2016-12-14 12:50:32 +01:00

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// Copyright 2015, 2016 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// This file is part of Parity.
// Parity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Parity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Parity. If not, see <>.
//! Parameters for a block chain.
use util::*;
use builtin::Builtin;
use engines::{Engine, NullEngine, InstantSeal, BasicAuthority, AuthorityRound};
use pod_state::*;
use account_db::*;
use header::{BlockNumber, Header};
use state_db::StateDB;
use super::genesis::Genesis;
use super::seal::Generic as GenericSeal;
use ethereum;
use ethjson;
use rlp::{Rlp, RlpStream, View, Stream};
/// Parameters common to all engines.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Clone, Default)]
pub struct CommonParams {
/// Account start nonce.
pub account_start_nonce: U256,
/// Maximum size of extra data.
pub maximum_extra_data_size: usize,
/// Network id.
pub network_id: u64,
/// Main subprotocol name.
pub subprotocol_name: String,
/// Minimum gas limit.
pub min_gas_limit: U256,
/// Fork block to check.
pub fork_block: Option<(BlockNumber, H256)>,
impl From<ethjson::spec::Params> for CommonParams {
fn from(p: ethjson::spec::Params) -> Self {
CommonParams {
account_start_nonce: p.account_start_nonce.into(),
maximum_extra_data_size: p.maximum_extra_data_size.into(),
network_id: p.network_id.into(),
subprotocol_name: p.subprotocol_name.unwrap_or_else(|| "eth".to_owned()),
min_gas_limit: p.min_gas_limit.into(),
fork_block: if let (Some(n), Some(h)) = (p.fork_block, p.fork_hash) { Some((n.into(), h.into())) } else { None },
/// Parameters for a block chain; includes both those intrinsic to the design of the
/// chain and those to be interpreted by the active chain engine.
pub struct Spec {
/// User friendly spec name
pub name: String,
/// What engine are we using for this?
pub engine: Arc<Engine>,
/// The fork identifier for this chain. Only needed to distinguish two chains sharing the same genesis.
pub fork_name: Option<String>,
/// Known nodes on the network in enode format.
pub nodes: Vec<String>,
/// Parameters common to all engines.
pub params: CommonParams,
/// The genesis block's parent hash field.
pub parent_hash: H256,
/// The genesis block's author field.
pub author: Address,
/// The genesis block's difficulty field.
pub difficulty: U256,
/// The genesis block's gas limit field.
pub gas_limit: U256,
/// The genesis block's gas used field.
pub gas_used: U256,
/// The genesis block's timestamp field.
pub timestamp: u64,
/// Transactions root of the genesis block. Should be SHA3_NULL_RLP.
pub transactions_root: H256,
/// Receipts root of the genesis block. Should be SHA3_NULL_RLP.
pub receipts_root: H256,
/// The genesis block's extra data field.
pub extra_data: Bytes,
/// Each seal field, expressed as RLP, concatenated.
pub seal_rlp: Bytes,
// May be prepopulated if we know this in advance.
state_root_memo: RwLock<Option<H256>>,
// Genesis state as plain old data.
genesis_state: PodState,
impl From<ethjson::spec::Spec> for Spec {
fn from(s: ethjson::spec::Spec) -> Self {
let builtins = s.accounts.builtins().into_iter().map(|p| (p.0.into(), From::from(p.1))).collect();
let g = Genesis::from(s.genesis);
let GenericSeal(seal_rlp) = g.seal.into();
let params = CommonParams::from(s.params);
Spec {
params: params.clone(),
engine: Spec::engine(s.engine, params, builtins),
nodes: s.nodes.unwrap_or_else(Vec::new),
parent_hash: g.parent_hash,
transactions_root: g.transactions_root,
receipts_root: g.receipts_root,
difficulty: g.difficulty,
gas_limit: g.gas_limit,
gas_used: g.gas_used,
timestamp: g.timestamp,
extra_data: g.extra_data,
seal_rlp: seal_rlp,
state_root_memo: RwLock::new(g.state_root),
genesis_state: From::from(s.accounts),
macro_rules! load_bundled {
($e:expr) => {
Spec::load(include_bytes!(concat!("../../res/", $e, ".json")) as &[u8]).expect(concat!("Chain spec ", $e, " is invalid."))
impl Spec {
/// Convert engine spec into a arc'd Engine of the right underlying type.
/// TODO avoid this hard-coded nastiness - use dynamic-linked plugin framework instead.
fn engine(engine_spec: ethjson::spec::Engine, params: CommonParams, builtins: BTreeMap<Address, Builtin>) -> Arc<Engine> {
match engine_spec {
ethjson::spec::Engine::Null => Arc::new(NullEngine::new(params, builtins)),
ethjson::spec::Engine::InstantSeal => Arc::new(InstantSeal::new(params, builtins)),
ethjson::spec::Engine::Ethash(ethash) => Arc::new(ethereum::Ethash::new(params, From::from(ethash.params), builtins)),
ethjson::spec::Engine::BasicAuthority(basic_authority) => Arc::new(BasicAuthority::new(params, From::from(basic_authority.params), builtins)),
ethjson::spec::Engine::AuthorityRound(authority_round) => AuthorityRound::new(params, From::from(authority_round.params), builtins).expect("Consensus engine could not be started."),
/// Return the state root for the genesis state, memoising accordingly.
pub fn state_root(&self) -> H256 {
if {
*self.state_root_memo.write() = Some(self.genesis_state.root());
.expect("state root memo ensured to be set at this point; qed")
/// Get the known knodes of the network in enode format.
pub fn nodes(&self) -> &[String] { &self.nodes }
/// Get the configured Network ID.
pub fn network_id(&self) -> u64 { self.params.network_id }
/// Get the configured subprotocol name.
pub fn subprotocol_name(&self) -> String { self.params.subprotocol_name.clone() }
/// Get the configured network fork block.
pub fn fork_block(&self) -> Option<(BlockNumber, H256)> { self.params.fork_block }
/// Get the header of the genesis block.
pub fn genesis_header(&self) -> Header {
let mut header: Header = Default::default();
let r = Rlp::new(&self.seal_rlp);
r.iter().map(|f| f.as_raw().to_vec()).collect()
trace!(target: "spec", "Header hash is {}", header.hash());
/// Compose the genesis block for this chain.
pub fn genesis_block(&self) -> Bytes {
let empty_list = RlpStream::new_list(0).out();
let header = self.genesis_header();
let mut ret = RlpStream::new_list(3);
ret.append_raw(&empty_list, 1);
ret.append_raw(&empty_list, 1);
/// Overwrite the genesis components.
pub fn overwrite_genesis_params(&mut self, g: Genesis) {
let GenericSeal(seal_rlp) = g.seal.into();
self.parent_hash = g.parent_hash;
self.transactions_root = g.transactions_root;
self.receipts_root = g.receipts_root; =;
self.difficulty = g.difficulty;
self.gas_limit = g.gas_limit;
self.gas_used = g.gas_used;
self.timestamp = g.timestamp;
self.extra_data = g.extra_data;
self.seal_rlp = seal_rlp;
self.state_root_memo = RwLock::new(g.state_root);
/// Alter the value of the genesis state.
pub fn set_genesis_state(&mut self, s: PodState) {
self.genesis_state = s;
*self.state_root_memo.write() = None;
/// Returns `false` if the memoized state root is invalid. `true` otherwise.
pub fn is_state_root_valid(&self) -> bool {, |sr| sr == self.genesis_state.root())
/// Ensure that the given state DB has the trie nodes in for the genesis state.
pub fn ensure_db_good(&self, db: &mut StateDB, factory: &TrieFactory) -> Result<bool, Box<TrieError>> {
if !db.as_hashdb().contains(&self.state_root()) {
trace!(target: "spec", "ensure_db_good: Fresh database? Cannot find state root {}", self.state_root());
let mut root = H256::new();
let mut t = factory.create(db.as_hashdb_mut(), &mut root);
for (address, account) in self.genesis_state.get().iter() {
try!(t.insert(&**address, &account.rlp()));
trace!(target: "spec", "ensure_db_good: Populated sec trie; root is {}", root);
for (address, account) in self.genesis_state.get().iter() {
account.insert_additional(&mut AccountDBMut::new(db.as_hashdb_mut(), address), factory);
} else { Ok(false) }
/// Loads spec from json file.
pub fn load<R>(reader: R) -> Result<Self, String> where R: Read {
match ethjson::spec::Spec::load(reader) {
Ok(spec) => Ok(spec.into()),
_ => Err("Spec json is invalid".into()),
/// Create a new Spec which conforms to the Frontier-era Morden chain except that it's a NullEngine consensus.
pub fn new_test() -> Spec { load_bundled!("null_morden") }
/// Create a new Spec which is a NullEngine consensus with a premine of address whose secret is sha3('').
pub fn new_null() -> Spec { load_bundled!("null") }
/// Create a new Spec with InstantSeal consensus which does internal sealing (not requiring work).
pub fn new_instant() -> Spec { load_bundled!("instant_seal") }
/// Create a new Spec with AuthorityRound consensus which does internal sealing (not requiring work).
/// Accounts with secrets "0".sha3() and "1".sha3() are the authorities.
pub fn new_test_round() -> Self { load_bundled!("authority_round") }
mod tests {
use std::str::FromStr;
use util::hash::*;
use util::sha3::*;
use views::*;
use super::*;
fn test_load_empty() {
assert!(Spec::load(&[] as &[u8]).is_err());
fn test_chain() {
let test_spec = Spec::new_test();
assert_eq!(test_spec.state_root(), H256::from_str("f3f4696bbf3b3b07775128eb7a3763279a394e382130f27c21e70233e04946a9").unwrap());
let genesis = test_spec.genesis_block();
assert_eq!(BlockView::new(&genesis).header_view().sha3(), H256::from_str("0cd786a2425d16f152c658316c423e6ce1181e15c3295826d7c9904cba9ce303").unwrap());