575 lines
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575 lines
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// Copyright 2015-2017 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// This file is part of Parity.
// Parity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Parity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Parity. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
use std::{str, io};
use std::net::SocketAddr;
use std::cmp::Ordering;
use std::sync::*;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use mio::*;
use mio::deprecated::{Handler, EventLoop};
use mio::tcp::*;
use util::hash::*;
use rlp::*;
use connection::{EncryptedConnection, Packet, Connection};
use handshake::Handshake;
use io::{IoContext, StreamToken};
use error::{NetworkError, DisconnectReason};
use host::*;
use node_table::NodeId;
use stats::NetworkStats;
use time;
// Timeout must be less than (interval - 1).
const PING_TIMEOUT_SEC: u64 = 15;
const PING_INTERVAL_SEC: u64 = 30;
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
enum ProtocolState {
// Packets pending protocol on_connect event return.
Pending(Vec<(Vec<u8>, u8)>),
// Protocol connected.
/// Peer session over encrypted connection.
/// When created waits for Hello packet exchange and signals ready state.
/// Sends and receives protocol packets and handles basic packes such as ping/pong and disconnect.
pub struct Session {
/// Shared session information
pub info: SessionInfo,
/// Session ready flag. Set after successfull Hello packet exchange
had_hello: bool,
/// Session is no longer active flag.
expired: bool,
ping_time_ns: u64,
pong_time_ns: Option<u64>,
state: State,
// Protocol states -- accumulates pending packets until signaled as ready.
protocol_states: HashMap<ProtocolId, ProtocolState>,
enum State {
/// Structure used to report various session events.
pub enum SessionData {
/// Session is ready to send/receive packets.
/// A packet has been received
Packet {
/// Packet data
data: Vec<u8>,
/// Packet protocol ID
protocol: [u8; 3],
/// Zero based packet ID
packet_id: u8,
/// Session has more data to be read
/// Shared session information
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct SessionInfo {
/// Peer public key
pub id: Option<NodeId>,
/// Peer client ID
pub client_version: String,
/// Peer RLPx protocol version
pub protocol_version: u32,
/// Session protocol capabilities
pub capabilities: Vec<SessionCapabilityInfo>,
/// Peer protocol capabilities
pub peer_capabilities: Vec<PeerCapabilityInfo>,
/// Peer ping delay in milliseconds
pub ping_ms: Option<u64>,
/// True if this session was originated by us.
pub originated: bool,
/// Remote endpoint address of the session
pub remote_address: String,
/// Local endpoint address of the session
pub local_address: String,
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct PeerCapabilityInfo {
pub protocol: ProtocolId,
pub version: u8,
impl Decodable for PeerCapabilityInfo {
fn decode<D>(decoder: &D) -> Result<Self, DecoderError> where D: Decoder {
let c = decoder.as_rlp();
let p: Vec<u8> = c.val_at(0)?;
if p.len() != 3 {
return Err(DecoderError::Custom("Invalid subprotocol string length. Should be 3"));
let mut p2: ProtocolId = [0u8; 3];
Ok(PeerCapabilityInfo {
protocol: p2,
version: c.val_at(1)?
impl ToString for PeerCapabilityInfo {
fn to_string(&self) -> String {
format!("{}/{}", str::from_utf8(&self.protocol[..]).unwrap_or("???"), self.version)
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct SessionCapabilityInfo {
pub protocol: [u8; 3],
pub version: u8,
pub packet_count: u8,
pub id_offset: u8,
impl PartialOrd for SessionCapabilityInfo {
fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &SessionCapabilityInfo) -> Option<Ordering> {
impl Ord for SessionCapabilityInfo {
fn cmp(&self, b: &SessionCapabilityInfo) -> Ordering {
// By protocol id first
if self.protocol != b.protocol {
return self.protocol.cmp(&b.protocol);
// By version
const PACKET_HELLO: u8 = 0x80;
const PACKET_DISCONNECT: u8 = 0x01;
const PACKET_PING: u8 = 0x02;
const PACKET_PONG: u8 = 0x03;
const PACKET_GET_PEERS: u8 = 0x04;
const PACKET_PEERS: u8 = 0x05;
const PACKET_USER: u8 = 0x10;
const PACKET_LAST: u8 = 0x7f;
impl Session {
/// Create a new session out of comepleted handshake. This clones the handshake connection object
/// and leaves the handhsake in limbo to be deregistered from the event loop.
pub fn new<Message>(io: &IoContext<Message>, socket: TcpStream, token: StreamToken, id: Option<&NodeId>,
nonce: &H256, stats: Arc<NetworkStats>, host: &HostInfo) -> Result<Session, NetworkError>
where Message: Send + Clone + Sync + 'static {
let originated = id.is_some();
let mut handshake = Handshake::new(token, id, socket, nonce, stats).expect("Can't create handshake");
let local_addr = handshake.connection.local_addr_str();
handshake.start(io, host, originated)?;
Ok(Session {
state: State::Handshake(handshake),
had_hello: false,
info: SessionInfo {
id: id.cloned(),
client_version: String::new(),
protocol_version: 0,
capabilities: Vec::new(),
peer_capabilities: Vec::new(),
ping_ms: None,
originated: originated,
remote_address: "Handshake".to_owned(),
local_address: local_addr,
ping_time_ns: 0,
pong_time_ns: None,
expired: false,
protocol_states: HashMap::new(),
fn complete_handshake<Message>(&mut self, io: &IoContext<Message>, host: &HostInfo) -> Result<(), NetworkError> where Message: Send + Sync + Clone {
let connection = if let State::Handshake(ref mut h) = self.state {
self.info.id = Some(h.id.clone());
self.info.remote_address = h.connection.remote_addr_str();
} else {
panic!("Unexpected state");
self.state = State::Session(connection);
self.write_hello(io, host)?;
fn connection(&self) -> &Connection {
match self.state {
State::Handshake(ref h) => &h.connection,
State::Session(ref s) => &s.connection,
/// Get id of the remote peer
pub fn id(&self) -> Option<&NodeId> {
/// Check if session is ready to send/receive data
pub fn is_ready(&self) -> bool {
/// Mark this session as inactive to be deleted lated.
pub fn set_expired(&mut self) {
self.expired = true;
/// Check if this session is expired.
pub fn expired(&self) -> bool {
match self.state {
State::Handshake(ref h) => h.expired(),
_ => self.expired,
/// Check if this session is over and there is nothing to be sent.
pub fn done(&self) -> bool {
self.expired() && !self.connection().is_sending()
/// Get remote peer address
pub fn remote_addr(&self) -> io::Result<SocketAddr> {
/// Readable IO handler. Returns packet data if available.
pub fn readable<Message>(&mut self, io: &IoContext<Message>, host: &HostInfo) -> Result<SessionData, NetworkError> where Message: Send + Sync + Clone {
if self.expired() {
return Ok(SessionData::None)
let mut create_session = false;
let mut packet_data = None;
match self.state {
State::Handshake(ref mut h) => {
h.readable(io, host)?;
if h.done() {
create_session = true;
State::Session(ref mut c) => {
match c.readable(io)? {
data @ Some(_) => packet_data = data,
None => return Ok(SessionData::None)
if let Some(data) = packet_data {
return Ok(self.read_packet(io, data, host)?);
if create_session {
self.complete_handshake(io, host)?;
io.update_registration(self.token()).unwrap_or_else(|e| debug!(target: "network", "Token registration error: {:?}", e));
/// Writable IO handler. Sends pending packets.
pub fn writable<Message>(&mut self, io: &IoContext<Message>, _host: &HostInfo) -> Result<(), NetworkError> where Message: Send + Sync + Clone {
match self.state {
State::Handshake(ref mut h) => h.writable(io),
State::Session(ref mut s) => s.writable(io),
/// Checks if peer supports given capability
pub fn have_capability(&self, protocol: [u8; 3]) -> bool {
self.info.capabilities.iter().any(|c| c.protocol == protocol)
/// Checks if peer supports given capability
pub fn capability_version(&self, protocol: [u8; 3]) -> Option<u8> {
self.info.capabilities.iter().filter_map(|c| if c.protocol == protocol { Some(c.version) } else { None }).max()
/// Register the session socket with the event loop
pub fn register_socket<Host:Handler<Timeout = Token>>(&self, reg: Token, event_loop: &mut EventLoop<Host>) -> Result<(), NetworkError> {
if self.expired() {
return Ok(());
self.connection().register_socket(reg, event_loop)?;
/// Update registration with the event loop. Should be called at the end of the IO handler.
pub fn update_socket<Host:Handler>(&self, reg:Token, event_loop: &mut EventLoop<Host>) -> Result<(), NetworkError> {
self.connection().update_socket(reg, event_loop)?;
/// Delete registration
pub fn deregister_socket<Host:Handler>(&self, event_loop: &mut EventLoop<Host>) -> Result<(), NetworkError> {
/// Send a protocol packet to peer.
pub fn send_packet<Message>(&mut self, io: &IoContext<Message>, protocol: [u8; 3], packet_id: u8, data: &[u8]) -> Result<(), NetworkError>
where Message: Send + Sync + Clone {
if self.info.capabilities.is_empty() || !self.had_hello {
debug!(target: "network", "Sending to unconfirmed session {}, protocol: {}, packet: {}", self.token(), str::from_utf8(&protocol[..]).unwrap_or("??"), packet_id);
return Err(From::from(NetworkError::BadProtocol));
if self.expired() {
return Err(From::from(NetworkError::Expired));
let mut i = 0usize;
while protocol != self.info.capabilities[i].protocol {
i += 1;
if i == self.info.capabilities.len() {
debug!(target: "network", "Unknown protocol: {:?}", protocol);
return Ok(())
let pid = self.info.capabilities[i].id_offset + packet_id;
let mut rlp = RlpStream::new();
rlp.append(&(pid as u32));
rlp.append_raw(data, 1);
self.send(io, rlp)
/// Keep this session alive. Returns false if ping timeout happened
pub fn keep_alive<Message>(&mut self, io: &IoContext<Message>) -> bool where Message: Send + Sync + Clone {
if let State::Handshake(_) = self.state {
return true;
let timed_out = if let Some(pong) = self.pong_time_ns {
pong - self.ping_time_ns > PING_TIMEOUT_SEC * 1000_000_000
} else {
time::precise_time_ns() - self.ping_time_ns > PING_TIMEOUT_SEC * 1000_000_000
if !timed_out && time::precise_time_ns() - self.ping_time_ns > PING_INTERVAL_SEC * 1000_000_000 {
if let Err(e) = self.send_ping(io) {
debug!("Error sending ping message: {:?}", e);
pub fn token(&self) -> StreamToken {
/// Signal that a subprotocol has handled the connection successfully and
/// get all pending packets in order received.
pub fn mark_connected(&mut self, protocol: ProtocolId) -> Vec<(ProtocolId, u8, Vec<u8>)> {
match self.protocol_states.insert(protocol, ProtocolState::Connected) {
None => Vec::new(),
Some(ProtocolState::Connected) => {
debug!(target: "network", "Protocol {:?} marked as connected more than once", protocol);
Some(ProtocolState::Pending(pending)) =>
pending.into_iter().map(|(data, id)| (protocol, id, data)).collect(),
fn read_packet<Message>(&mut self, io: &IoContext<Message>, packet: Packet, host: &HostInfo) -> Result<SessionData, NetworkError>
where Message: Send + Sync + Clone {
if packet.data.len() < 2 {
return Err(From::from(NetworkError::BadProtocol));
let packet_id = packet.data[0];
if packet_id != PACKET_HELLO && packet_id != PACKET_DISCONNECT && !self.had_hello {
return Err(From::from(NetworkError::BadProtocol));
match packet_id {
let rlp = UntrustedRlp::new(&packet.data[1..]); //TODO: validate rlp expected size
self.read_hello(io, &rlp, host)?;
let rlp = UntrustedRlp::new(&packet.data[1..]);
let reason: u8 = rlp.val_at(0)?;
if self.had_hello {
debug!("Disconnected: {}: {:?}", self.token(), DisconnectReason::from_u8(reason));
let time = time::precise_time_ns();
self.pong_time_ns = Some(time);
self.info.ping_ms = Some((time - self.ping_time_ns) / 1000_000);
PACKET_GET_PEERS => Ok(SessionData::None), //TODO;
PACKET_PEERS => Ok(SessionData::None),
let mut i = 0usize;
while packet_id >= self.info.capabilities[i].id_offset + self.info.capabilities[i].packet_count {
i += 1;
if i == self.info.capabilities.len() {
debug!(target: "network", "Unknown packet: {:?}", packet_id);
return Ok(SessionData::Continue)
// map to protocol
let protocol = self.info.capabilities[i].protocol;
let protocol_packet_id = packet_id - self.info.capabilities[i].id_offset;
match *self.protocol_states.entry(protocol).or_insert_with(|| ProtocolState::Pending(Vec::new())) {
ProtocolState::Connected => {
trace!(target: "network", "Packet {} mapped to {:?}:{}, i={}, capabilities={:?}", packet_id, protocol, protocol_packet_id, i, self.info.capabilities);
Ok(SessionData::Packet { data: packet.data, protocol: protocol, packet_id: protocol_packet_id } )
ProtocolState::Pending(ref mut pending) => {
trace!(target: "network", "Packet {} deferred until protocol connection event completion", packet_id);
pending.push((packet.data, protocol_packet_id));
_ => {
debug!(target: "network", "Unknown packet: {:?}", packet_id);
fn write_hello<Message>(&mut self, io: &IoContext<Message>, host: &HostInfo) -> Result<(), NetworkError> where Message: Send + Sync + Clone {
let mut rlp = RlpStream::new();
rlp.append_raw(&[PACKET_HELLO as u8], 0);
self.send(io, rlp)
fn read_hello<Message>(&mut self, io: &IoContext<Message>, rlp: &UntrustedRlp, host: &HostInfo) -> Result<(), NetworkError>
where Message: Send + Sync + Clone {
let protocol = rlp.val_at::<u32>(0)?;
let client_version = rlp.val_at::<String>(1)?;
let peer_caps = rlp.val_at::<Vec<PeerCapabilityInfo>>(2)?;
let id = rlp.val_at::<NodeId>(4)?;
// Intersect with host capabilities
// Leave only highset mutually supported capability version
let mut caps: Vec<SessionCapabilityInfo> = Vec::new();
for hc in &host.capabilities {
if peer_caps.iter().any(|c| c.protocol == hc.protocol && c.version == hc.version) {
caps.push(SessionCapabilityInfo {
protocol: hc.protocol,
version: hc.version,
id_offset: 0,
packet_count: hc.packet_count,
caps.retain(|c| host.capabilities.iter().any(|hc| hc.protocol == c.protocol && hc.version == c.version));
let mut i = 0;
while i < caps.len() {
if caps.iter().any(|c| c.protocol == caps[i].protocol && c.version > caps[i].version) {
else {
i += 1;
// Sort capabilities alphabeticaly.
i = 0;
let mut offset: u8 = PACKET_USER;
while i < caps.len() {
caps[i].id_offset = offset;
offset += caps[i].packet_count;
i += 1;
debug!(target: "network", "Hello: {} v{} {} {:?}", client_version, protocol, id, caps);
self.info.protocol_version = protocol;
self.info.client_version = client_version;
self.info.capabilities = caps;
self.info.peer_capabilities = peer_caps;
if self.info.capabilities.is_empty() {
trace!(target: "network", "No common capabilities with peer.");
return Err(From::from(self.disconnect(io, DisconnectReason::UselessPeer)));
if protocol != host.protocol_version {
trace!(target: "network", "Peer protocol version mismatch: {}", protocol);
return Err(From::from(self.disconnect(io, DisconnectReason::UselessPeer)));
self.had_hello = true;
/// Senf ping packet
pub fn send_ping<Message>(&mut self, io: &IoContext<Message>) -> Result<(), NetworkError> where Message: Send + Sync + Clone {
self.send(io, Session::prepare(PACKET_PING)?)?;
self.ping_time_ns = time::precise_time_ns();
self.pong_time_ns = None;
fn send_pong<Message>(&mut self, io: &IoContext<Message>) -> Result<(), NetworkError> where Message: Send + Sync + Clone {
self.send(io, Session::prepare(PACKET_PONG)?)
/// Disconnect this session
pub fn disconnect<Message>(&mut self, io: &IoContext<Message>, reason: DisconnectReason) -> NetworkError where Message: Send + Sync + Clone {
if let State::Session(_) = self.state {
let mut rlp = RlpStream::new();
rlp.append(&(PACKET_DISCONNECT as u32));
rlp.append(&(reason as u32));
self.send(io, rlp).ok();
fn prepare(packet_id: u8) -> Result<RlpStream, NetworkError> {
let mut rlp = RlpStream::new();
rlp.append(&(packet_id as u32));
fn send<Message>(&mut self, io: &IoContext<Message>, rlp: RlpStream) -> Result<(), NetworkError> where Message: Send + Sync + Clone {
match self.state {
State::Handshake(_) => {
warn!(target:"network", "Unexpected send request");
State::Session(ref mut s) => {
s.send_packet(io, &rlp.out())?