* refactoring traits * separate generation session * generalized ClusterSessions * signing session prototype * full_signature_math_session * consensus session prototype * continue signing session * continue signing session * continue signing session * continue signing session * isolated consensus logic * started work on signing test * complete_gen_sign_session works * consensus tests * get rid of duplicated data in SigningSession * TODOs in signing session * fixing tests * fixed last test * signing session in http listener * new key server tests * fix after merge * enabled warnings * fixed possible race * ignore previous jobs responses * include sef node in consensus when confirmed * fixed warning * removed extra clones * consensus_restarts_after_node_timeout * encrypt signature before return * return error text along with HTTP status * fix for odd-of-N (share check fails + not equal to local sign) * fixed t-of-N for odd t * fixed test cases in complete_gen_sign_session * fixed mistimed response reaction * jobs draft * DecryptionJob * consensus session tets * fixed decryption tests * signing job implementation * siginng_session using new consensus_session * added license preambles * same_consensus_group_returned_after_second_selection * database upgrade v0 -> v1 * typo * fixed grumbles
331 lines
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331 lines
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// Copyright 2015-2017 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// This file is part of Parity.
// Parity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Parity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Parity. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
use std::path::PathBuf;
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use serde_json;
use ethkey::{Secret, Public};
use util::Database;
use types::all::{Error, ServiceConfiguration, ServerKeyId, NodeId};
use serialization::{SerializablePublic, SerializableSecret};
/// Key of version value.
const DB_META_KEY_VERSION: &'static [u8; 7] = b"version";
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
/// Encrypted key share, stored by key storage on the single key server.
pub struct DocumentKeyShare {
/// Author of the entry.
pub author: Public,
/// Decryption threshold (at least threshold + 1 nodes are required to decrypt data).
pub threshold: usize,
/// Nodes ids numbers.
pub id_numbers: BTreeMap<NodeId, Secret>,
/// Node secret share.
pub secret_share: Secret,
/// Common (shared) encryption point.
pub common_point: Option<Public>,
/// Encrypted point.
pub encrypted_point: Option<Public>,
/// Document encryption keys storage
pub trait KeyStorage: Send + Sync {
/// Insert document encryption key
fn insert(&self, document: ServerKeyId, key: DocumentKeyShare) -> Result<(), Error>;
/// Update document encryption key
fn update(&self, document: ServerKeyId, key: DocumentKeyShare) -> Result<(), Error>;
/// Get document encryption key
fn get(&self, document: &ServerKeyId) -> Result<DocumentKeyShare, Error>;
/// Check if storage contains document encryption key
fn contains(&self, document: &ServerKeyId) -> bool;
/// Persistent document encryption keys storage
pub struct PersistentKeyStorage {
db: Database,
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
/// V0 of encrypted key share, as it is stored by key storage on the single key server.
struct SerializableDocumentKeyShareV0 {
/// Decryption threshold (at least threshold + 1 nodes are required to decrypt data).
pub threshold: usize,
/// Nodes ids numbers.
pub id_numbers: BTreeMap<SerializablePublic, SerializableSecret>,
/// Node secret share.
pub secret_share: SerializableSecret,
/// Common (shared) encryption point.
pub common_point: SerializablePublic,
/// Encrypted point.
pub encrypted_point: SerializablePublic,
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
/// V1 of encrypted key share, as it is stored by key storage on the single key server.
struct SerializableDocumentKeyShareV1 {
/// Authore of the entry.
pub author: SerializablePublic,
/// Decryption threshold (at least threshold + 1 nodes are required to decrypt data).
pub threshold: usize,
/// Nodes ids numbers.
pub id_numbers: BTreeMap<SerializablePublic, SerializableSecret>,
/// Node secret share.
pub secret_share: SerializableSecret,
/// Common (shared) encryption point.
pub common_point: Option<SerializablePublic>,
/// Encrypted point.
pub encrypted_point: Option<SerializablePublic>,
impl PersistentKeyStorage {
/// Create new persistent document encryption keys storage
pub fn new(config: &ServiceConfiguration) -> Result<Self, Error> {
let mut db_path = PathBuf::from(&config.data_path);
let db_path = db_path.to_str().ok_or(Error::Database("Invalid secretstore path".to_owned()))?;
let db = Database::open_default(&db_path).map_err(Error::Database)?;
let db = upgrade_db(db)?;
Ok(PersistentKeyStorage {
db: db,
fn upgrade_db(db: Database) -> Result<Database, Error> {
let version = db.get(None, DB_META_KEY_VERSION).map_err(Error::Database)?;
let version = version.and_then(|v| v.get(0).cloned()).unwrap_or(0);
match version {
0 => {
let mut batch = db.transaction();
batch.put(None, DB_META_KEY_VERSION, &[1]);
for (db_key, db_value) in db.iter(None).into_iter().flat_map(|inner| inner) {
let v0_key = serde_json::from_slice::<SerializableDocumentKeyShareV0>(&db_value).map_err(|e| Error::Database(e.to_string()))?;
let v1_key = SerializableDocumentKeyShareV1 {
// author is used in separate generation + encrypt sessions.
// in v0 there have been only simultaneous GenEnc sessions.
author: Public::default().into(),
threshold: v0_key.threshold,
id_numbers: v0_key.id_numbers,
secret_share: v0_key.secret_share,
common_point: Some(v0_key.common_point),
encrypted_point: Some(v0_key.encrypted_point),
let db_value = serde_json::to_vec(&v1_key).map_err(|e| Error::Database(e.to_string()))?;
batch.put(None, &*db_key, &*db_value);
1 => Ok(db),
_ => Err(Error::Database(format!("unsupported SecretStore database version:? {}", version))),
impl KeyStorage for PersistentKeyStorage {
fn insert(&self, document: ServerKeyId, key: DocumentKeyShare) -> Result<(), Error> {
let key: SerializableDocumentKeyShareV1 = key.into();
let key = serde_json::to_vec(&key).map_err(|e| Error::Database(e.to_string()))?;
let mut batch = self.db.transaction();
batch.put(None, &document, &key);
fn update(&self, document: ServerKeyId, key: DocumentKeyShare) -> Result<(), Error> {
self.insert(document, key)
fn get(&self, document: &ServerKeyId) -> Result<DocumentKeyShare, Error> {
self.db.get(None, document)
.map(|key| key.into_vec())
.and_then(|key| serde_json::from_slice::<SerializableDocumentKeyShareV1>(&key).map_err(|e| Error::Database(e.to_string())))
fn contains(&self, document: &ServerKeyId) -> bool {
self.db.get(None, document)
.map(|k| k.is_some())
impl From<DocumentKeyShare> for SerializableDocumentKeyShareV1 {
fn from(key: DocumentKeyShare) -> Self {
SerializableDocumentKeyShareV1 {
author: key.author.into(),
threshold: key.threshold,
id_numbers: key.id_numbers.into_iter().map(|(k, v)| (k.into(), v.into())).collect(),
secret_share: key.secret_share.into(),
common_point: key.common_point.map(Into::into),
encrypted_point: key.encrypted_point.map(Into::into),
impl From<SerializableDocumentKeyShareV1> for DocumentKeyShare {
fn from(key: SerializableDocumentKeyShareV1) -> Self {
DocumentKeyShare {
author: key.author.into(),
threshold: key.threshold,
id_numbers: key.id_numbers.into_iter().map(|(k, v)| (k.into(), v.into())).collect(),
secret_share: key.secret_share.into(),
common_point: key.common_point.map(Into::into),
encrypted_point: key.encrypted_point.map(Into::into),
pub mod tests {
use std::collections::{BTreeMap, HashMap};
use parking_lot::RwLock;
use serde_json;
use devtools::RandomTempPath;
use ethkey::{Random, Generator, Public, Secret};
use util::Database;
use super::super::types::all::{Error, NodeAddress, ServiceConfiguration, ClusterConfiguration, ServerKeyId};
use super::{DB_META_KEY_VERSION, KeyStorage, PersistentKeyStorage, DocumentKeyShare,
SerializableDocumentKeyShareV0, SerializableDocumentKeyShareV1, upgrade_db};
/// In-memory document encryption keys storage
pub struct DummyKeyStorage {
keys: RwLock<HashMap<ServerKeyId, DocumentKeyShare>>,
impl KeyStorage for DummyKeyStorage {
fn insert(&self, document: ServerKeyId, key: DocumentKeyShare) -> Result<(), Error> {
self.keys.write().insert(document, key);
fn update(&self, document: ServerKeyId, key: DocumentKeyShare) -> Result<(), Error> {
self.keys.write().insert(document, key);
fn get(&self, document: &ServerKeyId) -> Result<DocumentKeyShare, Error> {
fn contains(&self, document: &ServerKeyId) -> bool {
fn persistent_key_storage() {
let path = RandomTempPath::create_dir();
let config = ServiceConfiguration {
listener_address: NodeAddress {
address: "".to_owned(),
port: 8082,
data_path: path.as_str().to_owned(),
cluster_config: ClusterConfiguration {
threads: 1,
self_private: (**Random.generate().unwrap().secret().clone()).into(),
listener_address: NodeAddress {
address: "".to_owned(),
port: 8083,
nodes: BTreeMap::new(),
allow_connecting_to_higher_nodes: false,
let key1 = ServerKeyId::from(1);
let value1 = DocumentKeyShare {
author: Public::default(),
threshold: 100,
id_numbers: vec![
(Random.generate().unwrap().public().clone(), Random.generate().unwrap().secret().clone())
secret_share: Random.generate().unwrap().secret().clone(),
common_point: Some(Random.generate().unwrap().public().clone()),
encrypted_point: Some(Random.generate().unwrap().public().clone()),
let key2 = ServerKeyId::from(2);
let value2 = DocumentKeyShare {
author: Public::default(),
threshold: 200,
id_numbers: vec![
(Random.generate().unwrap().public().clone(), Random.generate().unwrap().secret().clone())
secret_share: Random.generate().unwrap().secret().clone(),
common_point: Some(Random.generate().unwrap().public().clone()),
encrypted_point: Some(Random.generate().unwrap().public().clone()),
let key3 = ServerKeyId::from(3);
let key_storage = PersistentKeyStorage::new(&config).unwrap();
key_storage.insert(key1.clone(), value1.clone()).unwrap();
key_storage.insert(key2.clone(), value2.clone()).unwrap();
assert_eq!(key_storage.get(&key1), Ok(value1.clone()));
assert_eq!(key_storage.get(&key2), Ok(value2.clone()));
assert_eq!(key_storage.get(&key3), Err(Error::DocumentNotFound));
let key_storage = PersistentKeyStorage::new(&config).unwrap();
assert_eq!(key_storage.get(&key1), Ok(value1));
assert_eq!(key_storage.get(&key2), Ok(value2));
assert_eq!(key_storage.get(&key3), Err(Error::DocumentNotFound));
fn upgrade_db_0_to_1() {
let db_path = RandomTempPath::create_dir();
let db = Database::open_default(db_path.as_str()).unwrap();
// prepare v0 database
let key = serde_json::to_vec(&SerializableDocumentKeyShareV0 {
threshold: 777,
id_numbers: vec![(
secret_share: "00125d85a05e5e63e214cb60fe63f132eec8a103aa29266b7e6e6c5b7597230b".parse::<Secret>().unwrap().into(),
common_point: "99e82b163b062d55a64085bacfd407bb55f194ba5fb7a1af9c34b84435455520f1372e0e650a4f91aed0058cb823f62146ccb5599c8d13372c300dea866b69fc".into(),
encrypted_point: "7e05df9dd077ec21ed4bc45c9fe9e0a43d65fa4be540630de615ced5e95cf5c3003035eb713317237d7667feeeb64335525158f5f7411f67aca9645169ea554c".into(),
let mut batch = db.transaction();
batch.put(None, &[7], &key);
// upgrade database
let db = upgrade_db(db).unwrap();
// check upgrade
assert_eq!(db.get(None, DB_META_KEY_VERSION).unwrap().unwrap()[0], 1);
let key = serde_json::from_slice::<SerializableDocumentKeyShareV1>(&db.get(None, &[7]).unwrap().map(|key| key.to_vec()).unwrap()).unwrap();
assert_eq!(Public::default(), key.author.clone().into());
assert_eq!(777, key.threshold);
)], key.id_numbers.clone().into_iter().map(|(k, v)| (k.into(), v.into())).collect::<Vec<(Public, Secret)>>());
assert_eq!("00125d85a05e5e63e214cb60fe63f132eec8a103aa29266b7e6e6c5b7597230b".parse::<Secret>().unwrap(), key.secret_share.into());
assert_eq!(Some("99e82b163b062d55a64085bacfd407bb55f194ba5fb7a1af9c34b84435455520f1372e0e650a4f91aed0058cb823f62146ccb5599c8d13372c300dea866b69fc".parse::<Public>().unwrap()), key.common_point.clone().map(Into::into));
assert_eq!(Some("7e05df9dd077ec21ed4bc45c9fe9e0a43d65fa4be540630de615ced5e95cf5c3003035eb713317237d7667feeeb64335525158f5f7411f67aca9645169ea554c".parse::<Public>().unwrap()), key.encrypted_point.clone().map(Into::into));