* Fix light sync with initial validator-set contract (#8528) * Fix #8468 * Use U256::max_value() instead * Fix again * Also change initial transaction gas * Resumable warp-sync / Seed downloaded snapshots (#8544) * Start dividing sync chain : first supplier method * WIP - updated chain sync supplier * Finish refactoring the Chain Sync Supplier * Create Chain Sync Requester * Add Propagator for Chain Sync * Add the Chain Sync Handler * Move tests from mod -> handler * Move tests to propagator * Refactor SyncRequester arguments * Refactoring peer fork header handler * Fix wrong highest block number in snapshot sync * Small refactor... * Resume warp-sync downloaded chunks * Add comments * Refactoring the previous chunks import * Fix tests * Address PR grumbles * Fix not seeding current snapshot * Address PR Grumbles * Address PR grumble * Retry failed CI job * Update SnapshotService readiness check Fix restoration locking issue for previous chunks restoration * Fix tests * Fix tests * Fix test * Early abort importing previous chunks * PR Grumbles * Update Gitlab CI config * SyncState back to Waiting when Manifest peers disconnect * Move fix * Better fix * Revert GitLab CI changes * Fix Warning * Refactor resuming snapshots * Fix string construction * Revert "Refactor resuming snapshots" This reverts commit 75fd4b553a38e4a49dc5d6a878c70e830ff382eb. * Update informant log * Fix string construction * Refactor resuming snapshots * Fix informant * PR Grumbles * Update informant message : show chunks done * PR Grumbles * Fix * Fix Warning * PR Grumbles * Don't open Browser post-install on Mac (#8641) Since we start parity with the UI disabled per default now, opening the browser post installation will show an annoying error message, confusing the user. This patch removes opening the browser to prevent that annoyance. fixes #8194 * Fix not downloading old blocks (#8642) * Fix PoW blockchains sealing notifications in chain_new_blocks (#8656) * Shutdown the Snapshot Service early (#8658) * Shutdown the Snapshot Service when shutting down the runner * Rename `service` to `client_service` * Fix tests * Fix cli signer (#8682) * Update ethereum-types so `{:#x}` applies 0x prefix * Set the request index to that of the current request (#8683) * Set the request index to that of the current request When setting up the chain of (two) requests to look up a block by hash, the second need to refer to the first. This fixes an issue where the back ref was set to the subsequent request, not the current one. When the requests are executed we loop through them in order and ensure the requests that should produce headers all match up. We do this by index so they better be right. In other words: off by one. * network-devp2p: handle UselessPeer disconnect (#8686) * Fix local transactions policy. (#8691) * CI: Fixes for Android Pipeline (#8745) * ci: Remove check for shared libraries in gitlab script * ci: allow android arm build to fail * Custom Error Messages on ENFILE and EMFILE IO Errors (#8744) * Custom Error Messages on ENFILE and EMFILE IO Errors Add custom mapping of ENFILE and EMFILE IO Errors (Failure because of missing system resource) right when chaining ioError into ::util::Network::Error to improve Error Messages given to user Note: Adds libc as a dependency to util/network * Use assert-matches for more readable tests * Fix Wording and consistency * ethcore-sync: fix connection to peers behind chain fork block (#8710)
447 lines
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447 lines
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// Copyright 2015-2017 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// This file is part of Parity.
// Parity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Parity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Parity. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
extern crate ansi_term;
use self::ansi_term::Colour::{White, Yellow, Green, Cyan, Blue};
use self::ansi_term::{Colour, Style};
use std::sync::{Arc};
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, AtomicBool, Ordering as AtomicOrdering};
use std::time::{Instant, Duration};
use atty;
use ethcore::client::{
BlockId, BlockChainClient, ChainInfo, BlockInfo, BlockChainInfo,
BlockQueueInfo, ChainNotify, ClientReport, Client, ClientIoMessage
use ethcore::header::BlockNumber;
use ethcore::snapshot::{RestorationStatus, SnapshotService as SS};
use ethcore::snapshot::service::Service as SnapshotService;
use sync::{LightSyncProvider, LightSync, SyncProvider, ManageNetwork};
use io::{TimerToken, IoContext, IoHandler};
use light::Cache as LightDataCache;
use light::client::{LightChainClient, LightChainNotify};
use number_prefix::{binary_prefix, Standalone, Prefixed};
use parity_rpc::{is_major_importing};
use parity_rpc::informant::RpcStats;
use ethereum_types::H256;
use bytes::Bytes;
use parking_lot::{RwLock, Mutex};
/// Format byte counts to standard denominations.
pub fn format_bytes(b: usize) -> String {
match binary_prefix(b as f64) {
Standalone(bytes) => format!("{} bytes", bytes),
Prefixed(prefix, n) => format!("{:.0} {}B", n, prefix),
/// Something that can be converted to milliseconds.
pub trait MillisecondDuration {
/// Get the value in milliseconds.
fn as_milliseconds(&self) -> u64;
impl MillisecondDuration for Duration {
fn as_milliseconds(&self) -> u64 {
self.as_secs() * 1000 + self.subsec_nanos() as u64 / 1_000_000
struct CacheSizes {
sizes: ::std::collections::BTreeMap<&'static str, usize>,
impl CacheSizes {
fn insert(&mut self, key: &'static str, bytes: usize) {
self.sizes.insert(key, bytes);
fn display<F>(&self, style: Style, paint: F) -> String
where F: Fn(Style, String) -> String
use std::fmt::Write;
let mut buf = String::new();
for (name, &size) in &self.sizes {
write!(buf, " {:>8} {}", paint(style, format_bytes(size)), name)
.expect("writing to string won't fail unless OOM; qed")
pub struct SyncInfo {
last_imported_block_number: BlockNumber,
last_imported_old_block_number: Option<BlockNumber>,
num_peers: usize,
max_peers: u32,
snapshot_sync: bool,
pub struct Report {
importing: bool,
chain_info: BlockChainInfo,
client_report: ClientReport,
queue_info: BlockQueueInfo,
cache_sizes: CacheSizes,
sync_info: Option<SyncInfo>,
/// Something which can provide data to the informant.
pub trait InformantData: Send + Sync {
/// Whether it executes transactions
fn executes_transactions(&self) -> bool;
/// Whether it is currently importing (also included in `Report`)
fn is_major_importing(&self) -> bool;
/// Generate a report of blockchain status, memory usage, and sync info.
fn report(&self) -> Report;
/// Informant data for a full node.
pub struct FullNodeInformantData {
pub client: Arc<Client>,
pub sync: Option<Arc<SyncProvider>>,
pub net: Option<Arc<ManageNetwork>>,
impl InformantData for FullNodeInformantData {
fn executes_transactions(&self) -> bool { true }
fn is_major_importing(&self) -> bool {
let state = self.sync.as_ref().map(|sync| sync.status().state);
is_major_importing(state, self.client.queue_info())
fn report(&self) -> Report {
let (client_report, queue_info, blockchain_cache_info) =
(self.client.report(), self.client.queue_info(), self.client.blockchain_cache_info());
let chain_info = self.client.chain_info();
let mut cache_sizes = CacheSizes::default();
cache_sizes.insert("db", client_report.state_db_mem);
cache_sizes.insert("queue", queue_info.mem_used);
cache_sizes.insert("chain", blockchain_cache_info.total());
let (importing, sync_info) = match (self.sync.as_ref(), self.net.as_ref()) {
(Some(sync), Some(net)) => {
let status = sync.status();
let net_config = net.network_config();
cache_sizes.insert("sync", status.mem_used);
let importing = is_major_importing(Some(status.state), queue_info.clone());
(importing, Some(SyncInfo {
last_imported_block_number: status.last_imported_block_number.unwrap_or(chain_info.best_block_number),
last_imported_old_block_number: status.last_imported_old_block_number,
num_peers: status.num_peers,
max_peers: status.current_max_peers(net_config.min_peers, net_config.max_peers),
snapshot_sync: status.is_snapshot_syncing(),
_ => (is_major_importing(self.sync.as_ref().map(|s| s.status().state), queue_info.clone()), None),
Report {
/// Informant data for a light node -- note that the network is required.
pub struct LightNodeInformantData {
pub client: Arc<LightChainClient>,
pub sync: Arc<LightSync>,
pub cache: Arc<Mutex<LightDataCache>>,
impl InformantData for LightNodeInformantData {
fn executes_transactions(&self) -> bool { false }
fn is_major_importing(&self) -> bool {
fn report(&self) -> Report {
let (client_report, queue_info, chain_info) =
(self.client.report(), self.client.queue_info(), self.client.chain_info());
let mut cache_sizes = CacheSizes::default();
cache_sizes.insert("queue", queue_info.mem_used);
cache_sizes.insert("cache", self.cache.lock().mem_used());
let peer_numbers = self.sync.peer_numbers();
let sync_info = Some(SyncInfo {
last_imported_block_number: chain_info.best_block_number,
last_imported_old_block_number: None,
num_peers: peer_numbers.connected,
max_peers: peer_numbers.max as u32,
snapshot_sync: false,
Report {
importing: self.sync.is_major_importing(),
pub struct Informant<T> {
last_tick: RwLock<Instant>,
with_color: bool,
target: T,
snapshot: Option<Arc<SnapshotService>>,
rpc_stats: Option<Arc<RpcStats>>,
last_import: Mutex<Instant>,
skipped: AtomicUsize,
skipped_txs: AtomicUsize,
in_shutdown: AtomicBool,
last_report: Mutex<ClientReport>,
impl<T: InformantData> Informant<T> {
/// Make a new instance potentially `with_color` output.
pub fn new(
target: T,
snapshot: Option<Arc<SnapshotService>>,
rpc_stats: Option<Arc<RpcStats>>,
with_color: bool,
) -> Self {
Informant {
last_tick: RwLock::new(Instant::now()),
with_color: with_color,
target: target,
snapshot: snapshot,
rpc_stats: rpc_stats,
last_import: Mutex::new(Instant::now()),
skipped: AtomicUsize::new(0),
skipped_txs: AtomicUsize::new(0),
in_shutdown: AtomicBool::new(false),
last_report: Mutex::new(Default::default()),
/// Signal that we're shutting down; no more output necessary.
pub fn shutdown(&self) {
self.in_shutdown.store(true, ::std::sync::atomic::Ordering::SeqCst);
pub fn tick(&self) {
let elapsed = self.last_tick.read().elapsed();
if elapsed < Duration::from_secs(5) {
let (client_report, full_report) = {
let mut last_report = self.last_report.lock();
let full_report = self.target.report();
let diffed = full_report.client_report.clone() - &*last_report;
*last_report = full_report.client_report.clone();
(diffed, full_report)
let Report {
} = full_report;
let rpc_stats = self.rpc_stats.as_ref();
let snapshot_sync = sync_info.as_ref().map_or(false, |s| s.snapshot_sync) && self.snapshot.as_ref().map_or(false, |s|
match s.status() {
RestorationStatus::Ongoing { .. } | RestorationStatus::Initializing { .. } => true,
_ => false,
if !importing && !snapshot_sync && elapsed < Duration::from_secs(30) {
*self.last_tick.write() = Instant::now();
let paint = |c: Style, t: String| match self.with_color && atty::is(atty::Stream::Stdout) {
true => format!("{}", c.paint(t)),
false => t,
info!(target: "import", "{} {} {} {}",
match importing {
true => match snapshot_sync {
false => format!("Syncing {} {} {} {}+{} Qed",
paint(White.bold(), format!("{:>8}", format!("#{}", chain_info.best_block_number))),
paint(White.bold(), format!("{}", chain_info.best_block_hash)),
if self.target.executes_transactions() {
format!("{} blk/s {} tx/s {} Mgas/s",
paint(Yellow.bold(), format!("{:4}", (client_report.blocks_imported * 1000) as u64 / elapsed.as_milliseconds())),
paint(Yellow.bold(), format!("{:4}", (client_report.transactions_applied * 1000) as u64 / elapsed.as_milliseconds())),
paint(Yellow.bold(), format!("{:3}", (client_report.gas_processed / From::from(elapsed.as_milliseconds() * 1000)).low_u64()))
} else {
format!("{} hdr/s",
paint(Yellow.bold(), format!("{:4}", (client_report.blocks_imported * 1000) as u64 / elapsed.as_milliseconds()))
paint(Green.bold(), format!("{:5}", queue_info.unverified_queue_size)),
paint(Green.bold(), format!("{:5}", queue_info.verified_queue_size))
true => {
self.snapshot.as_ref().map_or(String::new(), |s|
match s.status() {
RestorationStatus::Ongoing { state_chunks, block_chunks, state_chunks_done, block_chunks_done } => {
format!("Syncing snapshot {}/{}", state_chunks_done + block_chunks_done, state_chunks + block_chunks)
RestorationStatus::Initializing { chunks_done } => {
format!("Snapshot initializing ({} chunks restored)", chunks_done)
_ => String::new(),
false => String::new(),
match sync_info.as_ref() {
Some(ref sync_info) => format!("{}{}/{} peers",
match importing {
true => format!("{} ", paint(Green.bold(), format!("{:>8}", format!("#{}", sync_info.last_imported_block_number)))),
false => match sync_info.last_imported_old_block_number {
Some(number) => format!("{} ", paint(Yellow.bold(), format!("{:>8}", format!("#{}", number)))),
None => String::new(),
paint(Cyan.bold(), format!("{:2}", sync_info.num_peers)),
paint(Cyan.bold(), format!("{:2}", sync_info.max_peers)),
_ => String::new(),
cache_sizes.display(Blue.bold(), &paint),
match rpc_stats {
Some(ref rpc_stats) => format!(
"RPC: {} conn, {} req/s, {} µs",
paint(Blue.bold(), format!("{:2}", rpc_stats.sessions())),
paint(Blue.bold(), format!("{:2}", rpc_stats.requests_rate())),
paint(Blue.bold(), format!("{:3}", rpc_stats.approximated_roundtrip())),
_ => String::new(),
impl ChainNotify for Informant<FullNodeInformantData> {
fn new_blocks(&self, imported: Vec<H256>, _invalid: Vec<H256>, _enacted: Vec<H256>, _retracted: Vec<H256>, _sealed: Vec<H256>, _proposed: Vec<Bytes>, duration: u64) {
let mut last_import = self.last_import.lock();
let client = &self.target.client;
let importing = self.target.is_major_importing();
let ripe = Instant::now() > *last_import + Duration::from_secs(1) && !importing;
let txs_imported = imported.iter()
.take(imported.len().saturating_sub(if ripe { 1 } else { 0 }))
.filter_map(|h| client.block(BlockId::Hash(*h)))
.map(|b| b.transactions_count())
if ripe {
if let Some(block) = imported.last().and_then(|h| client.block(BlockId::Hash(*h))) {
let header_view = block.header_view();
let size = block.rlp().as_raw().len();
let (skipped, skipped_txs) = (self.skipped.load(AtomicOrdering::Relaxed) + imported.len() - 1, self.skipped_txs.load(AtomicOrdering::Relaxed) + txs_imported);
info!(target: "import", "Imported {} {} ({} txs, {} Mgas, {} ms, {} KiB){}",
Colour::White.bold().paint(format!("#{}", header_view.number())),
Colour::White.bold().paint(format!("{}", header_view.hash())),
Colour::Yellow.bold().paint(format!("{}", block.transactions_count())),
Colour::Yellow.bold().paint(format!("{:.2}", header_view.gas_used().low_u64() as f32 / 1000000f32)),
Colour::Purple.bold().paint(format!("{:.2}", duration as f32 / 1000000f32)),
Colour::Blue.bold().paint(format!("{:.2}", size as f32 / 1024f32)),
if skipped > 0 {
format!(" + another {} block(s) containing {} tx(s)",
Colour::Red.bold().paint(format!("{}", skipped)),
Colour::Red.bold().paint(format!("{}", skipped_txs))
} else {
self.skipped.store(0, AtomicOrdering::Relaxed);
self.skipped_txs.store(0, AtomicOrdering::Relaxed);
*last_import = Instant::now();
} else {
self.skipped.fetch_add(imported.len(), AtomicOrdering::Relaxed);
self.skipped_txs.fetch_add(txs_imported, AtomicOrdering::Relaxed);
impl LightChainNotify for Informant<LightNodeInformantData> {
fn new_headers(&self, good: &[H256]) {
let mut last_import = self.last_import.lock();
let client = &self.target.client;
let importing = self.target.is_major_importing();
let ripe = Instant::now() > *last_import + Duration::from_secs(1) && !importing;
if ripe {
if let Some(header) = good.last().and_then(|h| client.block_header(BlockId::Hash(*h))) {
info!(target: "import", "Imported {} {} ({} Mgas){}",
Colour::White.bold().paint(format!("#{}", header.number())),
Colour::White.bold().paint(format!("{}", header.hash())),
Colour::Yellow.bold().paint(format!("{:.2}", header.gas_used().low_u64() as f32 / 1000000f32)),
if good.len() > 1 {
format!(" + another {} header(s)",
Colour::Red.bold().paint(format!("{}", good.len() - 1)))
} else {
*last_import = Instant::now();
const INFO_TIMER: TimerToken = 0;
impl<T: InformantData> IoHandler<ClientIoMessage> for Informant<T> {
fn initialize(&self, io: &IoContext<ClientIoMessage>) {
io.register_timer(INFO_TIMER, Duration::from_secs(5)).expect("Error registering timer");
fn timeout(&self, _io: &IoContext<ClientIoMessage>, timer: TimerToken) {
if timer == INFO_TIMER && !self.in_shutdown.load(AtomicOrdering::SeqCst) {