin
let pending_count = 0; //TODO:
let peer_count = 0;
let mut open_slots = IDEAL_PEERS - peer_count - pending_count + req_conn;
if open_slots > 0 {
for n in to_connect.iter() {
if n.peer_type == PeerType::Optional && open_slots > 0 {
open_slots -= 1;
self.connect_peer(&n.id, io);
fn connect_peer(&mut self, id: &NodeId, io: &mut IoContext<NetworkIoMessage<Message>>) {
if self.have_session(id)
warn!("Aborted connect. Node already connected.");
if self.connecting_to(id)
warn!("Aborted connect. Node already connecting.");
let socket = {
let node = self.nodes.get_mut(id).unwrap();
node.last_attempted = Some(::time::now());
match TcpStream::connect(&node.endpoint.address) {
Ok(socket) => socket,
Err(_) => {
warn!("Cannot connect to node");
let nonce = self.info.next_nonce();
match self.connections.insert_with(|token| ConnectionEntry::Handshake(Handshake::new(Token(token), id, socket, &nonce).expect("Can't create handshake"))) {
Some(token) => {
match self.connections.get_mut(token) {
Some(&mut ConnectionEntry::Handshake(ref mut h)) => {
h.start(&self.info, true)
.and_then(|_| h.register(io.event_loop))
.unwrap_or_else (|e| {
debug!(target: "net", "Handshake create error: {:?}", e);
_ => {}
None => { warn!("Max connections reached") }
fn accept(&mut self, _io: &mut IoContext<NetworkIoMessage<Message>>) {
trace!(target: "net", "accept");
fn connection_writable<'s>(&'s mut self, token: StreamToken, io: &mut IoContext<'s, NetworkIoMessage<Message>>) {
let mut kill = false;
let mut create_session = false;
match self.connections.get_mut(token) {
Some(&mut ConnectionEntry::Handshake(ref mut h)) => {
h.writable(io.event_loop, &self.info).unwrap_or_else(|e| {
debug!(target: "net", "Handshake write error: {:?}", e);
kill = true;
create_session = h.done();
Some(&mut ConnectionEntry::Session(ref mut s)) => {
s.writable(io.event_loop, &self.info).unwrap_or_else(|e| {
debug!(target: "net", "Session write error: {:?}", e);
kill = true;
_ => {
warn!(target: "net", "Received event for unknown connection");
if kill {
self.kill_connection(token, io);
} else if create_session {
self.start_session(token, io);
match self.connections.get_mut(token) {
Some(&mut ConnectionEntry::Session(ref mut s)) => {
s.reregister(io.event_loop).unwrap_or_else(|e| debug!(target: "net", "Session registration error: {:?}", e));
_ => (),
fn connection_closed<'s>(&'s mut self, token: TimerToken, io: &mut IoContext<'s, NetworkIoMessage<Message>>) {
self.kill_connection(token, io);
fn connection_readable<'s>(&'s mut self, token: StreamToken, io: &mut IoContext<'s, NetworkIoMessage<Message>>) {
let mut kill = false;
let mut create_session = false;
let mut ready_data: Vec<ProtocolId> = Vec::new();
let mut packet_data: Option<(ProtocolId, PacketId, Vec<u8>)> = None;
match self.connections.get_mut(token) {
Some(&mut ConnectionEntry::Handshake(ref mut h)) => {
h.readable(io.event_loop, &self.info).unwrap_or_else(|e| {
debug!(target: "net", "Handshake read error: {:?}", e);
kill = true;
create_session = h.done();
Some(&mut ConnectionEntry::Session(ref mut s)) => {
let sd = { s.readable(io.event_loop, &self.info).unwrap_or_else(|e| {
debug!(target: "net", "Session read error: {:?}", e);
kill = true;
}) };
match sd {
SessionData::Ready => {
for (p, _) in self.handlers.iter_mut() {
if s.have_capability(p) {
SessionData::Packet {
} => {
match self.handlers.get_mut(protocol) {
None => { warn!(target: "net", "No handler found for protocol: {:?}", protocol) },
Some(_) => packet_data = Some((protocol, packet_id, data)),
SessionData::None => {},
_ => {
warn!(target: "net", "Received event for unknown connection");
if kill {
self.kill_connection(token, io);
if create_session {
self.start_session(token, io);
for p in ready_data {
let mut h = self.handlers.get_mut(p).unwrap();
h.connected(&mut NetworkContext::new(io, p, Some(token), &mut self.connections, &mut self.timers), &token);
if let Some((p, packet_id, data)) = packet_data {
let mut h = self.handlers.get_mut(p).unwrap();
h.read(&mut NetworkContext::new(io, p, Some(token), &mut self.connections, &mut self.timers), &token, packet_id, &data[1..]);
match self.connections.get_mut(token) {
Some(&mut ConnectionEntry::Session(ref mut s)) => {
s.reregister(io.event_loop).unwrap_or_else(|e| debug!(target: "net", "Session registration error: {:?}", e));
_ => (),
fn start_session(&mut self, token: StreamToken, io: &mut IoContext<NetworkIoMessage<Message>>) {
let info = &self.info;
// TODO: use slab::replace_with (currently broken)
match self.connections.remove(token) {
Some(ConnectionEntry::Handshake(h)) => {
match Session::new(h, io.event_loop, info) {
Ok(session) => {
assert!(token == self.connections.insert(ConnectionEntry::Session(session)).ok().unwrap());
Err(e) => {
debug!(target: "net", "Session construction error: {:?}", e);
_ => panic!("Error updating slab with session")
self.connections.replace_with(token, |c| {
match c {
ConnectionEntry::Handshake(h) => Session::new(h, io.event_loop, info)
.map(|s| Some(ConnectionEntry::Session(s)))
.unwrap_or_else(|e| {
debug!(target: "net", "Session construction error: {:?}", e);
_ => { panic!("No handshake to create a session from"); }
}).expect("Error updating slab with session");
fn connection_timeout<'s>(&'s mut self, token: StreamToken, io: &mut IoContext<'s, NetworkIoMessage<Message>>) {
self.kill_connection(token, io)
fn kill_connection<'s>(&'s mut self, token: StreamToken, io: &mut IoContext<'s, NetworkIoMessage<Message>>) {
let mut to_disconnect: Vec<ProtocolId> = Vec::new();
let mut remove = true;
match self.connections.get_mut(token) {
Some(&mut ConnectionEntry::Handshake(_)) => (), // just abandon handshake
Some(&mut ConnectionEntry::Session(ref mut s)) if s.is_ready() => {
for (p, _) in self.handlers.iter_mut() {
if s.have_capability(p) {
_ => {
remove = false;
for p in to_disconnect {
let mut h = self.handlers.get_mut(p).unwrap();
h.disconnected(&mut NetworkContext::new(io, p, Some(token), &mut self.connections, &mut self.timers), &token);
if remove {
impl<Message> IoHandler<NetworkIoMessage<Message>> for Host<Message> where Message: Send + 'static {
/// Initialize networking
fn initialize(&mut self, io: &mut IoContext<NetworkIoMessage<Message>>) {
match ::ifaces::Interface::get_all().unwrap().into_iter().filter(|x| x.kind == ::ifaces::Kind::Packet && x.addr.is_some()).next() {
Some(iface) => config.public_address = iface.addr.unwrap(),
None => warn!("No public network interface"),
// Start listening for incoming connections
io.event_loop.register(&self.listener, Token(TCP_ACCEPT), EventSet::readable(), PollOpt::edge()).unwrap();
io.event_loop.timeout_ms(Token(IDLE), MAINTENANCE_TIMEOUT).unwrap();
// open the udp socket
io.event_loop.register(&self.udp_socket, Token(NODETABLE_RECEIVE), EventSet::readable(), PollOpt::edge()).unwrap();
io.event_loop.timeout_ms(Token(NODETABLE_MAINTAIN), 7200).unwrap();
let port = self.info.config.listen_address.port();
self.info.listen_port = port;
// GO bootnodes
self.add_node("enode://a979fb575495b8d6db44f750317d0f4622bf4c2aa3365d6af7c284339968eef29b69ad0dce72a4d8db5ebb4968de0e3bec910127f134779fbcb0cb6d3331163c@"); // IE
self.add_node("enode://de471bccee3d042261d52e9bff31458daecc406142b401d4cd848f677479f73104b9fdeb090af9583d3391b7f10cb2ba9e26865dd5fca4fcdc0fb1e3b723c786@"); // BR
self.add_node("enode://1118980bf48b0a3640bdba04e0fe78b1add18e1cd99bf22d53daac1fd9972ad650df52176e7c7d89d1114cfef2bc23a2959aa54998a46afcf7d91809f0855082@"); // SG
// ETH/DEV cpp-ethereum (poc-9.ethdev.com)
fn stream_hup<'s>(&'s mut self, io: &mut IoContext<'s, NetworkIoMessage<Message>>, stream: StreamToken) {
trace!(target: "net", "Hup: {}", stream);
match stream {
FIRST_CONNECTION ... LAST_CONNECTION => self.connection_closed(stream, io),
_ => warn!(target: "net", "Unexpected hup"),
fn stream_readable<'s>(&'s mut self, io: &mut IoContext<'s, NetworkIoMessage<Message>>, stream: StreamToken) {
match stream {
FIRST_CONNECTION ... LAST_CONNECTION => self.connection_readable(stream, io),
TCP_ACCEPT => self.accept(io),
_ => panic!("Received unknown readable token"),
fn stream_writable<'s>(&'s mut self, io: &mut IoContext<'s, NetworkIoMessage<Message>>, stream: StreamToken) {
match stream {
FIRST_CONNECTION ... LAST_CONNECTION => self.connection_writable(stream, io),
_ => panic!("Received unknown writable token"),
fn timeout<'s>(&'s mut self, io: &mut IoContext<'s, NetworkIoMessage<Message>>, token: TimerToken) {
match token {
IDLE => self.maintain_network(io),
FIRST_CONNECTION ... LAST_CONNECTION => self.connection_timeout(token, io),
_ => {
let protocol = *self.timers.get_mut(&token).expect("Unknown user timer token");
match self.handlers.get_mut(protocol) {
None => { warn!(target: "net", "No handler found for protocol: {:?}", protocol) },
Some(h) => {
h.timeout(&mut NetworkContext::new(io, protocol, Some(token), &mut self.connections, &mut self.timers), token);
fn message<'s>(&'s mut self, io: &mut IoContext<'s, NetworkIoMessage<Message>>, message: &'s mut NetworkIoMessage<Message>) {
match message {
&mut NetworkIoMessage::AddHandler {
ref mut handler,
ref protocol,
ref versions
} => {
let mut h = mem::replace(handler, None).unwrap();
h.initialize(&mut NetworkContext::new(io, protocol, None, &mut self.connections, &mut self.timers));
self.handlers.insert(protocol, h);
for v in versions {
self.info.capabilities.push(CapabilityInfo { protocol: protocol, version: *v, packet_count:0 });
&mut NetworkIoMessage::Send {
ref peer,
ref packet_id,
ref protocol,
ref data,
} => {
match self.connections.get_mut(*peer as usize) {
Some(&mut ConnectionEntry::Session(ref mut s)) => {
s.send_packet(protocol, *packet_id as u8, &data).unwrap_or_else(|e| {
warn!(target: "net", "Send error: {:?}", e);
}); //TODO: don't copy vector data
_ => {
warn!(target: "net", "Send: Peer does not exist");
&mut NetworkIoMessage::User(ref message) => {
for (p, h) in self.handlers.iter_mut() {
h.message(&mut NetworkContext::new(io, p, None, &mut self.connections, &mut self.timers), &message);